The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1892, Image 5

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But it looks as if it would be in
it soon , and the sooner your foot is
in one of our § 3.50 or $4.00 Shoes
the more fortunate it will be. Be-
cnuse wo know this shoe , we want
you to know it ; because it wears
as no other shoe will wearwe , want
you to wear it. It is absolutely
the cheapest thing in shoe-leather
and there isn't any limit to the
satisfaction that it gives. No mat
ter what you pay , you get no bet
ter when you get the best it is a
.luxury in footwear and not a high
-priced luxury at that. It isn't
ttrying to those who try it. Try it.
JS'TGrnceries at Nobles' .
'Sticky fly paper at Chenery's City
'Drug Store.
Piano and Randolph Headers at S ,
! M. Coehran & Co.'s.
"Wiyson & Odell are putting out some
'handsome rigs these days.
That was a thoroughly official and re
sponsible rain , Wednesday afternoon.
At the cash meat market of Stone &
Devitt you receive the best of meats of
all kinds.
Noble carries a large and complete
-stock of the best brands of canned
of all kinds.
jA good girl can secure employment
at residence of F. M. Kimmell. In
quire at once.
Try the new meat market. Messrs.
Stone & Devitt put only the best of
meats on their blocks.
C. F. Babcock is agent for The New
"York Life Insurance Co. See him if
you want reliable life insurance.
'Choice meats of all kinds at Stone &
Devitt's cash meat market , next door to
iNoble , tlie leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresb , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
< The soda water season is with us and
asusual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
If you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it.
After a Long Time !
Of patient waiting our machinery
has at last arrived. "We beg to say
ihat we are now in position to do
; the BEST work on short notice.
"We make a specialty of family
work ; and are rapidly gaining a
reputation for our manner of clean
ing and starching machinists' over-
We are adding to our force of
iielp and WILL DO JUST EX
Our machinery is NEW , and we
wish to say that we have the BEST
Western Nebraska.
We guarantee to please or re
fund money. Give us your work
SJesp'y *
Cor. Dennison and McFar/and.
Minneapolis Binders at S. M. Coch-
& Co.'s.
Pasture for town
stock by S. II. COLVIN.
Farm loans at nine
per cent , straight l > y
Is your FA11M for
sale ? If so give des
cription to S. II. Colvi n.
All parties having
farms or city proper
ty for sale should list
them withB. F. Tuox-
EL at Kendall's old
candy kitchen.
J. I. Case threshing machines at S.
M. Coehran & Co.'s.
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Walter A. Wood and I'lano Binders
at S. M. Coehran & Co.'s.
A girl wanted for general housework
as residence ol F. M. Kimmoll at once.
Red . Willow county is in it for a
rousing corn crop. Will you please re
member it ?
Circulating Library social at the M.
E. church , postponed until Friday ,
August nth.
Tt is just about time for this "hold
vour wheat" fellow to get out his little
circular. } T |
il *
The present will be the largest , crop
ever raised in Red Willow county , by/a
large majority. - §
Noble is the only exclusive groucrvin
the city. Elis > tock is the largest arid
his prices correspond with the times.v
Absolutely rust proof tinware is fT lcl
by S. M. Coehran & Co. , the west Dent
nison street hardwaremen.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up coiuY
for tab ly and stylishly in any thing < jyoii
may desire in the livery line.
IN QUEENS WARE Noble carrie ;
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His pricessare
reasonable. * I 5
There is no excuse for a good healthy
man to be out of work. Farmers are
needing hands for work in haying and
harvest. Soon they will need ian'ds
for threshing and shortly thereafter
corn buskers will be in demand. . _ "
Hon. .William Weygint , of McCqoki
was a welcome visitor who cainefin to1
pay his respects to the newt
Tuesday , while on business in th'efcity.
Mr. Weygint is the old settlerJwho'
J " ffl&a
plowed the first furrow in Red ' .Willow
county twenty-one years agopHe |
owns four farms in Frontier count/and
illustrates in his pw'H personJwKara ] (
_ ' " . . _ *
.f S&tif twit 'r *
It is needless to add that
staunch republican like most -of the
old settlers and confidently predicts the
election of Andrews to congress. * . * . He
thinks a majority of the democrat8tin _
his county will vote against McKeignanj
Stockville Republican.
Miss Daisy Stoddard , of Republican
City , Neb. , is the winner of the first
Demorest diamond medal , offered in
contest for the best oratorical effort.
The contest occurred in Chicago on Oct
ober 11. Miss Daisy Stoddard , or as she
is best known at her home , "Little
Daisy" Stoddard , is an oratorical
prodigy. At the age of three years
she delivered an oration at Alma ,
Neb. , which astonished her hearers ,
and from that time she has been called
the "baby orator of the Eepublican
valley. " It was predicted at the time
that a blossom had bloomed in the
great American desert whose fragrance
and fame would extend far beyond the
confines of that desert , and the predic
tion seems to have been fulfilled.
