The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 09, 1892, Image 1

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Injured Innocence.
- -
< ? Is shown in tii handsome
face of our colored friend.
Hewants you to understand
that he
* & . - No SHISKBNS. "
-But if you will come to the
next week , you will see a new
line of Ladies' , Misses' and
Children's Shoes which will
'f. :
For trade at the head of
the procession with the right
& ' . swing , and we propose to
I ?
The frisky dollar. In all
ib. lines of Boots and Shoes there
is no dealer in Southwestern
that can
To equal yours respectfully.
We are here for business from
the ground up , and propose to
Come and see us.
Is the ke.y-note to success.
The firmness of our resolution
In Boots and Shoes is sym
bolized in the noble figure
here given. THE BOSTON SHOE
STORE has already set the
Of making people talk about
iheir goods and prices. A visit
: o their store will convince
you of this.
A Big Drive
Is now being made by us on
many lines , but especially on
a fine line of
Ladies will find the selection
very desirable , while the shoes
bhemselves are admitted to be
Call at once and get the pick
before sizes are broken. These
goods will go like ice cream.
Sheriff Banks had oflicial business in Hie
cltjv Wednesday.
Albert' lladtku is also taking in tiie state
fair , this week.
Supt. J. 11. Baj'ston was in the city , Mon
day , on school work.
J. A. Wilcox followed the crowd to the
state fair. Tuesday evening.
.Register Lindsay's eldest child is seriously
ill with summer complaint
Mrs. F. M. Kiminell arrived home , Tues
day night , from visiting relatives in Iowa.
Miss Alice Murphy will teach in Fruita ,
Colorado , during the eusuinc school year.
Judge Benson sojourned over Sunday , up
on the Duudy county ranch , near Ilaigler.
Mrs. A. L. Lewis departed on 2 , Tuesday ,
for St. Joe. to be absent a month or longer.
Miss Augusta limit opens a school in the
Jacob Ball district on Monday morning next.
Mrs. M. A. Northrup departed this week
tor Chicago , expecting to be absent about a
Mrs. J. T. Bullard and Miss Josephine
were passengers on 6 , Tuesday , for Lincoln
and Omaha.
County Cleric Roper was among the out-of-
town people that thronged the commercial
centre , Saturday.
Mr. Crawford , a brother of Mrs. J.
H. Moore , accompanied them hoiflb from
Pennsylvania , close of last week.
Prof. Jones who has been in the city a
week or two on a visit to friends , departed
for Omaha , Tuesday afternoon.
Banker O. Frostof Bartley gazed with un-
disguisable astonishment and pleasure upon
onr growing greatness , Saturday.
II. L. Merriman , of the firm of Merriman
& Franck , of Stockville , was a business visit
or in the blooming metropolis , Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Meeker went in to
Lincoln , Tuesday morning , to wiew the
transcendent attractions of the state fair.
Miss Ella Daley , of Peoria , Illinois , who has
been the guest of her sister , Mrs. Matt. Law-
ler , for past few weeks , left on G , Sunday , for
J. E. Cooper has been appointed city agent
of Wells-Fargo at Hastings. He was up
Tuesday packing bis goods ready for ship
ment to that place.
Mrs. Ernest Mehring. sister of Mrs. Will
Archibald , and Mrs. M. H. Ellis , sister of
Mrs. James Kilpatrick , departed on 6 , Satur
day , for Chicago.
Miss Minnie Johnston presided with con
scious dignity and. grace at a charming little
"dove convocation , " Tuesday evening , at the
Commercial House.
Mrs. M. Y. Starbuck and Miss Louie re
turned home , close of las' , week , from a de-
ightful visit of a few weeks duration to Salt
Lake City relatives.
Host Johnston of the Commercial was a
passenger for Lincoln , Omaha and St. Joe ,
Tuesday evening , to take in the several ex
positions and fairs.
Col. Joe Wells dropped in upon us , last
Friday night , fresh from Gotham's glory ,
full of vim for the fall and winter campaign
in his father's mercantile establishment.
Mrs. George Hunt and daughter Miss Susie
are back fiom Lincoln. Miss Susie's eye
sight , we are happy to note , has been materi
ally improved by the treatment received.
Jim Hatfield , Joe Reizenstein and E. R.
Curtis went to Lincoln , Sunday afternoon ,
on the stock special , and have been drinking
in the sights at the state fair during the week.
S. H. Colvin went in to Lincoln , Wednes
day night , to witness the scenes at the state
fan : . He will also attend a meeting of the
committee having the matter of Nebraska on
Wheels No. 2 in charge.
W. C. Wheeler of Sheboygau Falls , Wis. ,
purchased the M. Y. Starbuck farm , Tuesday.
[ t is located two miles north east of this city
and a fine property. He will take possess
ion and erect a frame residence thereon this
Charles O'Brien arrived home. Saturday
night , from his extended visit east on his
wedding trip. Mrs. O'Brien did not arrive
here until Wednesday night , stopping a few
days in the eastern part of the state to visit
Mrs. C. T. Brewer was at home to a num
ber of lady friends , Monday , to tea. The
guests were Mrs. Yina Wood , H. P. Button ,
S. P. Hart , Samuel Strasser , Archie Altshul-
er , Geo. E. Johnston , H. H. Troth , A. L.
Lewis , Roby.
