By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL. For Presiih'iit , J3ENJA.M1N HARRISON , of liidiniiii. For Vice President , WD1TELA.W REID , ot New York. STATK. JFor Governor , LORENZO CROUNSE.of Washington. For Lieutenant Governor , J. G. TATE , ol Adams. For Secretary of State , JOHN C. ALLEN , of Red Willow. For Auditor , EUGENE MOORE , of Madison. For Treasurer , I II A IJ'IM U > V nf Il lf For Attorney General , GEORGE II. HASTINGS , of Saline. For Com. of Public Lands and Ruildinsrs , A. R. HUMPHREY , of Ouster. For Superintendent of Public Instruction , A. K. GOUDY , of Webster. CONGiiiSSIOXAI For Congress , WAI. E. ANDREWS , of Hastings. SENATORIAL. For Senator , 29tli Distiict , c JOHN C. GAMMILL , , of Frontier county. COUNTY. For Hepiesentative , E. M. WOODS , of Danbiiry. For County Attorney , W. 11. STARK , of Indianola. For Commissioner , 3d Distiict , STEPHEN BOLLES , of Uox Elder. Said NlcKeighan in his acceptance speech atHoldrege : "Imean no dis respect to the defenseless dead when I tell you that I am no democrat. " ONE must make allowances for the democratic organs when they give up their space to rejoicings over the Maine elections and pro mises of carrying four or five west- em stales. They must have some thing to say. and the tariff , recipro city , honest money and a stable national bank currency are all ta booed subjects. JUDGE CHOUXSE is making a quiet but exceedingly effective canvass cr the people of Nebraska. * ' A. A. "Wherever lie goes lie spreads con fidence in his strength , admiration for his ability and a feeling that he idll fill the office to which he will be elected in November with ability and discretion. Judge Crouuse is not a sky rocket candidate , but a conservative man of ideas and con victions. He will make an ideal govern or for the state of Nebraska. Journal. MAJOR G-AXUiLii is going to be the next senator from this district. And he will do more and accom plish more for his constituents in a week than the ordinary member of the legislature would do in a nrhole session. Gammill is a work er and has no use for the dress parade in business affairs. Even those politically opposed to him will concede that he is an irrepress ible , indomitable worker , has good Lard sense to combine with it , and is honest as the day is long. Stock- .Tille-Republican. 'Tin : political cyclone from Kansas - - sas , Mxs. Lease , is progressing ra pidly in the art of campaign speak ing. In Georgia the other day .she characterized an Atlanta uews- paper as a lying sheet and its re presentative as a liar. The news- piper man referred to was at a disadvantage. He could not chas tise a woman , but be offered to whip vaii man who would come forward 'as her representative. Mr. Lease is saving himself a good deal of bodily injury by not traveling with the combination. Bee. ' "WniTTiER left an estate aggre gating about $60,000. The Quaker bard was not amply endowed with the financial instinct. That gift is -rory rarely found in combination -with thepoetic temperament. But ie was a man of unaffected taste , and in his method of life conform ed to the quiet simplicity which is OTTOof the cardinal doctrines of the joligions society to which WHITTIER - TIER belonged. The substantial conrpetence which he accumulated represents sobriety and a whole some contempt for ostentation and aot an undue love of the goods of world. THAT § 6,000,000 a year which the workiugmeii of New York have gained since the McKiuley tariff went into operation is an ar gument in favor of republican pol icy which will be fntal to democrat ic chances in that state. THE New York Recorder of the- 22d iust , gives more than five p g- es of solid nonpareil tabulated statistics , obtainedjfrorn the office of Commissioner Peck , and sworn to by him and his clerks individually , to be accurate copies of the returns in their office , from the six thousand odd manufacturers in the figures upon which the commission er based his report. These tables were made in the commissioner's office , the individual reports being embodied each by itself , with a numuer in place or tne name or the manufacturer , who furnished the statistics of his establishment on condition that his name should not be published. The extent of the table shows what a vast amount of figure work was done in the office of the commissioner to enable him to make out the summaries that formed the main part of his report that has kicked up such a disturb ance in the democratic ranks. The Recorder gives the space necessary to this instructive table of wages , actually paid in 1890 and 1891 by the six thousand and odd employers of 285,000 workmen to show just how the report was prepared and also to show that the democratic committee which has procured the indictment of Commissioner Peck for destroying these papers , are barking up the wrong tree. State Journal. THE Journal coudidly believes that the republican central com- mitee could do the party no better service than to advertise Colonel Yau Wyck's meeting and get all the people in the state to hear him before the day of election. One hour of his antics will cure the average individual of a desire to vote the independent ticket , and tuo hours ought to cure the most chronic case. BUY ITTTllTp W\ Jill 11 Li OF L Just The Maiden , I am soi-ely tried What to do this Christmas-tide. Costly gifts I would bestow , At your feet my fond heart throw But- Valued gifts you'll not accept. "For"you say , "mamma'llobjfct. " Said the maidthe cunning1 elf Wbv not offer then your&el f' ' " XA GILUJJT : i or. