The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1892, Image 6

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UanilltH Evans .and Soutaff Will Now Ho
Killed on Sight The United States
Marshal Among the Dead The
Whole Country In the Neighbor
hood of the Conflict Aroused
by the Tragedy.
FHKSNO , CaL , Sept. 15.A pursuing
posse encountered Evans and Sontag ,
the train robbers , at Sampson flats
yesterday and an exchange of shots
took place. The robbers made a des
perate defense and killed four men
and mortally wounded three others.
They made their escape. Those killed
arc United States Marshal Mc-
Ginnis. Dick Olsom , a man
named Wilson and one whose name
has not yet been learned. George
Witly , who was wounded before , was
again hhot. and the horse ridden by
Constable Warren Hill was shot from
under him The news causes great
excitement and additional officers are
going in pursuit
The whole country in the neighbor
hood of the encounter is aroused and
it is said no further attempt to take
the train robbers alive will be made.
They will be shot on sight if dis
Assignments of Kansas and Missouri Vet
erans at Washington.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. The follow
ing is the revised assignment of quar
ters for Kansas and Missouri G. A. R.
posts during the reunion :
Kansas McCaslin post of Paola , 100
men ; New Albany -post , In men ; J. G.
Blunt post of Linn , 10 men ; Hiawatha
post. 25 men ; W. H. Gibson post of
Leeds , 5 men , Greenleaf , 12 men. All
of the above posts are assigned free
quarters in the Washington monument
lot at what will be known as Camp
The Missouri assignment is as fol
lows : Frank P. Blair post of St. Louis ,
500 men , are to be quartered in the
Franklin school building ; Colonel Uas-
sendeuble post , 200 men , to be quartered
at Forest hall ; Ranson pest of St.
Louis , 150 men , to be quartered at St.
.John's college ; Harr'sohville post , 20
men at Camp Algcv ; Harry P. Harding
5' * post of St. Louis , 30 men , Lates school ;
? v Stanton post of Carthage , 50 men ,
Thompson school ; Colonel Ja * ob Smith
post of Trenton , 35 men. Wormley
school ; M les Carroll post of Ibena , 20
men , \i'i6rmley school ; Colonel Shaw
f SL Louis , 40 men , Logan school.
The Normannla's Passengers Wild With
Joy to Bo on Shore Again.
NEW YOKK , Sept 14. At 8:10 o'clock
last evening the last of the quaran
tined passengers of the steamship
Normannia were landed from the ex
cursion steamer Cepheus on Fire
island , the baymen having retreated
when the Sixty-ninth New York
muitia and the naval reserves ap
peared on the scene. The trouble is
thought to be over.
Great bustle followed the arrival of
the passengers at the hotel. Con
sidering the fact that 500 guests
arrived within five minutes , it was
natural that some confusion should
result. Everyone was good natured ,
however , and waited patiently until
assigned to their quarters. Such
progress was made by the. temporary
hotel clerks that inside of two hours
' all were comfortably located. No dis
tinction was made in the disposition
of rooms. It was all a lottery , but
there was no grumbling ; everyone was
too happy. Gray haired men jumped
about in the sand like boys. The second
end cabin passengers were put in the
west end and the first cabin the east
Crops In Missouri.
COLUMBIA , Mo. , Sept. ir > . The
weather crop bulletin of the Missouri
weather service for the week ending
September 10 says : Sunshiny days
and cool nights with heavy dews
characterized the week until the 10th ,
when one of the most general and
beneficial rains of the season began ,
continuing through Saturday and
This rain has advanced late corn be
yond all danger from drought condi
tions , but an early frost of sufficient
intensity to damage the lowland crop
is greatly feared , as many farmers
place October 10 as the earliest date of
assured safety. The early plant has
matured finely and cu tting has already
commenced in many of the southern
Irish potatoes are very poor. Sweet
potatoes are very poor. Tobacco , cot
ton and sorghum are in fair condition.
Fruit prospects continue to decline ,
and a very small yield is expected.
The acreage of clover seed is below
that of last year.
Burglars Working1 Emporln.
EMPOIUA , Kan. , Sept 15. Burglars
last night visited the residence of
Hon. Frank Flenniken , formerly pri
vate secretary of Senator Plumb , and
among other thing succeeded in cap
turing the gentleman's trousers.
Burglars also entered the store of J.
W. Weyler and rifled the money
drawers. Several other burglaries
have occurred within the past few
days and it is thought that a gang of
professionals are working the city ,
although no arrests have as yet been
made. _
An Editor Arrested for Iilbel. ,
LA.WBENCE , Kan. , Sept 15. Ed Mar-
tindale , editor of theXawrence Record ,
was arrested last evening afc the
instance of County Commissioner H.
