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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1892)
ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 8 , 1892. NUMBER 7. " " f Is shown in tlie handsome face of our colored friend. He wants you to understand that he "HAINT SEE'D ' NO 0HI0KENS , ' But if you will come to the BOSTON : SHOE : STOKE , next week , you will see a new line of Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Shoes which will OPEN YOUR BYES ! WE RUSTLESS For trade at the head of the procession with the right swing , and we propose to 0ATOH THiT MAYEItfSK The frisky dollar. In all lines of Boots and Shoes there is no dealer in Southwestern that can ROUND UP BARGAINS To equal yours respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up , and propose to letyouknowit. Come and see us. Is the key-note to success. The firmness of our resolution to LEAD THE TRADE In Boots and Shoes is sym bolized in the noble figure here given. THE BOSTON SHOE STOKE has already set the fashion IN McCOOK Of making people talk about their goods and prices. A visit to their store will convince you of this. A Big Drive Is now being made by us on many lines , but especially on a fine line of LADIES SHOES , Ladies will find the selection very desirable , while the shoes themselves are admitted to be EXTREMELY ( COMFORTABLE , Call at once and get the pick before sizes are broken. These goods will go like ice cream. I 1'KOPLE YOU KNOW. His honor Judge Wclty is in the city , today. Lawyer Si-lby was up from Cambridge , Saturday. E. E. Lowman went cast on No. 0 Wednes day atternoon. James Harris is homo from Texas on a visit to his family. S. E. linger and family celebrated with Indianola i fiends. 11. A. Coupe has been up from Falls City , this week , on business. John Haley is here from Kearney on a visit to old time friends. Judge Lcllew was in Lincoln , Tuesday , on county seat lemoval business. Mr. and Mis. J. T. Bullard have been ab sent at Palisade , this week. Mis. J. A. Cordeal is visiting at her old home in Princeton , Illinois. Bunker Frost , ot Hartley , gazed upon our never-fading glory , Satiuday. Grand Workman Tate was in the city , yesteiday , on A. O. U. W. business. C. G. Potter will return to his former home in Buffalo , New York , about September 1st. J. T. Webber and A. M. Barton , of Ochre- ton , were with us of the metropolis , Tuesday. Mrs. M. J. Abbott and daughter , of Hayes Centre , were Commercial quests , yesterday noon. P. A. Wells went down to Hastings , Sat urday evening , on business in that section of the state. Mr. Jack Billiard and Miss Josephine Bui- laid have been spending ths week with Lin coln relatives. C. 11. llussell , the implement man , was looking after his company's interests in this section , yesterday. Carruth went in to Plattsmouth. Saturday evening , to be absent about two weeks , on business. Mrs. Vina Wood was in Denver , Saturday , on business , being accompanied by Mrs- W. C. .LaTourette. Col. J. S. LeIIew , of McCook , an aide on the governor's staif is registered at the Capitol tel hotel. Monday Call. J. C. Gammill was down from Frontier county , Wednesday and Thursday of this week , on business matters. Dr. Thomas and family went up to the ranch near Haigler , Saturday afternoon , to remain over the celebration. H. H. Troth went down to Minden yester day morning , to attend a meeting of the con gressional central committee. Bertha Kennedy came up from Platts mouth , Tuesday , to visit her little friend Grace Colvin for a shortiwlnle. J. W. Dolan is up from Indianola , today , on some business. He is just back from a delightful trip down in Arkansas. Commissioners Belles , Graham and Young were Commercial guests , Tuesday , on their return from the Omaha convention. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanlein , of Akron , Colorado rado , arrived on Wednsday , and will spend a few weeks visiting among relatives and friends. H. 11. Benson returned from Dundy coun ty on Wednesday afternoon. He reports crop prospects encouraging in that section of the state. Mrs. Louis Lowman celebrated with rela tives in the capital city , going on No. C , Sat urday evening , and returning home early this week. A. E. Harvey , Ben Mills and son-in-law , Mr. Mitchell , all of the capital city , were the guests of the valley's finest , yesterday , being up on land business. Mrs. H. C. Jacobs , nee McNamara , of Chicago cage , is m the city on some business matters , and is being most cordially welcomed by her many McCook friends. G. E. Wallin came in from Iowa , close of last week , on some business matters. He finds every thing here in the crop line more promising than iu Iowa. Miss Mattie Williams and brother Perry started , Monday , ( June 27) ) , for McCook and points in Colorado. They will remain for some time. Falls City Journal. Mrs. George Conner and Miss Joie Key went to Kansas City Thursday to be present at the baptism of their niece , Ruby Marie , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roy. Falls City Journal. Mr. and Mrs. John It. Duncan , parents of Mrs. S. E. Taylor , departed today for Albia , l wa. Their son , who has been quite seri ously ill , was sufficiently improved to accom pany his parents home. District Judge Glynn , of Holyoke , Colorado rado , sojourned in the city briefly , Sunday , the guest of Syl. Cordeal. The Judge was en route to Yuma , where he provided the oratory on the day we celebrate. L. A. Hurlburt , of the Racket Store came in , Monday evening , from Chicago , where he has been buying goods. He reports crops is looking more promising in the Republican Valley than at any point between here