The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1892, Image 3
1THE KEELEY INSTITUT BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. Only One in the State South of the Platte River We Own the Territory and Will Not Sell It. Beware of Imitators. lie BiCllE E FOR ; Liquor , Opium , Morphine and Tobacco Diseases , and Neurasthenia. For Terms and Information Address , W. C. Brooks , Secretary , Beatrice , Neb. W. 0. BULLARD & CO. -tot- LIME , HARD CEMENT , AND DOORS , LUM WINDOWS , SOFT BLINDS. COAL. RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. WU. xl. WARRR3SE , Manager. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , . . . TURKEYS , & .C. , &c. F. S. WILCOX & CO. , Props , R. D. BUR.GE1SS , PLUMBERf STEAM FITTER NORTH MAIN AVE. , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waiipun Wind Mills. DWYER'S LITTLE NELL A FIVE CENT CIGAR. Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigar * ever placed on sale in McCook. iniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , th . Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No ether application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years , almost generations. No medicine chest : s complete without a bottle of MUSTANQ LINIMENT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. druggists and dealers have it. OUR 0 AH DID ATE FOR CONGRESS. The Tribune mini has felt Unit some times the republican party has not put its best man on its tickets and has voted for them un der a strong protest. But so far this year the party has acted wise ly. Last fall it did and won because - cause of the excellency of county ticket. The people care more for goodhonest and capable men than for party lines. The national con vention gave the party courage and the country confidence by nominating a true and tried man for president. The congressional convention acted upon the same idea of duty and chose a man for candidate against whom nothing can be truthfully said as regards his honesty of purpose , purity of morals , intellectual ability or phys ical energy. The Tribune has frequently urg ed the nomination of Prof. AV. E. Audreys and is gratified beyond measure that the convention chose so wisely. His nomination was brought about by an almost spon taneous movement of the voters ii the party. The many able mei who were spoken of in connection with the nomination are entirely v satisfied and all will work in har mony to secure his election ii November. The issue will be fought out upoi the merits and qualifications of the candidates and the policy anc measures of the parties which thej represent. The campaign bids fair to be one of rare interest anc clean methods. The voters wil' decide which candidate can besl and most successfulv serve in con gress. Li Prof Andrews the people wil ] find a young man of extraordinary ability as a speaker and a thinker ; a gentleman fully able to repre- ent them in that high position ; a man liberal in his views but strong in his convictions of what is right and best. From a poor boy on a farm he worked his AT ay through college and climbed to a position among educators that one may well reel proud of , and he owes it all to his own courage and determination and nothing to favoring fortune. The arduous work he had to do as a boy on a farm and the great labor to be done to earn his way hrough the schools , puts him in tull sympathy with the people. His time has been devoted to men tal improvement rather than the accumulation of wealth , and now , although a poor man in worldly goods , he is well equipped for ser vice to his fellow men and rich in mind and heart. In this respect his life is an ex ample to every boy on the farm and in town and it is impossible to believe that the people of this district will fail to appreciate this fact and bestow upon him the re ward of merit. Every young voter at least , whether on the farm erin in the city , ought to take pride in casting his ballot for one who has thus won his way to promi nence and thus appreciate such en ergy and ability. The voters of every party ac- mowledge Prof. Andrews' preeminent inent fitness for the place and , as we said the other day , only the bit- : erness of partisan prejudice caner or will cause to vote against him , whether they are democrats or in dependents. Even those who devote vote against him will in their learts wish and hope for his suc cess , such being the universal es- ; eein in which men of his charac- ; er are held , for his election will je an inspiration to the young men ; he country. Hastings Independ ent Tribune. HALF a crop of corn this year will be worth as much as a full crop last year , because in Illinois and Ohio the crop is almost ruined and in Iowa , Missouri and Kansas he promise is of a very small vield. But the crop in Nebraska , at least in this section , promises : o be a good deal more than a half