The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 30, 1892, Image 6

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JJU Y IlllJuiT ! lllLLJuJ/ .
. Father , Mother and Two Children
KHIotl l y r.lghtalnKufc Oil , Kin.
. . -Tho Kijr Fort Scott Cement
Work * Destroyed hy 1'ire
Los" $25,000 ; Insurance
$8,000 Casualties.
COLUMHUS , 0. , Sept 29. At 2 o'clock
a nitro-glyc'trhie magazine , two miles
from Lima , exploded , jarring houses
in that town and killing seven men.
The Fort Scott Cement Company * * Mill
mid StoriTooinn Destroyed.
FORT SCOTT , Kan. . Sept. 20. Fire
started last night ; u the engine house
of the Fort Scott cement manufactur
ing institution , two miles north of
here , and in very short time destroyed
the mill , two storerooms , containing
3,500 barrels of cement , the cooper
shop and three loaded freight crs : on
the Gulf switch. The company stores ,
tenement , house's and the kilns were
saved. The loss is estimated at23COO ;
insurance. § S,800.
; ; Kill * Father , Mother and Two
Children at Ottawa.
OTTAWA , Kan. , Sept. 29. The rosi-
den -v of .Samuel Adkinson , near
'Teloup , was struck by lightning last
night , killing Mr. and Mrs. Adkinson
and two children , one 4 years the other
1 months old. The house was burned.
Singer 3ttchinc Works IJnrned.
ELIZABETH , N. J. , Sept 29. Fire in
the Singer machine works at Eliza-
bethport early this morning destroyed
the cabinet and carpenter shops , each
300 feet long aud three stories high.
The total loss is about $05,000. Charles
Galloway was buried under the walls
and is believed to be fatallv iniured.
Will They Fljjlit Tammany ?
NEW YORK , Sept. 20. Chairman Flar-
rity of the Democratic national com
mittee returned from Pennsylvania to
attend the most important meeting of
the campaign committee since the
opening of the campaign
The first business taken up was a
discussion of the situation in this city ,
which had been complicated by the
meeting of anti-snappers Thursday
night The committee appointed at
that meeting to confer with
tlae national committee were
at headquarters ati p. m. and
the purpose of this visit was fully
discussed. In all the communications
that have passed between the two
committees the purpose of the pro
posed conference h's been referred to
in such diplomatic language as this :
"To consider the best means of bring
ing1 out the full Democratic vote in
this c % . "
But no one was deceived by this lan
guage , and when the national cam
paign committee got together to-day
every one present knew that the anti-
snappers were going to ask
them to indorse their plan to
run a local ticket in opposi
tion to the regular Democratic nomina
tions made bj' Tammany Hall. The
situation was met squarely and its
meri < s discussed. What was said only
those present knew , but the decision
of the committee , it is understood ,
was to advise against bolt'ug the local
But what worried the members of
the committee most was the fact that
they have no assurance that their ad
vice will be heeded by the Grace fol
Political Ts'otes.
Burke Cockran denies that he has
cancelled his political engagements in
Indiana and Wisconsin.
Congressman Jerry Simpson has de
clined Chester Long's challenge to a
series of joint debates on the ground
that the Republicans want to use him
as a drawing card.
The anti-Cannon of the
- wing Repub
lican party of the Fifteenth Illinois
district is trying to force Cannon to
withdraw. With this end in view a
ineeting has been called to be held in
Danville , October 4 , when from 300 to
400 of the most influential members of
the anti-Cannon element will be pres
I ent *
i Last Honors to Gllnioro.
NEW YORK , Sept. 29 The funeral of
Patrick Sarsfield Gil more , the re
nowned bandmaster , took place to-day
from his late residence , 104 V'"est
Eighty-sixth street , whence the re
mains were taken to St Francis Xavier
church on West Sixteenth street , where
solemn mass of requiem was cele
brated. Tne interment was in Calvary
cemetery. Two luuivcd ! musicians
played dirges during the procession to
the church. The ceremonies attend
ing the' funeral were mo t impressive.
Yesterday's Silver Purchases.
