- GRAND PRIZE- BIBLE COMPETITION. Two Thousand Dollars in Prizes will be Equitably Distributed. PEAD OUR PLAN. . , . , torpoveral yeurti punt competitions of an instructive order have been offered by reputable business houses ami manufacturers in England with the object of increasing their sales and interesting their customers in their respective floods. These contest ? , on account of thn unquestioned fairness displayed in conduct ing them , have interested the bo.si people of Great Britain. Believing that competition offered by a uianufactming concern such ns ours , and conducted in the same honorable manner , would excite universal interest among the intclli gent people of the United States and Canada , " our company have decided to offer a Prize Competition in which our fir-it effort will be to make it strictly fair and im partial. The intention in to sati.ify every one entering this couipetion that they have been duly credited with the portion which their efforts have earned for them. We arc sure that thin class of a prize contest will receive the approval of parents and all those having instruction of young at heart. The prizes to be awarded in this competition will consist nititely ui articles of sufficient value to be appreciated by every person receiving one as a fair reward for the effort * put forth by them. Our intention is to divide the amount to be given away in prizes , varying in value from ei lit dollars to one hundred dollars each , and we enter into an honorable agreement with those entering this competition to distribute fairly Two THOUSAND DOLLARS in prizes. - AWARD OF PRIZES. Ten of the leading ministers of our city will be invited to attend and assist in the award of prizes. PRIZE BIBLE COM PETITION. We will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 111 cash to the first person who correctly answers the following questions. Where in the Bible do the following three words first appear : 1 , RAIN ; 2 , BIIEAD ; 3 , MILIC. The second person uiiiwer- ing correctly will receive SKVKNlV-FlVE DOLLARS in cash. The third person sending correct answer will tveeive FIFTY : DOLLARS in cash. The next ten will 2ach receive an elegant COIN SILVER ( hunting case ) WATCH. The next ten will each receive an elegant SILK DRESS pattern ( sixteen yards in any color ) . The next ten will ach receive a Grst class pair of OPERA GLASSES. MIDDLE PRIZES. Every answer when received will be numbered and en tered on a .special bonk , with the name and address of the competitor. The thirty-three correct answer- , which are the MIDDLE ONES received will receive iuplieates } prizes awaidi-d lor the lirst thirty-three correct answers. LAST PRIZES. The thiity-three poisons sending the thirty-tince cor- irect answers which are received last , will receive duplicates of the prizes that are .awarded for the first and middle thirty-throe correct answers , the last correct answer receiving the One Hundred Dollars , the next to the last the Seventy-five Dollars , and ho on until the List thirU-thrce prizes for the last thirty three ati- * swcrs have boon < rivcn. SPECIAL PRIZES. A prize consisting of an elegant Lady's or Gentle- vman's Watch will bo given to the person sending the first correct answer which is the first received from their State or Province. CONDITIONS. Answers must be accompanied by fifteen United States two-cent postage -stamps for one package of PKARLIFOAM , which is the latest scientific discovery for cleansing and preserving the teeth. Our object is to introduce and attract -attention to PEAHLIPOAM , which is the only preparation whoso manufacturers .are willing to offer : i rewaid of Five Hundicd Dollars to any dentihfc who can show that it contains anything injurious to the teeth. A mouthful of pearly vrhite teeth is the sure re.sut ! of its coiihtaut use. It is recommended by the leader.of the dental profW-ion everywhere ; ask your dentist what he thinks of vit. PEARLIFOAM isent by mail , potjaid and free of customs duty. HK SURE AND SEND YOUIt ANSWERS TO-DAY. YOU .MAY RECEIVE A VALU ABLE PRIZE FOR YOUR TKOUDLE. Address : EXQUISITE TOILET MFG. Co. , 107 YONGE STREET , TORONTO , CANADA , - V AvCure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A'long-tested'pain reliever. ' * Its use is almost , universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , th * ' ' " Stock Raiser , ' 5and : by every one requiring an effective liniment. , , No other application convex with it in 'efficacy. This well-kncwii rernoCy has stood the test ; of years , almost generation- . No medicine t. ' sr j * com ef ; without a bottle of MusTAMO LINIMENT. Occasions arii = 2 - > ' . . . . : < uiu every day. druggists aivi i . Recentli/the following Notlct appeared la tha' San Francisco Chronicle. " Judge S had been sick only about two > * weeks , and itwas not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended _ the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia. " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. are troubled -with diabetes , gravel , or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebrated : Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should itnot cure you ? Try it Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. Jl.OOapack- age , G for JS-OO. ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND PREMATURE DECAY IK I DULL HUESassis ftna 1 Ife Vrolonccd even In advanced yearn by a miracle of modern cl- cncc. Call or tvrito enclosing tl , state C2se fully and get a 'trial-treatment and advlco of n regular specialist of many years * cxperlence4 A re-a THEDiEFFENBACH DISPENSARY , C33 Wte. Strost , MILWAUKEE , WIS. per montli by - , , harmless herbaifA remedies that do not injure - jure the health or interfere with one's business or pleasure. It builds up and improres the general health , clears the skin and beantlnesthe complexion. No tmnklcs or flabblness follow this treatment. Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladles. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL. HirnTf'i Ke SUrrl c. . S cd 6 ntt la tUnpt forpirtlculm to 41.0. V. F. SITKt niCIEi'lTSEATEB , CIICK8 , UU -T'/- " Kecommemlcd as the Best. IX LE 2IABS , Plymouth Co. , la. , May , 1889. I suffered from temporary sleeplessness from overwork for two years , for -which I ueodPaetor Koenig's Nerve Tonic , and can recommend same aa the bos ! ; medicine for similar troubles. F. BOKNHOKST. , Neb. , October , 1830. About four years ago our now 20-year old daughter had an epileptic fit after she had re tired and about a jear later she had another such attack r wo could hardly believe that she had this terrible disease , "Epilepsy , " but -when about three months later she again had a fit we n ere TorceU to believe tha fact that the dreaded uis'.5"i.7 had fastened upon her , and as we sup- poo.L ( li-easo without a known remedy. At o..r. ihiq tiinovo read about Pastor Koenig'a Aoiio Toiiic , and we concluded to try a bottle. God be thanked , she is cured. Mil. and MBS. LESOING. A Valuable Book on Nervona Diseases sent free to any address , FREE and poor patients can also obtain tills medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor KocnlR , of. Fort Wayne. Ind. , since 1376. and Is now prepared under bis direction by the KCENIC EttED. CO. , Chicago , HI. Sold by Druggists at SI per TJottl.-- - " - 'ov . < j J . , arjre Size , 91.75. G KotUos jor . . . LADIES-OHLf. HARMLESS - HUDtffflLLfBL - HO - wr/ft/Met WOW-U/ff'tT' "AffAKESIS " frfv-sinstant relief , and izm ' ifalhblo Cure for i'lles. IT. . SL By Druggists or mnii. . - mnlcs rcc.Addrcss"ANAlvtSIS , " Box 2416 , New York City. ' A Relationship Problem. i Two Indies out walking met H jrentlemnn ; he rulecd his hut to one. and Urn other said : "Do you know tliut potitlomun ? " The other lady replied his mother WHS my wothor'H only child. " The publishers of the LA DIBS' Purrou- IAI. WEKKLY will jrlvo an olejrant surety 1)1- oyclo vnlucd iit 9125 or Its eqnlvnlcnt In cash , to the first person telling the rolulIonBhlp ex- letlnir between the Kcnilcmun and the lady spenklng Inat. An elegant ladles' gold watch valued ut$75. or Its equivalent in cash , will be jdven for second correct answer , and fifty other prizes ranging fiotn twenty-live dcllars to flvo dollars ouch , will ho jrlvou for correct answers In eider ns received. Every one an swering must enclose U. S. postal note for .TO cents , or 11 ft eon two-cent U.S. stamps , for one months trial subscription to the handsomest and most popular ladles' weekly publication on this continent , which la published by ti re liable linn , who are olferlhirthls prize contest simply to introduce their publication into new homes. Contestants should answer promptly as date of postmark gives precedence. Prizes for the United Stiites will bo sent duty 1 roc. Addre * e. LADIES' ViorouiAr , WKEKI.Y. " ( V Toronto , Canada. 15 Uts. Uhildren Cry Tor Pitcners Castoria. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried tor Cactoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria * , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. WONDERFUL ! The cures which are being effected by Drs. Starkey & Palen , 1529 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , in Consumption , Catarrh , Neuralgia , Bronchitis , Rheumatism. , and all chronic dis eases , by their compound Oxygen Treatment , are indeed marvelous. If you are a sufferer from any disease which your physician has failed to cure , write for in formation about this treatment , and their book of two hundred pages , giving a history of Compound Oxygen , its nature and effects with numerous testimonials from patients , to whom you may refer for still further iutorm.ition , will be promptly sent , without charge. This book aside from its great merit as a medical work , giving , as it does , the result of years of study'and experience , you will find a very interesting one. