The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1892, Image 5

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    But it loolcs as if it would be in
it soon , and the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or § 4,00 Shoes
thd.more fortunate it will be. Be-
cause we know this shoe , we want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe , want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
# * V and there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet-
t. . ter when you get the best it is a
jv luxury in footwear and not a high-
priced luxury at that. It isn't
trying to those who try it. Try it ,
Sticky fly paper at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Wayson & "OJell are putting out son.e
handsome rigs these days.
Duck is the favorite wear this seam -
son both for ladies and gentlemen who
are in the swim.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
{ lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The soda water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
' . best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it.
So much lias been said of the "nat
ural antagonism between labor and
capital" that people of ordinary good
sense have been led from the constant
repetition of phrase to imagine that
this hostility amounts to something
dreadful. Now as a matter of fact
hostility between labor and capital is
no more natural and generally no more
intense than the war between the buyer
and seller. The enmity between the
ordinary citizen and the grocer , and his
butcher , and between the woman of
the period and the dry goods store , is
fully as fervid as that between the em
ployee and the employer as a rule.
What does all this gabble about "nat
ural antagonism" amount to more than
to declare that as every person in the
community buys and sells something
there is a natural antagonism between
all individual units in society ? And
so there is , but what of it ? Laws are
made to protect every man against his
natural enemy , every other man , if they
go so far as to come to blows. But
they generally do not. What is the
sense of singingl out the day laborer
for hire as the victim of anything par
ticularly new and strange and deplor
able , because he wants to get the high
est price for his labor and his employ
er wants to get his labor the lowest
price possible ? That is the primal ,
fundamental aspiration of every human
being in his relation to his fellows.
He wants to get the most he can for
his stock in trade and they all want it
at the smallest price attainable. But
.t- it would look a little silly writing long
leaders in the newspapers trying to
prove that the world will therefore
-i- come to an end , if something isn't done
right away to stop it. The world has
managed to last quite a while without
anything startling being done. The
gradual tendency toward a higher civil
ization , must be relied upon to soften
the asperities of the competition of life.
Notice is hereby
given to all parties
indebted to Red Wil
low county for delin
quent personal taxes
that unless settle
ment is made on or be
fore Oct. 1st , 1892 ,
the same will be col
lected by distress ac
cording to law.
County Treasurer.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by C. J. Ryan.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KNIPPLE'S.
FOR RENT. Furnished bed room
with use of bath room. Enquire at
this office
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. 31. Cochran & Co. , the west Den-
niwon street hardwareuicn.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
LOST Silver Knight Templar souv
enir pin. Finder will be suitably re
warded by returning to this office.
What about Labor Day ? Will Mc-
Cook observe it with all the other things
that will need observing about that
Miss Flora Jones , South Bend Ind. ,
pays $15 a week to ladies for writing ,
etc. , at home. Iteply with stamped en
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
From August 22 to September l5th
a low rate of $15.42 has been made by
the B. & M. to Chicago and $15.30 to
St. Louis. Tickets limited to continu
ous passage.
"Cool as a cucumber" is correct
scientifically. Investigators claim that
that vegetable usually has a tempera
ture one degree less than the surround
ing atmosphere.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of second
hand goods. Drop me a card and I will
call. J. H. LUDWICK.
The proprietors of an eastern paper
offered a prize for the best essay on
"Why 1 am a Democrat , " and some
laconic wag sent them a postal card
reading : "Because I am a blamed fool.
Was born so. Yours truly , Thomas
Johnson. "
We have heard some very good people
ple try to be eloquent in prayer. Do
not try to be eloquent when you pray.
If you are intensely in earnest you will
be truly eloquent. When you realize
your * Mvn weakness and helplessness
you will pray feelingly. Prayer does
not call for rhetorical figures ; it desires
compunction of soul.
THE TRIBUNE extends a warm wel
come to the many land seekers in the
city , and presents them wjth the free
dom of the city. Hoping that they may
carefully look over the country in this
vicinity and that none of them may go
home without having purchased a piece
of Red Willow county land , whose
cheap but fertile acres may now be had
at a price that few men ot judgment
can resist.
Messrs. Hart and Doan's elevator on
east Railroad street has been closed
down for the past two weeks for repairs.
These gentlemen have spent about $500
in improvements , additions , repairs ,
andsoforth ; the capacity has been large
ly augumented , grain can be handled
much more rapidly , and withal they now
have one of completest elevators in this
section of the state. They will be
ready for Business on Monda of coming
iSTGrnceries at Nobles' .
It didn't frost Monday night , but it
cauie very near it.
Lumber yards report a brisk countr )
trade just now , cribs etc.
Carl Clark sold his farm east of the
city to' ' M. W. Eaton , this week.
Mrs. Abbott and daughter of Peru ,
Neb. , are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Baptist services at usucl hours on
next Sunday and morning evening by
pas tor McBride.
Such sales as the Russell farm are
cheerful indications of the increasing
value of western Nebraska lands.