WASHINGTON , Sept. S9. Silver ag
gregating 536,000 ounces was otiVvcd
for sale to the treasury department
yesterday , and of this amount Jb.VUOb
ounces were purchased at'iGS
and 0.8373.
A Fight Over a Girl.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sept 20. William
Tankersby and Joseph Paxton , two
friends , fought with knives last night
over the affections of a woman named
Laura Taggart Tankersby is not
czpected to live and Paxton is in jail.
Filled a Itepul > llcar Vacancy.
SEDALIA , JIo. , Sept. 20. The Re
publican senatorial convention of the
Fifteenth district metin this city yes
terday and nominated J. J. Smith' 'of
Saline county to succeed Sherman T.
Houston , resigned , as candidate for
state senator.
The telegraph has been used with
some success as'an adjunct to th'o
herring fishery off the coast of Scot-
- " t
Contradicts Reports
Thn Grt'ciilnml Uxplorcr
ports Concerning the aliasing Man.
PHILADELPHIA , Sept 29. Lieuten
ant Robert E. Peary , the Arctic ex
plorer , speaking yesterday concerning
the numerous stories about the mys
terious disappearance of John Ver
hoeff. said : "Permit mo to say the
statement that I treated Mr. Ver
hoeff unkindly , that Mr. Ver
hoeff contributed 52,000 toward the ex
pedition on condition that he should ac
company me on the long journey north ,
and that I had quarreled with him ,
are all false. The only foundation
for the first is the fact that 1 could
not talk to Miss Verhoeff of her loss in
the midst of hundreds of strangers
who crowded the Kite , but appointed
a later private meeting. Mr. Vorhoeff's
generous contribution was made with
the explicit understanding that it
could be accompanied by no conditions
and he never at any time hinted at
any conditions. Mr. Verhoeff re
mained at Red Cliff house when the
rest of the party went on the inland
ice because o * his deep interest in and
special ( itncss for the scientific work
assigned him. If Mr. Verhoeff is dead
everything has been done that men
and brothers could do to find him or
his remains , and he has left behind
him a monument of conscientious and
accurate work in his complete and
valuable tidal and meteorological ob
servations. If , as his sister and other
relatives believe , he deliberately left
me with the intention of remaining
behind to carry on independent ex
plorations for another year , he is as
safe among the natives and will suffer
as little from cold and hunger as he
would at home. Mr. Verhoeff was a
man of indomitable will , thor
oughly conscientious and unselfish , and
I believe that there is but one person
who hopes more earnestly than I that
he still may be alive. "
In Honor of the Late President Ingalls.
SrniXGFiELD , Mo. , Sept. 29. Mem
orial services were held to-day at
Drury college in honor of the late
president , P. T. Ingalls , who died in
vacation. The services were con
ducted by the Rev. Ilenry Hopkins of
Kansas City.
Murdered in the Kipper Style.
JJEIJLIX , Sept 29. The dead body of
a woman of the town was found in a
sand pit near Charlottenburg. The j
body had been strangled and then '
mutilated in the same manner as the
victims of Jack the Ripper.
Mr. liisralls Tendered a ISeception.
ATCHISOX , Kan. , Sept. 29. Ex-Sena
tor Ingalls will be tendered a recep
tion to-morrow night by the citizens
of Atchison in honor of his return
home from Europe.
Mrs. Harrison Kcstliig : Well.
WASIIIXGTOX , Sept. 29. It is said at
the White house that Mrs. Harrison is
feeling better than at any time since
her return to Washington.
Capt. John M. Gordon , a prominent
lawyer of Mexico , Mo. , is dead.
The president has appointed William
Johnson postmaster at Salina , Kan.
The Scottish rite Masons of the
United States are in session at Daven
port , Iowa.
Twelve people died in London from
eating supposed mushrooms. Many
others are sick.
Tennessee has floated § 1,500,000 of
15-year 4-per-cent refunding1 bonds in
New York at par.
Fully twenty square miles of timber
Have been completely destroyed by
forest fires in Colorado.
An S-ycar-old child of Wm. A. Bois
was burned to death in a brush pile
fire near llliopolis , I1L
Walter U. Price , who is said to have
eloped to China with Minnie Deering1 ,
the actress , formerly lived at Jefferson
City , Mo.
