The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1892, Image 1

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Injured Innocence ,
Is shown in the handsome
face of our colored friend.
He wants you to understand
that he
But if you will come to the
next week , you will see a new
line of Ladies' , Misses' and
Children's Shoes which will
' i
For trade at the head of
the procession with the right
swing , and we propose to
The frisky dollar. In all
lines of Boots and Shoes there
is no dealer in Southwestern
that can
To equal yours respectfully.
We are here for "business from
i , _ . the ground up , and propose to
" * let you know it.
Come and see us.
Is the key-note to success.
The firmness of our resolution
In Boots and Shoes is sym-
br'azed in the noble figure
I7' > re given. THE BOSTON SHOE
STOKE has already set the
Of making people talk about
their goods and prices. A visit
to their store will convince
you of this.
A Big Drive
Is now "being made by us on
many lines , but especially on
a fine line of
Ladies will find the selection
very desirable , while the shoes
themselves are admitted to be
Call at once and get the pick
before sizes are broken. These
goods will go like ice cream.
SherrifE and Airs. Jianks were tip trom In-
dianoln , yesterday.
Judge Leilew was in Omaha , Monday , on
some legal business.
A. A. Hatch of Hayes Centre was a busi
ness visitor , yesterday.
J. E. Kelley was at the capital city , Mon
day , on some matters of business.
Dr. S. L. Green was in the capital city , last
Friday , on some business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McNaul \Vauneta
were Commercial guests , Wednesday.
Jack McAdams has joined the cripples and
is now carrying his left arm in a sling.
W. J. McGillen was down from his Diamond
mend Ranch , near Imperial , yesterday.
Judge Cocliran and H.V. . Cole were up at
Culbertson , yesterday , on legal business.
O. P. Sliallenberger , the Imperial banker ,
noted our increasing greatness , Tuesday.
W. 0. Norval will attend the national pro
hibition convention at Cincinnati , Ohio , next
J. 1 $ . McCabe went into Omaha , Monday ,
to receive treatment from a specialist on his
L. U. Blackledge , one of Culbeitson's ris
ing young lawyers , was a city guest on Tues
day evening.
W. F. Listen , Ilayes county's long dis
tance farmer , and wife , were city guests ,
C. A. Leach was among the faithful who
journeyed to Chicago to see the stuffed pro
phet renominated.
C. W. 13arnes ot the Times-Democrat has
been at Indianola , part of the week"dressed
in his new suit of clothes.
S. E. Ilagerand family will spend Sunday
on the farm a few miles north of Indianola ,
going down tomorrow evening.
Bob Williams , the thoroughbred of the
Stratton Herald , made final proof on his
homestead before the land officials , Monday.
Lorenzo Scott and Joe Phillips start , to
day , for Ked Willow , where they will shear
about 1,000 head of sheep. Alliance Grip of
the 17th.
Barney Hofer of the Hayes Centre Times
was soliciting advertisements for that coun
ty's fair book , last Friday , in which he was
quite successful.
Frank T. Wagner was in the city , yester
day , distributing paper in the interest of the
Beatrice Chautauqua , which opens June 30
and closes July 16th.
Messrs. Bertram , Burnett and Geiges were
over from Oberlin , Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings , on masonic business , being the
guests of Count Hulauiski.
M. L. Thomas , late of the Lincoln Daily
Sun , was in the city , Monday , being in the
western part of the state looking up a loca
tion for a "loufelt want. "
C. P. Underwood was up from Danbury ,
Monday , making some arrangements for the
time galore the people of the Beaver Valley
will enjoy iu that burg on the nation's birth
Judge H. H. Benson's meritorious reputa
tion as a speaker is a guarantee that the ad
dress he will deliver in Benkelman on the
Fourth will be interesting and instructive.
Beukleman Bee.
Col. A. J. Clute , Jr. , of the True Demo
crat , went in to Chicago , Monday morning ,
to attend the national bourbon convention ,
representing the stalwart democracy of
southwestern Nebraska.
Dr. Victor Anderson of Omaha , a young
practitioner , has been spending the past
week in the city. We understand that he
has about determined to locate in our city in
the practice of his profession.
Captain Morgan , an old time York county
friend of Judge Cochran , made proof on his
Frontier county tree claim , Saturday , after
which he went on to Uaigler , where ho has
extensive real estate holdings.
W. I. Hardenburg of Iowa spent Thurs
day looking over the country , and was so
well pleased that he invested in a ICO acre
farm. He returned to Iowa , this morning ,
and will work for Red Willow county.
Miss Alice M , Murphy , the re-elected prin
cipal of the Oxford schools , on Tuesday left
for a pleasure trip to the mountains. She
expects to spend the entire heated term in
Colorado , dividing the time between Colora
do Springs , Denver and other points of inter
est Oxford Standard.
The revised city ordinance are in the press ,
and will be issued from THE TRIBUTE job
rooms in due season.
F. J. Taylor's Circus and Menagerie
arrived on schedule time and gave two
exhibitions in this city. Fifteen hun
dred attended the afternoon entertain
ment and about one thousand went in
the evening.
The circus was excellent , and the en
tertainment a clean one. Mr. Taylor
gives one of the most honest and credit
able circus performances it has been
our pleasure to witness , and he is es
pecially to bo commended for the ab
sence of the horde of fakirs , confidence
men and swindlers that usually accom
pany shows. Hebron Journal.