B. Asher on the charge of. criminal
libel. Martindale was released on
bail * 1 :
Still Married.
SAIT FBAKCISCO , Sept. 13. Arthu *
McKee Rankin , , the , actor , was ysester-
day denied a dirorce 2rom T" * wlff.
wnom he sued onvthe ground of dese >
Shot at Greelejr Center.
GHEELBY CENTEU. Neb. , Sept 13.
T. A. Gardiner shot and killed llich-
ird Hulcora Sunday" night bet\eon 9
tnd 10 o'clock. Gardiner and Hal-
Join are farm hands employed by
iVidow Nason , who resides eight miles
lorth.of . here. The story as told by
Snrdiner , the man who did the klll-
.ng , is as follows : Halcom came home
last night between 9 and 10 intoxicat
ed , und drove him and Mrs. Nason
) ut of the house with a gun , firing at
! hem as they went out. After driv-
.ng them out he broke every article of
jousehold furniture in the house to
3ie.e3. Gardiner entered the houeo
igain and w : s fired at by Halcom four
Junes without effect. Then Gardiner
ihot him in the neck , the ball coming
) ut through the top of his head.
The first intelligence of the news
which reached here was brought by
Sardiner , who came in and gave him-
lelf up to the sheriff and told the story
claiming it was done in self defense.
County Attorney Griffith and Core ner
Finn Uavo gene to the scene of the
Nebraska Manufacturers.
OMAHA , Sept. 18. The annual meet-
.ng of the Manufacturers and Con
sumers association of l\jbraska , for
the purpose of electing directors , was
held in this city yesterday afternoon.
The attendance , though not large ,
tvas fair , considering1 that the meeting
tvas held during business hours when
the majority of the members were oc
cupied with their individual affairs.
The following were elected members
of the association : Seward Cob Pipe
company , Seward , Neb. ; fiazelmoos
& Hazelet Chicory company , O'Neill ,
Neb. The election of directors re
sulted as follows : M. C. Peters , R. F.
Hodjin , Daniel Farrell , jr. , Samuel
Rees. Adolph Meyer , J. T. Robinson ,
M. G. Kibbe and W. A. Koinser.
Nearly Finished the Job.
OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 13. George
Post , who killed Laura Day and tried
to kill himself , almost completed his
job in jail today. By distending his
lungs he to o open the wound which
was nearly healed , and was rapidly
bleeding to death when discovered.
He was cared for and so bandaged
thpt he cannot repeat his attemp't.
Con Enright , aged thirteen , stabbed
Ed Maloney , aged eleven , in the .hip
as the result of a boyish quarrel this
evening. The knife sevped an artery
and young Maloney almost bled to
death before assistance could be ren
Their Opening Debnte.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 13. The Lan
sing theatre was never so crowded as
lafet night to hear the joint debate be
tween Judge Allen W. Field and Hon.
W. J. Bryan , republican and demo
cratic candidates for congressional
honors. It was an inspiring1 audience
and both men acquitted themselves
creditably and set their respective ad
mirers into ecstacies of applause. The
audience were pretty evenly divided
in their applause. Of course , the
friends of both speakers claim a vic
tory for their favorite.
Fatally Injured an Old Man.
INA.VALK JN6D. Oept. .13. JXOV.
. , . . . . . .
Herrington and wife , an elderly cou
ple from Stromsburg1 , traveling to
Wilsonville by carriage , were run into
near here yesterday by an intoxicated
man. The rig was overturned and al
most completed demolished and. the
old gentleman was probably fatally
injured. He was brought to town and
placed under the best of care and is
improving , but the physicians do not
give much , if any , hope. Considera
ble feeling1 is expressed against the
perpetrator by the people here.
Believed to be Cholera.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Sept. 13 A
special to the Tribune fromNorthfield ,
Minn. , says F. L. Delancy of this state
has been taken seriously ill with what
is considered Asiatic cholera. He was
at the state fair in charge of horses
from France that arrived in New York
just previous to the quarantine procla
mation. It is thought the infection
was caused by baggage which came
over with the horses. His physicians
refuse to talk.
A Largo Acreage.
GIBBON , Neb. , Sept. 13. There
will be a large acreage of winter wheat
sowed in this ( Buffalo ) county. The
fall wheat just harvested is much su
perior to the spring wheat , both in
quality and quantity. The corn croj
will not be so good as the indications
showed earlier in the year , yet the
yield will be above the average.
uy a , JLTUIU.