J. K. Almond , editor of the Durand
Democrat , killed Victor Hamilton , late
editor of the Connehatta Index al Durant -
rant , Miss.
One of the robbers of Snipes' bank
of Roslyn , Wash. , has been arrested at
Kent , Wash. He made no resistance
and refused to talk.
In a quarrel over the proceeds from
the sale of a race horse owned by
Thomas Hall , William Turner shot
Hall seriously at Centralia , Mo.
Edward Hunter , a printer , was
dragged to death while stealing a ride
under the Wabash "cannon-ball"
train , east bound , near Bement , 111.
The Mollie Gibson mine at Aspen ,
Colo. , has turned out a single chunk of
silver ore weighing 400 pounds. As
says therefrom run 88 ounces silver.
The body of George Bruce Mitchell ,
a hardware merchant of St. Louis ,
Mo. , was found in a ditch at Perth ,
Ont. There was a large cut on the
Charles Simpson was arrested at
Holden , Mo. , for passing counterfeit
money. Moulds for coining counter
feit money are said to be secreted in or
near that place.
Near Castahawa , Tex. , one farmer
was killed and another beaten almost
to death with a club as they slept in
their wagons for S1GO , which they had
received for wool.
Representatives ot the society of
Jesus from all part's of the world are
in session at Guipesco , Spain , to elect
a successor to the late Father Ander-
leder , general of the Jesuit order.
In honor of the birth of his daugh
ter the Emperor William of Germany
will pardon all female prisoners serv
ing terms for first offenses committed
while in distress or in fits of anger.
During a quarrel among Italians at
Elazelton , Pa. , one of the combatants
bared his breast while a man with a
gun shot three times at his heartmiss-
nghim each time , when they were
run in.
The war department has promul
gated an order to the army reciting the
ivar record of the late Major General
? ope , and the commanding officer at
Jefferson barracks has been ordered to
; ake the necessary action for proper
and'suitablo military ceremonies.
Mrs. Annie Murphy , 30 years old , of
New York city , finding that she did
not have food enough in her house ,
went into the bedroom where her
husband Jay an3 aske'd for money ,
when he drew a pistol from beneath
and shot her in the abdo-
Jail Delivery.
AUBUKN , Neb. , Sept. 29.The
three Sumner boys held in the county
juil for breaking into a store in Brown-
ville some time ago and stealing aboul
$400 worth of goods , broke jail yester
day afternoon about 2 o'clock and have
not yet been recaptured. The basement -
ment of the jail is used for the jai
proper , while the upper part is usec
as a residence for the jailor , and the
two stories are connected by an eleva
tor used to convey food to prisoners.
During a few moments absence of every
one from the house the boys climbed
through this elevator. Taking a re
volver belonging to the eheriff , which
was lying on a shelf , they made good
their escape. The three men were
seen to board a Missouri Pacific freight
train at a railroad crossing about four
miles out of the city , and there is hope
of their being captured.
This is tue second jail breaking in
the last mouth. Charles Johnsonhelc
for murder in the first degree , refused
to go with the others in both cases.
Crushed by Motor Wheels.
OMAHA. Nob. , Sept. 29. Miny
Miner , a fifteen-year-old boy , was run
down and fatally iujuredby a Hanscom
park motor car near the corner of
Sixteenth and Burt streets shortly after
noon yesterday. Motormsn Jacobson ,
in charge of the car. says that the boy
started to cross the track a few feet
ahead of the train while he was run
ning at the ordinary rate of speed and
he shouted to him to warn him of his
danger. As he shouted the boy
slipped and fell and was caught under
the guard and dragged probably fifteen
feet. The lad had been living with
his sister , Mrs. J. S. Smith , at 1612
Burt street near where the accident
happened. Dr. Somers did everything
possible to relieve the lad's sufferings
and to save his life , but all efforts in
that line were useless. The boy died
about 4:30 o'clock and was removed
to the morgue. An inquest will be
held at 9 o'clock this morning.
Charged With Poisoning.
