The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 12, 1892, Image 2

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aioCurdy of Michigan , 1V1U
Probably Ue the Now Ormd blaster
ISzhlbitloa Drllbj and Social Ploas-
uro-i a Feature of the Second
Day of the Great IMagonic
Oatbcrlnjj ut Denver.
DENVKK , Col. . Aug. 11. The real
6usiness of the Knights Templar con
clave Lega.ii this morning when the
( fraud encampment went into ssession
and at once took up the consideration
of the new ritual on the report of the
committee which , for the past year
has been preparing something that
will conduce to the harmony in ritual
work throughout the Un'ccd Stall s
At the election of officers of the
grand encampment to-morrow it is al
most certain that Judge Hugh Me-
Curdy of Corttnna , Mich. , will be
chosen grand master. W. Larue
Thomas of Danville , Ky. , the present
I -jralissimo , is spoken of as the dep
uty grand master and Keuben II Lloyd
of ISaii Francisco as grand general
The second day of the conclave
opened sunshiny and bright. The
streets were thronged with people and
the headquarters of the various clubs
presented animated appearances. Cal
ifornia entertained Wisconsin , and
while there was not much for
mal entertaining there was
visiting. A few of the
commanderies did some marching in
fatigue uniforms. A majority , how
ever , were glad to rest after the
fatigues of yesterday and remained
about their hotels or took rides in the
suburbs. A few commanderies left the
city for a tour around the state before
returning home
There was no competitive drill , be
cause Grand Blaster Gobin thought it
would not be the proper thing. An
exhibition drill was held , however ,
at River Front park and 10,000 people
witnessed it. There was some
disappointment because only two
commanderies appeared to take
part California. mounted and St.
Bernard No. 1 of Chicago ,
one of the crack drill corps of America.
Both looked well and were greeted
with tremendous applause. The
absence of Detroit's drill corps and
other crack organizations detracted
from the exhibition. The Californians -
fornians were dressed in black
velvet costumes and soft
hats and they presented an
unique appearance. After they had
concluded , St. Bernard's commandery
of Chicago went through the most dif
ficult evolutions \\ith apparent ease
and with greatest precision.
The Secretaries' guild , which is com
posed of grand secretaries of North
America , held a meeting and appointed
Meyer of I > euns3rlvania , Miller of
Maryland.Brown of Kansas and Bowen
of Nebraska a committee on rales to
report this morning. This association
was organized at Minneapolis a 3rear
ago for the purpose of improving the
secretarial work of the fraternity and
is being perfected at Denver this week.
Three Guards of u Treasure Train Killed
and KIcli Jlooty Secured.
DUKA GO , Mex. , Aug. 11. The mail
courier from Mazatlan reports that
near Culiacanstate of Sinaloa , Mexico ,
a train of burros , on the wa3' from the
Vedras mines , loaded with 550,000
worth of silver sulphides in boxes for
export and guarded by twenty men ,
was attacked in camp four nights ago
by fifteen bandits. Three of the
guards were killed and others wuro
overpowered and bound hand and foot.
They were left in that condition by
the brigands , who drove the mules
with their precious loads into the deep
recesses of the Sierra Madre moun
tains. A company of government
troops has gone in pursuit of the rob
ScIiTceinfurth Going : to Missouri.
ROCKFORD , 111. , Aug. 11. Sch\vein-
furth , the "Messiah , " is about to lei.-.i
Eockforcl. It is understood that his
has entered into negotiations with
some property owners a few mil. s
south of Keokuk for the purchase oi
a large track of land along- the
Missouri boundary , lie also p-j-
poses to buy a like tract of
land on the other side of the line. If
he succeeds in the purchase thi'r . a
will erected the . - .
temple be on
Mssouri line. If the people of Iowa
object to the manner in whi i lie
gains a following and offer a lev . re-
sistance , he will move over tlu- ii'ie
into Missouri. Should the peoy . .f
Missouri resist his methods ho : : 7
move back into Iowa.
Georgia Democrats.
ATLA.NTAGa. , Aug. 11. The Georgia
state Democratic convention asse.n-
bled here to-day at noon. After tem
porary organization was completed W.
Y. Atkinson "was re-elected chairman
of the state executive committee for
the next two years. There wai >
opposition to W. J. Northen > !
governor and he was renominate i H- .
were also W. A. Wright as comptr.j.
general , General Philip Cook :
secretary of state , R. U. Hardeman ju ,
treasurer , R. J. Nesbutt as comm v
sioner of agriculture.
Earthquake in Germany.
