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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1892)
L. LOWMAN & SON : WILL HAVENS SPECIAL * SALES S S5 = SS5 = DURING THE MONTH OF JUN 111 Ms , Hies , Hemsiicii Goods in Black and White MUBT QO ! Prices Millinery Reduced ! FOURTH OF JULY BARGAINS , 1HE FOLLOWING B S -OF- AND THEY ARE THE t INDIANOLA ITEMS. Grain trade is lively these days. Andy Lord has a nice shop in his new room. IIugh W. Cole was a pleasant caller , last Friday. Judge Beck went to Omaha , Thurs day evening. J. V. Carnahan , of North Valley , called on Tuesday. E. A. Sexson was at the central committee meeting. Editor Warner , of Stockville Faber , was a visitor , Monday. C. W. Beck sold a fine Estey Organ to Jas Williamson , this week. F. M. Kimmell and H. II. Iroth at tended the committee meeting. II. A. Pauly , of Sutton , an old ac quaintance of ( J. W. Beck , visited our city , Tuesday. Eugene S. Dutcher , made eight year timber culture proof before the county judge , on Saturday. I. W. Stevens and W. N. Miller , from just over in Frontie county , were in our burg , Tuesday. The two watch factory suits in coun ty court on last Friday , were decided in favor of plaintiff. License was issued on Wednesday for the marriage of Mr. Frank L. Teter and Miss Mattie May Phifer all of Bartley. Married on Friday evening last , by county judge at his residence , Mr. J. Wesley Potts , of Frontier county , to Mrs. Nancy Hatten , of Kearney. The circus bill posters have arrived and hung up their pretty pictures for our men and boys to gaze upon and wonder , and \vaic impatient until the show comes. Itev. E. S. Dutcher , late in charge of M. E. church of Franklin , has re signed the pastorate and accepted a po sition in an Indian school at Fort Lewis , Colorado. Married at Leland house on Tuesday evening , June 28th , by G. W. Beck , county judge , Mr. Miles Vastine and Miss May E. Smith , both of McCook. 'Who will be the next ? " The school census just completec show the total number of school chil- Iren of school age , two hundred forty- hree , of which one hundred twenty- eight are female and one hundred fif- ; een are males. From a letter just received from Senator Paddock we note that there has ) een over 300,000 pensions granted to oldiers , widows , dependent parents and minor children in the last year , which s more than double the number issued ny year under Commissioner Black , nd yet some of our Independent papers try to make the old soldiers think that they have been badly abused by the Re publican party , and that they love the old boys dearly. This is all bosh. Stand by the old party that has stood by you. 30,000 pensions a month is a good record. Supt. of schools Prof. J. H. Bayston has kindly furnished some figures con nected with his work , and makes a par tial comparison of the state funds now to be apportioned and the amount so divided January last. Total amount January , $2,525.20 , total amount July 1892 , $2,944.51 ; January amount ap portioned to each district , $8.41 ; July , $9 74. Each pupil received in addi tion to last amount in January sixty- two cents , in July , seventy-two cents. Number of children of school age in county is 3,041. The total amount to divide at this time , $16.45 is from fines , the balance from the state. The school election passed off with considerable interest. The large double room was full of voters and spectators. L. J. Holland was re-elected to fill the short term , and Mrs. Beardslee and Mrs. Barton for long term. A levy of twenty-five mills was made for all pur poses , divided as follows : Teachers' Fund fifteen mills ; supplies and salaries five mills ; building four mills and fur niture one mill. Our new school board consists of Mrs. I. M. Beardslee , Mrs. A. M. Barton , J. W. Dolan , L. J. Hol- and , F.W. . Eskey and W. E. Starr. We have a good school board and ex- ject our to be schools second to none in the state of same grade. W. W. Cox , supt. agricultural exhibit , of Scward , Nebraska , came in town on Thursday , and called a meeting at the pera house at two o'clock for the pur- > ese of organizing an auxiliary of our county to the World's fair. C. W. 3ock was-chosen chairman and J. T. - - * * < Yebber , secretary. After explaining the object of the organization by Supt. Cox the following were elected as officers : C. W. Beck , president ; S. II. Colvln , secretary ; J. T. Webber , vice president ; Indianola precinct , Thos. Sargent and L. L. Miller ; Willow Grove , C. J. Hyau , C. H. Boyle and August Droll. Other vice presidents will be chosen at next meeting. NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS. It is said to have rained. The song of the festive frog is heard continually. Preaching services at the school house have been continued. John Johnson lias been helping Walter Ilickling with his farm work. Considerable blight is noticed HI the early sown wheat. Nothing serious , however. We understand Fred Garter was elected director at the recent school election. The ' 'circus" was not very largely attended. Posters are up in this vicinity an nouncing a Fourth of July celebration at Box Elder and everybody is going to be there. The Scofield "hop" on Wednesday evening , was attended by the usual number of hoppers who claim it was nothing short of a picnic , and speaking of picnic reminds us of a time long ago when the writer was to have attended a picnic of a very pretentious sort , but during an evil moment