Next Monday will be Labor day and
a national holiday , hence the city
schools will not open until Tuesday.
George Seymour of Denver arrive
in the city , Monday , and has taken a
position in C. L. DeGroff and Go's
Notice is posted on the middle river
bridge warning owners that they cross
the bridge with threshing engines at
their own risk , as the structure has been
so condemned.
Holdrege has a genuine freak in the
form of a man who says he would be
willing to pay $500 if he could prohibit
the holding of the World's fair next
all the
official i
Joe Goggles' mule has taken to laying
since the election
goose eggs county-seat
tion is a base fabrication and is abso
lutely without foundation of fact. THE
TRIBUNE resents vigorously all such
villainous aspersions of the chaste char
acter and correct habits of the editor
of the esteemeed Courier.
Some of the political newspapers are
engaging in epithets , that , even in the
midst of a heated political campaign ,
are enough to cause supreme disgust
and to excite contempt in the minds of
decent men. If shameful billingsgate
ig indicative of political influence , every
self-respecting man should pray to be
delivered from such influence. State
facts. The plain and clear cut state
ment of incontrovertible facts will do
more to influence a sensible man than
volumes of personal abuse. We are
disposed to give the people credit for
understanding plain English without
the need of a coat of ribald varnish.
One of the best sales made in this
vicinity for some ti ne was that of the
W. 0. Russell half-section to W. G.
Dutton of Unadilla , Monday , for $5-
000. It is Mr. Dntton's purpose to
move out and take possession of his
newly purchased farm in the near future.
He has in mind extensive improve
ments and will farm the place here on a
large scale. The entire farm lies under
the Meeker irrigation ditch , which adds
greatly to its Value. Mr. Dutton is of
the desirable class of settlers of means
and energy through whose money and
efforts this section of Nebraska will
rapidly and permanently develop as it
should by reason of its fertility. THE
TRIBUNE extends a hearty welcome.
Matters of Interest.
The following are some of the mat
ters of interest taken froin my Annual
Report made August 25th ; to iheState
Superintendent :
Total value of school house ? in the
county $62,040.53. Value of apparatus
owned by the various districts $2,405.-
53. Total indebtedness $52,128.04 , of
which $43,307.40 is bonded. Total re
ceipts $34,081.19 , expenses the same.
This includes the amount in the hands
of the district treasurers July 13,1891 ,
$2,011).52 , and the amount on hand
Julv 11. 1892. $3.893.06.
There have been eighty-two teachers
employed the last year , nineteen males
and sixty-three females. Total wages
earned by females $13,306.90. Total
wages earned by males $5.805.45
Whole number of children in the
county , males 1,463 , females 1,463 , to
tal 2,926. Number attended school the
past year , males 1,163 , females 1,293.
There were 34 frame school houses ,
32 sod houses and 2 brick houses in the
Number of teachers examined 83
" receiving 1st certificates 3
" " 2nd " 45
" 3rd " 35
ic , )0 7
September 5th many of the schools
of the county will begin their fall term
and I would urge upon the patrons of
the schools the necessity of sending
; heir children the first day and every
day. More benefit will be derived by
the pupil from three month's regular
attendance at school than from twice as
nany days in school scattered along
luring the year. It encourages the
eacher to do better work. In Nebras-
ere the boy can be employed at
on the farm all the fall and far in-
winter it requires some sacrifice
d him to school , but it is our pat-
uty to fit every boy for intelli-
pitizenship. The state realized
red when she granted two sections
| every thirty-six for a permanent
fund for the benefit of the
county has been blessed by
ful crops the past two years.
ra have vied with each other in
the largest and best products
Jsoil to our county and state fairs ,
[ laudable ambition to produce and
the best. It is a more laudable
> n to see your sons and daughters
led and trained so that they may
[ honor to their community and fit
any position to hich they may
Willow county should not he
her sister counties. We have
[ county the best of high schools
pupils can enter after a good
| n school course in the district
Franklin Academy.
nts and friends of the Franklin
fy will be pleased to learn that
the State University , of Nebraska , has
placed the academy first in its list of
accredited schools , thus giving it first
rank among the preparatory schools of
the state. This school is at the front
in all lines of work and we advise all
young people to investigate and find
out what it can offer them before going
elsewhere. The fall term begins Sep
tember 13th. Send for catalogue and
information to ALEXIS C. HART ,
Franklin , Nebraska.
Coleman Precinct Caucus.
The Republican electors of Coleraan
precinct are requested to hold a caucus
in the Coleman school house , Monday
evening , September 12th , 1892 , at sev
en o'clock , for the purpose of electing
two delegates to the Republican coun
ty convention to be held in Tndianola ,
Wednesday , September 14th , 1892 ; and
to transact such other business as may
come before the caucus.
WILLIAM COLEMAN , Committeeman.
Public Schools.
The fall term of the Public Schools
begins Tuesday , Sept. 6th , Monday be
ing Labor Day , a legal holiday. Ex
aminations will be held at the East
Ward building for pupils having no ad
mission cards , Thursday and Friday ,
Sept. 1st and 2nd , at 9 a. m.