BERLIN , Aug. 11. At 8:30 : o'clock
this morning an earthquake was fist
at Ems , Coblentz , Vlender , Nassau and
Neider Lahnstein. Th e movement 1 a * I cd
for ten seconds. At Neider Lahnsti-in
the shock was BO severe that a nuino.-r
of chimneys were thrown down a-id
the school house damaged and the
scholars panic stricken and some hurt
In the wild rushes for the door * ami
Various < : .triitt le Willis WeU.'g,8uppHod
With Mrn Anonymous Threats.
PiTTSHtmo , Ia. , Aug. 10. The flag
raised at the upper Union mills of the
Carnegie company yesterday. Superin
tendent Dillon says , was floated as an
emblem of victory. Every train of
rolls in that plant is now in operation
on single turn and before the end of
of ti. week will probably be on
double turn.
A Hag was raised atDuquesne to-day ,
and Superintendent Potter says he will
also lloat one over the Homestead
mills. About 700 men are at work at
the Union mills and nearly 1,100 at"ad. Dnqnesne is in need of
only a few more men to put the mill
on double tnrn
FxPermanent houses for ths Home
stead men are being rapidly con
structed. It is expected at least fifty
houses will be built before cold
weather. This new town will be
built on the tipper part of the company
property. It has already been jaid
out into lots and will be a model tou'n
with gas , sewerage and ele tr : . :
In Aldt'rman M " ter's mail yes
terday was an anonymous lelu-r ,
posted in New York city at noon on
Monday , written in a cramped an.l
pushed hand , probably disguised , und
reading :
Alderman McMastcrs , Pittsburp , Pa. : Sir Some time this -vycck a party
of men wi 1 leave hero and will try to kill
you and Superintendent Prick again.
. Aldt'rman Mcilasters has been in
Michigan for two weeks. His mail is
opened by his constable , Joseph Web
ber. The anonymous letter was turned
over to the alderman's attorney , who ,
after reading it. said : "I suspect that
letter was written here and was sent
to New York to be mailed. All the at
torneys engaged in prosecuting the
Homestead riot cases have within a
week received several letters of a
threatening ' "ira-ler , Ivt. they have
little , if any , fear of a thrat coming
from a man who is afraid to sign his
name. "
Other officials of the Carnegie com
pany are still receiving letters threat
ening their lives.
John Reams , a non-union workman
employed at the upper Union mill , was
assaulted by two men while on his
way to work this morning and
badly beaten. His assailants were
arrested and taken to the station house
where they were recognized as Edward
Zinner , a striker , and Thomas Connors ,
a former employe. This is the first
trouble since the beginning of the
strike at the Union mills.
This morning at Homestead the
firm secured thirty-five new men to
take the places of those who deserted
yesterday and two or three additional
left. The mill seems to be operating
smoothly in a number of departments ,
although the locked out men claim
that they have indisputable nvidenca
that the product is very . " \jjy and
poor in quality.
I'ro-.siii Moorish t buU . ! . . J.
TAXRIKK , Aiig. 11. At 8:30 o'clock
this morning thi Moorish ti'oops rna la
another advance in the direction of the
territory occupied by the rebellious
tribesmen , ascended the hills and set
fire to a number of villages. The in
habitants iled. They also set. iire to
the bushes to prevent the tribesmen
from finding shelter among them. A
portion of the troops , assisted by a
force of Kabylcs , have made an attack
upon the rebellious Angherus.
The Duke of Fife a Itefonner.
LOXDOK , Aug. 11. The Duke of Fife ,
speaking at the Keith cattle show ,
said that he was convinced that prop
erties of various sizes were more de
sirable than the solid overgrown
estates which were the pride of a
former generation , and that he had
carried out this idea as soon as he
came into possession of his own prop
Smallpox Cahes in .New York.
NEW YOUK , Aug. 11. The health inspectors
specters reported three cases of small
pox to-day , one of them fatal , Joseph
Daneir. In the house where he died ,
and where he had lain sick for a week ,
there live sixteen families.
One man was killed and two injured
at Laporte , la. , by electricity.
George A. Leach , well known in New
York newspaper circles is dead.
Ella Cruse , 13 .years old , of Anna ,
111. , committed suicide by shooting be
cause her father whipped her.
James Faulkner , the bank wrecker
of Danevillc , N. Y. , has been released
on a pardon by the president.
Postmaster General Wanamaker , it
is announced , proposes to write a book
on his personal experiences as post
master general.
Bob Jordon , a negro , charged with
insulting a white woman , was killed
while in the custody of a constable ,
near Ark.
