The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 09, 1892, Image 5

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    Bufc it looks ns if it would be in
it soon , and the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or § 4.00 Shoes
the more fortunate it will be. Be
cause we know this shoe , we want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
§ ud there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
trying to those who try it. Try ii
Sticky fly paper at Chenery's Cit
Drug Store.
Two cars of Flour in , this week , a
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Wayson & Odell are putting out som <
handsome rigs these days.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes , '
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
There will be the usual services bj
the Baptist people in Meeker hall on
Sunday morning and evening.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
C. T. Brewer went into Omaha Sun
day night , with eight cars of steers , be
ing part of a special of about twenty
cars. The Brewer shipment was made
up of-cattle bought from Joseph Allen
and Messrs. Hatfield & Son. He thinks
they were the finest lot ever shipped
irom McCook.
The soda-water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
1 ! best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
.the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it.
The serious illness of John G. Whittier -
tier will create a feeling of sympathy
and regret throughout the country ; but
this will not be accompanied by surprise
or shock , since the good man has lived
the full measures of human life and
has himself been waiting for years for
the inevitable change. Few lives have
been as a whole more satisfactory to
their possessor , more blessed to friends
and country , more unbroken by storms ,
convulsions and reverses , fuller of that
heavenly message , peace and good will
toward men. Mr. Whittier has never
known the most common of painful ex
periences , especially in our country
the severance of ties of home and resi
dence. He has never strayed or wan
dered from his native home ; when the
end comes he will die in his nest. A
few years since a picture was distribut
< ed as the advertisement of an insurance
company , but so unobtrusive was the
advertising portion and so great was
the artistic value of the picture that it
was framed and preserved in many
households. It comprised the portraits
of men famous in the science of litera
ture of NewEngland. They were Long
fellow , Hawthorne , Lowell , Motley , Al-
-cott , Agassiz , Holmes and Whittier.
All are gone now save Whittier and
Holmes , and it may be that when this
announcement is made in the printed
page the bright "Autocrat of the Break
fast Table" may be the sole survivor.
.It was a wonderful and worthy company.
Notice is hereby
given to all parties
indebted to Red Wil
low county for delin
quent personal taxes
that unless settle
ment is made on or be
fore Oct. 1st , 1892 ,
the same will be col
lected by distress ac
cording to law.
County Treasurer.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by C. J. Ryan.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KNIPPLE'S.
"Pillsbury's Best" Flour at Huddle-
FOR RENT. Furnished bed room
with use of bath room. Enquire at
this office.
Go and see Huddleston , when you
want Flour and Feed. Potter and
Easterday's old stand.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street hardwaremen.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up conj
fortably and stylishly in any thing yoi
may desire in the livery line.
Miss Flora Jones , South Bend Ind
pays $15 a week to ladies for writing
etc. , at home , llcply with stamped en
IN QUEENSWARE "Noble carrie
the largest assortment and the riches
designs of the season. His prices an
Tuesday , William Lewis of Culbert
son bought the lot on which Minniear'i
barber shop is now located , corner Hail
road and Main.
Hon. W. E. Andrews and Hon. W. A
McKeighan will meet in joint debate ii
McUook on the evening of Septembei
29th. And the fur may be expectec
to fly.
From August 22 to September lott
a low rate of $15.42 has been made ty
the B. & M. to Chicago and $15.30 tc
St. Louis. Tickets limited to continu
ous passage.
Harry Gordon of Quick pesto fflce re
ports that his red spring wheat averag
ed 22 bushels per acre , his white spring
wheat 18 bushels per acre ; flax 1C
bushels strong.
Lyman Miller , remembering that the
publisher and force are but dust , drop
ped a large and luscious watermelon at
these strictly official headquarters , Sat
urday , for which he has thanks.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of second
hand goods. Drop me a card and I will
call. J. H. LUDWICK.
Mr. Joseph Allen cleared $2,500 out
of the 105 head of yearlings and two-
year-olds sold to C. T. Brewer , first of
the week , and shipped by him to the
Omaha market , .Sunday afternoon.
They were exclusively dry fed.