one , and if the favorable weather continues will be at least a fair average. Under the circumstances he outlook for the farmers of Ne- ) raska is anything but discourag- "g- THE annual report of the grand master of Ancient , Free and Ac cepted Masons shows the order to je highly prosperous in Ne braska. The total membership now numbers over ten thousand , livided among over two hundred edges. Increase during the past Dear , nearly one thousand five hundred. V Chicago Times ( dem. ) : Judge Gresham an lionest. pure-minded , ' patriotic man , has been seriously , considered for the Omahn noniina- ' tion. It would fall to him without - ' out doubt were he willing to ac-j cept. That acceptance , however , is , impossible. The Judge is qiioted j as saying : ' I am hourly expecting news from i the old farm that my brother is ! dead , and that his family , with a j aged mother are left dependent up on me. My home has a mortgage for purchase money , my vital ener gies are impaired , the result of two wounds I recieved in the war. I am physically unequal to make the campaign. More than that it would mean another mortgage , and that to a man of my age , and the claims upon me , is considerable. With the exception of your sub- treasury scheme which to me is visionary and impracticablethere is no difference between us unless it be that many entertain a stronger hope than I do we are to escape a bloody revolution before this pluto cracy of wealth surrenders. Judge Gresham is not an alar mist. He is cool , rational and careful of expression. The conclu ding statement is singularly gloomy. As a Judge and as a citi zen General Gresham has done all that Avas his duty to meet and repel the aggressions of wealth. Upon the bench he strangled Gouldism in a most offensive form. At the dedication of the Grant monument he lifted his voice impressively against the awful iniquity of bal lot-box corruption. Had the rep ublicans made him their candidate four years ago instead of General Harrison there would have been broader , juster and more popular administration of the republic. No judicial defender of ballot-box cor- ruptionists would have been promoted meted for sendees rendered in shielding villainy in the elections. It is distressing that there should be any ground in this rep ublic for so gloomy a view as attri buted to Judge Gresham. A Note of Warning to the Public. As a matter of justice to themselves and to the reputation of Dr. Leslie E. Keeley's Double Chloride of Gold reme dies for the cure of the liquor , opium , morphine and tobacco diseases , and neurasthenia , we warn the public that these remedies are used by no institu tion or sanitarium in the United'States , except those established by our com pany under the uniform name of "The Keeley Institute. " All others claiming to use our reme dies are frauds and imposters. We have now sixty Keeley Institutes established in various parts of the United States , the only one in Nebraska , south of the Platte river , is located at Beatrice , where the Keeley treatment is administered and the Keeley reme dies sold. We , however , caution all to examine well and know that they are dealing with GENUINE REPKESEN- TATIVES , authorized by us , before taking treatment or purchasing reme dies. dies.The The fraudulent establishments use the name of "Bi-Chloride of Gold" or similar titles. The newspapers do not discriminate sufficiently to know that they are imitators , and so put down all accidents occurring at such establish ments as being brought about by the Keeley treatment. This is a matter of much concern to us , hence this warning. Respectfully Yours , THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO. , Curtis J. Judd , Sec'y and Treas. For terms and information address , The Keeley Institute , Beatrice , Neb. What the Government is Doing for the Farmer. Among the most important acts of Congress touching the welfare of the 'armer are those which provide for the establishment of institutions of learning which are to give special attention to agriculture and the sciences related to t ; for the maintenance of agricultural experiment stations which are devoted to the scientific investigation of agricult ural problems ; and for the elevation of the United States Department of Agri culture to a cabinet department. These hree educational agencies the colleges , he stations , and the Department , are he most important ones now at worker or the betterment of agricultural mat ers , for nothing can benefit the farmer o much as a knowledge of the best methods of farming for the region in which he may live. From the July Dentury. KIRK'S HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , i Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. ! WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei J. A. & S. COUDEAL , Real Estate Bought , Sold , Ex'c'd 218 Main Ave. , McCook , Neb. . 