Silas Ogden of Tom Green county ,
Texas , has caused the arrest of A. A.
Houston , charged with killing Ogden's
father twenty-six years ago.
It has been discovered that the Rev.
J. G. Tale , the Republican candidate
for lieutenant-governor of Nebraskais
not a citizen. His name will be taken
off the ticket.
A landslide on the Georgia Central
railroad near Carrollton , Ga. , resulted
in the death of Jerry Collier , Sam
Wimbush and Sara \Veems. Five
others were badly hurt.
lissEmma L. Morse of Missouri has
sued Joseph G. Talbot , president of the
Guarantee Investment company of
Chicago , for § 50,000 damages for breach
of promise. He is a married man.
The horses of deputy United States
marshals sent into Johnson county ,
W3roming to serve the president's pro
clamation were stolen by the men
against whom the proclamations were
A committee representing the Afri
can colonization clnb of Lawrence ,
Kan. , called upon Governor Humphrey
to try to secure transportation for col
onies to Liberia. He was unable to
give them any consolation.
Large numbers of Chinamen continue
to arrive at Toronto from British Co
lumbia. A few remain in Toronto.but
the most of them go west , and it is
said that they are smuggled into the
United States v way of Snia and
The Ounrii rr i > ur < ) * to the Gr and
Old Itlun" With Control.
LOKDON' , Aug. 11. Mr. Gladstone to
day received a communication from
General the Right lion. Henry Ponson-
by , private secretary to the queen , an
nouncing that arrangements were be
ing made for his reception on Friday
at Osbortie house , the queen's residence
on the Isle of Wight , whither he will
proceed in response to a summons
from her majesty. The object of the
queen in .summoning1 Mr. Gladstone to
Osbornu huu . - is to entrust to him the
formation of a new government.
Lord Salisbury is expected at Os-
borne house to-morrow to tender the
resignation of the present government
upon the adoption by the house of
commons of the "non-confidence"
amendment , in reply to the queen's
The Liberal whips expect a majority
of 3ti or as on the division. The Stan
dard says the Redmondites , who were
much dissatisfied with Mr. Gladstone's
declarations , met after the speech and
de hired that , although the assurances
were vague and unsatisfectory , they
would vote with the Gladstonians , re
serving entire freedom of action for
the future.
St. I'nul Flood Hold to Have lecn
Duo to Xejfligcnco.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 1 1. The
coroner's jury investigating the death
of Frederick Kreiger , one of the flood
vii tims , has brought in the following
verdict :
We , the jury , find that the said Fred
erick Kreiger came to his death on tlie
third day of August , lb'2 ! , through the
iiuvligencc of the city engineer and as
sist .tits in not properly attending to the
drainage of the accumulation of water south
of Page street , between Brown avenue
and Woodbury street , and the force of
said , water , when breaking its bounds , de
stroying the residence of Frederick Kreiger
and causing his death in the wreck that
There were three deaths and half a
dozen injured and damage suits
against the city for large amounts will
probably be at once instituted.
Lumbermen in Session.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. 11. The
semi-annual convention of the South
ern Lumber Manufacturers' associa
tion began at 10:30 o'clock this morn
ing in the ladies' ' ordinary at the
Coates hotel.
T. 15. White of Grandin. Mo. , presi
dent of the association , will not arrive
until to-morrow , and so the meeting
was calied to order by George K. Smith ,
the secretary. J. ,1. White of Missis
sippi was made temporary chairman.
D. U. Saunders , president of the Kan
sas City wholesale lumber dealers'
association , introduced Mayor Cow
herd , who made a short address of
After the business meeting an in
formal reception was given and to
night a secret society composed of
lumbermen initiated new members.
To-morrow night there will be a ban
quet at the Coates. The most import
ant business to come before the meet
ing is the fixing of a new price list.
Killed With a Shovel.
EMPORIA , Kan. , Aug. 11. Yesterday
afternoon two colored men , Robert
Burrus and Will James quar
reled , and the latter hit
Uurrus over the head with a shovel ,
from the effect of which he died this
morning. The murderer escaped and
has not as yet been arrested , lie is a
mulatto , married and has three chil
dren. It is said that his right name is
Will Wiggins and that he left Tennes
see and assumed the name of James
because of a similar trouble in that
Military Honors for a ISaltimoro Victim.