The well built Christian is harmoni
ous in all his parts. No one trait
shames another. He is not a jumble of
inconsistencies today devouttomorrow
frivolous ; today liberal to one cause , to
morrow niggardly toward another ; to
day fluent in polite falsehoods. He does
not keep the fourth commandment on
Sunday and break the eighth command
ment on Monday. He does not shirk
an honest debt to make a donation. He
is not in favor of temperance for other
folks and a glass today for himself. He
ioes not exhort or pray at each of the
few meetings he attends to make up
arrearages for the more meetings which
lie neglects. He does not consume his
spiritual fuel during revival seasons and
be as cold as Nova Zembla during the
rest of the time , nor do his spiritual
Favors outrun his well ordered conversa
B5TGmceries at Nobles' .
An apprentice for the Millinery De
partment at Lowman's.
Latest fall styles in Flour , Bran and
Chop feed at Huddleston's.
A competent waist-finisher for Low
man's Dress-making department at once.
Union service in the Methodist
church , Sunday evening , sermon by
faster Stevenson.
Joe Downs , of Bondville precinct ,
took out lumber , Monday , for a frame
house , which he will have built at once.
The Boyd Hook & Ladder company
have their invitations out for a grand
ball and banquet on the evening of Sep
tember 15th.
The Congregational-people will short
ly begin on their new church building.
The plans and specifications have been
sent for , to Philadelphia.
Preaching in the Methodist church ,
Sunday morning , by the pastor. In the
evening by Rev. Stevenson. Evening
services at half past seven.
Communion services on Sunday
morning at 11 , in Lutheran church.
Those desiring to join the Congregation
al church will kindly be present.
C. W. Lepper , of Carpenter , Iowa ,
has purchased the old George Foster
half section from Matt Droll. Consid
eration $2,500. Mr. Lepper and fami
ly will move out to their new home
early in October.
A sample of very fine wheat has beei
left at this office. It was raised bj
William Beymer of the Ash creek sec
tion and weighs 65 pounds to the bushel
He had 600 bushels and it averaged Jii
bushels to the acre.
The cob web social at the residence
of G. A. Noren , Monday evening , bj
the young people of the Congregationa
church was a novel affair , pleasing anc
successful. A neat sum was also real
ized from the refreshments served.
MARRIED At the home of Mr
Charles Arnold in McCook on Tuesday ,
September Utli , 1892 , by H. H. Berry ,
J. P. , Mr. Charles Huffman of Ober-
lin , Kans. , to .Miss Elizabeth Kiser oi
Herndon , Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman
will make their home in Oberlin , Kans ,
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
It is an evidence of prosperity and
increasing confidence in their ability to
pay , when farmers demand a stipulation
in their mortgages allowing them to
make partial payment each year of the
life of the mortgage and notes. Until
within a couple of years back they have
not been expected to make any payment
until the whole amount becomes due.
Invitations are out for the third an
nual ball and banquet of Boyd Hook
and Ladder Co. No. 1 , which transpires
on the evening of September 15th ,
Thursday a week. The boys are mak
ing every arrangement to open the sea
son with a splendid affair. The ball
will be held in the opera house. Prof.
Reizenstein's orchestra will provide the
musical inspiration. The banquet will
be spread at the B. & M. eating house.
Everything in fact will be first-class and
we bespeak for the fire laddies a liberal
patronage by our people.
The train of Nebraska products to be
sent out this year will leave Omaha Sep
tember 25. Next week the committee
of the Nebraska Business Men's associa
tion having charge of the exhibit will
meet with the officers of the State Fair
association to complete arrangements.
Meanwhile there is still some space
available for counties that may wish to
be represented and have not yet made
application. Such counties should lose
no time in communicating with the sec
retary of the State Business Men's asso
ciation in this city. It is hoped and de
sired that nothing shall be lacking to
make this display ofthe products and
resources of Nebraska as full and attrac
tive as possible. Bee.
Arrangements Completed.
Tim arrangements for tlio joint dis-
oussion between Professor W. E. And
rews and Hon. W. A. MeKeighan were
completed lust Tuesday evening. ' The
republicans being ( he challenged party
bad the right to name dates and places
and submitted the following schedule
for the consideration of the independ
ent central committee : First meeting
at Hastings at 8 o'clock p. in. , Sept. 22 ;
second , Sutton , 2 o'clock , p. in. , Sept.
27 ; third , McCook , 8 o'clock , p. m. ,
Sept. 20 ; fourth , Grant , 2 o'clock , p. in. ,
Oct. 4 ; fifth , iMinden , 8 o'clock , p. in. ,
Oct. 26 ; sixth , Nelson , 2 o'clock , p. m. ,
Oct.l ] ; seventh , Grand Island , 8 o'clock ,
p.m. , Oct. 13 ; eighth , Holdrege , 2 o'
clock , p. in. , Oct. 18 ; ninth , Red Cloud ,
2 o'clock , p. in. , Oct. 20. Nine meeting
in all ; Hon. W. E. Andrews to open
and close the following meetings : Hast
ings , McCook , Mindcu , Grand Island
and lied Cloud , Hon. W. A. McKeighaii
to have the opening and closing at the
other named places. Sutton , Grant , Nel
son , and Holdrege.