DAVID Cm : , Neb. . Sept. 29. After
listening to testimony for four days
Judge Dean held Mrs. Mary Anne
Annagast for trial without bail on the
charge of poisoning her former hus
band , Andrew J. Roberts. The ori
ginal complaint charged the woman
with poisoning her husband , the moth
er of her present husband and her
stop-daughter. It developed in the
examination that Mrs. Armagast was
intimate with one Alonzo Sloan before
the death of Roberts. When Roberts
was taken sick she said that he would
die and that she would have another
husband. After his death she told
several witnesses that it was a great
thing to be free , and called their at
tention to her being better dressed.
fl t.lm wnmrm in ATn.-
comb , 111. He died February 22 ,
1887 , of arsenical poisoning and Mrs.
Roberts soon afterwards married
Drowned in Sait Greek.
LIKCOLK , Neb. , Sept. 29. Chris
Oleson , the 7-year-old son of a widow
living at Ninth and X streets , was
drowned in Salt creek in the north
western part of the city last evening.
The little fellow had been playing on
the west side of the creek and had
climbed into a wagon driven by J. A.
Woods to ride home. When the wagon
was crossing the bridge over the creek
he fell off and rolled in. Hia body
has not yet been found. It is believed
that he was run over by the wheels of
the wagon before falling into the water ,
but the report has not been verified.
The jury in the Gravely murder
trial returned a verdict last evening
finding the prisoner , Green S. Gravely ,
guilty of murder in the second degree.
Nancy Hanks Boats the Record.
TERRE HAUTE , Ind. , Sept. 29. The
world's record for a light harness
horse , either trotting or pacing , was
lowered yesterday , when Nancy Hanks
trotted the mile in 2:04. The 10,000
people who saw it sat breathless for a
moment after the little mare passed
under the wire , and even Doble , al
ways modest of speech , declared when
carried to the judge's stand on the
shoulders of the crowd and called upon
for a speech that "he was hoarse
and Nancy Hanks went so fast it took
my breath away. "
WILDER. Neb. , Sept. 29. Alvin J.
McGuire , notorious for his connection
with the attempted robbery of the state
treasury in 1885 and a jail breaking
record , was acquitted of the charge of
horse stealing , for which ho was tried
yesterday. The stolen horses were
found in his possession , and he was
as much surprised at the result of the
trial as anybody else. The prosecu
tion was weekly conducted , while the
defense was skillful.
A. Charge to Mcdiion County.
NIOBKAKA , Neb. , Sept. 29. Wil
liam Hessee , living near Knoxville ,
this county , was adjudged insane yes
terday and sent to Norfolk to be cared
for at the expense of Madison coun
ty , the mayor of Norfolk , it is alleged ,
having shipped him out of that
county with a trunk loaded with ol < 2
clothing and stones. The complaint
was made by Mrs. Eben Wilson , a
prosperous widow , with whom he
FAIRMONT , Neb. , Sept. 29. Blanche
Williams , a twelve-year-old school
girl , while playing on the school
ground , was thrown down by her
playmates and seriously injured about
the head. The injuries , it is thought ,
will not prove fatal.
ARCADIA , Neb. , Sept. 29. Fire
broke out yesterday morning at 5
o'clock in the dwelling of J. H. Gardner ,
occupied by J. M. Barney. Mr. Barney
was away. His family barely escaped ,
leaving nearly all to be oaten up by
the flames. Adjoining- buildings were
in great danger , as it was located in
the business part of the town , cloao to
the postoffice.
constipation ,
dyspepsia , jaundice ,
sick headache.
B8 ?
remedy for
all disorders of
the stomach , liver ,
and "bowels.
Every Dose Effective
THE attempt being made by for-
pj m born citizens to coerce United
States Senator Davis of Minnesota ,
because he takes a broad , liberal
view and a bold stand for our pub
lic school system , should be resist
ed by all progressive , liberal mind
ed citizens , regardless of political
In an ajjc of fraud and adulteration , it is
certainly gratifying to know thai such an ex
tensively used preparation as Ayer's
Sar&aparilla may be implicitly relied upon. It
never varies either in quality , appeaiance , or
effect , but is always up to the standard.