NKW YORK , Aug. n. The body of
Charles W. Riggin , the sai'lor of the
United States ship Baltimore , who was
murdered in Valparaiso , Chili , during
the recent trouble , arrived at this port
by the Pacific mail steamer Columbia
last night and was taken ashore this
morning by Mr. Eversole and James
W. Nagle , son of General Nagle of the
Philadelphia Enquirer. It will be
buried in Philadelphia with military
The Reading Combine.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 11 Nothing
is known in this city of the
Pennsylvania railroad being forced
into the Reading combine , as
published to-day in a New York
paper. At the Pennsylvania railroad
headquarters the story was denied. It
is too improbable to warrant even a
denial , said an official.
J\Iade Mail by His Discharge.
AXKISTOX , Ala. , Aug. 1 ] , At Talla-
dega , yesterday , R. L. Rasberry , a bar
tender employed by N. Symons , was
discharged. Drawing a pistol , he shot
Symons once. He then placed the pistol
against his heart and fired. Then he
fired two more shots at Symons , who
lay on the ground already in his deatlj
Ex-Union Veterans in Keuiiion.
NEVADA , Mo. , Aug. 11. The ex-
fjnion veterans of Veruon , Bates and
Cedar counties are holding a reunion
at Fair Haven Springs. Fully 12,000
people are in attendance. An Affort
is being made to organize the various
posts in the Thirteenth congressional
Pleasure-Seekers 1'erish.
ST. PETERSBURG , Aug. 11. The pleas
ure steamer Ajix was run down out
side of Helsingfors Monday. Ninety
persons are reported to be missing and
the bodies of thirty-five have been re
A California Fire.
SAX FRANCISCO , Aug. 11. Fire early
this morning at Lyon , Alameda coun
ty , destroyed the Shaw block , a two
story dwelling , the upper portion of
which was occupied as a lodging
An American Boat Wins lu England.
JJOKDOU , Aug. 11. At the Castle
yacht Club regatta in the Solent yes
terday , the American boat We Win ,
won first prize in the half rating
mat > '
a1- _ : s - : ; \ ,
x > * . i i
- , .
W Kf S * * * ' * * ' * * - I-
i S I s
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most successful
cough medicine \ve have ever sold , a few
doses invariable cure the worst cases of coutjh ,
croup anil bronchitis , while its wonderful suc
cess in the cure of consumption is without a
parallel in the history of medicine. Since its
iii.t discovery it has been sold on a guarantee ,
a lest which no other medicine can htand. If
you have a coujjh we earnestly ask you to try
it. 1'iice loc. , 5oc. and Si. If your lunijsarc
soiu , cl.cst or back lame ; , use Shiloh's Porous
I'lastcr. Sold by A. .Mc.MiHen.
lly viituc'ol tin nulcrul sale ilireuteil 10 nit :
finiii ilic tlit-n ict ci nrt dl Kt-il \ \ iltow count , ) ,
Nfhnii-Uii.on > i judgment ndininui ! bcluiullon.
1 > T. \ > Ht.Jiulpc nt i InUiMiiit cMniit uf
liril Willow county. Ncii.'iitfi.n. on Ilit-liih Oil }
nl .Inn * , I..1 : . ' , in tinorol Tin-M < : ( ' < > iU ( < > -oici-- |
tilivt ! i n Itliiif.- Suiiiu A-M > rhition us
pluintll : . ami nuiiiiiFt Suc.'cm > \ Munsun. cl nl
asiicii'iidiiiiiK. lei ilu'Mim ot iMblit linnilicil
HI.I ! iurnlt , : \ iirlu.- ! . jiinl iuili' - nccirlr
( i. li. . ' . ' . " ) ! iiiui un.liiii.Xftl ni M' ; , ' > ' unit > u crinn r
ft i ii * . I Icvinl upon llitInlloxvintr real
( . - : in > I ; i i n ; ) . i la- | iriiii-ri | \ ol Haiti dcleiul-
anis > < > iii"M ili > - ti'iil ili-cii'i- . : o uii : Lot
-r > in . i-k Mm ii i n , Hr-i miii i nun to Met ooK.
li. il U iui.w i-onniy. iNi-l > rnf.u. : nnil will ou"tii
tinMinn - lor - : into i lit * nih - ! liiildt-r lor
cat-It in i.mi ! ( , Hit x".uli liny ol Animst. A. D.
18'J . ni iron ) ( ! the -onih iloi.r < > l ° tit" court
IniiiM- > li ( lii'iM.l.i. \c fiit-liji. ilnn ht'inir the
liiiMMiL : ulicr'-iii die itist it-mi I com t wns
liclil , ut I ol one o'ctci-K. I' . M. . ol'Ktid
d : > . \ . ulii n iitiu \ > In if itin- iiiici-'l.-ui , < un ! lie
{ . IXfll ll\ tin- III lli-l * 11MK < I.