GOTHENBURG , Neb. , Sept. 13. Pas
senger train No. 5 struck a runawaj
dray team belonging1 to S. A. Tollman
today and demolished the wagon
throwing part on the depot platform ,
spraining the leg of one horse and
crippling the other so thai it had to hi
The Holiness Meeting.
LYONS , Neb. , Sept. 13. The holi
ness meeting being held under the
auspices of the Methodist people east
of town is attracting quite an interest
Rev. Mr. Walker of Chicago is with
them and his sermons have awakonec
great interest in religious circles.
Took Rat Poison.
CHAPPELL , Neb. , Sept. 18. Littli
Paul Ewing , aged 2 years , died here
last evening from the effects of ra
poison. He was the youngest son o
George P. Ewing.
Cut Hla Throat.
RiBiNoCirr , Neb. , * Sept. IS.-T-Th
coroner yesterday held' an inoues
over , > th it o 5rl of D. BowmjagA j
firmer residing five miles from " 'here
who yesterdaycut his throat with <
i " ' - .
KJ - > t * * aw
razor.1 Bowman VB insanp
One Death Occurred Eight Day * Ago- '
Zho Health Department Unable tr
Account for Its Presence
crn States Take Action at Chi
cagu to Keep the 1'laguo
From Coining "West.
Yonic , Sept. 14. The 4read
scourge has evaded the barriers set up
by the scientists of America and has
already claimed five victims in this
Such was the substance of the report
issued to-day by President Wilson and
Dr. Cyrus Eclson of the board of health
on the authority of Dr. Biggs , the em
inent bacter'ulogist , who has been at
on i/uu cases ever since iney wcro
firit reported.
The names of those who died from
cholera are :
Charles JIcAvoy who died Septem
ber 6 , age not known.
Mrs. Sophia Wigmau , died Septem
ber 10 at 708 Eleventh avenue.
William Wigman , husband of Sophia
Wigman , who died at the same address
on the following day.
Minnie Levinger , a child , who died
September 11 at 411 East Forty-sixth
Charlotta IJrell , 30 years old , who
died at 11 o'clock , September 13 , yes
terday morning , at 1704 Sr end avenue.
Cholera Beyond All Doubt.
All these cases were originally re
ported to the health officers as sus
pected cholera and had been under the
investigation of the physicians con
nected with the department. Prof.
Hermann Biggs , who is in
charge of the division of
pathology and bacteriology of the
health department , at once began mak
ing bacteriological examinations. He
reported to the health department this
afternoon tlie result of his examina
tions and pronounced unhesitatingly
that the cases were Asiatic cholera
beyond any doubt.
Stern Precaution * Taken.
The physi ' ins of the health depart
ment have been unable to find out how
the cholera was contracted in each of
these cases. So far as they have been
able to learn none of the dead persons
came in contact with the cholera
Every precaution has been taken to
prevent the spread of cholera in these
different houses. The bedding of
each of the patients has been burned
and the places have been placed under
The health department issued the
following bulletin to-day :
NEW YORK , Sept. 14 , 2 p. m. Appended
to this bulletin are the reports of the bac-
terioloHist who has made examinations of
all of suspected cholera in this city.
The cases referred to in their report have
been treated with the same precautionary
measures as would have characterized the
action of the board if they had been imme
diately and positively recognized. Thus far
no secondary cases have occurred on the
premises occupied by the cases nor have
any cases ivrisen from them. The board
All * . ) uuubi ( kULULuauiiru vim uuujr Ul. Ci
woman who died with symptoms of cholera
on September 13. All suspected or re
ported cases of cholera since September I
have been carefully investigated and kept
under observation. No suspected cases
have been reported to the board since 7:30
a. m. , Tuesday , September 13.
By order of the board or health.
CHABLES G. WILSON , President.
Last night was by far the worst
storm that the cholera fleet at anchor
at quarantine has encountered , and it
was a mercy that the cabin passengers
of the Normannia were allowed to
land on Fire island.
All during the night the southeast
gale raged , and at the hospital sheds
on Swinburne and Hoffman islands ,
the sick and dying spent wretched
hours , while even the nurses were un
To-day Dr. Jenkins announced that
he would almost certainly release
the Normannia's cabin passengers to
morrow. As regarded the cabin pas
sengers of the Bugia , he would , if
nothing developed , transfer them to
the New Hamphshire and from thence
land them on Fire island as soon , as
accommodations could be arranged.
