The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1892, Image 7

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    - A .GRAND PRIZE -
Two Thousand Dollars in Prizes will
be Equitably Distributed.
Jb or several years pa&t competitions ot an instructive order have been offered
by reputable business bouses and manufacture in England with tlio object of
increasing their sales and interesting their customers jn their respective goods.
These contests , on account of the unquestioned fairness displayed in conduct
ing them , have interested the best people of Great Britain. Believing that
competition offered by a manufactuiing concern such as our ? , and conducted in
the same honorable manner , would excite universal interest among the intelli
gent people of the United States and Canada , our company have decided to offer
a Prize Competition in which our fir-it effort will be to make it strictly fair and im
partial. The intention is to satisfy every one entering this competiou that they
have been duly credited with the position which their efforts have earned for
them. We are flure that thin class of a prize contest will receive the approval
of parents and all those having instruction of young at heart. The prizes to be
awarded in this competition will consist entirely of articles of sufficient value to
be appreciated by every person receiving one as a fair reward for the efforU put
forth by them. Our intention is to divide the amount to be given away in prizes ,
varying in value from eight dollars to OIK ; hundred dollars each , and we enter
into an honorable agreement with those entering this competition to distribute
fairly Two THOUSAND DOLLARS in prizes.
AWARD OF PRIZES. Ten of the leading ministers of our city will be
invited to attend and assist in the award of prizes.
Wo will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in cash to the first person who correctly
answers the following questions. Where in the Bible do the following three
words first appear : 1 , UAIN ; 2 , BREAD ; 3 , MILK. The second person answer
ing correctly will receive SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS in cash. The third person
sending correct answer will receive FIFTY" DOLLARS in cash. The next ten will
3ach receive an elegant COIN SILVER ( hunting ease ) WATCH. The next ten will
each receive an elegant SILK DRESS pattern ( sixteen yards in any color ) . The
next ten .will each receive a first class pair of OPERA GLASSES.
MIDDLE PRIZES. Every answer when received will be numbered and en
tered on a special book , with the name and address of the competitor. The
thirty-three correct answers which are the MIDDLE ONES received will receive
duplicate * nf prizes awarded for the first thirty-three correct answers.
LAST PHIZES. The thirty-three persons sending the thirty-three cor
rect answers which are received last will receive duplicates of the prizes that are
awarded for the first and middle thirty-three correct answers , the last correct
answer receiving the One Hundred Dollars , the next to the last the Seventy-five
Dollars , and .soon until the last thirty-three prizes for the last thirty three an
swers have huen given.
SPECIAL PRIZES. A prize consisting of an elegant Lady's or Gentle
man's Watch will be given to the person sending the first correct answer which
is the first received from their State or Province.
Answers must be accompanied by fifteen United States two-cent postage
sta'nps for one package of PEARLIFOAM , which is the latest scientific discovery
for cleansing and preserving the teeth. Our object is to introduce and attract
attention to PKARLIFOAM , which is the only preparation whose manufacturers
are willing to offer a reward of Five Hundred Dollars to any dentist , \vho can
show that il contains sinythiiiir injurious to the teeth. A mouthful of pearly
white teeth is the sun- result ol' its constant use. It is recommended by the
leaders of the d.Mital piolWi n everywhere ; ask your demist what he thinks of
it. PEARLIFOAM is > ent hnctil , post : aid and free of customs duty.
AfiLE PRIZE FOR YOUR TIlDimi.K. Address :
Recently the following Notlet appeared In tha
San Francisco Chronicle.
11 Judge S had been sick only about two
weeks , and it was not until the last three or
four days that the malady took a serious turn.
At the beginning of his illness he suffered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. later the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia. " Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs ,
don't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; don't
waste your money on worthless liniments
and-worse placers , but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kid
ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands.
Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely
vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack
age , 6 for $5.00
modern scl-
. Tence. Call orwritoenclosing $1 , state
S f = : l rand get a trial treatment and advice
rt .1 rop-jlnr specialist of many years' experience ,
C.-.P ' ( 'a. Street , MILWAUKEE , W1S.
- > Bfett. Afar.'Lou.