Dandruff forms when the "lands of the skin
aie weakened , and , if neglected , baldness is
sure to follow. Hall's Hair Renewer is the
best preventive.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter ,
Suit lUiL'um. Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores ,
Fever Sores. Eczema. Itch , Prairie Scratches.
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling- and
snoihiiifr. Hundreds of capes have been cured
hi' it alter all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in > and 50 cent boxes. For sale by
George M.CIiencry. Nov.20-lyear.
First publication Sept. 23.1892.
STATli OF NKltltASKA , (
Itcil Willow County , j
Milieu is hereby iriveii to all poisons havind
cliiims aud demands against the estate oil
Sidney W. Foid , deceased , late of Ued Willow
county , i hut the time llxed lor tiling claims ]
ii uinst said estate is six months iroin the 13th
diiy of September , 1SU2. All persons are re-
qnned to present their claims wnb vouchers
to the county judge ot said county , at his
ollice theiein. on or before the 13th day ol
March , 18'J3 , and all claims so tiled will be heard
liL'Iore the said jiidjre on the lath day ol
MM toll. 1893. at one o'clock , p. m.
Dme4 September 13th. Ib92.
CIIAS. W. HECK. County Judge.
All persons indebted to said estate are re- |
quesied to make immediate paymentto Justin
A. Wilcox , executor ol estate.
Notice Application Druggist's Permii
McCook , Nebinskii , Sept.21st. 1892.
Notice is hereby friven that the undeismncc
lists tiled in the ollicc of the city clerk of the
City ( it MeCook , Nebiaska , his application tc
the major and council of said City of MeCook
lor di utrtrist's permit to sell malt , spirituous
mid \ inous liquors in his store on lot 13 , block
in the lirst ward ot said city , until Apri
lfc'J3. 18-216. A. McMlLLEN.
e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ta all When it my Ccrscr : :
The commissioner appointed to examine si
mad eoniinencinp at south end of bridpe crossing
Republican liver on east line ot section
GO in town. 3 , ruiifre 3U , Perry precinct. Hed
Willow county. Nebraska , running1 thenct
north 0 detriees 30 minutes , west 12 chains 2"
links : thence north C4 degrees , west2 chains
thence north 83 west C chains
t hence north 33 degrees , west 2 chains 50 links
tlivncc north 33 degrees , west 2chains ; thenc
north " "degrees , west. ) cliainsCOlinks ; thenct
luuth aSdegrees. west 12 chains ; thence nortl
63 degrees SO minutes , west 13 chains ; thenc
north 87 degrees , west ? chains2. links ; thenci
north 80 degrees , west 4 chains ; thence nortl
03 degrees 20 minutes , wesi 4 chains : thenci
north S3 degrees 30 minutes , west 13 chains 5' '
links : thence north 07degrees 15minutes , wes
4 chains 30 links : thence north 78 degrees 3' '
minutes , wests chains ; thence south 78 de
grets 30 minutes , west 10 chains 86 links ; thencJ
west4 chains50 links ; thence north 80degrees
wet-t 14chains20 links ; thence north 08 degrees
west 9 chains 90 links ; thence north48degrees ]
west 12chains ; thence north CO degrees , wes
15 chains 50 Jinks ; thence north 68 degrees
west 5 chains 50 links ; thence west 117 chain ]
70 links ; terminating at Meeker Irrigation
ditch , has reported in favor of the location
hereof , and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be llled in the county
clerk's oflice on or before noon of the 2Glh das *
of November. A. D. 1S92 , or said rend will be
established without reference thereto.
18-4ts. GEO. W. KOPKK. County Clerk.
First Publication September 2d , 1892.
August 27.1892 , J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
itimcd settler hns filed notice of his intention
o mnkc linal pi oof in support of his claim ,
tnd that said proof will be made before Keg-
i-ter or Iteceiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
Suiuidiiy. October 8.1892. viz :
' . E. D. S. No. 6S39 for the S. K. H Sec. 23 , T. 1 ,
N. of It. 28. W. of the Oth P. MHe names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
evidence upon and cultivation ot. said land ,
iz : George B. Morgan. Joel II. Dolpu , James
W. Leisure and Seth T. Parson , all of Dan-
> ury. Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY , Uegistcr.