In a communication dated September
1J , the cabin passengers of the chol
era stricken steamer Scandia addressed
to the Hamburg-American Packet
company the following :
We feel well , bodily and mentally , ever
since the beginning ol the voyage , so well ,
in fact , as if we had not pone through a
voyage of fourteen days of almost constant
ly bad weather , and this favorable frame of
mind has only been injured by reports
abounding with lies. We were not even
aware of the disease baing on board before
we arrived in this port , consequently there
could not have been a panic among us as
published. We therefore feel obliged to
emphatically object to the falsa reports.
We authorize * ind even req 2st the Ham
burg-Air * ncan Packet company to publish
Scientists From Various States Hold a
Conference Concerning : Quarantine.
CHICAGO , Sept. 15. The Illinois state
board of health held and executive
session at the Grand Pacific hotel to
day with C. N. Hewett , secretary of
the Minnesota state board of
health , Dr. Solon Marks , president
of the Wisconsin state board ; Dr. J. F.
Kennedy , Iowa state board of health ;
Henry B. Baker , president of the Mich
igan state board of health ; C. O. Probst ,
secretary of the Ohio state board ; Dr.
C. N. Metcalf , Indiana state board of
health , and J. N. McCormack of the
Kentucky state board of health.
Dr. W. A. Haskell of the Illinois
board , who presided , said that his idea
was that the state represented should
combine and , if necessary , establish
quarantine at the borders of the
territory included in the com
bination. This , , Toull | do away
with the . necessary of es
tablishing quarantine stations at
each state line and the concentrated
effort would resnlHn-more thorough
quarantiH * . , The. question . , _ has been
* . ,
- f AV Ji V&tf * * - ' * ( Urf. * lj * * - 1
raised of cpmpi Iung the railroads to
bear the' expense of , establishing quar
antine stations.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , . Burns ,
. .
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Homeseekers' excursions ,
1892 , on August30 and Septem
ber 17th , a rate of one lowest
first class fair will be made from
eastern points to points on our
line for two homeseekers' ex
cursions. These tickets will
be sold at all the principal rail
way points as far east as
Buffalo and Pittsburg. Tick
ets will be good within twenty
days from the date of sale and
stop overs will be allowed after
passing the Missouri river. It
is expected that there will be
quite a large immigration of
intending settlers to Nebras
ka , northwestern Kansas and
eastern Colorado , during this
summer and fall. This immi
gration can be very largely in
creased by judicious advertis
ing and work by the various
communities tributary to our
line. It is therefor suggested
that sections proposing to pre
pare such advertising matter
for distribution in the east in
regard to the inducements
they have to offer the farmer ,
the business man and investor ,
should begin to get their ad
vertising in shape at as an
early a date as possible. In
case their plans contemplate
a , gooa advertising
man to distribute their matter
and attend to their advertising
generally , this departmentmay
be able to give valuable point
ers as to the best method of
doing the work.
I think it is desirable that
editors of the papers along
our line should begin agitating
the matter in order that the
people may be prompted to do
more or less individual work
with their friends in the east
in the way of sending by mail
such matter as the different
counties or districts may pre
pare in pamphlet form or in
the shape of extra editions of
their home newspapers giving
full information as to the re
sources and advantages , and
directing attention to the very
low rates that will be made to
enable them to come and see
for themselves that the repre
sentations are not really up to
the reality.
The company has recently
issued a pampniet in regard
to the agricultural resources
of Nebraska , which will be
furnished free to those who
may desire to mail it to their
friends in the east. This
pamphlet treats of Nebraska ,
northwestern Kansas and
eastern Colorado. I wish you
would present this matter to
editors at your place and also
to other parties who may be
interested in settling up va
cant farm lands of this state.
J. FRANCIS , Gr. P. and T. A. ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Sufferers from dyspepsia have only them
selves to blame if they fail to test the wonder
ful curative qualities of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
In purifying the blood , this medicine strength
ens every onjan of the body , and even the
most abused stomach is soon restored to
healthy action.
If afflicted with scalp ] diseases , hair falling
out , and premature baldness , do not use grease
or alcoholic preparations , but apply E-T11'r
Hair Renewer.
Union Press ? ills and
One Horse Hoe Drills ,
Absolutely Rust Proof Tinware
Their prices on all goods are as low as tlie
lowest possible.
, , .
West Deimisou Street IlIcCOOK NEBKASKA.
WU. JT. WARRRRE. Manager.
Meat Market. !
) „
iU.I .
TURKEYS , &C. , iC.
I' .
F. S. &
. . WILOOX&O.Props.
i ;
Notary Public. Jusfice of the Peace.
Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property.
Collections a Specialty.
Fruit , Forest and Shade Trees
all kinds of small fruits. I will guarantee to Store.'I
30c. on every dollar's worth you buy , from agents' prices. Call and
see me before buying elsewhere.
* *
At The Racket Store.