The accompanying statement Weight S3tUl.iISSIb.7SJU
of my vieiKht and 'measureBmt. . _ in. 33 in. loin ,
ments will show the results of wiiu in. si in. n to.
five months'treatment. Hip. . . estn. win. ntu.
HtrBle * * , md with no itarrinf , inconvenience , or bad tSeeti.
Far eirtloilin addrai , with 6 cents in ttaznpi ,
Recommended as the Best. IX
IJE MAKS , Plymouth Co. , la. , May , 1839.
I suffered from temporary sleeplessness from
overwork for two yeara , for -which I used Pastor
Koonlg's Kervo Tonic , and can recommend same
as the beet medicine for similar troubles.
HICKMAN , Neb. , October , 1890.
About four years ago our now 20-year old
daughter had an epileptic fit after she had re
tired and about a year later she had another
such attack ; -we could hardly believe that she
had this terrible disease , " "Epilepsy , " bntwhen
about throe months later ahe again had a fit we
tvoro forced to believe the fact that the dreaded
umliiuy bad fastened upon her , and as we snp-
podtxf a disease "without a known remedy.
About this time vre read about Pastor Koonlg's
Korvo Tonic , and -pre concluded to try a bottle.
God be thanked , she is cured.
MB. and MTift LESOINQ.
Prtl * A Valuable Book en Nervona
4 U L L Diseases sent free to any address ,
f H T f and poor patients can also obtain
I 1 1 In Li this medicine free of chaise.
This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend
Pastor Koenig , ol Fort ayne , Ind , since 1876. and
Is now prepared undo ris direction by the
KOEN9C MED. CO. , Chicago , ! ! ! .
Sold by Druggists at 81 per Bottle. G Jv r 5 ,
e , S1.75. G Botvles ibr * . . .
"AffAKESIS" rivslnstant
relief and isjr. u'alliblo
Cure for Tiles. Vr.LBy
Druggistsorma- : . --mpleg
frce.lddress'ASAK SIS , "
Box 2416. New York City.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
' reliever.
A' long-tested pain
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , thw
Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective
No 4Dther applicaton co.mpares xvith it in efficacy.
- This "well-En6wri remedy ji'as stood the test of years , almost
generations. , - - . . . . . . - ;
melkahe-'Chest is complete without a Bottle of MpsxAHG
LINIMENT. . , . , . nU. 8 / . * If's lit.
Occasions'arise for its use almost every day.
J& Va i fi eik , arf , .
' Ii 5 raj'iSE ? 5 ig ia31 ? r " \ C & & & & % & , "
i'ltUHIDKNTllAltltlHON , IN Ilia PllOCLAMA
President Harrison , complying with the Ac
of Congress of Juno SHIi. hits Issued Ins proo
lamiitlon milking Friday. Uuiobcr l.tiiroiicru.
holiday. Tills Is tlio reeoKiitlion of the move
tnunt to put the celebration of tlio 4UOth mini
vcraury of tlio discovery of America Into tht
huiidu of' all thu people l > y KiviiiK it to tlio
Institution closest to the people mid mos
cliaracterlstloof the people the puhlioBcliool
Tlio movement undertaken \iy \ ilio Nutiuim
Educational AHuuelullon. through tin cxecu
tlvu committee , wliluli 1ms sn pri'Sentd It us
to Kiiin tlio ondoiHement ol' the prctis mid yen
oral acceptance in advunco of this proclama
tion. The pioclnmatlnii Is us lollows :
Whereas , liy a Joint resolution approved
June 29th. ISltt , It wus resolved by the donate
and House or Keprentmtmlvea or tlio United
Slates or America In Congress assembled
"That the president of the United States bo
authorized and dliected to ISHUO a proclumn
lion recommending the ncoplo -observaiice
In all their localities of "lie 4'JOtli anniversary
of the discovery of America , on October 21
169.2. by demonstration and liy suitable oxer
clued In their schools and other places or us
tii'in lily" ;
Now tlioroforo , I , llenjamin Harrison. Presl
dent of the United States of America , In pursuance
suanco ol' the aloiesaid joint resolution , do
heroliy appoint Friday , October 21 , 1892. the
four hundredth iiniiivcieary of the discover }
or America bj Columbus , as a geneial holiday
1'or the people ol the United States. On that
day let thu people so lar as possible , cease
trom toil and devote themselves to such e.xei-
cises as may best express honor to the discov
eier and their appreciation ol ° the great
achievements of the completed centuries ol
American lic. !
