The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1892, Image 7

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    r-MSV : ;
. xl. WARRRN. Manager.
B. & M. Meat Market.
, .
. . . , .
TURKEYS. & .C. &c.
F. S. WILOOX& CO. , Props.
Epileptic Fits , Falling Sickness , Hyster
ics , St. Yitus Dance , Nervousness ,
Hypochondria , rJelancholia , In-
cbriiy , Sleeplessness , DIz-
ziiiess , IJ rain and Spl-
nnl Weakness.
This medicine has direct action upon
the iiorvu centers , allaying all irritabili
ties. and increasing Ihe llow and power
of uci-v" finis ! . It is perfectly harmless
and leave ; , no unpleasant effects.
fn F1 A Valuable Book en Nervous
L Uu U ' Diseases sent free to any address ,
I II f 1 and poor patients can also .obtain
| .lib La this medicine free of charge.
Thia remedy nas'iJSenjp ' .
Pastor Koenig. of Fort Wayne. Ind * since 13T6. and
la now proparedundorbls direction by the
KOENIC MED. COM Chicago , 111.
SoidbyI > rngBistsatSiporBottJc. ; OlovTc
1.7.y. fi.Boti.lqs/or ' _
Recently the following Notice dpptarid In the
San Francisco Chronicle.
" Judge S had been sicfc only about two
weeks , and itwas not untU the last three or
four days that the malady took'a serious turn.
At the beginning of his illness he suffered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended .the hfe
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia. " Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de-
ranjiement of the kidneys or urinary organs ,
don't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; .don't
waste your money on worthless liniments
and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies , the celebratedTWgonKid-
nev Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands.
Why should it not cure you- Try it Purely
vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack
age , 6 for $5.00.
fal vigor
Nester 4
lyeara by a miracle of Modern ; el-
encc. Call or write enclosing .Hi ftata
ci e folly and get a trial treatment ana wlvlca
of a regular specialist of many years' experience ,
' C
I- :
Homeseekers' excursions ,
1892 , on August 30 and Septem
ber 17th , a rate of one lowest
eastern points to points on our
line'for two homeseekers' ex
cursions. These tickets will
be sold at all the principal rail
way points as far east as
Buffalo and Pittsburg. Tick
ets will be good within twenty
days from the date of sale and
stop overs wiirbe allowed af ter
passing the Missdiirrriyer ; It
is expected that tEere will be
quite a large immigration of
intending settlers to Nebras
ka , northwestern Kansas and
eastern Colorado , during this
summer and fall. This immi
gration can be very largely in
creased by judicious advertis
ing and work by the various
communities tributary to our
line. It is therefor suggested
that sections proposing to pre
pare such advertising matter
for distribution in the east in
regard to the inducements
they have to offer the farmer ,
the business man and investor ,
should begin to get their ad
vertising in shape at as an
early a date as possible. In
case their plans contemplate
sending a good advertising
man to distribute their matter
and attend to their advertising
generallythis department may
be able to give valuable point
ers as to the best method of
doing the work.
I think it is desirable that
editors of the papers along
our line should begin agitating
the matter in order that the
people may be prompted'to do
more or less individual work
with their friends in the east
in the way of sending by mail
such matter as- the different
" of extra editions of
full information as to the re
sources and advantages , and
directing attention to the very
low rates that will be made to
enable them to come and see
for themselves that the repre
sentations are not really up to
the reality.
The company has recently
issued a pamphlet in regard
to the agricultural resources
of Nebraska , which will be
furnished free to those who
may desire to mail it io their
friends in the east. This
pamphlet treats of Nebraska ,
northwestern Kansas and
eastern Colorado. I wish yon
would present this matter to
editors at your place and also
to other .parties who may be
interested in settling up va
cant farm lands of this state.
J. FRANCIS , GP. . and T. A. ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Cry for Pitchers Castoria.
Burlington Excursions.
Eastern cities and
pleasure resorts are
best reached by the
The improved train
service in effect , brings Omaha , within
forty hours and Denver within fifty-three
hours of New York , Boston or Phila
delphia. The numerous conventions to
be held in New York , Saratoga , Detroit
and other eastern cities during the com
ing summer , to which reduced rates
will apply , offer splendid opportunities
) f visiting the east at an almost nomi
nal cost. The local agent of the B. &
M. E. R. will be glad to give you fur
ther information.
Colorado's Cool Retreats.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Colic and Cholera Morbus.