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN , 1529 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa. 120 Sutler St. , San Francisco , CaL Please mention this paper. They Say it Contains no Poison. The celebiated chemists , whose opinions are above the price of gold , tell what they know. SAN FRANCISCO. June 29,1889. DEAR SIRS : We have made an exhaustive chemical analysis of "Wisdom's Robertine , " obtained by us in the open market , and find it to be free from all poisonous or deleterious ingredients , constituting a harmless prepara tion for the face. Yours truly. THOMAS PRICE & Sox , Analytical Chemists. To Messrs. W. M. Wisdom & Co. 16-413. To Ladies Troubled With Painful or suppressed menstruation , Oregon Kidney Tea , if taken a few days before the expected period , relieves all pain. It contains no mineral poisons. A carpenter by the name of HI. S. Powers , fell from the roof of a house in East Des Moines , Iowa , and sustained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist , which he cured with one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says it is worth 5 a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by Geo. M. Chenery. Quite a squad of Nebraska tour ists iii Europe are caught by the quarantine regulations and the president's order and will have an opportunity of becoming familiar with the landscape of the lower bay. Among the saloon passen gers now detained on the Normau- uia is Professor Taylor , the accom plished horticulturist of the state university , Hon. John L. Webster and Hon. Bill Paxtoii of Omaha. Others of our friends are plowing the main in other ships and will soon be greeted by the tug of the health officer and a distant view of the torch of Liberty enlighten ing the world. Those who squeez ed through last week in the nick of time are congratulating them selves. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. NANCY HANKS' latest is a mile in 2:07 : over a regulation track at St. Paul , Minn. ji-rold Qnnct FrrxntU and ISozii * Medical 2n tltutco 1 > y coins to the Old , Sellable 1 02 a 1 04 W. HISTH STREET. KAHSA3 CITY , * Sfl O. ARegular Qrad.ua.tein Medicine. Over 26 yeant practice 12 in TETE OMJEST KT AGE , i = < li nndI.ONGESTI.OCTEJ. Authorized by the State to treat Chronic , NerrouS and "Special SteSSea. " Seminal WcaUnes3 ( NIGHT LOSSES ) . Sexual Debilltr < LOSS OP SEXCAI , POWER\ KcrvousDebility , Poisoned Blood , Ulcers and BireU- Ings of every kind. Urinary and Kidney Disease ! i etc. Cures Guaranteed or Money Befunded , Charcon X.OW. Thousandsof cases cnred . Experience is important. No i mercury - every year. used. No time Test Injurious medicineused. J mbnstneis : Patients at a < listancotreated ! by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free . case and send from gaze or breakage. State your for terms. Consultation free and confidential , per- full of descriptive pictures , sent „ , „ , _ sealed In plain envelope for 6c. In stamps. N. B.-0hl ? book contains SECRETS and useful tnowledgo which should be read by every male from 15 to 45 years of age and kept under look and key. FREE MUSEUM OFANAT OMY replete with a thousand Interesting specimens the celebrated French Manlfela mens , taclndlng Vhleh alone cost over tGOO. For Men Only. RHEXJlMATISBff. THE BREAT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CUBE. L A rosinnt CSBE FOB UIIEPH.ITISJI. so I fir any case this treatment falls to I euro or help. Greatest discovery in I nnals of medicine. Ono doaegtvesl relief : a few doses removes fever and I pain m joints ; Cure completed In a' Jew days. Send statement of case with stamp fox Circulars. Qg. HEMDEBSOM. KhMSAS CITY , MO. V.Ag"Vj _ THE KANSAS CITY ForthetTratment or all Cbtonle and Sorgleal Disease , and Dlseaie * of the KjeandEtr. Tha clject of tliU Sanita rium la to fornlib board , rooms and medical attention to those inffcring with _ DeformlUes , DlseaMi of Women , DLs- caus of tbe Urinary and Sexual Or jam. Disease * of the Nervous Bjstem , Lung aad Throat Diseases , Flies , Canoers , Tomors. Eta. , Etc. Barglcal Operations pertbrmed with sUll. Books tree to Hen Tnii Women. For farther Information call on or address DR. C. W. COE , Kansas City , Mo. The Only Picture Ever Painted by a President's Wife to be Present ed to the Public. It may not be known to cveiyonc that Mrs. Benjamin Harrison is one of the hest of American flower-painters. Since she has occupied her position as lady of the White House , hoivever , her public duties have large ly prevented the exercise of her artistic genius ; but in that period she has found leisure to paint one of the loveliest representations of flower-life that ever came Irom an artist's brush , a magnificent group orchids on a porcelain panel.'ith that broad and kindly spirit which has marked her career , she has presented this bingle production of her scant leisure to the public , and DEMOUEST'S MAGA ZINE has the honor of being the medium through which this painting is offered to the mothers , wives , and daughters of America , to whom it is lovingly dedicated. There is no taint of politics in it : it is simply the tribute of a good woman's love for the women of her nation , superbly expressed in color and form , the foremost women of the Rupnblic cementing , by means of her art , her sisterhood with all others of her sex in the land. land.Mrs. Mrs. Harrison's painting has been repro duced in the highest style of art , of the s.ime size as the original ( nxi5 inches ) , and is an absolutely per/ect counterpart , in every particular , to the faintest tint ot color , and even to the peculiar texture of the porcelain. With each copy of DEMOUEST'S MAGAZINE for October one of these wonderful reproduc tions of "A WHITE HOUSE ORCHID , " PAINTED BY THE PRESIDENT'S WIFE , in the White , from and orchid grown in the White House , is to be presented tree. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most successful cough medicine we have ever sold , a few doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough , croup and bronchitis , while its wonderful suc cess in the cure of consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee , a test which no other medicine can stand. If Plaster. Sold by A. Mc.Millen. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman , a young man , of Bur lington , Ohio , states that he has been under the care of two prominent physicians , and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pronounced this case con sumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption , Coughs and Colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. lie found before he had used half of a dollar bottle , that he was much better ; he continued to use it and today is enjoying good' health. If you have any Throat , Lung or Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satis faction. Trial bottle free at A. McMillen's drugstore. Electric Bitters. This icinedy is becoming so well known as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed , Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples , Boiles , Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache , Con stipation and and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money relunded. Price 50 cents and $ i per bottle at A. McMillen's drugstore. Oh , What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of. that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of fifty cents , to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shilqh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relives croup and whooping Cough at once. Mothers do not be without it. For lame back side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by A. McMillen. Read This Slowly. Lives there a man with soul so dead , Who never to himself hath said , I'll take St. Patrick's Pills before I go to bed ? When a mild cathartic is desired , one that will cleanse the whole system and regulate the liver and bowels you can not do better than take St. Patrick's Pills just before going to bed. They do not nauseate nor gripe , and leave the system in splendid condition. For sale by George M. Chenery. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion , Constipation , Dizziness , LOSS of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow Sffin when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer , guaranteed to cure them. Sold by A. McMillen. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to freeyourself | of every symptom of these dis tressing complaints , if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer , every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it , use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the \ \ orld for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 c. a box. For sale by A. McMillen. Worth its Weight in Diamonds. C. A. Willis , editor , "The Horseman , " Chicago cage , writes : "If my experience is to decide the value , Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil , the "Pile Ointment , " is worth its weight in dia monds. " Wisdom's Violet Cream Is the most exquisite preparation in the world for softening and whitening the hands and face. It is not only a substitute for , but m every respect superior to glycerine , cold cream , vaseline , and like preparations. Try it. Mr. Van Pelt , editor of the Craig , Mo. . Meteor , went to a drugstore at Hillside , Iowa , and asked the physician in attendance to give him a dose of something for cholera morbus and looseness of the bowels. He says : "I felt so much better the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medicine. 1 was surprised , when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. He says he prescribes it regularly in his practice and finds it the best he can get or prepare. I can testify to its effi ciency in my case at all events. " For sale by Geo. M. Chenery. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and headache.Vith each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints with out extra charge. Price 5oc. Sold by A. Mc Millen. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and head ache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 500. Sold by A. McMillen. COOLNESS OF SAILOHS. Even In Momenta of Collision Tlmy TiUo It Quietly. Ono of the passengers of the Mare- chal Canrobert tells how the vessel was run down by the Iloche. His ac count does not show where the fault is , for the passengers saw nothing un til the moment of the accident. Opin ions arc much divided on the subject , but the general feeling is that the cap tain of the Marechal Canrobert was very imprudent in trying , with a ves sel making twelve knots , to pass in front of ten men-of-war , covering a largo space and making seventeen or eighteen knots. What seems to have excited the ad miration of all was the presence of mind and activit } ' shown by the cap tain and crew of each vessel in the ter rible situation which lasted nearly six teen minutes before the Marechal Can robert sank. The captain of the Hoche had grap pled the Marechal Canrobert , and his sailors , rushing on board , seized the passengers and hurried them on the deck of the gunboat. Not till they felt that the steamer was going down did the sailors hurry back to the Hoche. The captain of the Marechal Canrobert was the last to leave his ship. But for the coolness of the captains and crews there must have been great loss of life. IN CENTRAL PARK. A Linden Tree of 1'ecullar Form , the Ke- sult of a Struggle for Life. The determined and successful ef forts that have been made to save fine trees in Central park , New York , at points were they are especially needed have resulted in the production of many vegetable curiosities. One of the most interesting of theseis a linden in the northern part of the park. The tree stands on what ap pears to be an artificial mound , at the junction of a footpath with that portion tion of the drive directly below the Block house. The perils of youth had evidently threatened at various times to destroy the tree , for the trunk .gives evidence of an early cleft But the tree was of sturdy constitution , and three great limbs sprang from the injured trunk , while a do en or more small ones clustered about the three great branches. The result is a trunk fourteen or fifteen inches in diameter at the ground , only fifteen or twenty inches long , and swelling at the forks to fully two feet in diameter. Mean while the great roots clutch the mound on which the tree stands as with the grip of a great hand. Outwardly the tree is a perfect cone of dense foliage , and it seems a thorough type of vegetable health. A STOLEN SERMON. A Preacher Who Composed Ouo of Ueecli- cr's Discourses in Six Hours. Henry Ward Beecher once went in search of a brief rest to a small fishing village , where his appearance was ap parently unknown. When Sunday came around he went to the morning services at the Congregational church and was not a little astonished to hear the preacher for the day , a very young man rattle off one of his , Beecher's , best sermons as an original discourse. At the conclusion of the service the great preacher waited for a chat with the young man. "Might I ask you how long it took yon to compose the sermon you preached to us this morn ing ? " inquired its real author. 'Oh , about six or seven hours. " was the re joinder. "You must be a very smart young man , " said Beecher , "for it took me just five days to write that self same sermon. " After a careful but unblushing scrutiny of the great pul pit orator , the youth remarked : "I guess you're Ward Beecher , then ? " A grave nod was the only response. Then the juvenile apostle put out his hand , and , grasping that of his cele brated listener , exclaimed : "Look here , Mr. Beecher you just go on writ ing sermons like that. As long as you do I shall never be ashamed to preach them. " II Jto G.ilaiituomo. A charming anecdote was told to me to-day about King Victor Emmanuel , illustrative of the bravura manner that won him the name of "II Ro Csihmtumomo. " It goes far to explain vi by .success crowned his efforts to v eld Italy into one state under the house of Savoy. After a battle , in which the carnage was terrible , he went to visit a field hospital. Speaking pleasantlj' , as his wont was , to a poor fellow who had 1 st. both h o legs , he asked him about In Family , tolling the aid-dc-camp to I"o a note of their names , and prom- _ ; , 'j look after them. mutilated invalid said , in a flush . i.t uful feeling , "May I be allowed , . < vt s the King's hand ? " "My friend , t n-id much rather shake yours , " . . \ Ltor Emmanuel , shaking the u.u.l of tae soldier. g in Xevr York. ' cmall basement candy shop in the i ' h quarter of Xow York adds to --iluction of sweets the promise of s to all who purchase in consider- .juantities. A pasteboard sign in . shop window bears this odd le- . . . "Look , look ! For each cent you . . buy candy you get a ticketl Bring . - tickets . " In v > you get a preasent. t l.st of "preasents" is a "nice I . c.n" oll'cred to the possessor of llfty tickets. Punctuation Points. Punctuation points are comparative ly moilurii. Only the period is more Ihr.n . " "iivara old. The colon is re- p-ite inflate from 1485 , the comma bi-oit I. " > > , the semicolon about 1570 ami < itiivhave been gradually added. It i * obvious , then , that writing1 , printing and other orthographic arts might dispense in our day with many r-f their marks of punctuation and lose noining of the sense. TlieSnIlivaii-Corbctt FJ Ht. NEW ORLEANS. La. , Sept. 8.Tho great heavy weight championship 11'lit came of ! ut the Olympic club r > oni3 last night , and was won by , "Jin. A. Coroelt nftor a terrible slup- tfing match of twenty-one rouncl , * Corbolt is now the clnunpion heavy weight of America. The Seventh Dny Aclvcntn. SEWARO , NEB. , Sept. 8 Laat Sat. urday was a "high day" at the Sev enth Day Adventist camp. It ia