O. P. Smith of monument fame is in the
city on business connected with his recently
acquired interests here the Rogers business
house on lower Main. He reports the Smith
monument scheme as a sure and stupendous
winner , and it now requires all his time.
Commissioner Samuel Young came up
from Bartley , Sunday , and together with
Chairman Belles , of the board , took 6 for
Lincoln , the same afternoon , to see the nev
er-fading grandeur of the state fair , and to
arrange for the payment of the costs made in
the mandamus case by our Indlanola friends
and co-travelers through this vale of tears.
William Lewis of Gray , Audibon county ,
Iowa , has purchased the N. A. Frame place
up in Four-Thirty. His son will move onto
and improve the form. Mr. Lewis reports
finding this country better than it was repre
sented to him , and is very much taken with
the soil , insomuch that we would not be sur
prised to see bun come out and locate here
himself hi the not distant future.
Mrs. W. S. Perry returned home on 6 , Sat
Mrs. C. E. Pope and Mrs. Solliday went in
to the Lincoln fair on Wednesday.
The Russian employed in the car cleaning
gang was pinched bv the cars , yesterday.
CgTBuy a house from S. U. Colvin on the
monthly installment plan and save money.
Miss Etta Hamilton returned on 5 , Tues
day , from a visit to her sister Mrs. John
Lewis at Holyoke.
In order to facilitate watering trains an ad
ditional hydrant lias been placed lust west of
the depot buildimr.
Engineer and Mrs. Oyster are looking after
the welfare of another daughter who made
her debut into their home , Saturday.
Engineer and Mrs. J. H. Moore r.rrived
home , last Friday night , from their extended
visit to Pennsylvania relatives.
Harry Tyler was up from Orleans , Sunday ,
looking after a dwelling house he has under
construction on north Manchester.
Under the new arrangement of September
1st passenger conductors run both east and
west from McCook , same as freight men.
Conductor Curran takes the Orleans and
St. Francis run on Monday morning , The
family will remain here a week or so before
removing to Republican.
Frank Carruth went down to Plattsmouth
on 6 , Tuesday night , to take charge of his
jewelry establishment there during the tem
porary absence of his son.
A grand benefit concert will be tendered
Engineer Frank Reid in thfi nnfira hnnsa on
the evening of October first , and a splendid
programme is promised. A crowded house
should greet the performance.
A new time card , supplement to No. 32 ,
goes into effect at 2 o'clock , Sunday morning
next , on the Orleans-St Francis line. The
branch will now have both passenger and
freight service. The supplements are the
product of THE TRIBUNE job rooms.
THE TRIBUNE heartily ctngratulates Jack
Curran upon his promotion to the regular
passenger run between Republican City and
and St. Francis , only regretting that it nec
essitates the removal of himself and family
from our midst , as Republican City will be
their future home.
A meeting of considerable importance to
railroad trainmen is to be held in Chicsgo on
September 28. The delegates will be men of
practical experience in railroad matters , and
; he subject to be considered is the adoption
of safety appliances. This has now become
a matter of immediate concern to the railroad
companies , on account of the bill providing
for the substitution of improved couplings
and brakes on all railroads. It is to be hoped
that an effective system can be found by
which the great death-rate among-railroad
men may be lessened.
Supt. Valentine was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Longnecker , close of last week. He
was accompanied by the elder son of Mr.
Lougnecker on his return home , Saturday.
C. T. Brewer accompanied his shipment of
cattle to the Omaha market on Sunday night ;
gazing upon Nebraska's peerless fair on his
lomeward way.
G. B. Berry took in the state fair the early
> art of the week ; also visited briefly over in
: owa.
Mrs. E. G. Nettleton will be at Burlington ,
Vermont , until the close of the year at least.
Mrs. Louis Lowman and Miss Sara arrived
lome from Chicago , close of last week.
CoLEd. Webster of Omaha was conspicuous
on our streets , yesterday afternoon.
Harsh fate had done for her its worst ,
And to her anguish seemed to scoff ;
1 found the gentle maid had burst
Her left suspender button off.
Those who have been delighted from
time to time by the splendid tenor of
Frank S. Reid will learn with regret
that he is still confined to his bed and
ikely to be for some weeks , by the un
fortunate accident of July 27th. In
order that he may know that during the
tedious hours of his imprisonment that
bis friends have not forgotten him , a
* rand benefit will be tendered to him on
Saturday evenin/r / , October 1st , at the
opera house. Our local musicians will
all participate , both the vocalists and
the instrumentalists , and every effort
will be made to render a programme
worthy of the occasion. F. II. Spearman ,
Arthur Jackson and H. P. Button will
look after the programme while George
Berry , Tom Haley and Frank Hawks-
worth will take care of the business
arrangements. Reserved seats will be
placed -on sale immediately at fifty
cents each at the McCook Book. & Sta
tionery store. We bespeak a gener
ous attendance on the part of his many
railroad friends and the music loving
This week O.F. Babcocksold
Floyd Clark place of 600 acres3i | |
east of the Hatfield ranch , to Pej
Voge of Holstem , Iowa.
Designer and Trimmer , ' Dress Maker ,
New York City. All Work Guaranteed.
will be open and ready for inspec
tion on the above dates , and you are
cordially invited to examine the fin
est selection of goods we have yet
shown. Thanking you for past favors
and soliciting your future patronage ,
I remain , Yours Respectfully ,
00k , Net. J. ALBERT WELLS.4