A PRIZE PROBLEM CTTEST. A VALUABLE PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN FOR EVERY CORRECT ANSWER. Nothing id more correct and interesting in the cultivated family circle than a bright Prize Competition which will bring into active use the abilities of eom- petitorf ) wliun it i kn wn lint it.-li competitions is carried out by the originat ors in a ( icrfuully FAIii AM ) ilON'oitAliMuiatincr. : . As a inuuiis nF advcrji i"i " ' "in-linind of KxQUlsiTK TOILET SOAP and intro ducing it into li'inic.- . xviirii ! it is imt , used , and \vc offer the following piizc. , \ which will bu awunlt-d to siicei'M-fiil cmitcRtants without any partiality being shown to person or locality. PRIZES. Tn tins puivon tending the Iir i currect answer to the following problem will be givuii their choice between a firoi i-laps UPRIGHT PIANO or THREE HUNDRED AND L 'IFTV DOLLARS in Cash. For thu .second correct answer \vill lie paid Two HUNDRED DOLLARS in Cash. For the third correct answer will ! paid ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS in Cash. For the fourth correct answer will be paid FIFTY DOLLARS in Cash. To the person sending the correct , answer which is received last will be given their choice between a firnt class UPRIGHT PIANO or THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in Cash. For the next to the la.st correct answer will be paid ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in cash. Every answer will he numbcrc-l as received and entered in a book kept for this purpose. The ten persons sending correct answer which are the middle ones received , will each be awarded their choice between an elegant SlLK DRESS PATTERN (1C ( yards in any color de.sired ) or an elegant GOLD WATCH ( warranted to be solid gold and a good time keeper. ) OTHER VALUABLE Pnr/tss .such as Silver Watches , Pearl Opera Glasses , Silver Vegetable Dishes , Stiver Tea Sets , Silver Biscuit Jars , Silver.Coffee Sets , Silver Cake Stands , Piano Lamps. Silver Dessert Knives , etc. , etc. , will be award ed to every person sending correct answer. PROBLEM. A frog at the bottom of a well ten feet deep climbs up a foot every day and slides back a half foot every night. How many days will it take him to reacli the top of the well ? CONDITIONS. Every contestant mubt enclose with their answer , one dollar for one dozen cases ot our j'jxiiujsrrr : JOILET OUAF , WHICH is me puresc anu unescsoapior me skin and complexion ( hat has ever been manufactured. It contains none of.the poisonous preparations which cause the skin to become rough and parched. tt is the only -oaji lor the toilet , nursery and bath. It positively removes pimples and cures ivdisva.s and loughne.-s of the skin. It is universally acknowl edged by those who have o-ud it as the soap par excellence for nil toilet purpos es. It is sent free of ciiMum.s duty to any parl of the United States. Answers may be mailed at any time he tun : .November 1st , 1892 , as the prizes are equitably divided over entire time c > .n. > etuioi : is open , and persons can enter at any time with an equal opportunity of .securing one of the leading prizes. HEMEMBER THAT KVKRV COHilKCl' ANSWEK. WILL BE AWARDED A VALUABLE PRIZE. This toilet soap U rct-uicd at three dollars per dozen cakes , and \ve make this extraordinary ru.l.ir.ti"i i.t price simply to introduce it. The Bxquisiti1 L'-nier. \lfr. C > . is an established and financially responsible manufacturing ( J i. , wh-i .ffr ilu : sibovts prizes purely as a legitimate manner of extending the cal.- > of - Kxqm.sjti' Toilet Soap to the people of the United States. States.He He in it by U. S. Postal Xoie , Express money order , Two-cent U. S. Stamps or Kegistered Letter , and send 30111-answer AT ONCE. Address : EXQUISITE TOILET MFG. Co. "X" NO. 170 YOUNGE STREET , TORONTO. CANADA- Recently the following Notice appeared In the San Francisco Chronicle. "Judge S had been sick only about two weeks , and itwas not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended _ the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia. " Iike thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money on wortniess liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebratea Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. $1,00 a pack age , 6 for $5.00. ORQAKIG WEAKNESS AHD PREMATURE DECAY IH . CAX BE , CURED , 1 Hcn.ltli 5 andyonth- fill "VlCOl * Y Sanailfeprolontrcdcveiilnadvanced VV fTcara by a mtraclo of modern scl- t t _ - ; .nce. call or irrltc enclosing SI , ctato < > ' - 'Vaniret n tr'-.l treatment and vi- -r j'i" -13tc" < < ! ' > " y.ars * eii'C inec-c , 1IVJCEE , IVIS. . _ . . -iYLCY.j . _ of Belleville , Ka , _ , - - "When I bg n ycor ' treitmentSmc * . ncolwajio . i > . r , , , ta by allmenU lt t I could not Before. Ate. Lon. work. The acconpunrlns Cg- Weight ! 