Miss Daisy , after her state victory at
Norfolk , in October , had 153 invita
tions to speak at points in 'Nebraska ,
but refused them all , with the ex
ception of an invitation from Alma ,
where she addressed a crowded house
prior to entering the national contest
at Chicago.
A gentleman from the Republican
valley , who has known the child
from her infancy told the Bee that she
possessed wonderful elocutionary pow
ers , was a perfect mimic and a won
derful actress. The people of Republi
can City , he said , were very proud of
her , and rejoiced in her victory. To
quote him : "The west wins again ,
and we should be proud of our child
orator. "
During the evening session occurred
the national oratorical contest for the
first diamond medal offered in the
Demorest series of prizes , and Daisy
Stoddard , an eleven-year-old girl from
Nebraska , was awarded the prize
amid great applause. Omaha JJee ,
Fall wheat is the thing ; and the ear
Her jou get the seed in the ground
after harvest , the better.
Another general merchandise estab
lishment is assured ; and there is a pros
pect for the second furniture store.
The cash meat market , next door to
the post office , keeps the host of every
thing belonging to a first class meat
Ed Harman has purchased the. Susan
C. Reed dwelling on upper Manchester
street , paying $950 cash for the prop
Speaking of "long felt wants , " the
Fremont Tribune sugiro-Nt that many of
them could be filled with a sausage
Drop in and see what nice fresh
fruit and candy you can buy at the
new .store of Austin & Lipps , rear of
Citizens' bank.
M. E. Camp Meeting , Wauneta , Neb. ,
August 4th to 14th. Tickets on sale
August 1st to 14th inclusive. Fare
one and a third rate for the round trip.
Nebraska State Convention People's
Party , Kearney , August 3d. Fare one
and a third rate for the round trip.
Tickets on tale August 1st to 3d in
Commissioner Graham may have for
gotten it ; but he counted the money
and signed the receipt for $13,200. As
a man who values his word he cannot
desires to make an
erance : It takes votes , good ,
'fidn'esftf Btraight , responsible votes to
settHs cbunty-seat removal questions
botfcplatnns of newspaper misrepresen
tationsluid fakes.
> l ? McGook's , proposition is lawful and
is made'J in good faith , our Lidianola
frien'dsHo the contrary notwithstanding.
The statutes of Nebraska make it law-
the signatures of over threg
hundred , , business men and citizens are
ffttii - j
'itsfab'solule ' guarantee of good faith
is delighted to wel
to Red Willow county 'qui
wfd efficient sheriff , W. A. McCool !
' *
! ftl
jylfcParrives here from Missouri atf'an
'opportune time , and will doubtlessJadd
; > , * ! ' * Jn i
an'-item of zest to our county-seat ? * re
movals canvass and electionwhich , wpuld
otherwise be sadly lacking. - -
_ , y ( Jojl 1 George L. Etter of the Con
'mercinl House cleverly chaperored , a
pa ly of fishermen on the DriftwooSj
The boys dammed up'j
oreejc with beer bottles , and with the au
ofseines succeeded in landing a fnum
hereof festive and adult -'cats , " succu
lentr'and juicy , which their chef PmaaV
* J ' R
* J
j - * if
palatable in due time and form. i !
tsTndianola seems to have but one-cry ;
the , old stop thief howl. But there are
Uses. , . - rrT. . , , . -fttM
jew .voters in Red Willow county young
enough tobecaught by such ch'affl
Cash-in the .hands" of < the , " county com : .
J .tf. \-ff' " nXi tJ -
- - - !
missioners talks.- Read thotTreceipt/ /
STti4'vttiri > ' ' - - - > * - ' 'T > 11 ' " * W. - ' * %
signed by Commissioners-Holies * " , Young
* Jti ' " '
' ! /-i i i a"jj > '
and ( rraham , who received tue-money
and counted it before a number of
The signal ability , impartiality and
uniform courtesy which conspicuously
marks Register Lindsay's administra
tion of the affairs of the McCook land
office has won that gentleman hosts of
friends throughout the district. Mr.
Lindsay assumed the duties of the re
sponsible position he now holds nearly
two years ago and The Bee has never
yet heard a single criticism charged
against his official conduct by any hon
est man. The Bee predicts that Mr.
Lindsay will retire from the McCook
land office to a higher position before
many years. Benkelman Bee.
Wall Paper ,
Come and see our new
designs in wull paper.
McCook is assuming her old time
gait. *
Button's band will participate in the
conclave at Denver.