Ijiiird .inl ) Will. )8'X' . R. It. HANKS. ut said < oiiniy.
lt\ virtue ol .in eider i f ssile directed to iie
lium tli < - d stiicl t'otiit of Ued Willow count ) .
Ni'lini l.n. < -i. a ; * . - olnaiiii-d lipioiv
H < ii I ) ' ! ' . Wi-lij , .inline nl the niMi.rl court
n | Ifcd \ \ illonoiiiiiiy. . r\rl.t n-ki , en the Cub
In ) ol . .IUIHlb' ) . ' . in ! > iv < r' < : > iliiiuu Itankin
us pli'ii'iiil. a 'l iipxii st * in inlliit Conklm and
| . . ' : t ni Min. t-l al nsdi H-inliinls Inrihesnin
nl ti'i > I nti'iii < l and- > < mj-lour dmhus and
ninety ! I ; > ( $ lG74.)0. ! ) ) "d C'I-IK inxt-d at tivi'ii-
tj-six t > Hsu' " ami iiinety-i-jilil ! ci'ntM : Jty3)iind ; )
itcci IIIIIK c'i-1- . 1 have I'-vn < : upon the lollou-
mjr roiil Mm inkon no iliipiopcr ! \ < i | said
( Iclciuliiiiict to silt-l\ : .s-id ilceii'itnwit :
Soiitli-riiM qiiniicr i f s. I-IKHI i uciiij-llvf.
l.iunsli p lour , north 01 in ri'tui-ni.J-it.\ . wtpt
Ij I' . V. in Jti'tl Willow county. Ni-'iia-kii. and
u il ! oiler Hit' Baltic lor s.iii * in tin * hi hi-si liid-
( ! i-i toiTiifh in liaiui on i In ? ! iihdiij or August ,
/ > . 1 > . Ib'.tt. in IMIIII ut tlr xinlh dniii ol tlie
citiit hi ! in luiiii.niilii NcbruM.ii. that be-
in ( In l < u i Id i nc u-ln-Msn ihr 11 1 lei m of court I In4 In MMof oVIork , ! ' . M. . of
said < li v. u In-il tinil u iioi < ilno : t ( tiMid.uico will
lie uiven l-y the niiii'iuiiid. . ! ! . . If-'JJ. K. U. HANKS.
blu-i-ill of said count \ .
I < 1" vii iie of an order nl sale directed to me
lioin thi' istrict eotnt of ! edVillou county.
Nchiitbl > ii. on a judgment obtained befoie
lli n..I. 10. ( Vchran. jud-re of thedistrict court
t. | Ked W'l'iu omint.t. NebiasHa , en iheX'SMIi
diij ol epiember , l.S''O ' ' inlavorol Nt'bta.-ka
Loiin > : nd Ti ust plaintilf. and
ti ninst I'r.-mlilin J. Itushniiir us defendent , for
the sum ol fortjix dollsus ( ? ! ! ! . and costs
ta.\ed at ; "i4. ! ) and accrniiifr costs , I have
levied upon the fol.owin teal estate taken as
the properly of said defendant , to satisfy paid
jndvnient. to-wii : Noithv/i-st ? 4 sec , lown-
( -hii 1. not Ih of run-re : . ' ! ' . west ot the I'.tb P. M.
in Ifeil U'il low con nt.Neliii' . l.a. and wi 11 offer
the same ( or hsue loihe h liebt biiltler. tor
wish ii hand. > n the 1st ( bo of August. A I ) . ,
iraj. in from ol ilie soiiih door ol the court
hoiiM * . in Tndiaiiola. Ntlnit-k1. ! that '
buildin > r uheieiii the hist teim < if com twits
held at the hour of one o'floe ! : . I' . M. , of Pan
day. whin and wheie due attendance will bi
jji\c-n bil.e undersigned.
Dated .Inne 'Jlh. IMti.
! : . It. HANKS , ? hcnff.
ISTItATHlX. _ _ _
In the matter ot Hie estate of John li. Me
Calie. deceased. On reading tui'l tiling the peti
tion of b'arah J. McCatie. praj iiifr that admin
istration of said estate may be granted to bei
as administratrix. Ordered" , that. August 29. A.
D. 1S02. at 1 o'clock. P. M. . is tibSitrneil for heai-
iiifrsaid petition , wlien nil persons interested
in said matter may appear ar a county court
to I.e hi Id in and lor said county , and show
CHUM ! why the pra ; . pr of the petitioner should
not be granted : and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and hetinnjr thereof , bi
iven to all persons interested in said mattei
by publishing a copj * of this order in tue Mc-
COOK TitiiiUNE , a weekly newspaper printed
in said countj % for three successive weeks ,
prior to said day of hearing- .
