L. LOWMAN & SON. ForSODaysOnly Will allow you $1 on a purchase of $5 in order to make room for the Fall Stock. Cie Earl ! i LOWMAN & SON , Leaders in Low Prices , I KNIPPLEI m ALL ! IN : 555AND HIS : Cornet andlSterling BRANDS OF FLOUR S55ARE BUT . Store open till the usual Lours. INDIANOLA ITEMS. Oh what a rain ; big crop insured. John Furr was over from Bondville , Wednesday. M. N. Eskey was up from Bartley , one day this week. Clerk Roper's children arc still sick , but arc improving. J. M. Short's and C. W. Beck's babies have both been very sick for some days. Get a premium list at once and ex amine Button's special premium of a gold watch. Miss Kittic Shackelton has been en gaged Jo teach in the room presided ovei the last year by Miss May Mitchell. The M. E. church and the Y.M. C. A. buildings were some damaged by light ning during the thunder storm , Wed nesday. Dr. Beck , though badly bruised by the train , has no hones broken and his physicians think prospects fair for his speedy recovery. We are informed that Rev. Gerharfc has been engaged by the Congregation al society to serve as their pastor for the coming year. Attorney A. S. Sands , of Stockville , defended the suit in county court , Mon day. Watch Factory vs. George K. Gragg , verdict for defendant. A. T. Campbell , of Hildreth , was in our city , this week. Mr. C. has several elevators along the line , and is still looking for places to enlarge his busi ness. License was issued on the 22d for marriage of Mr. A. J. Kestler of Fron tier county and Miss Minnie C. Mavis of Illinois. They were married on same date by Rev. P. S. Mather. Elder C. A. Mastm was at the depot at the time of the accident , Wednesday morning , and being formerly a physi cian , assisted Dr. Eskey in setiing the bone of Engineer Reid's leg. [ We have received a copy of the Frontier County Republican , Stockville's new paper , and we are pleased with the paper and hope our friends on the north will sustain it as it should be. Alex. Strain and his sister Mrs. E. M. Woods , of the Beaver Valley coun try , came over , Wednesday , to take the train in response to a telegram stating that their mother was very sick in Iowa. G. N. Card has traded his farm and dwelling here for an improved farm in York county. Mr. C. and family will probably move to York and Mr. E. L. Waters , who now owns the Red Wil low dirt , is expected to become one of our citizens. One of our citizens tried to end his life on Sunday. A dull knife is all that saved him. He had spent the day at the hole in the bluffs south of town , and came home in a condition to do anything. His crazed brain dictated what a blessing a brewery is. W. V. Vickrey and family , of Bart- ley , accompanied by his mother , who is visiting him from Illinois , took a drive , Sunday , and called on the county judge's family. Mrs. V. will remain some weeks in Bartley before goinej far the west to Scotts Bluff county to visit an other son. Wednesday was a day of accidents The narrow escape from a bad collision in morning , when Engineer Frank Reic was seriously hurt and two engines dam aged , in the afternoon Dr. G. R. Beck came near losing his life by being run over by No. 4 , and two buildings being struck by lightning during the storm is enough for one day. Before another letter is written by this correspondent the county seat mat ter will be decided and as we stated two weeks ago we hope everything will be conducted fairly , and also hope the defeated parties will quietly submit to the majority , and all go to work to build up the banner county of Nebraska. Let us act like honest men. Amidst excitement of county seat canvass don't forget time for holding our fair will soon be here. Those want ing premium lists can find them at many business places in McCook , Courier and secretary's offices in Indianola , and at postoffices of Bartley , Danbury and Lebanon , or drop a card to secretary and he will mail you one free. Children Cry for Pitcners Castoria. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Hiss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. VALLEY GRANGE. " * * S- * \ * iS Oh the weather is so warm and I am so sleepy. Ira Boyd has gone to work on the mail route again. Mr. Ed. Kane is quite sick , under the care of Dr. Critser. Those that attended the dance at Mr. Fitch's report a splendid time. H. D. Kenney has been working for Mr. Alurecht the past week. Mr. A. Rogers passed through our city going south , Wednesday. Mr. llatliff passed through our city going lo Fairview , Friday last. Miss Goldie Russell , accompanied by Miss Jones , of Traer , visited at Dr. Critscr's , Friday. Will Critser , Miss Russell , Charlie Boatman and Miss Jones called nt Kd Benjamin's , one evening last week. Eil. Benjamin and II. D. Kenney will cut their wheat , this week with the help of Will Critser and his McOormick. Don't forget the Sunday school , 10 o'clock every Sunday , and preaching every other week by Rev. Unclcsslmr. The Indianola editors need not send the Valley Grange peop'le any of their one horse papers slandering McCook and her business men , for we know Mo- Cook's men to be men of their word and VOTE for the court house WE WILL. One of Valley Grange's independents says he is going to vote the straight Independent ticket , for just think hogs are worth $5.40 and I haint got none ter sell. Do you think I would vote for Harrison ? Another one of them wanted to know if the primary was to have men to go to Indianola to have the irrigation come up on the hill , that you sec is the education of that party. SLEEPY JIM. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Rails back & Jacques is this day dissolved by mutua consent. Thos. A. Railsback continuing : th business and C. W. Jacques retiring1. All bill due the old firm are payable to Thos. A. Kails back who also assumes all debts of said firm McCook , Nebraska , July 2Gth , 1892. Signed , Tnos. A. RAILSPACK , C. w. JACQUES. L W , McGON- NELL & GO. "T Free ! Free ! In order to increase our casli trade we will give away the following- of presents to bur cash customers , PRPP1 JL X xJL-/JL 1 Gold Watch , worth - - $100.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth - - 50.0O | ) 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth - 75.0O \ 2 Silver Watches at ยง 25 each - 5O.OO f 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magiiiftceiit Oil Painting's at $2 5 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , bound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.00 118 PRESENTS WOIITH - - $790.00 * We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stove Tinware , Harness , . Saddles , House Furnishing 6oods:7J : in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and g'o them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our g-oods before buying- . C. LaTourette. youocc. . it iit itso. . GENUING BARGAINS ! r 0 Has the actual difference in the way CLOTHING is put up ever oc curred to you ? If it has not , a visit to the various places where clothing is- sold will convince you that there is a vast difference between " "slop-shop- hand-me-downs" and clothing ( not things ) made of good material and nicely put together. Here is where- we have always made a strong point and the fact that we are selling Men's and Boys' Suits and Pants , trimmed , lined and sewed equal to any tailor made suits , at prices as low , and often lower , than the "slop shop" stuff explains in itself why we are doing so large a clothing business. We have put forth ari extra effort this- spring , and you will find our tables loaded down with the- prettiest line of MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDKEN'S SUITS to be found on this market , and if you are looking for goodr honest goods at the lowest prices , we ask you to carefully IV inspect this department. And in Hats , Shirts , Suspenders , . Overalls , Jeans , Pants , SOCKS , Ties , Night Shirts , etc. , we have just what you want and at a price that will meet your views. C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. R. D. BURQRSS , PLUMBERSTEAM FITTER NOKTE MAIN AVE. . McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , . Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills. 40 TO 2000 ACRE TRACTS , TO S15 PER ACRE. p for Price List and Descriptive Circular of Southwestern .Nebraska to AND STOCK RANCHES.S. . H. COLVIN , McCook/erf HT///OW Co. . Neb. r