we did not say thank you to a dear old lady acquaint ance , who unfortunately was visiting at our house , and for this breach of eti quette we were told to stay at home. It would be difficult matter to describe our feelings just then , at any rate we were determined to go. We remem ber right well that the day of the pic nic dawned fair and bright and old and young who had long looked forward to the event were making all sorts o ( prep arations , the dear little girls had not even tried on their pink dresses for fear of the temptation of keeping them on so long as to soil them , while the boys with their white waists and linen pants , so much in vague at that time , were a whole picnic within themselves. It so happened of course that we possessed one of the above named articles , just one , and it was owing to that fact we had cause for so much grief , so much indeed that we could scarcely contain ourself when on going up to get ready on the sly we found that the right sleeve of our white waist had been completely severed from the rest of the garment and nowhere to be found. We must confess we wept bitterly at this state of affairs and to behold the re mainder of garment all starched and ironed perfectly , and yet , on after con sideration we thought it would not be so bad if one sleeve was gone , we would put it on and go any way , there would would be so many people there and the day so very warm , we would not be no ticed , and put it on we did just as it was , and it is only fair to presume that we sallied forth as though we had all the sleeves one could desire ; but on nearing the grounds where the picnic was in full progress our distress became mors apparent and those who chanced to look that way might have seen forlorn looking chap who was continu ally putting not only his hand but his whole arm so deep in his trousers that it must have appeared painful ; how ever , we continued after an hour or so to enjoy , ourself immensely , and being being naturally reticent we have never mentioned it before. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. A. D. Lincoln has returned east again to his work. Monday was the annual school elec tion day , and demanded quite general interest throughout the county. The east part of Grant precinct have to go to Gerver now-a-day to serve the Lord , or in other words to go to church. Today. Monday , was a hot one and don't you forget it. The fine weather we are having is booming the crops and the way the farmers are fighting the weeds with such energy they must get good corn this year. One of the great questions now be fore the people is which is the ruler , the nation or one of its parts. One says the nation is boss , another that the state is boss ; as the irishman said that was the reason why he and his wife could not agree. One wanted to be boss and the other wanted to be boss. J. I. Case threshing machines at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Free ! Free ! In order to increase our cash trade wel will give away the following- of presents \ , - to our cash customers , ft 1 Gold Watch , worth § 100.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00 ii 1 Gold' Watch , worth 5O.OO 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.00 2 Silver Watches at $25 each 50.OO 0 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , hound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.00 118 PRESENTS S790.0O We carry the largest stock of Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in Red willow county. And we meet all competition and g-o them one better. Call and examine tiiese pres ents and price our goods before buying- . . . . . itff. J.JJP. y fL J t. JU you. ace. il" oii'jviqfilV C'&t'tociHC4tfc it t * oo. & T&r. * &x TJfecftf tfhr a feAr W. .V VT r Vferfy Trfffc ftr - GENUING BARGAINS ! ® s © > @ e Has the actual difference in the way CLOTHING is put up ever oc curred to you ? If it has not , a visit to the various places where clothing is sold will convince you that there is a vast difference between "slop-shop J hand-me-downs" and clothing ( not : things ) made of good material and nicely put together. Here is where we have always made a strong point and the fact that we are selling Men's and Boys' Suits and Pants , trimmed , lined and sewed equal to any tailor made suits , at prices as low , and often lower , than the "slop shop" stuff explains in itself why we are doing so large a clothing business. We have put forth an extra effort this spring , and you will find our tables loaded down with the prettiest line of MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS to be found 011 this market , and if you are looking for good , honest goods at the lowest prices , we ask you to carefully inspect this department. And in Hats , Shirts , Suspenders , Overalls , Jeans , Pants , SOCKS , Ties , Night Shirts , etc. , we have just what you want and at a price that will meet your views. C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. MAKES MORE BREAD ! MAKES WHITER BREAD ! MAKES BETTER BREAD ! THANANYOTHERFLOUR U t ALSo HANULK frULI. LINE OF WINTER END SPRING PIHEfil FLOURS and guarantee every sack we sell to give satisfaction. All kinds of FEED constantly on hand ; and don't forget that we handle more Grass , Field and Garden Seeds in bulk than all the rest of dealers combined. Our prices are always the lowest and goods the best. POTTER & EASTE&DAY. 8 "We pay highest market price for all kinds' of Grain at our Elevator.