Colic , cholera morbus , cramp and
many other affections of the stomach
and bowels prevalent at this time of
he year are due to two causes. First
he depressing effect of the hot weather
upon the nervous system , and second ,
he use of green fruit , cucumbers , mel
ons , etc. No one is safe from painful
and even dangerous attacks of these af-
ections unless unusual precautions are
aken this time of the year. A table-
poonful of Pe-ru-na taken before each
meal is a complete protection against
hese maladies. Pe-ru-na is not only a
> reventive of colic , cholera inorbus ,
cramps , stomach ache , summer diar
rhoea and cholera , .but is also a prompt
cure for these diseases. Where the
attack is very severe and painful a
wine glassful of Pe-ru-na should be
aken at once , followed by two table-
poonful doses until complete relief is
obtained. This never-fails in a single
case. In cases of less severity a table-
jpoonful every hour is sufficient. No
meal. un'tiHne-Kofr'weattier-is
- - over.
i > . ,
.Complete treatise on diseases of hot ;
weather setitf-free o any ? ? ifci3r > as bjf ;
Th'e Pcrra-nia- flBfanufacturing
. ' . .
; * * - * > r * * tVir Jt J- jtf ° j
Company , Colnmbu , Ohto. i
' - \ " "V * - * ' * T- *
. , - - , - - . . , | i >
"Nebraska on Wheels" will roll east
ward from Omaha , September 15th
over the Burlington , for an exhibition
trip through the states of Ohio , New
York , Massachusetts , Rode Island and
Connecticut , lusting about Tour weeks.
The matter was definitely titled
last evening ; it a meeting at tlf > Ier-
ecr of the advisory board of directors
and officers of the Nebraska State Bus-
ness Men's association. Those present
were : L. D. Davidson , Omaha , general
president ; 0. J. Kinjr , Lincoln , first
vice president ; S. S. English , Eagle ,
third vice president ; 11. R Iloilgin ,
Omaha , general Bt-cretary ; F. II. Moore ,
Kearney , first assistant secretary ; S II.
Culvin , McUook , second assistant secrc-
taiy ; C. F. Iddingp , North Plattc , third
assistant secretary. H. J. Lee , Fre
mont , Fecond vice president , was the
only absent member of the hoard.
It was stated that the meeting waste
to be devoted to making arrangements
for sending out a state advertising train
that would eclipse in every particular
that of last year , to be sent through to
the Atlantic seaboard.
The train will consist or' three exhibit
cars , ( one more than was sent out last
year ) , a baggage car and Pullman
sleeper. The train will be run as a
special and will make the entire trip as
a solid train , to be known as the Ne
braska advertising train -Nebraska
on Wheels No. 2. "
Secretary Ilodgin stated that the
railroads had agreed to bring in all ma
terial for the exhibit free of exspense ,
and furnish transportation for one man
from each county to come and look af
ter the goods and see to their proper
arrangement in the cars. It was de
cided to allow thirty counties to be rep
resented , and they will be accepted in
the order of their application , accom
panied by the cash. Each county rep
resented will be assessed $200 for the
privilege , with the exception of Lan
caster , which will be taxed $350 and
) ouglas $500. Each county will be
illowed one representative on the train
throughout the trip free , and $150 for
3ach additional man.
Ten feet of space will be allotted to
leach county exhibit , to be made up as
Ithe various counties may desire , but it
[ is expected that each will make as
varied and complete a showing as
the amount of space at their disposal
will admit.
The general plan of last'year will be
followed in an enlarged and extended
form , changed in such ways as the ex
perience of last year dictates. Each
county represented will be expected to
furnish a two thousand-word descriptive
write up of its resources to be incorpo
rated in the pamphlet to be prepared
for distribution enroute by the board ,
setting forth the advantages of the state ,
and each will be allowed to take along
fifteen thousand pieces of advertising
matter exclusive of cards and other
small matter.
Final notification of the intention to
participate in the scheme must be re
ceived not later than August 25th and
the exhibit must be on hand within
two days after the close of the state
fair at Lincoln.
The train will go east over the Bur
lington , Lake Shore , New York Central
and Boston & Albany roads and return
over the New York & New England ,
Erie and Northwestern roads ,
The association will send out two ad
vance agents to bill towns where stops
will be made and will also take along
a press representative who will see to it
that the exhibit is not overlooked by
the newspapers of the sections through
which the train will pass.
It is particularly desired that atten
tion be paid to the wheat exhibit , as it
was stated that this feature would pos
sess great attraction for New York and
Massachusetts farmers. It is not in
tended , however , that any branch of in
dustry or any phase of agriculture shall
be neglected.
The train will be elaborately decorat
ed , both inside and out. Work on the
decorative panels for the interior will
be commenced , as considerable time
will be consumed in collecting the
grasses that are so important a feature
in that connection. Tuesday's Bee.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot ; besides" Kaving'the best'groceries on
vour.'tablethat the ; market affords.