First publication August,26th , 1892.
AUK st23tli , 18'JU' . f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
nanic'd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make linal five year proof in support of bis
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook. Nebraska ,
on Saturday , October 1,189viz :
II. E. No. 7704 for the W. J _ N. E. ; _ . and N. W.
' 4 S. E. 1A and S. fi. } i N. E. Ji of section 13 , in T.
5. N. of It. 30 , W. of the Cth P. M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous icsidenee upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Nels Swanson , and Nels P. Itoson.
of Osborn. Nebraska. Scott W. llennett , of
Quick. Nebraska , and James Kirby , of Mc-
Uook , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY , Kegister.
I a
g S. W. tor. llth ami ,
For the treatment of all riironlf nnd
Surgical Diseases and Diseases of t':2
Eye and Ear. The object of this S-iailT
rlnrn la to famish board , rooms en , :
medical attention to those Buffering wiKi
Deformities , Diseases of Women , DI ,
cases of the Urinary and Seznal Organs , Diseases of the Nerronj
System , Long and Throat Disease * , Piles , Cancers , Tumors , Eta. ,
Etc. Sunrfcal Operations performed with skill. Books free to
lien amd Women. For further Information call on or addresi
DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo.
1 5 33AU SOS PZ
Freight Tald.
Warranted for 5 Years <
Accnts Wnntc.1. PcnJ for Terms.
Born nncl Wnrcliouse Scnlc" .
First publication September 9,1S9 .
In the district court of Ued Willow county
Nebraska. J. Lowell Moore , trustee , plaintitf
vs. William Uelph , Uebeeca J. Uelph , John W.
Kern. Leonora V. Kern. Kufus M. Suavely.
Surah Suavely and William A. Jtidd , defend
ants. John W. Kern , Leonora V. Kern. Uultis
M. Suavely. Sarah Suavely and William A.
.lucid , non-resident defendants , will take no
tice that on the eighth day of Sept. . A. D. IS'Ji ,
plaintill herein filed his petition in the district
court oC Ked Willow county , Nebraska ,
against the defendants , the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose n certain is
executed by the defendants William Kelpb
and Rebecca J. Itclph to plaintiff's assignee ,
the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation , upon
the east half the south east quarter and the
north west quarter of the south east quarter
of section twenty-five [ 251 , in township onel ) ,
north of range thirty ( oO.west. ) in Hed Willow
county. Nebraska , to secure the payment of a
certain mortgage bond of § 300. dated Sept. 1.
1SS7. and ten iuteiesc coupon notes of $10.30
each , dated Sept. 1,1887. and that there is now
due upon said bond , interest coupons and
taxes paid by plaintiff under the terms of
said mortgage , the sum of S411.60. with inter
est at ten percent , fiom this date , lor which
sum , ivith costs , plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants be required to pay the
same , or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount tound due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 17th day of October , A.
I ) . 1802.
Dated September 8,1S92.
J. LOWKLL MooriE , trustee.
By his attorney J. E
First publication September iM , ISO- .
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Ked Willow county.
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
I'"n..I. E. Coehran , judge of the district court
'f Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on the 5tti
' n v of October. 1S01 , obtained a decree in fav-
< n "of Anna Huff as plaintiff , and against. Sam
uel A. Shatter and Sarah J. Shaffer , as defend
ants , for the sum of one thousand seven hun
dred nine dollars and ninety-three cents ,
(51,700.03) ( and costs taxpd at $3G.2S and accru
ing costs. I have levied upon the lollowing
real estate taken as the property of said de
fendant to satisfy said decree. to.wU : N.E. Ji
Sec. 10 , Twp. 3. N. of Hunjre 30. W. of the Cth
P. M. In Ked Willow county , Nebraska , and
will offer the same for sale to the highest
bidder , for cash in Land , on the third day of
October. A. D. 18M. in front of the south door
of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska ,
that being the building wherein the last term
of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock ,
P. M. , of said day , when and where due at
tendance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated August 31st. ISM.
