The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1892, Image 4

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    By F. M. K1MMELL.
For President ,
BENJAMIN IIAKUISON , of Inillitiiii.
For Vice President ,
WlilTELAW KEID , of New Ywls.
For Governor.
LOKENZO CllOUNSE , < f WiiMiiimlon.
For Lieutenant Governor ,
J. G. TATE , of Admit * .
For Sucrctnry of State ,
JOHN C. ALLEN , of Jlwt Willow.
For Auditor ,
EUGENE MOOKE , of Madison.
ForTiensurer ,
J. S. HARTLEY , of Holt.
For Attorney General ,
For Com. of Public Lands and Hiiildinjrs ,
A. U. HUMPHREY , < > f Ouster.
For Superintendent of Public liistiuction ,
A. K. GOUDY , of Writer.
For Congress ,
WAI. E. ANDREWS , of Hnsliims.
For Senator , 29th District ,
JOHN C. GAMMILl. , of Fiontirr county.
For Jtepresentative ,
E. M. WOODS , of Danbury.
For County Attorney ,
W. R. STARR , of liiilliniolii.
For Coimnisbioner , 3d District ,
STEPHEN UOLLES. .t liux Elder.
Said McKeighan in his acceptance
speech at Holdrege : "Imean no dis
respect to the defenseless dead when
I tell you that I am no democrat. "
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster Says :
The republican party is the par
ty of action ; its breath is progress ;
its speech is the language of the
world ; its dialect the rhetoric of
the home and the farm and the
shop ; its shibboleths might be
written on the white walls of any
church. It holds within its ranks
the armies of all reforms. It stud
ies political conditions , weighs
popular sentiment , and seizes the
earliest hour to crystallize that sen
timent into wise legislation.
Its heroic constituencies are the
thinking , moving , vital elements of
American life.
Is it any wonder that women
support such a party ?
THE Navy department at Wash
ington has received advices from
Lieutenant Peary that the "stars
and stripes" have been planted
farther north on the eastern coast
of Greenland than any standard of
civilization has ever before reached.
The glacial conquests of the HAR
RISON administration will always
illuminate a bright page in Ameri
can history.
THE Mugwump organs have an
unpleasant job on hand in attempt
ing to refute the showing made by
Commissioner of Labor Peck in
his report on'the effect of the
tariff on labor and wages" in the
State of New York. The general
conclusion arrived at by the Mug
wump is , that since it has been
shown by investigation that wages
.fhavo increased , that production
3ias encreased and that strikes have
lessened in New York since the
JMcKinley law was passed , the tariff
Jias had nothing to do with it. That
-is a beautiful , symmetrical and
- complete Mugwump argument and
.leaves nothing more to be said. It
is considered fair that the readers
of this-paper should have the bene
fit of the argument in order the
" better to judge the kind of people
ihat make it.
THERE is not a thoughtful busi
ness man in the country who does
not know that the enactment into
law of the declaration of the CM-
cage convention on the subject of
the tariff would at once plunge the
country into a business convulsion
such as it has never seen ; and
there is not a thoughtful workingman -
man who does not know that it
would at once enormously reduce
the amount of work to be done in
this country by the increase of im
portations that would follow , and
necessitate a reduction of Ms - wages
es to the European standard. If
any one suggests that this radical
policy will not be executed if the
democratic party attains power ,
what shall be thought of a party
that is capable of trifling with
great interests ? President Har
rison's letter of acceptance.
WHEN the tariff prevaricators
begin their talk about the increase
iu the cost of living under the Me
Kinley bill it is a good plan to
draw the report of the senate in
vestigatiug committee on them
The document was signed by Sen
ator Carlisle , as well as the repub
lican members , and shows tlie fol
lowing facts :
First The cost of articles en
tering into the use'of those earn
ing less than § 1,000 per annum has
decreased up to May. 1892 , 3.4 pei
cent , while in farm products there
has been an increase in prices
owing in part to increased foreign
demand and the opening of neu
markets. In England during the
snmo period the cost of living in
creased 1.0 per cent. Tested by
the power to purchase articles o
necessity , the earnings of our work
ing people have never been as giea
as they are now.
Second There has been ai
average advance in the rate o
wages of .55 of 1 per cent.
Third There has been an ad
vance in the price of all farm pro
ducts of 18. G7 per cent and of al
cereals 33.59 per cent.
THERE are several important rail -
road cases on the docket of the
United States court for adjudica
tion at the next term. The juries
have not yet been empaneled. It
has been suggested that the grand
jury meet and call every petit jury
up to answer whether or not he rode
to Omaha on a railroad pass. His
testimony on this interesting point
might be reinforced by the testi
mony of general ticket agents of
the various lines of Nebraska
whose records ought to show the
name of every juror holding apass.