Columbus stood in his age us tin ; pioneer of
progress and enlightenment. The system of
tiinvcrbiil education is in our aue the most
prominent and salutary leatureof thcspirltof
enlightenment , and it is peculiarly appropri
ate that the schools bo made by the people the
center of the day's aemoii-.traiioii. Let the
national flag flout over every school house in
the country and the exercises be such as shall
impress upon our youth the patriotic duties
oT American citizenship.
lu the churches and th > ! other places of as
sembly or the people let there be expressions of
gratitude to Divine providence for the devout
faith of the discoverer and for the Divine care
aud guidance which has directed our history
and so abundantly blessed our people.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the United
States to be aflixed.
Done at the city of Washington this Jilstdny
of July , in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and ninetytwo. . and of the inde
pendence of the United States the one hun
dred and seventeenth. ILNJ. ! HAIUUSON.
IJy the President : „
JOHN W. FosTKtt. Secretary of State.
The cures which are being effected by Drs.
Starkcy & Palen , 1529 Arch St. , Philadelphia ,
Tn. . in rVmsnmntinriIntnrrh. . TMpnrnlmn.
Bronchitis , Rheumatism , , and all chronic dis
eases , hy their compound Oxygen Treatment ,
are indeed marvelous.
If you are a sufferer from any disease which
pur physician has failed to cure , write for in
formation about this treatment , and their hook
of two hundred pages , giving a history of
Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with
numerous testimonials from patients , to whom
, 'qu may refer for still further information ,
be promptly sent , without charge.
This book aside from its great merit as a
nedical work , giving , as it does , the result of
t'ears of study and experience , you will find a
very interesting one.
1529 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa.
120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , Cal.
Please mention this paper.
Fullerton is still hopeful of securing a beet
sugar factory.
They Soy it Contains no Poison.
The celebrated chemists , whose opinions
are above the price of gold , tell what they
SAN FRANCISCO. June 29 , 1889.
DEAR SIRS : We have made an exhaustive
chemical analysis of "Wisdom's Robertine , "
obtained by us in the open market , and find
t to be free from all poisonous or deleterious
ngredients , constituting a harmless prepara-
: ion for the face. Yours truly.
THOMAS PRICE & SON , Analytical Chemists.
To Messrs. W. M. Wisdom & Co. 16-413.
Lqbasco , a Beatrice horse , holds the world's
stallion record 2:10 #
Wisdom's Violet Cream
Is the most exquisite preparation in the
world for softening and whitening the hands
and face. It is not only a substitute for , but
n every respect superior to glycerine , cold
cream , vaseline , and like preparations. Try it.
Flour is $60 a barrel in Caracas , Venezuela.
And still they are not happy.
To Ladies Troubled With
Painful or suppressed menstruation , Oregon
Kidney Tea , it taken a few days before the
expected period , relieves all pain. It contains
no mineral poisons.
Children Cry Tor Pitcners Castoria.
When Baby vras sick , tve gave her Castoria.
When she iras a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria.
Worth its Weight in Diamonds.
C. A. Willis , editor , "The Horseman , " Chi-
: ago , writes : "If my experience is to decide
he value , Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil , the
'Pile Ointment , is worth its weight in dia
monds. "
3 8. W. Cor. lltfi and Broadway ,
For the treatment of all Chronic and
Surgical DlBcascs and DUeius of the
Kje and Ear. The object of thU SanlU-
rlnst li to fcrnbh board , rooms and
medical attention lotaoie antTering with
Deforznltlea , DUeaaei of W mea , DIs-
le Urinary and S xnal Organs , Dbeaaet of the Kerroni
Ijstem. Lung and Throat Dliucei , Piles , Cancers , Tnmon , Ets. ,
: tc. Snrgleal Operations performed with iklll. Booki free to
ra and Women. For further InfcrmatloaealloaoraddreM
DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo.