Meetings to be of three hours dura
tion. The time is to be divided as fol
lows. One hour for the opening , 0111
hour and a half reply and half hour ti
Franklin Academy.
Students and friends of the Franklir
academy will be pleased to learn thai
the State University , of Nebraska , has
placed the academy first in its list oi
accredited schools , thus giving it first
rank among the preparatory schools of
the state. This school is at the front
in all lines of work and we advise all
young people to investigate and find
out what it can offer them before going
elsewhere. The fall term begins Sep
tember 13th. Send for catalogue and
information to ALEXIS C. HART ,
Franklin , Nebraska.
Willow Grove Precinct Caucus.
The Republican electors of Willow
Grove precinct are requested to hold a
caucus in the city hall , Monday evening ,
September 12th , 1892 , at eight o'clock ,
for the purpose of electing 24 delegates
to the Republican county convention to
be held in Indianola , Wednesday , Sep
tember ] 4th , 1892 ; and to transact
such other business as may come before
the caucus.
H. H. TROTH , Committeeman.
Valley Grange Precinct Caucus.
The Republican electors oi Valley
Grange precinct are requested to hold
a caucus in the Pickens school house ,
Monday afternoon , September 12th ,
189/i , at two o'clock , for the purpose of
electing three delegates to the Republi
can county convention to be held at Ind
ianola , Wednesday , September 14th ,
1892 ; and to transact such other busi
ness as may come before the caucus.
E. N. BENJAMIN , Committeeman.
Camp Meeting at Indianola.
From Sept. 2d to llth , under the
auspices of the Church of God ( not
Seventh Day Adventists ) . Eld. J. F.
Wagoner , of Indiana , and other promi
nent speakers , will be present. "We
kindly welcome all who come to these
meetings , and will try to do you good.
Everybody cordially invited.
J. J. CADY , Sec. of Conference.
The chief of the government bureau
of statistics reports that as the result
of reciprocity the combined value of
exports of cotton , breadstuff's , provis
ions , cattle , sheep and hogs , all classed
as agricultural products of 1892 , ex
ceeded the reports of 1890 ( just before
reciprocity was proclaimed ) by $159,238-
323 , and exceeded the average annual
value of these exports for the ten years
previous by $215,955,639. These are
gigantic figures , but are exactly true.
Such an opening of southern markets
to these products cannot fail to have a
direct beneficial effect upon every farm
er in Nebraska. There is no politics
in this matter , it is simply business ,
but this business and this commerce
are the direct results of policies inaug
urated and legislation passed by the re
publican party and denounced as fraud
ulent and false by the democratic par
ty. These are the facts as they must
speak to the farmer voters of America.
The McCook public schools opened
For the fall and winter terms on Tues
day morning with a full attendance and
bright prospects for effective work.
" 91 and 84 Patent Jb'Jour" at Hud-
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
Powder ;
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Give Themselves Away.
E. W. Howe of the Atchiaon ( Kan.
Globe paints in the September Forun
a picture of the bond voting mania ii
these words : It is an old truth , bu
only old men seem to understand thi
particular importance of honesty , sim
plicity , and order. Young towns , liki
young men , are constantly trying cxperi
ments , only to discover that the old wa ;
is so much better than any other tha
they are at last compelled to comi
back to it. Much has been said as t (
whatsis the greatest pity ; I think it i ;
that young men and young towns do no
accept the lessons of their elders with
out the punishment of experience
Most western country towns are guilt }
of all sorts of mistakes , because few ol
them have reached years of discretion ,
However wise a man may be in his in
dividual capacity , and however wise he
may have been as a resident of an older
community , as a citizen of a new town
he votes bonds with the recklessness
that characterizes young men in giving
notes , forgetting that payday will in
evitably roll around and that they will
probably not be prepared to pay.