E. It. BANKS. Sheriff of said County.
.1. K. KKF.LKY ,
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LA AY ,
OFFICE : In rear of First National Bank.
E3 ? WiH practice in all courts. CommereU.
und corporation law a specialty. Money to
loan. Itooms4 and 5 old First National bld'g.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ,
Practice In thoStntennd Federal Courts.
J2 ? OKKiGi : HOUHS : 0 to 11.a.m."to5and
110 0. | > . in ltioiiS nvtr F'rst National bank.
A. T. RICE , M. D. ,
I have located permanently in McCook ,
Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or
light , in the city orcountry. Special attention
liven to diseases of children. Office over
Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel.
Jffice hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence
n the "grout" house.
Koraei branded on left hip or Jeft shoulder.
P.O. address , Imperial ,
Cbaso County , and Beat'
| rice , Nob. Hango. Stink-
liner Water and Frenob-
man creeks , Cbaae Co. ,
' Nebraska.
Brand as cut on side of
I some animals , on hip and
Bides of Bomo. or any-
irhero on the anlmaL
J. 8. McBRSYER ,
§ ? "House and Safe Moving z
Specialty. Orders for Draying left
at the Huddleston Lumber Yard
will receive prompt attention.
R. A. COLE ,
For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest
shop this side of Hastings but he has got the
Largest and Best stock of Cloths and Trim
mings this side of Hastings , which he will fur
nish cheaper than any other tailor for the
same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the
Citizens Bank.
f/Ju/fey Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys ,
And any other breed easily obtained
by using
Dean's Dehorning Pencil !
It never fails. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. For testimonials and fur
ther information see circular. Price 30 cents.
Sola by
Dealer in Harness. Saddlery and Turf Goods ,
Mccook. Neb. Light track harness a specialty.
OtM ± i-El ,
I "Will Avoid Qnncki.
Frauds end IJoeus Medical
Institutes "by going ; to the
Old , Sellable
ARegular Oraduatetn
Zlcdicinc. Over 26 yearsf
practice 12 in Chicago.
Established ,
Authorized by the State to treat Chronic. Nerrons
nad " Special Diseases. " Seminal WeaknessNIGHT
I.OSSES ) , Scznal Debility ( i-oss OP snxuAi.PpwnitX
Nervous Debility. Poisoned Blood. Ulcers ana Swell-
InRSOf every kind. Urinary and Kidney Disease * etc.
Cures Guaranteed or Money -Kefunded ,
Chnrtro Xow. Thousands of ca e cured
. Kxperienco is important. I.O mercury
every year.
cury or Injurious medicine used. .0 time lost
from business. Tatlents at a distance treated by
mail and express. Medicines sent every where ireo
fromRazoorbreakaKO. State your casp and send
forterma. Consultationfreo ncd contldentlalper-
aonallrorbylettcr. Kor particularsseo
- * . ' - - jpoil BOTH SEXES. SO Papes
full of descriptive pictures , sent
„ - - scaled In plain envelope for Cc. in
stamps. N. B. This book contains SECRETS acd
rueful knowledgenhich should bo read by every
male from 15 to 45 yearsof asc and keptunder
locknnd Soy. FKEE MTU8EUM OP AX AT
OMY rcpletowith a thousand interesting speci
mens , including the celebrated French M nliJn
.rhich alone cost over $000. Tor Men Only.
l > r any case this treatment fails to I
euro or belp. Greatest discovery In I
* nnals of medicine. One dose gives I
relief ; a few doses removes fever and I
pain in joints ; Cure completed In a °
few days , Send statement of case with stamp fez
Subjects need fear no longer from this King of
Terrors , for by a most wonderful discovery In
medicine , cancer on any part of the body can bo
permanently cured without the u o of
tbo knife.
MRS.,11. D. COMJV. 2307Indiana Ave. , Chicago.
Jays : "Was cured of cancer of the breast In six
weeks by your method of treatment. ' ' Send for
treatise. IJr. H. C. Dale , SGo&th St. , Chicago.