Freight P id.
te wamMf &asss's ;
j FARlft ; R Hj I rj
? B.r nTT . l jd
V tlMMtMtV.T.
> _ < ti.i ; f ii > * 'urj > * *
Directoira Styles.-
Directoirc styles are re-appearing , and the
extremely wide rcvcrs that characterize these
fashions are seen on both liouse and street
costumes ; they add distinction to the jaunty
top-coat , the trim jacket , and the tailor-made
basque , and impart the desired chic to n simple
liousc-Jress or an elaborate Joilet. On house-
dresses , velvet of a contrasting color is prefer
red for tins purpose , and the cuffs , and fre
quently the entire sleeves , are of velvet.
Clack , emerald green , and old red velvet are
most frequently chosen. From "Review of
Fashions , in Demorest's Family Magazine for
The fureur for pink has by no means abat
ed. Whether for dress , or for house or table
decorations , couleur de rose reigns supreme.
A most charming effect was produced at a re
cent anniversary luncheon by the use of great
double , rose-tinted hollyhocks in a silver bowl
in the center of the table , and smaller bowls ,
filled with the same floweis , placed at intervals
between the places for guests. The lunchci-n
was served on the lawn , under a marquee cov
ered on the inside with garlands of greenery
interspersed with hollyhocks. The daughter
of the house , a perfect blonde with the face of
a cherub , was dressed in palest pink , from her
jaunty , broad-brimmed hat of pink mull with
its wreath of hollyhocks , to the tips of her
dainty Suede slippers. From Demorest's
Family Magazine for October.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
as to need no special mention. All who have
used Electric Hitters sing the same song o
praise. A purer medicine docs not exist anc
it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the
Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples
Boiles , Salt Rheum and other affections causei
by impure blood. Will drive Malaria fron
the system and prevent as well as cure al
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache , Con
stipation and and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or
money refunded. Price 50 cents and $ i per
bottle at A. Mc.Millen's drugstore.
It takes nearly live years to tan an elephant's
Oh , What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning. The signa
perhaps of the s > ure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can afford for the sake of fifty cents , to
rim the risk and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never fails. This explains
why more than a million bottles were sold the
past year. It relives croup and whopping
Cougli at once. Mothers do not be without it. For
lame back , side or chest use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Sold by A. McMillen.
There are 400 head of bison at the Yellow
stone park in Wyoming.
A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman , a young man , of Bur
lington , Ohio , states that he has been under
the care of two prominent physicians , and
used their treatment until he was not able to
get around. They pronounced this case con
sumption and incurable. He was persuaded
to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption , Coughs and Colds and at that time
was not able to walk across the street without
resting. He found before he had used half
of a dollar bottle , that he was much better ; he
continued to use it and today is enjoying
good health. If you have any Throat , Lung
ar Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satis
faction. Trial bottle free at A. McMillea's
French florists are cultivating a plant which
bears a. flower that is white in the morning ,
red at noon and blue at night.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of 73 cents
to freeyourself | of eveiy symptom of these dis-
: ressing complaints , if you think so call at our
store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalize/ ,
every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it ,
use accordingly and if it does you no good it
will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen.
The pension agency in Topeka is the largest
in the country. It pays out annually $15,000-
ooo to the veterans of Kansas , Missouri and
Read This Slowly.
Lives there a man with soul so dead ,
Who never to himself hath said ,
I'll take St. Patrick's Pills before I go to bed ?
When a mild cathartic is desired , one that
will cleanse the whole system and regulate
the liver and bowels you can not do better
: han take St. Patrick's Pills just before going
to bed. They do not nauseate nor gjipe , and
leave the system in splendid condition. For
sale by George M. Chenery.
S3F"We have received The Acme Songs
Republican Manual of 1892 , with 167 rounds
of first-class ammuntion So articles of facts ,
statistics and principles , 75 songs and 12 illus
trations. It is from the Acme Publishing Bu
reau , Syracuse , N. Y. , and is intensely loyal
and the only book written principally by vet-
: rans of the Union army. Its 64 pages ( cover
resides ) are crowded full of education and in
spiring cheer for Republicanism and prosper-
ty. It is more a book for those who are not
singers and is the best memento { to preserve )
of tun , facts and spirit of this active Autumn.