15 Ib 195 Ibs 50 Ibi lowtheresnltofSmonthV treitBazt 43In. 37 in. II In. llowfellllke.newbetep. Illi W J.t.40In. 23m. "to. r iregone. . My frlendi zrt Hip . . . . .S7In. 43 In. . Q in. " . WUl hterfiinyrtplytoinqairieiwim.Uraptectesed. IS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. nnu. KoSUrrlBS. Send 6 cenU to itanna for pirtiraUn to W.O. W. F. SHOES. BACKER'S THEATE8 , CHlCftSO. ILL Kecommcndcd as the Best. IS IIE MARS , Plymouth Co. , la. , May , 1889. I suffered from temporary sleeplessness from overwork for two years , for -which I used Pastor Koonlg's Nerve Tonic , and can recommend saino as the best inodicino for similar troubles. P. BOBNHOEST. , Neb. , October , 1890. About four years ago our now 20-year old daughter had an epileptic fit after she had re tired and about a year later she had another such attack ; we could hardly believe that she had this terrible disease , "Epilepsy , " hut -when about three months later she again had a fit we ivero forced to believe the fact that the dreaded posed "n diheaso without a known remedy. About this time we read about Pastor Koenig'a Nerve Tonic , and wo conclnded to try a bottlo. God be thanked , she is cured. Mil. and MBS. LESOING. A Valuable Book en Nervous Diseases sent free to any address , and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenip. of Fort Wayne , Ind. , since 13TC. and tsnow prepared underhis direction by the KOENIC MED. CO. , Chicago , ? ! ? . Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. G K ? ft'j. Iiarsrc Size , S1.75. G Bottles for Sj. PREVENTIVE ; -AND-CURATIVE. -Lr\DlE.S' JflFfHARMLESS -fifiD C . -CHf tO- 3. 5.7. i 1 8EEKMAH 51 ; "ANAKESIS" givssinstanfi relief and is an infallible Cure for Tiles. Pri-joSl. By Druggists or mail. Samples frse.Address"AKAKESIS , " Box 2416 , New York City. Liniment . t A Cure for the Aliments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain rc'ic-rr. Its use is arac ! = t UHI-T- ' bbe Housewife , the Farmer , thu Stock Raiser , ai.d t/ every one requiring an effective liniment. , ' : - - - . - v-h it in eScacy. ! Mo otherton c < ? ; This well-law.-u r-ir-/ : - . i : the test of years , almost generations. .fXo medicine chest is.coir.piei.2 \ , > .nout a bottle of MusTAUG LINIMENT.- / -J . $ | , * V ? ' . " * : Occasions arise for its use almost e.ry day ' /IU druggists zuiu u. J. o hare it- KIRK'S HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water WONDERFUL ! The cures which arc being effected by Drs. Starkcy & I'alcn , 1529 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , in Consumption , Catarrh , Neuralgia , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , , and all chronic dis eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment , are indeed marvelous. If you are a sufferer from any disease which your physician has failed to cine , write for in formation about this treatment , and their book of two hundred pages , giving a history of Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with numerous testimonials from patients , to whom you may refer for still further iutormation , will be promptly sent , without charge. i ins uooi ; asiae iiom us great meni as a medical work , giving , a-i it does , the result of years of study and experience , you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEV & PALEN , 1529 Arch Sticet , Phiiladelphia , Pa. 120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , Cal. Please mention this paper. MERCURIUS , a Lincoln horse , trotted a mile at York , last week , in 2:22 % over a half-mile track. track.They They Say it Contains no Poison. The celel rated chemists , whose opinions are above the price of gold , tell what they know. SAN FRANCISCO. June 29,1889. DEAR SIRS : We have made an exhaustive chemical analysis of "Wisdom's Robertine , " obtained by us in