( A true copy. ) CnAS. W. UKCK.
County Judge.
First publication , July 29th.
To Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby given , that on November
13th , 18S9 , The Farmers' Loan and Trust Com
pany purchased at public sale from the Treas
urer of Ked Willow county , Nebraska , tor the
delinquent taxes for the year 1889 , the east half
of the north west fourth and the east halt of
the south west fourth of section twenty-eight ,
township two. range thirty , in said county ,
which land was taxed for said year of 1889 in
the name of Hiram Cooley. The time for re
demption from said tax sale will expire No
vember 13th. 1S92. The certificate issued by
said County Treasurer , for said tax sale has
been duly assigned by The Farmers' Loan and
Trust Company to the undersigned , who is
now the owner thereof. C. n. DOYLE.
[ First publication August 12.1892. ]
August 11.1892. \
Notice is hereby given that the following-
natned settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final live year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
Saturday , September 17,189viz :
onll.E. No. 7437 ft r the E. ofS. W.J and
W. A ol S. E. U section 12. town. 4. north
Hange29 , W.OthP. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to proove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Jesse Ingel , Enoch A. Sexson and Henry Wi-
nans. of Box Eider , Neb. , and Edward Lakin ,
Indianola. Neb. .1. P. LINDSAY. Register.
[ .First publication August 12.18921
LAND OFFICP. AT McCooic , Nm : . . /
August 11,1892. i
Notice is hereby given that the fr.liowinfr-
named settler inis filed notice of his intention
to make final pre-emption proof in support of
his claim , and that said proof will be made be
fore Register or Receiver at McCook. Nebras
ka , on Saturday , September 17th , 1892 , viz :
on Pro. D. S. No. 6137 for the E. Y2 of S. W. y
section 7. t'w'p 4. N. Range 28 , W.Gth P.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of. said land , viz : Valentine Bogle..Ksse
Ingpl and James Kinjrhorn , ot Hex Elder. Ne
braska , an ! Samuel Hoagland , of Indianola.
Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
First publication July 22d.
July 20th. 1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
Saturday. Septembers. 1892. viz :
who made P. E. D. S. number li.7.S > for the
S.W. H N.W.J4 section 2. in township 1. north
of range 31 , west of the Cth P.M. He names
the following witnesses to proof his continu
ous residence upon , aud cultivation of , said
and. viz : Charles B. Kuobbs and Isaac E.
Hart , of Culbertson , Neb. , Isaac Matson and
Simpson Edward , of McCook , Neb.
J. P. LINUS AY. Register.
"ANAKESIS" pir s instant
relief and is : tr. rifalliblo
Cnreforl'lk-s. Prux'SL By
Druggists or mail , bamplea
free.drcss"AfAKEsfs ,
% r BOI SUB , NOW York city
s 03m v , s v .
WIIEllEAS. A joint resolution was adopted
by the Legislature or the State of Nebraska
at the twenty-second si'sslun ihutcoC , and ap
proved April Clli. A. D. 18I. ! ) proposing nn
amendment to section nluo'J ( ) of article olgbt
( H ) . of the constitution of said stale , and tout
said section as amended shall rend as follows ,
to-Mit :
SKCTIOX 1. All Hinds ticloiifjlnjr to thu dtato
lor conuiitioniil purpose.1 * , the interest IMII ! in
come whereof only arc to lie nseil , shall he
di-unifd ti iibt funds held by thu stale , and the
Mate Mini ! EUDply all louse. * thereof ilnil nitty
in nny miinnur accrue , so that thu same shall
remain forever Inviolate mid uiidlmlnishud.
mid slnill not buiiiVfbted or loaned except on
United States or State securities.or registered
county bonds , or registered fcchool district
bunds nt this state , and such funds with the
interests und income thereof , are hereby
solemn ! ) pledged for the purposes for which
they are uranted aud set apart , and shall not
he transferred to any oilier fund for other
SICTION - ' . At such election on thu ballot
< 1 ouch elector voting for or against this pro
posed anicnilnicnt Khali t < written or printed
the winds : "Fur proposed amendment to the
constitution rclaiiiur to permanent school
fund. " niiil "Agiiinut Hitld iituroscd iunoiul
ment to the constitution lelatiiii ? to I'l-rnw-
nent echool Iniid. "
Stc. ; ; . llHiieli iiniendmentshitlllii-upprov
i il by a majoniy ' nil the nleeiors voting ut
such election , said proposed amendment shall
constitute Heetfon nine. ( ! > ; of article eight (8) (
ot the cmiftitiition of the Slate of Nebraska.