[ t will have a great influence it is to be hop-
id equal to the prophecy of a prominent paper
n the North West : "It is so completely con
vincing that , if only laid on the door-step of a
Democrat or Alliance man , it ought to lead
lim to vote the Republican ticket. " Price of
he book ( mailed ) , ten cents ; eleven for $ r.
The original picture of Cleveland as a John
3ull Phonograph is worth the cost of the book.
Order through your Clubs or from ( only ad
dress necessary )
COL. REDINGTON , Syracuse , N. Y.
Mr. Van Pelt , editor of the Craig , Mo. ,
Meteor , went to a drugstore at Hillside , Iowa ,
and asked the physician in attendance to
give him a dose of something for cholera
morbus and looseness of the bowels. He
says : "I felt so much better the next morning
that T concluded to call on the physician and
[ el him to fix me up a supply or the medicine.
. was surprised , when he handed me a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. He says he prescribes it
egularly in his practice and finds it the best
ic can get or prepare. I can testify to its effi
ciency in my case at all events. " For sale by
Geo. M. Chenery.
Seward's cob pipe factory is running on
ull time , and turning out an excellent pipe.
A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers ,
ell from the roof of a house in East Des
Joines , Iowa , and sustained a painful and
erious sprain of the wrist , which he cured
vith one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm ,
ie says it is worth $5 a bottle. It cost him
50 cents. For sale by Geo. M. Chenery.
The prettiest baby at the Cuming county
air is to have a $50 sewing machine.
We have a speedy and positive cure for
catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and head
ache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal
njector free with each bottle. Use it if you
lesire health and sweet breath. Price SOG.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Benkelman is asked to donate $2,000.00 to
ecure a flouring mill.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts , sores ,
iruises , ulcers , saltrheum , fever sores , tetter ,
: Happed hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
priiptibns7 , an'd positively cures piles , or no pay
equired. ; Jt is'guaranteed'to give1 perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2c. a
" ''AfMcMiUetuMay23iyr. .
't'ft- ' , ' ! r ru'j fj/j'
rhralclnn.t filvo Very Little Hope of Her
Loox LAKE HOUSE , X. Y. , Sept. l.V
Drs. P. E. Gardner of Washington , P.
E. Doughoy of Now York and E. T.
Trudeau of Saranac , had a consulta
tion at the president's cottage this
morning in regard to the case of Mrs.
Harrison aud at its close issued
the following statement of her condi
tion : ' 'Primary disease , pulmon
ary tuberculosis of right side
associated with nervous prostration.
Recent complication , sub-acuto pleu
risy with rapid effusion of water in the
right chest necessitating two tappings ,
with some relief. Present condition ,
critical on account of tendency to re
production of fluid. Removal to Wash
ington at present impossible. Prog"-
nostication as to immediate future un
certain. "
The president is spending his entire
time at the bedside of his wife , trying
to cheer her up and give her courage.
His future movements will depend on
the state 01 her neaitn ana ne may
have to abandon the Grand Army re
union plans.
The president's family take no en
couragement from the bulletins and
such of them as showe 1 themselves
this morning made no effort to conceal
their great alarm at the situation.
The physicians advise them to hope
for the best , but offer no real encour
agement. They admit that they are
uncertain as to the result and have , so
it is said , quietly intimated to the pres
ident the strong probability of a fatal
One of Mrs. Harrison's physicians
has authorized the following state
ment of her case as an explanation of
the bulletin issued this morning : She
was first taken with a severe attack of
the grip in Washington in the
winter ' of 1SOO , followed and
aggravated by severe bronchial
and pulmonary troubles lasting
some time. While at Cape May in the
summer of 1801 she again took a heavy
cold and the bronchial troubles re
appeared. It was some weeks before
this attack yielded to treatment. Last
winter she had a second attack of the
grip , which this time , was followed
by catarrhal pneumonia , lasting
seven or eight days. After
that she was troubled by a
severe cough , followed in March last
with a slight hemorrhage of the right
lung , followed by consolidation of the
right apex. This consolidation has
gradually increased up to the present
time , accompanied throughout with
nervous prostration. The conditions
stated in the bulletin then ensued , re
sulting in the development of ef
France's grape crop promises to be
only fair.