the open market , and find it to be free from all poisonous or deleterious ingredients , constituting a harmless prepara tion for the face. Youis truly. THOMAS PRICE &Sox , Analytical Chemists. To Messrs. W. M. Wisdom & Co. 16-415. THE Rock Island railroad company is on the eve of doing extensive construction in eastern Nebraska. Wisdom's Violet Cream Is the most exquisite preparation in the world for softening and whitening the hands and face. It is not only a substitute for , but in every respect superior to glycerine , cold cream , vaseline , and like preparations. Try it. Typhoid fever is prevalent in some sections of the state , and it is uncommonly fatal. To Ladies Troubled With Painful or suppressed menstruation , Oregon Kidney Tea , if taken a few days before the expected period , relieves all pain. It contains no mineral poisons. The Kearney cotton mill is turning out 26,000 yards of cloth daily. Worth its Weight in Diamonds. C. A. Willis , editor , "The Horseman , " Chicago cage , writes : "If my experience is to decide Lhe value , Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil , the "Pile Ointment , " is worth its weight in dia- moncis. Uhildren Cry Tor Pitcners Castoria. When Baby \vas sick , tre gave her Castoria. When she iros a Child , she cried for Cactoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When shehad Children , she gave them Castoria. THE MILD POWER CURES. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics arc sclentiacally and carefully prepared Remedies , upcd for j-enrs In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Speelflc a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging , purging or reducing ihesystem.aad are In fact and ticeu the Sovereign Remedies of the World. LIST nv DIBES. ccr.Ea. rcicLa. 1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflammations. .25 2 Worms , "Worm Fever , Worm Colic. . . .25 3 Tcethins ; Colic , Crying , Wakcfulness .25 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults . 25 5 I > ysentery , Griping , Bilious Colic . 25 G Cholera Morbns , Vomiting . 25 7 Coaclis , Colds. Bronchitis . 25 S Neiiraleia , Toothache , Faceache . 25 9 Headaches , Sick Headache. Vertigo. .25 10 Dyspepsia , Biliousness. Constipation .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25 13 Whites , Too Profuse- Periods . 25 13 Cronp , laryngitis , Hoarseness . 25 14 Salt llucnm , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25 15 Kheuraatism.or Rheumatic Pains. . .25 16 Malaria , Chills. Fever and Ague . 25 17 Piles , Blind orBleedlng . 25 IS Ophthalmy , Sore or Wcat Eyes . 25 19 Catarrh , Influenza , Cold In tlie Head .25 20 Whoopint ; Consrh . .25 21 Asthma , Oppressed Breathing . 25 22 Ear Discharges , Impaired Hearing .25 23 Scrofula , Enlarged Glands , Swelling .25 24-General Debility , Physical Weakness .25 25 Dropsy , and Scanty Secretions . 25 26 Sea-Sickness , Sickness fromBJdlng .25 27 Kidney Diseases . 25 29 Sere Month , orCanker . 25 30 Crinnry Weakness , WettlngBed. . .25 31-Painful Periods . 25 34 Diphtheria , Ulcerated Sere Throat. . .25 35 Chronic Congestions & Eruptions. .25 EXTRA NTJMBBHS : 28 Nervous Debility , Seminal Weak ness , or Involuntary Discharges . 1.00 32 Diseases of the HcartPalpltatlonl.OO 33 Epilepsy , Spasms , St. VI rus * Dance. . . 1.00 Sold by DrogUts , or cent post-piU on receipt of price. Da. UriiPDBETs1 MANUAL ( IK r r" , ) MAILED FKEC. ' 31EU. CO. , 1 11 & 1 1 S William SI. , Xeir York. PECIFICS . HUM PHREYS1 WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT. " For Piles External or Internal , Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano : Itching or Bleeding of the Bectum. The relief Is Immediate the cure certain. PRICE , 50 OTS. TRIAI. SIZE. 25 OT3. Bold by DroggliU , or cent post-paid on receipt of price. HC3FURETS' BED. CO. , Ill * 113TUJlin St. , KE1T YOBK Energy Always Win. ATLANTA. Ii.i. . . March 6.1802. Queen City Silvci nnd Nickel Plating CV. Enst St. Louis , 111. GKNTS : The Queen Plater heats anything ever saw to make money. When I received i I jnit in a brass riiifj to test it , and to my sur prise it was nicely silver plated in five minutes I made 20.50 the first week , and § 47.85 tli second vreelc , plating jewelry and tableware At the end of the first month I had $197.4 clear profit. I now ( jet all the