The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 30, 1892, Image 1

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Injured Innocence.
Is shown in the handsome
face of our colored friend.
Hewants you to understand
that he
But if you will come to the
next week , you will see a new
line of Ladies' , Misses' and
Children's Shoes which will
i--3 ? *
For trade at the head of
the procession with the right
swing , and we propose to
The frisky dollar. In all
lines of Boots and Shoes there
is no dealer in Southwestern
that can
To equal yours respectfully.
"We are here for business from
the ground up , and propose to
Come and see us.
Is the key-note to success.
The firmness of our resolution
In Boots and Shoes is sym
bolized in the noble figure
here given. THE BOSTON SHOE
STORE has already set the
Of making people talk about
their goods and prices. A visit
to their store will convince
you of this.
A Big Drive
Is now being made by us on
many lines , but especially on
a fine line of
Ladies will find the selection
very desirable , while the shoes
themselves are admitted to be
60MFOTiBLE ( ,
Call at once and get the pick
before sizes are broken. These
goods will go like ice cream.
C. J. Kyaa went down the viilley , Sunday
on 0 , on some business.
L.V. . McConnell arrived liniiit * , yester
day , from his trip hack to Illinois
P. A. Wells lias been threatened witii an
attack of typhoid fever , and is still quite ill.
Rev. William Gill of Araualme conducted
Episcopal .services in the Lnthcran church on
Ed. liall is here t'loin Illinois on a visit to
McCook friends , coining on Wednesday's
Airs. S. II. Colvin arrived home , Monday
noon , fioin visiting iclatives and friends in
eastern Nebraska.
J. W. Hupp was over from Lebanon.Thurs-
day , and remained over the evening to hear
the Andrews-McKeighan debate.
John C. Gammill was down from Frontier
county , Saturday , to participate in the
republican lally of that evening.
F. II. Gensecke f lien ton county , Iowa ,
has purchased II. G. Dixon's farm , the
northeast quai tor of section 15-4-00.
Clarence Barney , the painter , came in from
Chicago , the first of the week , and says lie is
going to remain with us permanently.
Mrs. Jos. Reizenstein took her daughter
Eva to Omaha , Wednesday morning , to
secure specialist treatment for her eyes.
Miss Ilileman lett on 0 , Tuesday , for her
home in Davenport , Iowa , after quite a
protracted visit to her brothers Lloyd and
Col. J. D. Gage of Franklin and Major E.
II. Marshall of Bloomington were with the
throng at the Republican rally , Saturday
Frank II. Selby of Cambridge beamed down
upon the rally , from among the gallery gods <
over his gold-rimmed eye-glasses , Saturday
L. H. Woodyard , special correspondent of
the Carroliton Republican , is here from
.Bosworth , Missouri , looking over the
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Marsh and daughter
of Sutton who were guests of S. H. Colvin ,
early in the week , left for home Tuesday
Mrs. D. L. Gnggs left for Chicago , yester
day morning , to secure treatment and instruc
tion for her deaf son. She expects to be ab
sent two years.
L A. Sheridan was up from ludianola ,
Tuesday , arranging with Postmaster Trotli
the details for the Andrews-McKeighan joint
debate of last night.
W. S. Fitch is in Peoria , Illinois , this week ,
attending the Illinois state fair with an ex-
libit from Red Willow county. He left on
ast Saturday morning.
S. II. Colvin had the pleasure of entertain
ing his uncles , Messrs. Marion and Justus
Ritchie , prominent lumbermen of Platts-
mouth , fore part of the week.
E. J. Mitchell has purchased the Indianola
Courier. Consideration 51,300. THE TKI-
BUNE welcomes the Colonel into the fold
and herewith offers congratulations.
Mrs. Allen of McCook , a sister of Mrs.
Caldwell , who is now visiting at Mr. Stuck-
ey's , in company with her daughter Miss
Alma , arrived here Monday to visit her sister
and the family of Mr. Stuckey. Fairmont
E. M. Woods of Danbury , Republican nom
inee for representative , spent a few hours in
McCook , Saturday , making the acquaintance
of our people. It is a pleasure and satisfac
tion to know that he left a favorable impress
ion with all who met him.
Ben S. Baker , the well known U. S. dis
trict attorney , will speak at Bartley on
October 8th , at 8 o'clock in the evening. The
date should be remembered and Ben should
be accorded a large hearing , as he will ably
discuss the issues of the day and campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Berry and son of In
dianola , Iowa , were the guests of H. H. Ber
ry , from the close of last week until Monday
noon , when they left for the mountains on a
visit. Mr. Berry is a leading lawyer in In
dianola , Iowa , and a cousin of our fellow
Mrs. Tom Wilkinson returned home , fore
part of the week.
Tom Wilkinson is putting in his days of
grace improving and beautifying the home.
Mrs. L. W. Stayner is away on a month's
visit in the east , leaving the close of last
J. D. McAlpine is down from Denver ,
helping on the pay rolls as is his monthly
A. J. Jackson has been papering , painting
and otherwise improving the home during
the abseuce of his wife in Plattsmouth.
Engineer Holliday has been keeping out of
mischief during his vacation by painting his
dwelling , barn etc. , to good advantage and
Conductor J. J. Curran's family joined him
at Republican City , Wednesday morning , be
ing passengers on ] Sb. 2. They carry with
them the regrets of warm McCook friends.