2d lloor. CS' " Insurance , loans , convuyuuccs , war- runts , and negotiable papers discounted. J. E. KI5LLKY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - AENT ! LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Ground floor ( Irst lirick buildIng - Ing- north H. & M. depot. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOIC. NEUHASKA. J3yVill practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bid V. SNAVELY & PHILLIPS , Attorneys and Counsellors at Law , INDIANOLA. NEIL 837" Practice in the State and Federal Courts- B. E. DAVIS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK , NEURASKA. J39 OKFiCK HOUHS : 9 to 11. a.m. . Ii to .land 7 to 9. p. in Rooms over First National hunk. A. T. RICE , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , I have located permanently in McCook , Neb. All calls answered promptjy by day or night , in the city or country. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from S a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence in the "grout" house. A. F. MOOUE. JNO. tt. HA11T. iMOORE & HART , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , MCCOOK , - NEBRASKA. l practice in the State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Ollice. Oflice over Famous ClothinirCo. Store. C. II. BOYLE , LAND - " ATTORNEY , Six years experience in Gov. eminent Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC. Phillips-Meeker building. J. S. McBR/nfER / , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. J6"House and Safe Moving & Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. R. A. COLE , LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring- , has not got the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has got the Largest and Best stock of Cloths and Trim mings this side of Hastings , which he will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Bank. ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND PREMATURE DECAY IN andllfc prolonged even In ad vnnced years by a miracle of motlorn t-cl- ence. Call or write enclosins 1 , Mate case fully and pet a trial treatment and ridvico of a regular specialist of many years' experience. Address THEDIEFFENBACH DISPENSARY , 235 Wis. Street , MILWAUKEE , W.'S. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. US AKESIS { rivrs instani relief and is an infallible Cure for Piles. I'rk-jSL JJy Druggists or mail , fsirnples freo.Address'kAXAKESlS , " Box 2110 , JS'cw York City. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i < ) ! ii quality of meat wv I'urnNli. , ; n. l ask you to call on n- an-i Get the Best ! * ' ! ' \vinji is : i li > t of ii-.t : > N can \uii : i'.KHK. I'OKK .MUTTON. VKAL IMKAKKAST BACON . HAM. I'OIJI/IKY. SIDK \WN. ) . SUM.M MR SAnAiM L IIOLOCXA FISH. LAUD. TALLUU * . You v.iil lint ! it.- lii-i ( [ . .I.i > - . oP the pnsttifliri' , \ \ i.Mir will .1 \vi\s lie glad to sioon Kt j.fittl'ullv. \ I MitUjUi ) STOKE & DEVITT , Props. v/ff A NATURAL REMEDY FOR Epileptic Fits. -.Mitt ? Mcl-nes-- , Hyster ics , St. Yilus Jraiicv. Xi'rvonsncss , nypocliondri : : , H'j.ndioH : , In- eJiriiy. Skt < > ; : ' ---iiess ! , DIx- This niodcin < ! hus Msrr-rt action upon the iiurvo cculors , ; il-vim ! : ; all irritabili ties , and iicrii ! Iti ; : v.hc lo\v ! and power of ncrv : ! ! ' ! - . . It , ' p < nVctly harmless and Iciiv. , ; . ) mr.'li i-juit effects. A Valuable IJook on Ncrvons Diseases sent I'reo to any adrlrosu , PR and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Paetor KoeniK. of Fort Wayne. Ind. , since ItflS. and is now prepared under his direction by the KOE&5C P/5ED. CO. , Chicago , ? ! f , Sold by DrujrcS at SI per Bottle. G Tor 55. Recently Vie following Notice appeared In the San Francisco Chronicle. " Judge S had been sick only about two weeks , and it was not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness hesuffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly awaj- . Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia. " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. Jl.OO a pack age , G for $5.00 CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Koraei branded on left blp or Joft shoulder. P.O.address , Imperial. Chase County , and Beat- | rlce. Neb. Kange.Stink- llnjr Water and Frencb- [ man creeks , Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as cut on sl < 2t of I Eome animals , onhipnod sides of some , or whore on the animal. CANCER Subjects need fear no loncer from this Kins cfc Terrors , for by a most wonderful discovery la' tncdlcine. cancer on any part of the body can bo permanently cared without the n o of the knife. J1RS. H. D. COLBT. 2507 Indiana Avo. . Chicapo. Bays : "Wascnredof cancer of the breasS Jn six : Weeks by your method of treatment. " Send for treatise. JJr. M. C. Dale , SwStth SU Chlcajo. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria : "V V