and the lake city. A fact testified to by all who have had an opportunity of comparing the prospects. The barber shops are getting into the pat ent line being protected. A patent has re cently been issued for this "hair tonic : " Olive of onions , oil of cabbage , oil of parsley , boiax , sulphur , sugar of lead , aqua ammonia , salt , alcohol and bay rum. WE "PASS NOBODY. { ES" " Biiy house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Engine i ) is out of the shops and about ready for work on the Cheyenne line. Mrs. C. W. Bronson entertained her brother - or from Red Cloud over Sunday. John Lewis is down from Ilolyoke , where he is the company's boss carpenter. Mrs. Walter llolliday has been visiting Lincoln friends since before the Fourth. Mrs. Howe Smith departed , this morning , for Poslville , Jowa , to be gone about one month. Machinist Win. Shukey and Albeit Tracey took a tiip to Denver to spend the glorious Fouith. JTiank iiiinis went down to Omaha , Tues day , on a business tiip , returning on Thurs day's ilyer. W. J. Kramer and wife , with several other ladies and gentlemen , put in the Fourth at Cambridge. JackMooie is planning to make a visit with his wife among his friends and relatives in Pittbburg , Pa. Jay Tu.bbs is laying off on the sick list , hard work having got away with him. lie will rest up a few days. Engine Io3 is patiently waiting in McCook shops for her wheels , on receiving which , she will return to Denver. Jas. Fraser is back from his Illinois visit , which was drawn out by illness from which he has not yet fully recovered. Shorty Thompson , boilermakers' helpert who has been laying oil for some time with a sprained ankle , returned to work , Wednes day. day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jackson spent the Fourth in their former home , Platts mouth , going down Saturday evening and returning Tuesday morning. Mrs. N. L. Croukhite , mother of Mrs. J.ll. Burns , departed on the Cunaider "Scythia , " Saturday , from Boston , on a European tour of about three months. Mr. and Mrs. Will Archibald were west bound passengers on No. 1 , Wednesday. They will be absent about a week and will visit in Denver and Cheyenne. Mrs. Frank Harris and family arrived home Tuesday noon , from Galva , Illinois. Mrs. Henry Harris and family accompanied them and will make a visit of some length here. T. H. Barnes , well known as the B. & . M. right-of-away man in but years agone , now in the real estate business at Salem , Oregon , greeted old acquaintances here , Saturday. W. J. McLean , general agent of the C. , B. < K y. at Chicago , spent most of the week in the city , guest of his sister , Mrs. J. F. Ueber. He was en route to Salt Lake City , Utah. The new time card which goes into effect next Sunday , is quite interesting , in as much as the new train No. 32 is a fruit express and makes as good time as No. 2 , and they are all after it. Mrs. A. N. Lewis went in to Oinalia , Satur day evening , to be absent over the nation's birthday , returning on Tuesday , together with Mrs. L. B. Stiles , who has been visiting tnere a few days. Thanie Benedict has resigned his position as night watch at the depot and the position is now filled by Ollie Lackey. Thauie will go to McCook where he has a position , Ctilbertson Republican. An excursion train will be run up the Frenchman branch to Wauneta Sunday , leav ing McCook at 7 o'clock , mountain time , in the morning and arriving back here at a con venient hour in the evening. This will ac commodate persons attending the circus , from up the valley , and will be taken advan tage of by some of our citizens , who will pic nic at the falls. The Burlington road has donated § 5,000 to the widow of C. G. Wilson , who lost his life in the service of the company as superintend ent of its Iowa lines. This act of generosity will be applauded heaitily by railroad men , as well as the public , and it is to be hoped the company will exhibit equal generosity toward the widows of section men , switch men and trainmen whose husbands may lose their lives in its service. Now we have the Pueblo & Duluth railroad again ! One of our citizens is in receipt of a letter from the officials of the above-named road saying that the officers of the company would visit this county within 10 days to see what support Ctilbertson and the people on the route would give the road. Moie than 3100,000 have been voted in aid of this line between the Platte and Sioux City , and we are credibly informed that if Gosper and Hitchcock counties , together with the coun try southwest , will now come to the front and assist in this work , that the grading will be in operation in a few months at least. Looking at it from our standpoint , we can say that Culbertson will donate liberally to wards this great enterprise , and we have no doubt but that Blackwood , Logan and Drift wood precincts will do their share. We want a competing line of railroad , and now that an opportunity offers , we believe that our citizens will offer as liberal inducements to secure it as those upon any other contem plated route. Put us down as being in favor of the road. Culbertson Republican. In one respect the New York Tribune is on the right way. It says : "Thecause of good roads goes marching on. There is no poli tics in it , consequently when people get tired of discussing the presidential canvass in all of the sharp disagreements which that exer cise implies they can get together and relieve the strain , republicans , democrats , and the rest , on the good road issue. McCOOK , NEB. Clearing a IN 111JFF1R Y JJL JLJL JJJLll JLJJlL ALL OUR SUMMER MILLINERS AT COST AND BELOW C BUY JNOW AND BUY CHEA