knives , forks spoons and jewelry one person can plate without Roinii from home. I will let my soi have the Plater I now have at home , and I an going out to sell Platers. I sold three today at $10.00 each , and did some plating besides 1 f ent $20.00 today for lourmore-Platers. I be believe any enterprising person can make grand success of this business. Very respectfully , J. C. HAI.UWIN. If you want to make more clear mone than you ever made in your life , send for cir culars and price of the Queen Plater ; forgohi silver , nickel , copper and brass plating ; cai be used by anyone. Plates beautiful ant equal to the finest new work. Every class o goods or metals. Twenty dollars a day cai easily be made. Address , QUKKN CITY Sn.VF.itAND NICKII. : PL'T'II Co. 13 N . Main St. , East St. Louis , III Sept. 23-gmos. ( Mention this paper. ) John Deveny has some of the finest hogs a the fair we have yet seen in the state. Indian ola Courier. Electric Bitters. This temedy is becoming so well known as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song o praise. A purer medicine does not exist am it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed Electric liitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples Boiles , Salt Rheum and other affections causet by impure blood. Will drive Malaria fron : the system and prevent as well as cure al Malarial levers. For cure of Headache , Con stipation and and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money reiunded. Price 50 cents and $ i per bottle at A. McMillan's drugstore. THKIIU was a creditable display of Red Willow county apples at the fair. Courier. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman , a young man , of Bur lington , Ohio , states that he has been under the care _ of two prominent physicians , and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pronounced this case con sumption and incurable. lie was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption , Coughs and Colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. lie found before he had used half of a dollar bottle , that he was much better ; he continued to use it and today is enjoying good health. If you have any Throat , Lung or Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satis faction. Trial bottle free at A. McMillen's drugstore. Tin : McCook visitors were all bent on en joying the horse races at the fair. Courier. Read This Slowly. Lives there a man with soul so dead , Who never to himself hath said , I'll take St. Patrick's Pills before I go to bed ? When a mild cathartic is desired , one that will cleanse the whole system and regulate the liver and bowels you can not do better than take St. Patrick's Pills just before going to bed. They do not nauseate nor gripe , and leave the system in splendid condition. For sale by George M. Chenery. THE fair was well attended by McCook pee ple. Courier. Oh , What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of fifty cents , to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shilqli's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relives croup and whooping Cough at once _ . Mothers do not be without it. For lame back , side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by A. McMillen. THE finest weather ever seen at a county fair in Red Willow county. Courier. uyspepsia ana Liver Uomplamt. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of these dis tressing complaints , if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer , every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it , use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen. Prosperity for the individual , prosperity for the state and prosperity for the nation ; that's what the republican party stands for and lias always stood for. Beatrice Express. Buck fen's Arnica Satire. The best salve in the world for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 = Jc. a box. For sale by A. McMillen. May23-iyr. Hastings is infected with a number of am bitious amateur sluggers. Mr. Van Pelt , editor of the Craig , Mo. , Meteor , went to a drugstore at HillsideIowa , and asked the physician in attendance to give him a dose of something for cholera morbus and looseness of the bowels. lie says : "I felt so much better the next morning that T concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine. I was surprised , when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and Diar- rhcea Remedy. He says he prescribes it regularly in his practice and finds it the best he can get or prepaie. I can testify to its effi ciency in my case at all events. " For sale by Geo. M. Chenery. C. M. Coon , li-5ng near Osceola , raised the largest cucumber _ in the history of civilization. It was fifty-two inches in length and contain ed , no doubt , the genus of several grades of cholera morbus. A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers , fell from the roof of a house in East Des Moines , Iowa , and sustained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist , which he cured with one bottle _ of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says it is worth $5 a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by Geo. M. Chenery. Frank Cardwell last Sunday had a piece of steel taken from his arm which was received there while working in the B. & M. shops over two years ago and has been troubling him ever since. Wymore Reporter. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and head ache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 5oc. Sold by A. McMillen. Hebron is having a marriage epidemic. The only remedy is to quarantine the youth. The fear of Cholera is the beginng of wis dom as , noted by the general cleaning up in all the large , cities. If anybody else wishes to "expose" the wickedness of the Republican party , let him come up to the rack at once. " The Kearney canning factory is puttingup 10,000 cans 'of vegetables per week. WHOLESALE MURDER A QUACK DOCTOR KILLS MANY INFANT CHILDREN. AT LEAST FORTY PUT TO DEATH , A. I'eiinsylvnniii AV < > niru MurdcrM Tlirro Children An Old .Mini Kills His AVlCo , Seriously Wound * Hi * -pcluifli- - ter , tiiul Commits Sulciile University Stu- tlentH Itobbotl. SAN FKANCISCO , Sept. 21) ) . A short time ago a man calling' himself Dr. Henry C. licul , his wife , known as Nellie Haven , and IIattic E. Graham were arrested charged with the mur der , by malpractice , of Mary Carrel , the daughter of a Petelauma county fanner. ] 5eal forfeited So,000 bail and disappeared , but the women are still in prison. According- the story of a Sirs. Montreso , JJeal has com mitted a great number of * mur ders in this city. The woman says that Meal used her house for ten months as a private hospital. During that period lie had about fifty pa tients , and there were no fewer thun forty children born alive in the house , not one of them being permitted to live. Heal either chloroformed or drowned his helpless victims , after which he weighed their bodies and threw them into the bay or cremated them. Looted mid -Burned. CAI.IFOKXIA , Mo. , Sept. 29. The large general store of .T. T. Tising at iiign i'omt , a village two miles south of this city , was burned early yester day morning together with all the contents. On examining the safe it was found that a hole had been drilled into it and the door blown off and it is presumed robbers secured its con tents , amounting to several hundred dollars , and then set the building on fire to cover up their tracks. Total loss § 13,000 ; insurance § 8,000. Triple Tragedy. PATTERSOX , N. J. , Sept. 20. A fright ful tragedy was enacted last night in this city. Joseph Mellenburg mur dered his wife , shot and seriously wounded his stepdaughter and took his own life. The tragedy was the outcome of a petty quarrel over a set tlement of a judgment recovered against the Mcllenburgs in the district court. Mrs. Mellenburg was 70 years old and her husband 74. Murdered I.it tic Children. BOP.DENTOWX , Pu. , Sept. 2 ! ) . Jennie Schmitt , a German woman of this place , yesterday murdered three small children by choking them to death at icr house at Xo. 4 Chestnut street. One of the victims was her own son and the two others were the little sons of William JJodker , a neighbor. The children's ages range from 1 to 3 years. The woman is believed to be nsane. WEAVER CALLED TO TAS K The Statements About Uid Treatment In Georgia Positively Denied. ATLANTA , Ga. , Sept. 29. lion.V. \ . Y. Atkinson , chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee of Georgia , says in reply to the published address of General Weaver and various special ; elegrams