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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1892)
> ' ; r . . * . * . . . ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. OCT. 21 , 1892. NUMBER 22. HHO. EVERY WHO NEEDS = s = i ? FURNITURE ! j Now is the time when you can BUY CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE IN McCOOK. We are here to live and let live. It is to your interest to encourage the man who SELLS FURNITURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. I will sell to responsible parties on in stalments , if desired. Yours for Fair Play. A. H. BURDICK J have a furniture house in Hastings and can supply most anything on short notice. Now is the Time To buy your winter goods and the place to buy is where you can STOCK Clothing , Dress Goods , ' Blankets , Cloaks , Shawls And everything * warm for winter wear IS NOW IN. PRICES AND QUALITY WE GUARANTEE. WE HAVE THE STOCK AND WILL MAKE THE PRICE. ine our stock before you buy. We carry full stock of GROCERIES. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. Au'ditor . P. Foreman was with us , Mon day. Conductor Coy was down Loin tlie high line , Monday. Mrs. If. L. Cronkliito came up from Hast ings , last illicit. * Mrs. Donaldson of West McCook is down witli an attack of typhoid fever. Charles Arnold rejoices the advent of a girl baby at his house , yesterday morning. Assistant Supt. Harman was visible at western division lieadquartets on Monday. The new turn table , an improvement over the broken one , has arrived and been placed in position this week. Mr. John Archibald is building a neat and comfortable barn on his north Manchester street property , this week. The reported loss of a hand by Frank Huddleston in an accident on the Elkhorn valley load proves a canard. Mrs. Fred Bosworth of Cheyenne , Wyom ing , was , the guest of McCook relatives , close of last and first of this week. Mrs. Straight arrived from Plattsmouth , Wednesday noon , and is the guest of her daughter Mrs. A. J. Jackson. Conductor John Fay has rented the Dixon dwelling , lately vacated by Matt Lawler , corner of Dakota and Manchester. Mrs. J. Hulaniski returned from her trip to Nevada , Iowa , on 5 Wednesday even ing. Mr. H. went on G to meet her atHol- drege. A boy baby put in an appearance at the home of William Hungers. Wednesday morn ing. ing.J. J. M. Callender has resigned his position as station agent at this place and a gentle man by the name of J. D. Robertson has taken his place. Haigler Tribune. Mrs. J. R. Roxby returned from McCook last week , having been called there to nurse Mr. Roxby , who met with an accident by which his eye-lid was badly cut. Arapahoe Mirror. The 13. & M. have put in a platform south of town at the stock yards , and all passengers and baggage off the Imperial line are now transferred onto No. 4 there. Culbertson Republican. Frank Clarey , yard master of the B. & M. yards at this place , is taking a vacation , and in company with his wife will spend several weeks visiting relatives and friends in Illinois. Akron Republican. Mrs. JN. L. Cronkhite , who has just re turned from an extended tour through Europe , was the guest of her daughter Mrs. J. H. Burns over Sunday , leaving for Hast ings en 6 , Sunday afternoon. A recent dispatch from Trinidad , Colorado , announces the severe scalding of Engineer Howe in an accident. It is supposed that the Howe referred to is Luman N. , formerly traveling engineer on the western division. Master Meciianic Archibald arrived home , Saturday morning , from a trip up to the South Dakota Hot Springs. He brought witli him a souvenir menu card of "The Evans" hotel of the date of October 13th , which is quite a patriotic curiosity both in mechanical construction and as to language. Clyde Foster , one of the assistants at the depot , met witli quite a painful accident Monday evening. While helping to load a barrel of dishes the barrel slipped and caught two fingers of the left hand between the barrel and the edge of the car. The nails were cracked , the skin torn loose from the nails and the fingers smashed up generally. Franklin Republican. Terry McAIoon , who for several years past has been switch engineer in the B. & M. yards here , has been promoted by that com pany to the position of extra engineer on the western division. We congratulate Terry on the advancement but are sorry to lose him as a citizen ot Akron , as the change will neces sitate his moving to Denver. Dan Bohn- stedt of Denver , takes his place. Akron Republican. The B. & M. railroad realizing the fact that Culbertson is destined to be the leading town in this part of the state , have just about completed here one of the finest depots on its line. The main building is 24x36 feet in size , the lower floor being con veniently divided into an office , waiting room and baggage room , and the second story is very well arranged into six nice rooms for the accommodation of the agent's family. The freight room at the east end is 24x36 feet in size. In all , it is an elegant building and a credit to the town of Culbertson. Culbertson Republican. The Evans house , Hot Springs , S. D. , is now open for the reception of guests. This magniGcent hotel erected at a cost of $150,000 is built of pink sand stone , is five stories high , has steam heat , electric lights and all mod ern conveniences and is so arranged that there are no inside rooms. Its completion places Hot