their Sabbath and the day when they inako the greatest effort for the unconverted. The lirst important service of The day was the Sabbath school at 9 o'clock. Nearly the entire congregation , old ana young , engaged in this exercise. They were divided into four depart ments senior , intermediate , primary and kindergarten. The two divisions first named met in the pavillion , and the others in separate tents. There were also divisions for the Scandina vians and Germans. The total enroll ment was 881. It is the custom of the denomination to make offerings at the Sabbath school for foreign missions. On this occasion the offerings were $108.00 , enough , the presiding oillcer said , to pay the faro of a minister who is on his way to Argentine Republic in South America , where a company of Germans have begun the observance of the Seventh-day through the read ing of books sold by colporteurs. Ono would think the people were rich by the way they give , but they are not. Ono day the endowment of a bed at the Battle Creek , Mich. , sanitarium , for the free treatment of poorjmtients , was presented , and in a few minutes $307.57 was paid and pledged. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Coffee presented the wants of the Rescue Home , Fourth and Bancroft streets , Omaha , and a collec tion of over $50.00 was taken. Sun day morning a collection of $131.48 was taken for foreign missions , also a pledge for $500.00. After the fore noon meeting $451.42 was paid or pledged to a tent and camp-meeting fund , and Monday morning $625.00 more. The interest in Union college at Lincoln is great. Prof. J. W. Lough- head , principal of the college , has held several meetings in the interests of education , and a large number of young people have promised to attend. On Sunday a large crowd was upon the ground. In the afternoon Elder J. N. Loughborough spoke on the sub ject of religious liberty. Ho said that thirty-eight years ago he wrote a book in which he asserted from the prophecy of Revelation 13:11 18 that the United States government wovld yet engage in religious persecution. And ho hold that the late action of congress in passing a law with reference to the closing of the World's fair on Sunday , and the decision of the supreme court that this is a Christian nation , were in exact fulfillment of what Seventh Day Adventists had all these years been piedicting. He then traced the his tory of religious legislation in this country from its founding until the recent imprisonment of Seventh Day Adventists in Tennessee for engaging in their ordinary work on Sunday. He ridiculed the idea of making a show to the world of special reverence for Sunday by closing the fair on that day when thousands of men had worked every Sunday in preparing the buildings and thousands moro had visited the fair every Sunday up to the time of opening. It reminded him of the little boy who was told to go into the back yard to play , as it was Sunday , and who responded "Isn't it Sunday in the back yard ? " The number of persons who camped on the ground was 1,264. Nearly 100 were baptized. C. C. LEWIS. Caught by Caving Earth. NEBRASKA. CITV , Neb. , Sept. 8. John Boley and Ed Wilburn , employed at Bickel & Sons' brickyard , had a miraculous escape from horrible death yesterday afternoon. They , with three other men. were wheeling clay from the bank to the brick machine , when suddenly a nfcss of earth thirty feet above them , weighing two tons , be came loosened and ell upon the men. Boley and Wilbur. * ere caught and buried , the other thvee escaping. A large force at once set about the rescue and Wilburn was soon uncovered , practically uninjured. Boley was found after several minutes' hard work. His right arm was broken , his body badly bruised and ho was taken out black in the face and unconscious. He could not have lived % much longer. Broke Jail. AUBURN , Neb. , Sept. 8. Last eve ning three prisoners broke jail by using a case knife and cutting out the window frame. Two remained in , not choooing to try to escape. A posse scoured the country , but as the pris oners had two hours start they could not be found. Today one came b.iclc and gave himself up and two are re ported as crossing the Missouri river. Last night as the sheriff was cleaning his revolver he accidentally discharged it into the calf of his leg , making a severe flesh wound. Attempt to Commit Rnpo. SruoMaBUKG , Neb. , Sept. 8. All Stromsburg is excited over the at tempted rape of the little eleven-year- old girl of Mrs. John Hillery by one Joseph Woods , an old citizen of this place , seventy-six years of age. The scene of his attempted crime is the second story of an unoccupied building on the norih side of the square. The little girl testified that the old man , under threat of death , enticed her to the building and there attempted to outrage her. He was arrested on a state warrant , and will have a hearing. The State Fair. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 8. It is esti mated by those in charge that there were fully 75,000 people on the grounds yesterday. The fair is a great success EO far. , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.