The foundation for R. B. Archibald's
dwelling is under way.
"We ought to be thankful for our
splendid crops this season , " is the way
Commissioner Sam Graham feels about
The city fathers met on Wednesday
evening , but did not transact any busi-
nes ? , adjourning over till Wednesday
evening of the coming week.
About the fifteenth of next month
A. M. Drew , of the Morris Dry Goods
Co. of Omaha , will open up a general
merchandise business in the Babcock
' '
, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska. /
The people of McCook have made
assurance doubly sure by depositing
$13,200 with the commissioners of Red
Willow county. See copy of the cer
tificate of deposit , signed by the commis
sioners , appearing in this issue.
Wednesday afternoon , C. T. Brewer
shipped a special train of nine cars of
fat stock to the Chicago market. One
hundredand twenty head of the ship
iB 'ftivMi yfp , . . „ , . . . .
mentwerepurchased from Messrs. Hatv
rl < - > * ? Vv Irt&-J P
field & Son 'and were jery fine cattltf
averagings over thirteen hundred pouifds
ahead'.1-11' ' * * ' /
actually placing $13,200 in the
Kands of the county commissioners the
McCook" people have taken from our
Indianola friends most of their thun
der ; out McCook is trying to thoroughly
aatisfyrthe ! most exacting. She means
solid business ; and she has enough solid
h'usiness men to express in spot cash
, jyhat they guarantee to do. Can any-
'thing be fairer ?
S. H. Colvin was in Omaha. Monday
evening , to attend a meeting in the in
terest of the Nebraska exhibition train
which will start on a tour through the
east in about four weeks. Mr. Colvin
js making a heroic effort to have Red
-Willow co.unty represented in the train ,
which will exceed that of last year in
every respect. He should be assisted
and encouraged by all in his laudable
ambition , which will require great labor
and much expense in its preparation.
By , all means Red Willow county
fhould be a part of "Nebraska on
Wfieels , " when that notable train pulls
oujt'df Omaha for its eastern tour on
September 15th , over the Burlington ;
and if jwe are not in it , it will not be
. H. Colvin's fault , he assures us.
' "
fool killer is getting in his work
in ? various ways and the fools are
" *
really passing away. The breed is
running out. Take a walk through
any of the cemeteries throughout the
country and you will believe with us
that' the 'fo"bls : are -slowly but surely
* - v' i y
passing away. 1 ou pass the last rest
ing-place of- the jnan who blew into an
empty gun. ' 'The modest tombstone
of the hired girl who lighted the fire
with kerosene. The grass-carpeted
mound that covers the mortal remains
of the boy who took the mule by the
tail. The tall monument of the man
who didn't know it was loaded over
shadows the dugout of the man who
jumped from the cars to save a ten rod
walk. Side by side lies the ethereal
creature who kept her corset laced up
to the last hole , and the intellectual
idiot who rode a bicycle nine miles in
ten minutes. Here reposes the doctor
who took a dose of his own medicine ,
and the old fool who married the young
wife. Right over yonder in the north
west corner the breezes sigh through
the weeping willow that bends over the
lowly bed where lies the fellow who
told his mother-in-law she lied. Down
there in the potter's field with his feet
sticking out to the cold blasts of winter
and the blistering rays of the summer
sun , is stretched the earthly remains of
the misguided regulator , who tried to lick
the editor , while the broken bones of
the man who would not pay for his pa
per are piled up in the corner of the :
fence. Over by the gate reposes the
boy who went in swimming on Sunday ,
and the old woman who kept baking
powder sfde by side with strychnine in
the cupb.oard. The fool killer still
gathers them in , one by one , and by
and by we will have a pretty decent
world to live in. Exchange.
> ? /Vaa For Fair Play.
The stabbing affray at the Red Wil
low school house , last week , and the
outrageous treatment accorded Supt.
Bayston at Indianola , yesterday , are
samples of the savage spirit cultivated
by our Indianola friends , to whom the
idea of fairness seems to have absolute
ly and entirely given away to intoler
ance and buldozing. Emissaries of In
dianola daily parade the streets of Mc-
Cook unmolested charging our people
with all manner of crime. But the
friends of McCook are daily subjected
to insult and threatened violence at In
dianola and in the adjacent territory.
Such a spirit and such treatment are be
low the people of McCook and are a dis
grace to those who harbor and practice
them. THE TUIBUNE makes a pica for
fair play and honorable , manly treat
ment of McCook people and of her
friends by the people and the friends of
For thi Ke-Locution of the County | Vote For
Scat of Ked Willow Co. . Neb. I ONE.
At Iiidianolu , Nebraska ,
At McCook , Nebraska ,
At I
The independent senatorial conven
tion will be held in our city , Tuesday
next , August 2d.