which have been sent out Tom Georcria bv Mrs. Lnnso. t.hn.t. do great injustice , not only to the Democrats , but to the people of the state. lie says : "According to his own admission General Weaver received a respectful hearing at Way cross and Columbus. At Albany his speech was listened to ) y several hundred people , and no ef 'ort whatever was made to prevent him from speaking. A prominent ne- jro of that place , at the conclusion of leaver's speech , took the stand to re fute what he had said , and bitterly attacked Weaver and the third > arty. Weaver was so indignant ; hat a negro should attempt to answer him , that he immediately left , he platform. The only possible foun- lation for the greatly exaggerated egg stor3r spread broadcast by General Veaver and Mrs. Lease is that a small ) oy in the open air audience at Macon , hrew an egg and he was prompt- y arrested and punished for it. Veaver's claim of persecution is noth- ng more than an overworked eifort to ) ese as a martyr. His statements de- iberately misrepresent the people of 5eorgia , and were cunningly devised or campaign purposes. " 'JIM CUMIVMNGS" FREE AGAIN " "liu Hold Express Uobbcr Iteleascd 1'rom the 1'eiiitentiary. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept 29. A tall , veil formed young man of about 30 years was in Kansas City yesterday haking hands with and receiving the ongratulations of old friends. To trangers he was introduced as Mr. fred Wittrock of Leavenworth , but j none of them comprehended who the man really was until informed that he vas famous in criminal history as 'Jim Cummings , " the perpetrator of , he boldest express robbery recorded n recent years. Wittrock completed lis six. years' sentence in the Missouri penitentiary Monday and came at once o Kansas City to look for employment , le did not meet with success yester day but after a visit to his mother and ister at Leavenworth he will return icre and renew his search. JJIrs. Cleveland Loses Her Suit. OMAHA , .Neb. , Sept 29. Mrs. Grover Cleveland , wife of the Democratic can- idate for president , was the plaintiff n a suit tried by Justice Eradley yes- erday morning in which Abraham Jincoln Record was defendent Abra- lam Lincoln Reed was agent for the plaintiff , and Abraham Lincoln Dick was attorney for the defendant. The uit was to recover possession of a ) lacksmith shop occupied by the de- endant and owned by the'plaintiff. L jury was called and found for the efendant , because he had an agreement - i ment erivinsr him an extension of time. I CONDITION OF THE INDIANS. Kupurt of tint Comml.-ctloncf of Indian AfT.ilrx .Submitted to Srt'rutury Noble. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. Indian Com missioner Morgan has submitted to Secretary Noble his annual report. "The government has a well defined policy of dealing with the Indians , " says Coinmi.ssioncr Morgan , "the es sential ulcmrnt of whu-h is suggested by the one phrase. American citi'/.en- Khip. ' Citizenship accompanied by the allotment of lands necessarily looks toward the entire destruction of the tribal relation and the dealing with the Indians as individuals. It will destroy the whole agency hy.stem and eventually do away with the necessity of any Indian bureau. Citi zenship is to be conferred upon the Indian when he has acquired sullicient education to warrant the change. " The subject of Indian education is covered fully , its diiliculties are pointed out , a general survey of the Held is presented and the tables are given showing the diJFereut kinds of schools in operation , their capacity and attendance. There are now in operation or .soon to be opened twenty large training schools , located in the midst of civil ized communities , in the Indian reserve agencies. Three years ago there were eight such institutions. When com plete their capacity will be about 50- 000 pupils. The total enrollment of pupils iu all these schools for the ycur ending .June 30 , 1892 , was nearly 20- 000 , an increase of more than -1,000 withm three years , or more than 2. > per cent Four years more at this rate of progress will see practically all Indian children gathered into schools. The plan of detailing army ofliciab ; to .take charge of Indian agencies is fully discussed and disapproved. ! UIICC - I 1DI A AVeek of JJ.xce.H.tlvc Heat and .Sunslilm ? Had Matured Corn. COLUMIIIA , Mo. , Sept. 29. The weather crop bulletin of the Missouri weather service of the state board of agriculture for the week ending Sep tember 21 says : This has been a week of excessive heat and sun shine. So little rain has fallen that drought continues , and may be said to have prevailed and was detrimental principally to pas tures , stock and prompt germination of early sown wheat. Under the above named conditions corn made rapid advancement toward maturing. The greater part of the plant is now beyond damage by frost , and cutting is general in southern counties. Much of the wheat acreage has been sown , and much of what has come up is being seriously injured by grasshop pers. The Oklahoma ( Jerrymander. GUTIIKIK , Ok. , Sept. 29. The ap portionment board appointed by an ict of congress to redistrict the terri- , ory into council and representative districts completed their work ycstcr- lay afternoon. They found the popu- ation of the territory to be l.'J.'S.OUO. A close examination of the districts ind their boundaries shows that the Democratic and Alliance members of the board outvoted the Republican nembers and arranged the districts to suit themselves , giving to their two 7artics fully two-thirds of the district jy large majorities. The Republicans ire indignant , but cannot help them selves. THE MARKETS. Kansas City. Prices were quoted as follows : No. 2 hard wheat , old , ( Jlc ; new , Gl } @ Cc ; No. 3 hard wheat , old , 57c , new , 59 @Glc ; No. 4 hard wheat , old , 52 < t5Gt ; ; new , . jG' 59cj ; rejected hard wheat , -10@"ioc ; No. i red wheat , G4@G3 } < ; c ; No. 3 red wheat , old , 57o)5Ss ) ; new , CO ® G3c ; No. 4 red wheat , 50 tu , 'Js. \Vnixn Coux Was Ic lower and mixed weak to } c lower. Trade was slow , some mixed com was bought by shippers at 4.3 ] " ( R4c river. Closing cash prices were : No. X white , 43c ; No. 3 white , 43(543 ( ! > c ; No. . ! mixed , 3S3j 39c ; No. 3 mixed , Sbc ; No. 4 mixed , 33C 3Ga ; no grade , 3'J34c. ( On the call 5,000 bu. October corn special billing- , sold at 33c. OATS Were steady , with fair demand. Cash prices were : No. 2 13ixcd , 2G ti7c ! ; No. 3 , 25Vf'i2Gc : No. 4 , 2ir 23c ; No. 2 white , sold at 29 31c ; No. 3 white , 23 @ 30c.Rrc Was firm. No. 2 rye sold at S4 ; ' 5'ic river , No. 3 , 52.53c ; Re jected , 4Sc. FI.AXSUED Firm ; 03 (7Z97c. ( accoi-ding to billing , on the basis of pure ; small lots 2c less. BIJAK Steady ; 54@33c , according to billing , ICO-lb sacks. HAY Receipts 28 airs ; market steady. Quotations are : Timothy , choice § 9 ; No. 1 $159 : No.J $7.)0 per ton ; fancy prairie , new , § 7 ; gooJ. to choice , S3.50ii.G.50 : low grade , § 4 " " ) " > . " > ) . St. i.ouis. ST. Locis , ilo. , Sept. 29. Wheat Re ceipts 109,0JO bu ; shipments , 11G.OJ3 bu ; corn , receipts , 23.000 bu ; shipments , 70,003 bu. Wheat October , 70Jac ; December , 72KcMay. 79c. . Corn September , 4--c ; lay , 45 c. Oats October , SU o ; May. 353 c. KANS.1S C1TV LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Sept 29 Cattle Ito- cipts , 10,105 ; calves 801 ; shipped yester- ' ay , 7CGJ ; calves. 370. The market for oed cattle was steady and others were" Imost unsaleable. Dressed beaf and shipping steers. § 3 (53.10 ( : cows and heifers , SL < 2 ; Texas and Indian cows , S1.2 ; stockers and feed ers § l.bo 2.7 > : mixed , $ ! .4'JcaG. ( Hogs Receipts. 7,510 ; shipments yester day , 1,403. The market was fairly active and steady to 5c lower. Prices ranged from 54 93 to § 5.33 per 10Ibs , according to quality. Sheep Receipts , S35 ; shipped yester day , 203. The quality of offerings was ; common to fair. The market was quid and unchanged. The following are repre sentative sales : No. \Vt. I'nce. No. Wt. I'rlCi. SO mut. SO 4 2o I 17 1'rabs 54 4 10 lit mut. 71 4 00 j tivc Stock Notes. Dressed beef men bought 3.S53 cattle yesterday. Armour bought 2.1GO , Kingan 24 , Dold 209 , Phoenix packing company 253 , and Swift 1,195. Packers bought . ,101 hogs yesterday. Armour bought 3,054 , Kingan 1.051. Fowler 2 , . .4. Dold 1,052 and Swift osU. Cole bought 9G4 and other shippers 499. Receipts since January 1 aggregate 960.- 538 cattle , : G,03 > 5 calves , ! ,70:5,154 : hogs and 32 ,318 sheep. Compared with 1591 the in crease is 13.,355 cattle. 10,243 calves , 74,101 hogs and 41.S22 sheep.