The young ladies of the Congrega
tional church will give a cobweb social
at the residence of Mrs. Noren , Monday
evening , September 5th. Come and
untangle the web. Ice cream and cake
15 cents. All are invited.
Machine oil of all- kinds at Predmore
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard *
What S. H. Calvin , One of Our Rust
ling Land Men , Reports.
S. H. Colvin reports the following
sales , during the past ten days , of Red
Willow county dirt and McCook city
property , and he still has lots of splen
did bargains on hand at most reasonable
prices , which he will take pleasure in
showing to any and all who are seeking
homes or investments in God's peculiar
ly favored country. Catch onto the
band wagon !
Northwest quarter of section 4-2-30.
Southeast quarter of section 12-2-30.
Northeast quarter of section 13-2-30.
West half of northeast quarter of sec
tion 24-2-30. $1,200.
Northeast quarter southwest quarter
and northwest quarter southeast quarter
of section 19-2-30. .
- - $1,000.
Northeast quarter of section 10-3-30.
South half northeast quarter and
north half southeast quarter of section
30-2-30. $800.
Southeast quarter northeast quarter
northeast quarter southeast quarter of
section 19 and southwest quarter north
west quarter northwest quarter south
west quarter section 20-2-30. $1,200.
Southeast quarter southwest quarter
section 19 and northeast quarter north
west quarter north half northeast quar
ter of section 30-2-30. $1,000.
South half southeast quarter section
19 and southwest quarter southwest
quarter of section 20 and northwest
quarter northwest quarter of section
29-2-30. $800.
Lot 16 , block 8 , original McCook.
Lot 5 , block 24 , original McCook.
Lot 6 , block 5 , 2nd addition to Mc
Cook. $1,300.
Lot 3 , block 2 , west McCook. $450.
Lots 2 and 3block , 10 , west McCook.
Wanted to Trade !
A lot of young horses , colts , and
mules , for land in western Kansas or
western Nebraska. If you have land
to trade write to J. D. CURTIS ,
Stella , Nebraska.
Girl Wanted.
A girl wanted to learn the trade.
R. A. COLE ,
Merchant Tailor , McCook , Neb.
Furnished Rooms.
Two furnished rooms to let. In
quire at residence of Mrs. Vina Wood.
Corner Madison and Dakota.
On the first of the month J. H. Ben
nett and J. H. Dwycr exchanged posi
tions , Marshal Bennett buying and as
suming charge of the latter's tobacco
store and cigar manufactory , and Mr.
Dwyer donning the Marshal's star.
Wayson & Odell's nice tournouts and
prompt courteous treatment are secur
ing for them an encouraging share of
public patronage , which they fully de
The large addition to Marsh Phillip-
pi's dwelling house on north Madion is
rapidly nearing completion.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
The early frost fiend has broken out.
25 Cents Until After Election.
The coming presidential and state
campaign will be the most exciting ever
known. During this time you will
want a newspaper that is thoroughly in
touch with public sentiment , and one
that prints the news before it becomes
JOURNAL prints the news several days
earlier than the old fashioned weeklies ,
and costs the same , $1.00 per year. A
complete paper twice each week Tues
days and Fridays. Giving 104 papers
a year. It is almost as good aa a. daily.
The old time weekly is not in it when
it comes to printing news. A year's
subscription will carry reader ? all
through the campaign and the next | f
session of the legislature. A big dollar's
A few of our offers : The Journal u
year and "Stanley in Africa , " $1.40 ;
Journal and Weekly N. Y. Tribune ,
both one year , $1.25 ; Journal and Ox
ford Bible , $2.75 ; Journal and Neely's
Political Map , $1.80.
As a trial subsciiption we will send
THE SEMI-WEEKLY until after the elec
tion for a quarter.
Address ,
Lincoln , Nebraeka.
I wish , to inform all my patrons that
my stock of Fall and Winter Goods
have arrived. It is the finest and largest
and best selected that I have ever dis
played in McCook. Call early before
the choicest goods are gone.
KALSTEDT. The Tailor.
Matchless Bargains.
The splendid Drysdale stock of cloth
ing will be sold on Saturdays at public
auction. This is a grand opportunity
to secure bargains in this line. The
stock will be offered at private sale dur
ing the remaining days of each week ,
until all is sold. Auction at the store.
[ Jail on J. A. Cordcal for particulars.
Latest Fall Styles Men's and Boy's
Soft and Stiff Hats ; this composes
the largest and most complete line we
lave ever shown.
Houses and Lots for Sa/e.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
ots in McCook which I offer for sale
at bargains. H. G. DlXON.
Horses for Sa/e.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
CaiF'NoBLE , Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the-
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
Nothing is so fortunately built as a
fly. It can stand on one leg and
scratch itself anywhere with five legs
at once. J
The harvest excursion season is here. J >
and Nebraska will see hosts of stran
gers within the next few weeks. A
good many of them should be captured ,
and no doubt they will be.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. \