The National Coffin Manufacturers'
association is in session at Chicago.
The old-time telegraphers are hold
ing their annual convention at Omaha.
l our soldiers died from sunstroke
in Southern France during military
An old Spanish silver mine has been
explored near Brackett , Tex. , and the
find is creating excitement.
The grand jury at Madison , Ind.has
returned 1,700 indictments for selling
liquor , and is still at work.
George Sherwood , a locomotive en
gineer on the Gulf road , fell dead in
the round house at Fort Scott , Kan.
Mrs. David Kelsay of Virgil City ,
Mo. , was run down and killed by a
passenger train at Nassua Junction.
Inspection of cattle and hogs killed
for export will be begun by the Agri
cultural bureau at East SL Louis Oc
tober 1.
Fire in Tekoa , Wash. , destroyed
nine blocks in the business portion of
the town. The total loss is estimated
at $10,000. . ,
Jesse Ganger , a wealthy bachelor
farmer of Goshen , Ind. , soon to be
married , committed suicide by taking
"William Wilmuth , a noted horse
thief , who escaped from the Arkansas
penitentiary , has been caught in the
Dhickasaw nation.
The Union Transfer and Storage
company's building at Indianapolis
was destroyed bv fire. Loss 5200,000 ;
The Scarritt Bible and Training
school of Kansas City was yesterday
formally dedicated to the uses of
Christian education.
Fourteen members of the Pana , I1L ,
fire department resigned , as they were
opposed to the further use of the en
gine house as a morgue.
The Rev. William Grissom , a oromi-
nent Babtist minister , died at Nevada ,
\Io. \ , from the effect of eating fifty
castor beans for stomach trouble.
Joe , alias "Red" Devlin , instantly
his half-brother , John Sullivan ,
jy stabbing Jjim in the abdomen at
the lodging - ' ot by their mother
in St. LouV
The natuivention of Bi-
Aloride of gold"t . Is. in session at
Dwight , 111. , with I'OO delegates pres-
nt. Dr. Leslie E. Keeley delivered
; he principal address.
George Forrest , a nephew of the
confederate general , Forrest , shot and
jerhaps fatally wounded R. L. Duke
rad wounded John Taylor in the store
of Rootes , Taylor & Co. , at Memphis ,
Fong Hey , Ben Yoe , Al Gun and Lee
Yung , Chinese laundrymen of St.
Jouis have been arrested , charged
with being the St. Louis agents of one
of the boldest gangs of smugglers of
opium in the country.
In the Quetz river , state of Wash-
ngton , a Mr. Harris , his wife and two
children were in a canoe which struck
a boulder rand capsized. The husband
was thrown oh the bank insensible
while the wife and children were
W. C. Reynold and Miss Sadie 0.
Jenkinn , prominent society people of
jincoli ; , Neb. , were married at Ne-
iraska City and returned to the hotel.
( n a short time the minister hastened
; o them , pointed put an error in the
icense and remarried them.
The United [ States circuit court has
entered i decree of foreclosure on the
nortgage held by the Fidelity Trust
md..Safetyy : tilt company against the
Mobilei ( AlaBtreet railway system ,
the property io Be sold" after four
weeks' advertisement to satisfy claims
' r' " ' " '
of S535.73S. >
Tlio Citizen * of Lnrned .tluko Two Attack ?
on tlio Jiiil , Porsundo tlio Sheriff to
Ketlrc. and 1'roceed to Administer
Justice Tlio Wretch Given
Time to 1'ray and JMuko a
Kan. , Sept 14. Hugh
Henry , the negro fiend who made a
dcspcrato but unsuccessful attempt to
outrage Miss Mabel Welsh yesterday
morning , was capiurcu UL nuuu yester
day twelve miles west of here , brought
back and hanged to a telegraph pole
late last night , on the second attempt
of the mob to capture him and deal
summarily with him.
Monday night the negro who had
been gambling and drinking in Lon
Epper's dive , left there penniless and
started out to seek a place to sleep.