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. atchoi For the Next SO Days we Will have NEW GOODS arriving daily. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices Will be found. Our Stock of HAS JUST ARRIVED. ALSO : CLOAKS and JACKETS for Ladies , Misses and Children at from $1.OO up to $3O.OO. FALL STYLES OF HATS. Our Grocery Department is COMPLETE and We Are NEVER UNDERSOLD. Give us a chance to sell you goods and you will Ibe satisfied. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. .V - n I ! Es2C2S3 & ] ? l ! | Established 1886 , Strictly One Price. 1 FOR 1892. 11 \ S CLOTI = OUR STOCK OFE Tootiis , Boys end Ghildrens Soils s is very complete , comprising ell the Novelties in loutjfe-Breasted : Eutaway s , The Entire Line being all of this season's make. .atest Shapes in MENS AND BOYS HATS.J | An Immense Line of FINE NECKWEAR. i i ii ii i i i a I j The assortment is much larger than can \ be found elsewhere in S.W. Neb. MeCook , Neb. , SEPT. 2,1892. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. r Fall Styles. The world of fashion has been astir of late in consequence of the revival of what is called the Directoire styles , for which much popularity is piedicted this autumn. The Directoire beinir that period of French history which preceded the coronation of Napoleon I , and of his wife , Josephine , leads naturally to the empire and Josephine styles , concerning which there is also a great deal of interest manifested. Another favorite variation will be the llecamier costum , taking its appella tion from the famous lady of that name , who is doubtly celebrated for her beauty and her friendship with Mine , de Stael. The old-time balloon sleeve , another reminiscence of that epoch , will be much in vogue this fall. Many people use the expressions Directiore , Empire , Recamier without fully realizing what these terms signify , and are consequently apt to err in their endeavor to adopt the latest novelties. A careful perusal of a first-class fash ion magazine like La Mode de Paris , Paris Album of Fashion or La Uouturiere will furnish a satisfactory .explanation of the differences between these historical customs. These Jour nals not only illustrate all modifica tions of these sundry styles ; but also give full length descriptions of the materials to be used with appropriate trimmings , and reproduce as well the latest novelties in millinery and hat ornaments. The most practical way of obtaining this information is to sub scribe for these journals. La Mode dfi Paris and Paris Album of Fashion are § 3.50 per year each. They are the most artistic fashion magazines published. La Couturiere is a fine iiome journal for § 3.00 and La Mode s only § 1.50 per year. Another im portant fact to remember i& that the three former publications contain each : uonth a les-sim on some popular gar- iient with valuable practical suggest- ons. You can generally get single opies from 3 our new&dealer , but do tot allow him tu give } ou some other journal for one of these. You can get them if you write to the publishers. Messrs. A. McDowell & Co.1 West 14th Street , New York. miif little f"rtiin innTehfr work for , by Alum I'nge , Austin , Texa * , nnil Jno. Ilonn , Toledo , Ohio. [ See cut. Utherinredolnfrnswell. Why not ) ou ? borne rnrn over f SOU. 00 a mouth. Von on do the work and lira at home , whfreteryou are. Kren be- glnneri rc rnsily famine from $5 tc- SlOadej. AlIaRcj. Wciliow youliow and Hurt you. Can work In spare tlm * or all the lime. Big money for work- erf. Failure unknown among them. NEW and wonderful. Partlcnlar : free. U.Hall tt * : Co. , ox88OrortIanilMaine I Mr 4fe f m Mean bt earned at ourNEW line oiVort , I I III j W rapidly and honorably , by Ilium of JU11 IIU W either lex , young or old , and In their | WIIl i _ I ownIocaitf : iwhereTertheyllTe.Any Hi one can do the work. Eaiytoleam. W furnlih ererylhln ; . We it&rt you. No rbk. You can derote your iparc momenti , or all your time to the w ork. This l an entirely new Ieadand brings wonderful tuccesi to ertry worker. Btflnnen are earning from 355 to CIO pcrnrrk and upnrardi , ana more afier ° a 1UMrtixrlrnce. . We can itimtih } nu lha cm- uliivni'iit and tfich * uit tKl.K. .Yo tpfrelo'il'lnici here. Full Infurmitluu MIKK. TJtUK A * : O. , AlUl&Ja , JU1 . lo * i We are pleased to announce the arrival of complete assortments of Imported and American made ( Dress Fa = brics. WE ( BELIEVE THE STOCK TO ® E MUCH THE LARGEST IJJ WESTERN MEWRASKA. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NOVELTIES TO BE FOUJf ® 7JV MEW YORK AM ® CHICAGO ARE INCLUDE ® Ul OUR PURCHASE and every piece and patern in the whole enormous stock has been marked at a price which -we feel sure is lower than goods of the same quality can be purchased for elsewhere. Our stock of Ladies , Misses and Children's Cloaks is twice as large as any which we have heretofore purchased. Our prices and qualities must be seen to be appreciated. You are invited to examine them. = & Son ,