Ready , August 1st , Latest Fall Styles
Men's and Boys' Soft and Stiff Hats ;
this will compose the largest and most
"complete line we have ever shown.
It is hardly probable that Commis
sioner Sam Graham will deny his own
signature , when he comes to consider
tne matter carefully and prayerfully.
It is hardly probable that he will.
The glorious soaking rain which pre
vailed throughout this section , Wednes
day afternoon , came in time and quan
tity to practically guarantee a corn
crop , at least that portion of the crop
which was well advanced. It came
softly and profusely. It was of almost
incalculable value to Red Willow.
Two of the handsomest and most
convenient court houses between Hast
ings and the state line are those of
Harlan county at Alma , and of Furnas
county at Beaver City. The fonnei
cost $13,000 ; the latter $12,000. The
sum of $13,200 will build Red Willow
county a splendid building which will
last her for years.
One of the pleasing features of the
county-seat removal question is the
spirit of sociability manifested by our
Indianola friends , who daily swarm our
city , to assist us in deciding how to vole
upon the absorbing question before us.
It also demonstrates the existence
among our Indianola friends of some
of the nerve and gall which stood them
in hand in the early seventies , when
they swore in sufficient illegal votes to
rob Red Willow of the county seat.
The August issue ol Romance is
the midsummer number of that popu
lar magazine of complete stories , and
contains a large proportion of the light
and bright stories which are most ap
propriate to the season. There are
sketches of adventure , love stories ,
ghost stories , and descriptions of curi
ous and amusing episodes in many
lands , besides a strong and character
istic story of the supernatural. In this
single number are grouped tales of life
in America , England , France. Spain ,
Germany Corsica , Italy , Africa and
Japan. The roll of authors represented
includes such names as Count Tolstoi ,
Octave Thanet , H. Rider Haggard ,
Guy De Maupassant , Ouida , Alexander
Moszkowski and George Le Faure , be
sides a numDer of new American writers.
Altogether the midsumer number fully
justifies the remark of a discriminating
critic , that "as a companion for the
hammock , canoe or piazza , Romance
cannot bo excelled. " The magazine
is issued by Romance Publishing Com
pany , Clinton Hall , Astor Place , New
York. The price is 25 cents a num
ber ; subscriptions , $2.50 a year.
- " ' "
ja *
/ Double seated carriage Price $90
1 Gray mare 7 years old. u 60
1 Bay mare 4 years old.M 70
1 Buckskin mare 7years old u 50
2 Yearling colts. H 80
1 Set double buggy harness.u 25
1 Side saddle. " 8
1 Man's saddle. " 5
All the above will be at private sale
on four month's time. Security ap
proved. Enquire of S. Gordeal. Of
fice over Farmers and Merchants
Prohibition Convention.
The Prohibitionists of lied Willow
county are hereby called to meet in
mass convention at Indianola in court
house at 2 , I * . M. , Saturday , August
Oth , ISOxJ , for the purpose of selecting
Gve delegates to the .state convention
at Hastings , August 17th , and for the
transaction of such business as the
convention may deem for the interest
of the party in the county.
W. 0. NORVAL , Chairman.
Commencing with Monday , May six
teenth , we will buy hogs on Mondays
of each week , when we will pay the
highest market price. We can pay
you more money on hogs delivered on
one day in the week than we can where
they are brought in a few at a time , as
we will thus be able to ship full car
loads , without holding the hogs at an
expense. F. S. WILCOX & Co.
My residence property in McCook.
Property is well set in shade atd fruit
trees , small fruits , etc. Will make
payments easy , and will sell at a reason
able figure. Call at once.
Matchless Bargains.
The splendid Drysdale stock of cloth
ing will be sold on Saturdays at public
auction. This is a grand opportunity
to secure bargains in this line. The
stock will be offered at private sale dur
ing the remaining days of each week ,
until all is sold. Auction at the store.
Call OQ J. A. Cordeal lor particulars.
Houses and Lots for Sale.
I have a few desirable dwellings and
lots in McCook which I offer for sale
at bargains. H. G. DixON.
Two driving horses , a buggy and u
set of harness. Can be seen at the
Kelley barn.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. Pie
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
Messrs. Austin & Lipps have opened
a fruit stand and confectionery in the
store room opposite the Racket store ,
and respectfully solicit share of public
patronage. They carry all kinds of
fruit and make their own candies. Give
them a call.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of second
hand goods. Drop me a card and' I
will call. J. H. LTJDWICK.
If you want a really choice article of
meat of any kind , remember iha't Stone
& Devitt can fill just such a want sat
JAMES A. CLINE , of Mindeu ,
who would nave no objections to
be Nebraska's next auditor , was up
hobnobbing with local politicians , 1
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report