This well known circus and menagerie
will exhibit at McCook , Saturday , July
Engineer HoUiday is entertaining his
father from Beatrice.
Supt. Campbell came in on No. , 1 Wednes
day , from a business trip to Hastings.
B3 ? Buy a house from S. II. Colvin on the
monthly installment plan and save money.
Mrs. G. W. Conner is visiting at the home
of Her parents in Falls City , going down on
Saturday last.
Frank Harris returned from Galva , 111. ,
Tuesday noon. The family will be absent a
few weeks longer.
Oyster bionght No. 3 with eight cars up
from Oxford , last evening , in o7 minutes , a
distance of 53 miles.
Mrs. Cook , ( mother of Mrs. T. G. Kees , )
who has been in poor health , for some time
past , is improving , THE TKIUUXE is pleased
to learn.
Nebraska State Convention People's Party ,
Lincoln , June 30th. Fare one and a third
rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale June
27th and 30th.
Mr. Jeffries Wynian and Miss Helen Mac-
Key , were married in Boston , June 7th. The
groom is well known among the McCook
railroad men.
The Burlington will ballast 90,000 yards of
its road this year with gumbo or burnt clay.
The first ballasting will be done near Sutton
and Holdrege.
Chautauqua Assembly , Beatrice , June 30th
to JulylGth. One fare for the round trip.
Tickets on sale June 29th to 30th. Limit for
return July 17th.
The Eating House is receiving a thorough
overhauling by Mr. Trammel ! . Four paint-
el s and decorators are now at work , and
everything is being placed in ship shape.
National Convention Prohibition Party ,
Cincinnati , Ohio , June 29th to 30th. One
fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale June
26th to 27th. Limit for return July 7th.
Southwestern Conference for Bible Study ,
Eureka Springs , Arkansas , JuneSCth to July
3d. Fare one and a third rate for the round
trip. Tickets on sale June 23d to July 3d ,
Nineteenth Annual Conference Charities
and Corrections , Denver , June 23d-July 3d.
Fare one and a third rate for the round trip.
Tickets on sale June 20th to July third inclu
Annual Convention Nebraska Christian
Sunday School Association , Hebron , June
2SIU to 30th. Fare one and a third rate for
the round trip. Tickets on sale June 25th
to 30th inclusive.
Clayton Keim , of Lincoln , was in Benkel
man , Monday , on business. His leg which
was broken last fall in a railroad wreck has
not yet thoroughly healed and he still walks
on crutches. Benkelman Bee.
Triennial Meeting Grand Lodge Nebraska
Bohemian Benevolent Association , West
Point , Nebraska , June 24th to 27th. Fare
one and a third rate for the round trip to
Lincoln. Tickets on sale June 21st to 27th in
Wednesday night , No. 3 ran into the rear
of No. 5 , on the sidetrack at Akron , but for
tunately without doing any great damage.
Failure to turn the switch back , we under
stand , caused what came near being quite a
serious accident.
A daughter of James Powell , keeper of the
west end section house , died yesterday morn
ing from the after effects of scarlet fever.
The funeral took place this afternoon , Ilev.
A. W. Coffman of the Methodist church conducting -
ducting he same , interment being made in
the city cemetery. Mr. Powell and family
have the sympathy of all in their hour of
sorrow and afiliction.
On occasion of the National Educational
Annual Convention at Saratoga , N. Y. , July
12th to 15th , the Burlington Route , from July
3d to 9th , inclusive , will sell round trip tick
ets from all stations in Nebraska to Saratoga
at one lowest first-class fare , plus two dollars
lars ( membership fee N. E. A. ) Tickets are
good for return passage from July loth to
21st ; an extension of time limit until Septem
ber 2nd can , however , be obtained by de
positing tickets at the office of the joint agent
of terminal lines , 3C9 Broadway , Saratoga.
The Burlington Route will run special
Pullman sleeping cars and reclining chair
cars from Lincoln and Omaha through to
Saratoga , leaving Lincoln at 2:40 , P. M. and
Omaha , at 4:45 , P. M. , July 9th. A folder
giving all particulars , may be had upan ap
plying to J. Francis , general passenar and
ticket agent , Omaha , to whom , or to local
agent B. & M. R. II. , requests for reserva
tion of berth should be addressed.
To accommodate Christian Endeavorers
and their friends along its line who desire to
attend the national convention T. P. S. C. E.
at New York , July 7th to 10th , the Burling
ton lloute will on July 4th run a special train
from Omaha through to New York , via Chi-
caeo and Niagara Falls , leaving at 11:40 , P.
M. , after arrival of all trails from the west
A rate of one fare for the round trip has been
authorized and will be open to the general
public. Tickets good to return at any tiuie
within thirty days from date of purchase
will be on sale at dates to be announced
later. Tickets on sale July 3d to 5th. The
low rates in force , the through car facilities
at the disposal of travelers by the Burlington
Route , and the delightful season of the year
combine to make this an unequalled oppor
tunity of visiting the east. Remember that
you can purchase tickets from your station
through to New York. Full information
maybe had upon application to the local
agent of the B. & M. E. R. R. , or by address
ing J. Francis , general passenger agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
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