Springs on a par with any similar resort in the country. The Burlington route places at the dis posal of the public a sanitarium and health resort second to no other. Low .round trip rates to Hot Springs and Deadwood. f PEOPLE YOU KNOW. H. G. Dixon has returned Pennsylvania- ward. Mrs. Dr. A. J. Willey is in the city , guest of C. M. Noble. Sheriff and Mrs. Banks were up from Indianola Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Demay drove over from Danbr.ry , Tuesday. C. A. Leach was a passenger on 6 , Saturday afternoon , forPlattsmoutb. Mrs. D. L. McBride accompanied her father home to Illinois on a visit Frank Burgess went down to Oxford on business , Saturday evening on C. Fred Car ruth came up from Plattsmouth , on a brief visit , first of the week. E. H. Maisliall of Bloomington was a city visitor , Tuesday and Wednesday. T. F. West and family are visiting relatives and friends back in Albany , N. Y. I. A. Sheridan is around today explaining that scraper deal , it may be supposed. Jack Bullard Sundayed with the family , returning to Palisade on Monday morning's accommodation. A. E. Harvey , the Lincoln lawyer , was up on business , Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Theo Laws has recovered from an illness that it was feared would prove serious. Lincoln Herald. Dr. A. P. Welles was a passenger on 6 , Monday , for Omaha , to attend the meeting of the grand lodge , I. O. O. F. E. C. Ballew was in Lincoln , Wednesday , to secure a prominent seat in the legislative halls , before the rush as it were. J. W. Palmer will leave in a few days to join his family back in Stark county , Illinois , having disposed of his interests in Red Wil low county , John F. Majors has been changed from Duluth , Minn. , to Nebraska , with head quarters at Alliance , in the government's land office service. Judge LeHew left on 6 , Monday , for Chicago , to participate in the dedicatory services at the World's Fair as a member of of Governor Boyd's staff. Chairman Eskey of the central committee was around on matters political , Monday morning. Milt is doing some lively rustling for republican success this fall , witii bright prospects for winning. Mrs. Keeler , who has been the guest of her sister , Mrs. W. 0. Stevenson , for a week erse so , left on 6 , Saturday , via Kansas City , for New Mexico , where her husband is an ex tensive miner. Dr. Peterson of Stratton , whose daughter VVinona is a member of the McCook high school , was down , Tuesday , to see how things are progressing in the valley's chief and most charming city. Mrs. G. L. Laws is up from Lincoln , this week , greeting her many McCook friends. She arrived on Tuesday's flyer and will leave for home tomorrow. Mrs. G. A. Noren is entertaining her. Senator A. S. Paddock of Beatrice arrived in the city Monday night , remaining here over Monday morning , greeting his many friends and well-wishers. He was on his way to Benkelman to deliver a speech. L. D. Woodnnf , publisher of the Lincoln Herald in connection with J. D. Calhoun , spent a few hours in the city , yesterday afternoon , talking up the merits of the tanners' account book , originated and issued by them. Judge M. J.Abbott of the Hayes Centre Republican spent Monday evening in the city. He is making an active campaign for the legislature , and has high hopes of laying the ancient Mr. Ruggles out as cold as a wedge , in November. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Trowbridge take this means of thanking their friends and neighbors for the many kind acts and words rendered during the illness and after the death of their beloved daughter , They will ever feel grateful for the same. C. W. Wood left on Monday for Conrad Grove , Iowa. His son owns a farm in ex treme southwestern Frontier county , and the father is so pleased with Nebraska that he will likely return and make this his future home. THE TBIBUNE will keep him posted on West Nebraska news. Mrs. G. A. Noren received from 2 to 5 , yesterday afternoon , in honor of her guest Mrs. G. L. Laws. The invited guests were : Mrs. C. F. Babock , F. S. Wilcox , C. M. Noble , W. F. Lawson , T.B. Campbell , J. Hulaniski , C. T. Brewer , J. E. Kelley , A. Campbell , George Hocknell , B. F.Troxel , Frank Harris , Louis Lowman , J. F. Kenyon , V. Franklin , W. C. Stevenson , Samuel Strasser , Z. L.Kay , E. C. Ballew , J. F. Ganschow , D. E. Bom- gardner , L. L. Johnson , fl. W. Cole , Vina WoodsW. C. LaTourette , Geo. E. Johnston , J. B. Meserve , F. M. Kimmell , T. G. Rees , C. A. Dixon , Frank Carruth , C. H. Meeker , W. W. Archibald , R. B. Archibald , L'Roy Allen , C. L. DeGroff , P. F. McKenna , F. H. Spearman , J. Albert Wells , Sylvester Cor- deal , A. H. Chapin , S. L. Green , Albert Mc- Millen , A. J. Jackson , James Ritchie , John Hatfield , L. W. McConnell , H. H. Troth , S. P. Hart , L. B. Stiles , J. F. Forbes , B. B. Davis , J. E. Cochran , Cook , Patton , Miss E. R. iiyon. Refreshments. The county seat case came up in district court , yesterday , and the Indiauola friends not being ready for trial , Judge Welly gave them until Saturday morning to prepare for trial. CARPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS BRUSSELS IN- BODIES VELVETS , TAPESTRIES. INGRAINS IN UNIONS , ALL-WOOLS. TUPT7T7 - PI V 11 LI. China Mattings , Ko-Ko Mattings , Oil Cloths in All Widths Smyrna Rugs , Moquette Rugs. Art Squares , Carpet Paper , Stair Pads. J. ALBERT WELLS , - McBook , M.