Therclore I. James E. lloyd. Governor of
the tStnieot Nebiaska. do hereto give notice
in accordance with section (1) ( ) article seven
teen (17) ( ) , of thu constitution and the provi
sions of an act < milled "An act to provide the
manner of proposing all amendments to the
constitution and submitting the same to the
electors ol the slate. " Approved February
I'Jih , A. I ) . 1877. that said proposed amend
ment will tie submitted to the iuatilled ) voters
of this state for approval or rejection at the
general election to beheld on the 8th day of
November. A. D. 1802.
IN WITNKSS WHKKKOF. I have hereunto set
my hand and caused to be alllxed the great
seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln tlus20tli day of July , A. D.
18SC , and the x'Oth year ol the State , and of the
Independence of the United States the one
hundred and seventeenth.
By the Governor.
JOHN 0. At.t.fcN , Secretary of State.
WHEUEAS. A resolution wiisiidopted by the
Lfvrisliiturcof the State of Nebraska at thu
Twentj-second session thereol.and approved
April 4tb. A. 1) . Ib'.ll. piopobin an ameiid-
nifiit to Section One (1) ) , ot Aiticle Kive ( ; " > ) , of
tin * constitution ol said jtate. and that said
sccioii ( as amended t-lnul rend as follows , to-
wit :
cTl ( ) " 1. ( Officers. ) Thu oxi-cutivc < lf-
pariiuent shall of a governor , lieuten
ant jfovernor , secretary of btate , auditor of
publu nccountp , treasurer , superintendent of
public instruction , attorney treneral , commis
sioner ot public lands and buildings and three
railroad commissioners , whose powers stud du-
tii-s bhall be such as may be prescribed I > y law.
'Ihi'tlrst Dinned ei ln ( i > ) officers shall hold
oHicitor the term ot two years Irom the Hrst
'i'hur.-day iitti-r the lirst Tuesday in January
next tiller his flection , und until his sncee.-s-
or is elected und qualified : I'itovii't : ! ) , now-
KVKIC. That the lirst election of said lirst eiffht
mimed officers shall be held on tin ; Tuesday
succeeding the lirst Monday in November ,
IStci. and each succeeding election shall be held
at the same relative time in each even year
thru-after. The three last named officers or
railroad c < > mmicsi ( < nfi > bhall I e elected In the
electors of the state at Iiirjri- . and their terms
of ollice , except of thos' ' co en at the lirst
lection , as heroine. ! i or provided , shall be
tliree yeirThe HrM election for railroad
ronmnpsioneis sinill b < > belli nn the Tuesday
nu-eeedinir the lirst Mnndh\ Novembur,18y ; { ,
and shall U > iield at the Fame relniive time
in ciuOi stuTcoiIinaryMir. The railroad commis
sioners fhall. imnifdiatcly alter the iirst said
election in ! M'J. : bi el.i.--iHcd b.lot. . . so that one
shall hold hiH office lor ihe term ol onr year.
OPI- for tin- term ot two \eais , and one lorthe
H'rin of throe years. No p"rsnn s-liali tie eligi
ble to the ollice lailroad connn ssioner who
IK ; in the employ ot anx eotninoti eurrier. or
the owner of any raiiri'iid bonds or Mock , erin
in any manner whatexer iicciiniaiiK inii-n-si-
fil in any railroad company. The rovt-rnor.
5ei'rpiHiy of the stilt P. railroad eommiHSioi i-rs.
auditor oi public accounts ami tieasuriTshall
reside at the sear of t > overnnu'nt durinir their
term of ollice and keep the public rei'iirds ,
books and papers tin re. ad shall prrlVum
Mich duties as inuy he required by law ; I'lto-
viDEi ) . IIOWEVKII , AIS < > . Thar the K"M'rnor
shall appoint thro * iairoad ! eiimmf-sioners
who shall hold the r olliee until their silfce s-
01 are elcctid and ( pia'itlcd as provided here
Six ; . - . That each person votmjr in I > n ref
of this amendment shall have written or print-
oil upon hie ballot the tollowmr : "Per tht
proposed amendment to the constitution re
litiiir ; to executive oilleers. "
Therelore , I , .lames E. lioyd. Governor of
the State of Nel > raska. do hereby ive notice
in accordance with section one (1) ( ) . article sev
enteen (17) ( ) . of the constitution and the provi
sions of the act entitled "An net to provide
the manner of proposing all amendments to
the constitution and gulunittintr the siime to
the electors ot the state. ' ' Appioved Febru
ary loth. A. IJ. 1S77. that said proposed amend
ment will be submitted to the qiialilled voters
ot this sta'e for approval or rejection at the
reneral election to be held on the 3th day of
November. A. I ) . 1892.