Any juror , grand or petit , in any
court , who holds annual pass or
has accepted a trip pass should be
discharged. The subject should
be made a test of a juror's qualifi
cations. Bee.
THE Vermont election indicates
to the New York Sun "the impos-
sibilit } " of shaking Republican
states from their allegiance to the
'conomic system under which they
lave prospered. "
IT has been decided in a court
of justice in Texas that a woman
who defended the honor of her
name-by killing the man who wan
tonly slandered her Avas insane. It
is quite doubtful whether the pub
lic will concur in the wisdom of
that verdict. The woman may
have been impetuous , but she show
ed a great deal of rational human
nature in the accomplishment of
her revenge.
THE Chicago Herald greets th
coming of the Democratic commit
tee's Western branch to that cit
with an analysis of the rainbow ii :
Wisconsin which , coming from t
Democratic newspaper , is nothing
less than barbarous cruelty. Tin
Herald points out that Peck , demo
era tic governor of Wisconsin
though he had over 28,000 plural
ity over his liepublican opponent
yet had a total vote of only 100 ,
338 , while Harrison in 1888 re
ceived for President 176,553 votes
The total vote in the election in
which Peck was chosen was almost
40,000 short of a presidential year
vote. Peck received 7,000 more
votes than did the Democratic elect
oral ticket in 1888. The colors ii
this rainbow glitter much more at
tractive ! } from New York than
they do upon closer inspection.
DEMOCRATS are fond of assert
ing that all comparisons of wages
between American and England
are unfair since England cannot
be an agriculture nation , is isolat
ed , etc. , and must take up manu
facturing. In their reasons lies
the strongest argument for wnge
comparison. England must be a
manufacturing nation , it is the
great manufacturing nation of the
world because its workingmen have
nothing else to engage in and this
necessity makes their wages very
low , thus enabling them to produce
wares at a very low cost and a great
jrofit to the employer. America
will not pay such wages and by
our tariff we keep out England's
jrodnctf. The laboring man of
America has all the advantage in
every fair comparison and he
mows it.
For the Next SO Days -we Will have
NEW GOODS arriving daily.
The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices
Will be found. Our Stock of
for Ladies , Misses and Children
at from $1.OO up to $3O.OO.
Our Grocery Department is COMPLETE and
Give us a chance to sell you goods
and you will be satisfied.
Established 1886. Strictly One Price.
FOR 1892.
A. i
* ?
moun STOCK OF =
Mens , Youths , Boys and Ghildrens Soils
is very complete , comprising &
all the Novelties in
and Cutaway Goats ,
The Entire Line being all
of this season's make.
Latest Shapes in MENS AND BOYS HATS.I
An Immense Line of FINE NECKWEAR.
ini ked in Plain Figures , : J
The assortment is much larger than can
be found elsewhere in S.W. Neb.
McOook SEPT. 2 , , 1892. Net > . JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
Two Great Malarial Remedies Com
Nothing is more clearly demonstrat
ed than that there are two distinct foiuis
of malaria , which , for want of hotter
names , may be denominated acute and
chronic forms. It has heen recently
shown that the parasite which causes
malaria are different in the acute and
chronic forms. The acute form is com
monly known as fever and ague , or chills
and fever. This form of the disease is
too well known in malarious districts to
need description , and is generally cur
able by large doses of quinine , though
this is not so favorable a remedy as Pe-
ru-na. The chronic form of malaria if ,
by no means , so well understood , as the
symptoms are hardly ever exactly alike
in any two cases , and it id rarely , if ev
er , curable by taking quinine. Each
case presents slightly different symp
toms , the most common ones being dull
headache , sallow complexion , furred
tongue , bad taste , poor digestion , shiv
ering feelings , hot flashes , cold hands
and feet , and constant , tired feelings.
Quinine will not cure cases of chronic
described. Pe-ru-na
malaria as above - -
is the only specific for sucli case ? . Pe-
ru-na is sure to cure , leaves the system
with no derangement , and produces no
drug habit haid to leave off , which
quinine will do.
Pe-ru-na is for sale at most drug
stores , accompanied with directions for
use ; but those who are using it should
send for the Family Physician No. 1 , a
treatise on malaria. Sent free by The
Pe-ru-na Manufacturing Company
- - Drug ,
Columbus , Ohio.
[ J3iP"NoBLE , Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
You. will find Kalstedt two doors
south of The Famous hereafter.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
Cb'-'dren Cry for Pitcher's Gistoria.
The public is respect
fully invited to attend
our annual
Fine Millinery , Cloaks.
Silks , Dress Goods , Lac
es , Carpets and Season "i
able Novelties on .
I , SE