Many of the great fortunes in the east
were gifts from communities in the westj )
The people conspire for months to get
control of their valuables in order that
they may give them away. If there is
a valuable franchise in a western coun
try town the people usually manage to
give it away , the recipients being men
who have probably been victims them
selves in some new community. "
September 10th , 2p.m.Elwoodl4th ; ,
2 p. m. , Bladen ; 15thG. A. R. meeting )
Curtis ; 16th , 8 p. in. , Elsie ; 19th , 8 p.
m. , Superior ; 20th , 2 p. m.Guide Rock ;
2lst , ? p. m. , Doniphan ; 22nd , 2 p. m. ,
( with Tate ) Edgar ; 22nd , 8 p. m. , ( joint
debate ) Hastings ; 24th , 2 p. m. , Rose-
land ; 27th , 2 p. m.joint ( debate ) Sutton ;
29th , 8 p. m. , ( joint debate ) McCook ;
30th , Culberston ; October 1st , Benkel-
man ; 3rd,8 p. m. , Madrid ; 4th , 2 p. m. ,
( joint debate ) Grant ; 6th , 8 p. m.joint (
debate ) Minden ; llth , 2 p. m. , ( joint
debate ) Nelson ; 13th , 8 p. m. , ( joint
debate ) Grand Island ; 18th , 2 p. m. ,
[ joint debate ) Holdrege ; 20th , 2 p. m. ,
[ joint debate ) Red Cloud.
The Nebraska G. A. R. official train
for Washington , D. C. , will leave Oma-
ja at 8 o'clock , p. m. , September 16th ,
will arrive in Chicago at 11 , a m. ,
Sept. 17th , and leave Chicago at four
) 'clock , p. m. , same day , reaching
tVashington on the evening of Sunday ,
September J8th. The route of the
( fficial train , which will have on board
he Nebraska Department Commander
md StaffW.R.C. , the Post Dept.Coms. ,
ind all others wishing to visit Washing-
on during the encampment , will be via
he Burlington and Baltimore & Ohio
ailroads. The information given in
jesters regarding date of this train's
leparture is erroneous. Tickets to
iVashington will be on sale at all Bur-
ington Route stations at one fare for
he round trip. For full information
is to selling dates , etc.apply to the lo-
: al agent of the B. & M. R. R. , or to
J. FRANCIS , G. P. & T. A. ,
9 Omaha , Neb.
Among those who have added barns
o their farm improvements are : John
? urr , of Bondville ; J. M. Wilson , of
led Willow ; S. D. McClain , of Cole-
uan ; the latter having also built a
lommodious granary to receive his
Abundant crops , this year.
Low Rates to Hot Springs , S. D.
Sept. 1st to 15th , the Burlington
Route will sell round trip tickets to
Hot Spring ? ( good to return any time
within 30 days from date of purchase )
at one fare.
Hot Springs is the finest health and
pleasure resort between Chicago and
the Pacific Coast.
Itshotelaccornmodations are excellent
as are its plunge baths and its bath |
houses , which are nowhere excelled.
The effects of its thermal waters up
on suffers from rheumatism , sciatica ,
and kindred complaints arc truly as
For full information , see the local
agent of the B. & M. R. R. , or write
to J. Francis , General Passenger , &
Ticket Agent , Omaha.
I wish to inform all my patrons that
my stock of Fall and Winter Goods
have arrived. It is- the finest and largest
and best selected that I have ever dis
played in McCook. Call early before
the choicest goods are gone.
KALSTEDT , The Tailor.
Latest Fall Styles Men's and Boy'fe
Soft and Stiff Hats ; this composes
the largest and most complete line we
have ever shown.
Houses and Lots for Sale.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
lots in McCook which I offer for sale
at bargains. H. G. DlXON.
Horses for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
A rate of one and a third fare has
been made on the B. & M. for county
and district fairs not over seventy-five
miles distant. Dundy county fair ,
Sept. 22 to 24 , at Benkelman ; Hitch
cock county at Culbertson , Sept. 27th
to 30th. Red Willow Co. at Indianola.
Sept. 20th to 23.
Annual Encampment , G. A. R.Wash
ington , D. C. , Sept. 20th. Tickets on
sale September 12th to Sept. 18th.
Limit for return Oct. 12th. Fare one
rate for the round trip.
, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
WITHIN the history of the Re
public cholera has been under
quarantine on American waters
fourteen times , but it has only en
tered the country four times , first
in 1832. and the last time 1873.
With , this large percentage in fav
or of the efficacy of the quarantine ,
and with all of the improved ap
pliances of modern science , it would
seem that it ought to be quite with
in the limits of possibility to keep
the pestilence from invading the
United States at the present time.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. o. Gov't Report.