IN WITNESS WHKUCOF. I hereunto set my
hand and cause to be allixed the { Treat seal ot
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 20th day of July. A. D.
! ! > : , and theSGtb year of the State and of the
Independence of the United Stales the one
hundred and seventeenth.
By the Governor.
J. O. AI.T.EN. Secretary of State.
To AH Concerned.
Notice is hereby { riven that the Hrm of Hails-
back & Jacques is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. Thos. A. Itailsback continuing the
business and C. W. Jacques retiring. All bills
due the old linn arc payable to Thos. A. ISfiils-
back who also assumes all debts of said firm.
McCook. Nebraska. July 26th , ISftJ.
Signed , Tuns. A. KAILSPACK ,
mzim i'&v y fe'
Epileptic Fits , raHius Sickness , Hyster
ics. St. Titus Dance , Servousiiess ,
Hypochondria , Melancholia , In-
eforily , Sleeplessness , Diz
ziness. Urn in and Spi
nal Weakness.
This medicine has direct action upon
the nerve centers , allaying all irritabili
ties , and increasing the flow and power
of iifrx * lliiid. It is perfectly harmless
and leaves no unpleasant effects.
A. Valuable Book on Nervona
FREE Diseases sent free to any address ,
and poor patients can also obtain
this medicine free of charge.
This remedy has beenjprepared by the Beverena
? aetor KoeniR. of Fort Wayne , Ind , Bines 187& and
is now prepared under his direction by the
KOENIC MED. CO. . Chicago , 111.
Sold I ) ? DrusK'-its at SI per Bottle. G Tar SR
. . ' 31.7. . 0 BotUos for < .
_ Arjtyle.Wifl..B yB :
The accompanying statement WdrillJJOn * JSSIU TS lit
ot my vreight and.measure Bart. 43 fa. 2J In. 10 In.
ments will show , the results of Wtlil. lln. 21 to. 11 b.
five months' treatments Hip * , . . S3 to.40 In. Ilia.
FertwUcuIinftdiftUrWUliSMttUlatUSK < J > , I ; '
For Farmers , Mjfersaiifl Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. ,
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
c. n. novi.K.
LAND - : -
Six years t'.xjuirienco in Oov.
erntiKiiil Land "
Real Estate , Loans & Insuranje.
in Phillips-Meeker building.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAM ,
CB : Ground Hour nrnt bricli build
ing north | { . & M. depot. _ _ _ _
fif-tt'ill practice in all courts. Coiiiinorcitkl
and corporation law a specialty. .Money to
loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National hld'g-
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ,
C T 1'ractice in the State and Federal Courts-
B. B. DAY I ? ,
JK Hotiiis : 'J to ll.a. m. . t' r and
I to I' , p. in Rooms nvr First National tuink. 'if '
A. T. RICE , M. D. ,
I have located permanently in McCook ,
Neb.1 All calls answered promptly by day or
night , in the city orcountry. Special attention
given to diseases of children. Office over
Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel.
Office hours from S a. in. to 8 p. m. Residence
in the "fjrout" ' house.
- r3 '
Eoraei branded on left hip or Jcft shoulder.
P. O. address , Imperial.
Chase , ' I
County and Geat-
krioo , Nob. Kango , Stink-
llnsr Water and French- ! !
f man creeks , Chase Co. ,
Brand as cut on side of
I some animals , on hip ani
aides of some , or any
where on the animal.
J. S. McBR YER ,
and Safe Moving &
Specialty. Orders for Draying left
at the Huddlestoc Lumber Yard
will receive prompt attention.
II :
For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest
shop this side of Hastings but be has got the
Largest and Best stock of Cloths and Trim
mings this side of Hastings , which lie will fur
nish cheaper than any other tailor for the
same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the
Citizens Hank.
Mulley Herfords , Durhams , Jerseys ,
And un > other breed easily obtained
by using-
Dean's Dehorning Pencil ! < ,
It never fails. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. For testimonials and further - . '
ther Information see circular. Price 30 cents. i i
Sola by - >
Dealer in Harness. Saddlery and Turf Goods. * ' / 1
Mccook. Neb. Light track harness a specialty. ' <
i I