" * * * * * . * * * V. * * * * S * J
S. Mr Coohran & Co.- keep repairs
for al 1 , jkinds .
Machine oHLoftall-kind5 : ; ! at Tredmbre
T , .a.-ic..Uv i vi" ' .1 :
oroa. ,
. . '
- ! > -
We give "below a few of the many bargains-
we give our customers :
All Package Coflee , a pound , - - 2c. )
Seedless Raisins , a pound , - - - 5c.
21 Pounds of Ex. " 0s Sugar for § 1
19 Pounds Granulated Sugar for tfl.oo
20 Ibs. of Salt Lake Peaches for - $ ltoo
1O Ibs. " " .
Apricots for - l.oo
1O Ibs. " " Plums for - l.oo
3 Cans Blackberries for - - - 25e.
Standard Prints , per yard , - - - Gc.
To all who will buy a bill of goods from
us we will demonstrate to them the advan
tage they gain by paying cash.
We also pay the liigliest price for all kinds
of grain at our elevator on Railroad St.
ANOTHER great reformer lias
riseu to say that lie has discovered
that the present puny appearance
of the well-to-do people of the hu
man race , arises from the perni
cious habit of wearing shoes. The
shoes cut off the electric communi
cation between the human being
and the earth. Hence the child
ren of the poor whogo barefoot
and our semi-savage ancestors who
went barefoot were and are enor
mously stronger and healthier than
we are. This is all very nice , but
the theory doesn't hold water for
the leason that the modern civil
ized man who wears shoes and cul
tivates his body in a reasonable
way , is stronger and healthier and
longer lived than his barefooted or
sandaled ancestors and the child
ren of the country who wear shoes
are at least as healthy and strong
as the barefooted ones. The facts
are against the theory. Journal.
AN article in the Engineering
Monthly by G. E. Curtis , of the
Smithsonian institute , entitled
"Facts About Eainmaking" is a
eery thorough explosion of the
theory of General Dryenfurth and
others who claim to make rain to
order. The writer says : "Exam
ined in detail , with all the circun-
stances both of the operator an d
; he weather recorded , it is evident
; hat the experiments have utterly
'ailed to demonstrate that explo
sions can develop a storm or pro
duce a measurable rain. " But an
other appropriation has been made
: or the government experiments
under Dryenfurth's supervision
and the work will be continued.
The real business , however , is be
ing done by the private rainmak
ers , the "professors" who are mak
ing contracts with western farmers
at so many thousand dollars a
shower. These men are wise in their
generation. They know that in
: he nature .of things it is boundto
rain sooner or llate'rjn any locality.
Leaving * cause and1eifect out of
consideration entirely , they are
sure to win in the game of chance
which they are playing. "When
; he fail they lose , nothing ; when
; he succeea that iswhen they operating where the
rain falls th'ey"win' tire amount
stipulated. It is a great business , i
MEIKLEJOH in the Third and
Andrews in the Fifth , republican
nominees for congress , are men to
whom every republican in their
respective districts can point with
pride. Self-made , honest and able ,
loyal to Nebraska and her inter
ests , they will conduct a campaign
of fairness and reason , candidly ,
freely and courageously defending
the principles of the republican
party , pointing out the fallacies of
free trade , free coinage , fiat money
and the many other visionary
schemes for growing rich without
the practice of industry and econo
my. On such a canvass they can
not fail to win. Journal.
IT turns out that Private lams ,
of the Pennsylvania national
guardswho was half shaved , hung
up by the thumbs until he fainted ,
and then drummed out of the regi
ment , was not court martialed at
all for his offense of hurrahing for
the would be assassin of Manager
Frick , but the punishment was in
flicted by the colonel of his regi
ment , Streator , on his own respon -
sibility. The public sentiment
was very strong against the thumb
hanging and the colonel will
doubtless be court martialed him
self for his savagery. Putting
people to the torture is a relic of
barbarism that will not stand
for the proper military discipline
these days. There was enough of
this brutality during the civil war
to last for the entire century.
Is general , the crop prospects
are excellent all over Nebraska.
The western part of the state has
been visited by a bountiful rain ,
the entire Elkhorn valley has been
drenched thoroughly during the
week , and local rains in the central
and southern counties have work
ed powerfully in counteracting the
recent excessive heat. The indi
cations are now that the backbone
of the torrid season is broken , and
that ample opportunity will be giv
en for all kinds of crops to mature
and to be harvested in splendid
order. The heat has had a won
derful effect in stimulating the
growth of backward cornfields , and
in spite of the late spring the
period of ripening will be delayed
but little the '
beyond regular'sea
son. Journal.