Brakeman Guiltner met with an accident ,
Tuesday afternoon , in which he sustained a
fracture of the lower bones of his left arm.
The train was broken in two sections , and
coming together just as he was climbing up a
box car he was thrown from the train with
above result.
The landseekers have come in to possess
the land , and scores of them are scouring the
country over in quest of choice farms.
The keenly anticipated Andre ws-
Kcighati joint debate lias passed into
history , and with it go a train of most
highly gratifying remembrances to the
Republicans of iMcCook and south
western Nebraska. In the first place
the demonstration made by the Repub
lican clubs of Holdrego , Cambridge ,
Benkelman , Ilaigler , Max , Hayes
Centre and McCook , preceding the
debate , was unparalled in point of
numbers and enthusiasm in local
annals. There were perhaps over f)00
voters in line , led by the uniformed
brass hands of Cambridge and McCook ,
and the uniformed martial bands of
Benkelman , Uoldrego and Hayes Cen
tre ; and together with their torches and
banners galore , they made an inspiring
scene , unbounded enthusiasm prevail
ing all the while.
The attendance exceeded expectations
and the wigwam provided in the open
space noi th of the Commercial [ louse
was entirely unequal to the task of ac
commodating the applauding hundreds
As to the merits of the debate our
independent friends doubtless entertain
other and different convictions than do
the Republicans. But the latter have
every reason to feel proud and gratified
at the splendid defence made of Repub
lican doctrines and principles and poli
cy by their admirable and able champion
and standard bearer , Hon. W. E. An
drews , who gave most convincing and
entertaining proof of his ability to cope
with the wily and practiced veteran
Congressman McKeigban , who has met
in Mr. Andrews a gentleman , scholar
arid debater pre-eminently worthy of
li\s \ steel.
The Republicans of this part of the
district will go away from this debate ;
with a confidence immensely strengthen
ed , for their leader has in their hearing
given most vigorous evidence that their
trust has not been misplaced , that he is
able to maintain their cause with digni
ty and power.
The ladies of the Congregational
church realized a neat sum out of their
supper , Jast evening , and assisted large
ly in feeding the crowd which thronged
to hear the debate.
As usual both sides won or think
uitjy uiu wnicii is not. auogeiner unue-
sirable , as all can feel happy.
When it comes to banners galore the
Soldrege Republican club is strictly
in it. -
It was the largest and most intensely
enthusiastic political gathering ever held in
southwestern Nebraska. A genuine ovation
to Andrews.
There were about 150 members of Dundy
county Republican clubs in the procession ,
leaded by a martial band from Benkelman.
One of the prettiest features of the proces
sion was the martial band of small boys in
uniform from Hayes Centre.
The Holdredge Republican club in uni-
: orm and with a martial band made a fine
The Cambridge brass band headed overlOO
members of the Cambridge Republican
Reid Testimonial Concert.
No. 1-OVERTURE Orchestra
" 2 Selection , McCook Cornet Band
" 3-Bridal Chorus F. H. Cowen
( From the Rose Maiden. )
" 5 Reading Mr. Win. Valentine
" 5 Violin Solo Prof. Jos. Reizenstein
( Piano Obligate ) Miss Josephine Bullard
" 6 Ladies Quartette : ) G. A. Mac-
a ( You Spotted Snakes > Farren.
b ] The Chimes. ) J. C. Macy.
" 7 Character Song..Miss Delia Johnston
Funny Little Fellow with a High , High Hat.
" 8 Male Quartette E. Moore
( Come in Beautiful Dreams. )
PART 11.
No. 1-OVERTURE Orchestra
" 2 Quartette Sir R. P. Stewart
( Bells of St. Michael's Tower. )
" C Trio J. L. Roeckel
( The three Young Maids of Lee. )
" 4-CometSolo ByH.P.Sutton
( Orchestral Accompaniment. )
" 5-Trio The Three Old Maids of Lee
" G Soprano Solo..Mrs. . P. F. McKenna
" 7 Topical Song Geo. B. Berry
( Oh ! What a Difference in the Morning. )
" S Reading Mrs. W. W.Archibald
" 0-Quartette J.L.Hatton
( The Belfry Tower. )
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore exlatingbetween Edward B. Bowen
and Edwin L. Laycock , under the nrmnameof
Bowen and Laycock" , Is this day dissolved
3V mutual consent. Edwin L. Laycock con
tinuing In business , Edward B. Bowen retir
ing. All outstanding debts owing to the late
firm will be paid to Edwin L. Laycock , who
will pay all legal obligations against said firm.
Dated McCook , Nebraska , September 2Sth.l592.
There will be Episcopal services in
the Lutheran church on next Wednes
day evening , Oct. 5th.
The Boston Comic Opera Co will ap
pear at the Menard , October 2lst and
32d , in the "Chimes of Normandy" and
"Olivette. "
T" T V T T f / " T x T r
nKI _ ISSFT _ _ S _
China Mattings ,
Ko-Ko Mattings ,
Oil Cloths in
All Widths
Smyrna Rugs ,
Moquette Rugs ,
Art Squares ,
Carpet Paper ,
Stair Pads
J. ALBERT WELLS , - MtCnk , ft