By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPEB $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL. For President , BENJAMIN 11AUIUSON , of Iiidlnnn. For Vice President , W1UTELAAV UEID , of New York. CONGUJiSSIONAI. . For Congress , \VA1. E. ANDREWS , of Hastings. Republican County Central Committei AllianceV. . W. Lemastcrs Bartle Beaver S. \ \ . Mcssner Danbur Box Elder Ira C. Kimball llox Elde liondvillc 1'erry Jones Indiitnol : ColcmanVilliani Colemaii McCool Danbury Andrew I'oweli Danbur Driftwood E. F. Duffev McCoo ! East Valley S.V. . Clark Bartle ; Fritsch Frank Fritsch Indianol ; Gerver Samuel Ellis McCqol Grant W. II. Benjamin Bar.ksvilli Indianola Henry Crabtree Indianol : Lebanon R. I' . Hiqli Lebanoi Missouri Ridge J. A. Strain Danbui ] North Valley J. S. Kikeudail Bart lei Perry M. H. Bacon McCool Red Willow Adam Grass Imlianok Tyrone C. E. Clement Bartle ) Valley Grange. . . Ed. N. Benjamin..McCool. Willow Grove H. II. Troth McCool M. N. ESKEY , CHAIRMAN Bartlej F. M KIMMELt SECRETARY.McCool ; Republican State Convent/on. The republican electors of tuo Btuto or Ne braska are requested to send delegates 1'ron tliuir several counties to meet in convention ui theeitj of Lincoln , August 4ili. 18'Jat UM o'clock. A. M. , for the purpose of placintr ii noinhiuticn candidates for Hie following stiiti o Rices : Governor ; Lieutenant governor ; Secretary of state ; Auditor of public accounts ; Treasurer ; Superintendent pulilie instructor ) ; Attorney general ; Commissioner of puilielands mid bnilUi : ! - : Eight presidential electors. And to transact such other business as mu > come before the convention. lied Willow county is entitled to nine repre sentativcs , being- based upon the vote cast foi George H. Hastings for attorney general in J890 , uivinff one delegate-at-lar e to eacli county and one vote for everyone hundred votes ami the major fraction thereof. It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted to the convention tuid that the dele gates present be authorized to cast the full vole of the delegation. S. D. MEUOER , Chairman. WALTM.SEELBY , ) U.K. RALCOMUE. J-Secretarics. J.H.SDTHEULAND , ) Republican Senatorial Convention. The Republican electors of'2fnh sena torial district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several eountic.s to meet in the city of McCook , Wednesday , August 17th , at 1 o'elock , P. M. , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for state senator for the 29th district , and to transact such other business as may before said convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties composing said district are entitled to representatives as follows giving two delegates at large to each county and one for each one hundred votes and the major fraction thereof : Chase . 5 Dundy . 5 Hayes . 5 Hitchcock . 6 Furnas . S Frontier . 7 Gosper . 4 Red Willow. . . : iO It is also recommended that delegates present cast full vote of delegation and that no proxies be allowed. HUGH W. COLE , JOHN GAMMILL , Secretary. Chairman. Said IflcKeighan in his acceptance -speech atHoldrege : "Imean no dis- s-respect to the defenseless dead when / tell yon that I am no democrat" -JOHN ALLEN will be a candidate -'for tlie office of secretary of the - . state , before the repulican conven tion. Mr. Allen has made a No. 1 good officer , and the republicans will do well to re-elect him. Eed * Cloud Chief. first issue of the Stockville -Republican is before us. It gives " . promise of becoming an efficient instrument for good in Frontier 'liounty. Mr. Church has it in him to provide the republicans of that county with an able and fearless paper. J. GL TATE , of Hastings , is with out doubt the most available can didate yet mentioned for lieuten ant governor. He is the grand 'master of the order of A. 0. U. "W. , is well known throughout the state and has a strong personal following. Ho served as chaplain of the last state senate and is a Christian gentleman. As a public speaker he has few equals and for s'everal years his voice has been raised in behalf of the republican party. The Times strongly en dorses Ms candidacy believing that his name would be a tower of strength to the ticket. Beatrice Times , fi i rf : > : " : : : " ' "iflffns Hi * * " " . . . . ti'- " We , the undersigned , County Commissioners of Eed Willow county , state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the citizens of McCook have this day deposited with us the sum of Thirteen Thousand Tw < Hundred ( $13,200.00) ) Dollars , to be used by said County Commissioners in building a Court House a the City of McCoolc , on south half of block 11 , original town of McCook , not to cost more than Thir teen Thousand Two Hundred ( § 18,200.00 J Dollars , on condition that the electors of said Count } ' , at ai election to be held on the first day of August , 1802 , locate the County Seat of said County at saic City of McCook , said money to be used for building a Court Ho'os&rirci&aid City of McCook , and fo ] no other purpose. Said lots and all appurtenances thereon to l)0 deqdedto-the county of Eed Willow. We further certify that it is expressly jigreed-on the part ofcVtBeaTd jSb'sitors of said money , that in case the County Seat of said County at said election is located aifsai CvW' ° McCook , the Commis sioners of said County shall use said money in buildiu'g a Cour Hbni0 xcosting not more than Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred ( $13,200.00) ) Dollars , under such plans.'ana ' sgecffications as the said Count1 Commissioners may adopt. , - , f It is expressly understood and agreed on the part of the depositors f.'said ' money and the Count1 Commissioners aforesaid , that there shall be no request or derna"ridtOn"tlie.jpart of the citizens of McCook. u > 'S ' > .fAJ. : : % ' 4t'j ' for any aid from the county in any manner in building : said Court , . Hofrse * 'and that said sum of Thirteen y. / ? * | | f Thousand Two Hundred ( $13,200.00) ) Dollars shall be used for'tuildingS - | ' # uif5 Court House at said City of McCook , in case the County Seat at said election is located nereats . < s'And the said County Commis- "I " JU ' siouers of said county hereby agree not to accept or adopt plansforfcspXpificatioiib for a Court House cost ing more than Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred ( $18,200.00 ; ) , Xjojlars , _ and will not accept bids or let ' tn SV ' the contract for a Courfc House costing more than the said sum1 ofilPlhrfeeii < Thousand Two Hundred ( $13,200.00) ) Dollars , in case the County Seat is located at saidtGityipJj | [ cCook. Dated this 26th day of July , A. D. 1892. ATTEST : GEQ. W. EOPEE ; STEPHEN BOLLES. County Clerk. GrEAHAM. [ SEAL.J SAMUEL YOUNG. vdlfe , ' , t * . ; i tf We , the undersigned , residents of the City of McCooJctirtj edjjRilloiv county , State of Nebraska , interested in the location of the county seat of said county am city of McCook , do hereby represent and guarantee to Red Willow county that said city of McCowo ilLml&age the property and credit of the said city of McCook upon its negotiable bonds in the amojajjigf $1,200.00 , to be used for the pur pose of aiding in building , erecting , constnicting and furnisWfajj&Cqunty Court House , to be built and erected on the southhalf of block 11 , in the First Addition | j9 | | ! sawfc c % of McCook , and that said sum of money to be so obtained will be used in building , erecvffilw filrnisliinc > a court house at said conveyed by a good and sufficient deed to said Eed IT illow cmtJisouth half of said block 11 , to be used as a site for a court house and other county seat buildi tjjjjjgif ( he < electors of said county shall at the election to beheld onthe first day of August , 1892 , loca c ounty . seat of said county at the said > * Jft T jli'7 n'4i > v nty of McCooJc. If the said city of McCoolc does not pay intjifa'eounty treasury of said county said ; um of $18,200.00 , on the conditions and terms aforesai af procnre for the county a good and nifjicicnt deed to the south half of said bloclc 11 , on or before the first day of October , 1892 , then , and n that case , we , the undersigned , do personally promise and agree that we will pay into the treasury ifsaid county on or before the loth day of October , 1S92 , any deficiency of said sum of $13,200.00 hat has not been paid into said county treasury , on the conditions and for the purposes aforesaid , by aid city of McCoolc , and also procure for said county a good and sufficient title to the south half of aid bloclc 11 for county seat purposes. And all the foregoing to be fully done and performed without any expense to ta < v payers and itizens of said county , other than the taxpayers and citizens of the city of McCoolc. Signed in duplicate and dated this 16th day of July , 1892. .Geo. Hocknell , A. Campbell , J. A. Wilcox , D. J. SmitJt , J. Mbert Wells , C. H. Meeker , C. T. Brewer , C. H. Boyle , Tr. C. LaToureitc , Geo. E. Johnston , H. F. Fade , J. P. Lindsay , J. H. Ludwiclc , J. E. Kelley , J. S. McBrayer , S. Cordeal , J. S. LeHew , C. J. Ryan , Dennis Cullen , S. Strasser , .4. C. Clyde , H. H. Troth , H. H. Easter day , V .Franklin , A. McMillen , C. L. DeGroff L. Lowman , P. A. Wells , U. J. Warren , C. F. Babcock , Jonas Engel , S. W. Huddlcston , S. M. Cochran $ Co. , C. M. Noble , Frank Carruth , S. Seaman , Z. L. Kay , Philip Wcick , M. Lawler , C. W. Paine , T. G. Rees , J. T. Bullard , Frank H. Spearman , H. P. Button , Frank Harris , A. G. Bump , Jos. Reizenstcih. W . . Lawson , L. W. McConnell , E. C. Ballew , C. F. Padc , J. F. Ganschow , F. D. Burgess. H. W. Cole , C. W. Knights , T. JV. Youn $ , A. C. Eberb , E. H. Doan , F. M. Kimmell , P. Walsh , B. B. Davis , M. Stern , J. D. Robb , S. H. Colvin , Jas. McAdams , Jacob Steimnetz , F. S. Wilcox , John Hatfield , . H. H. Berry. Ji. B. Archibald , And over 300 other , biisiness men and voters of the city.ofMcCook. . . f _ . , TJieoriginalguaranteeisopen for & > - 'nspcotion of any voter at r.e o/.ce of t'iv county clerk " " f * Established 1886. i Strictly .i .i. * > . . . . . One > Price. j" " " " S 111 nn During July and August we have our Regular Semi- Annua ! Clearing Saie. MUST BE CLEARED OUT BEFORE THE FALL , SEASON OPENS IE EVERY DEPARTMENT. , Neb. JONAS ENGEL , Manager , Summer Lawns , Parasols and Fans , Organdies and Ghallies , 3mbrod. Robes & Suitings , \ prices on above goods for next 3O days. We want to and MUST sell every pattern. .MHU ETC. , FOR MEN'S WEAR , Don't Forget Our Grocery Department , The Largest Stock. Lowest Prices , VA JL/ . & , CO. r