According to his own illy-constructed
story , the window opening into the
room of Miss Welsh was opened and
he climbed in. This was about
3:30 : o'clock yesterday morning
when the streets were wholly
deserted. Then began a battle for
life and honor by the young woman.
The iiend held a knife in his teeth and
she made a desperate effort to get it
in her possession. In the attempt her
hands were cut frightfully and she
was soon compelled to give up the
unequal contest With the knife in
one hand and the other at her throat ,
the wretch declared if she made an
outcry he would kill her. Still she
fought silently and successfully.
Klin Down Attcr : i Long Clmsu.
At the first appearance of dawn , the
wretch made his egress through the
window and started west along the
line of the Jetmore branch.
As soon as the affair became known ,
a posse of determined men started in
pursuit. E. E. Friz/ell struck the
right trail from the start and before
he had gone far , was joined by D. W.
Hills while Jack Shuls followed in a
cart. The fugitive's tracks along the
railroad were clearly discernable and
when they left the railroad Frizzell
turned to follow the source
of the Pawnee. About noon , near
the old Lawrence bridge , twelve miles
west of Larned , the wretch was found
asleep. He was awakened by his pur
suers and upon being confronted with
his crime and the evidence , confessed
his guilt He was brought back to
uie custouy 01
Sheriff Thorp who placed him in jail.
During the day numerous ugly
threats were made , but when Brock
arrived in town there were few per
sons on the streets and he was impris
oned without molestation. Immedi
ately after supper , however , knots of
excited men talked in subdued tones
and ugly rumors were set alloat
A Determined Mob.
At 9 o'clock over 200 men and boys
started for the jail to a cry of "get a
rope. " The crowd swelled in number
until nearly 500 people lined the street
in front of the court house.
Sheriff Thorp was down town and a
few minutes after the mob left for the
jail the sheriff went to the jail and
reconnoitered the premises and the
mob. After a few words of admoni
tion from the sheriff the mob dis
As the electric light whistle gave
the hour of 12 , recruits went into the
electric power house block in squads
of twelve and fifteen and at 12:15 ,
fifty determined men , under good
leadership advanced. The attack on
the jail was begun at 12:30 and at 1:10
a. m. the leaders of the mob were in
the brute's cell and had adjusted the
rope about his neck.
Then began a series of bloodcurdling
ling yells from the negro and severe
abmonitions to keep quiet from the
men who were leading him to the
court yard.
Given Time to I'ray and Talk.
The mineral lake was reached and ,
placing the wretch on a stepping
block , the mob gave him a chance to
make his peace with God. He asked
if there was a Christian in the crowd
and in response , a white man and a
colored man pressed forward and * at
tiis request , knelt and offered prayer
to God. It seemed anything to gain
time with Brock and he essayed to
remain longer upon his knees.
Throughout the season of prayer the
tiundreds of men remained quiet , and
when the fiend rose from his knees to
the block there was a universal cry of
"Let him speak. " He did speak , but
in a rambling way. Finally , when he
saw there was no hope , he acknowl
edged his guilt.
The wretch was then marched be
yond the mineral lake to the railroad
aridge , three-quarters of a mile west
of the Santa Fe depot , the rope thrown
over the crosspiece of a telegraph pole
and at 1:45 the body was swung into
In a few minutes the crowd had dis
persed and the only evidence of the
: rime this morning was the dead body
of the negro , the bruised , lacerated ,
lysterical young woman , a battered
[ ail door and the feeling that this was
an outraged community.
Mabel Welsh is from Denver , Col. ,
aut with her brother has been en-
jaged in the second hand furniture
business. She is 2 ? years old and of
good reputation. The only thing that
: an be said against her is that
her brother operated a joint ,
was imprisoned for the offense , broke
[ ail and is now in hiding from the dffi-
cers. Her character is irreproachable
and she has the respect of the people
of the community with whom she has
lad dealings. The jury impaneled by
Coroner Ingles rendered the following
verdict :
Coroner's Verdict.
Hugh Henry came to his death at the end
of a rope In ttie hands of parties to us un-
L B.
ROTP , Jury.