The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 17, 1892, Image 6

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Georjro I.elmul , Kmiim i.elatid. 1 > . L. Hill
burd. JimiuH S. Mi own mid Mis. James B
lirown his witc. Henry O. lirown and Mrs
Hunry G. lirmvii I-IH uilo , JIUIICH NetUo am
Sirs. .JIIIMCH Ncalu his wltu , defendant ! ) , wit
tnku notleo ihiit l < M. Leach , plaintiff herein
has 11 led his petition In the district court o
Red Willow county. Mate of Nebraska , ugains
said deli-iidonis , the object and prater ol
which is 10 fon-clnso u cut lain liiortKiiRi : CAO
cuu-d by the dclendnniH Uuonra Leland and
Kininii l.uLund lethe Western Farm Mortgage
Trust Company upon thu following described
real estato. situated in the county of Red
Willow and stale of Ncbrubku. towit : Com
mcneing at the MnitlifiiHt corner of lot iium
ber bovcn. block iminlicr nineteen , origina
town of McCook. tlieneu noitli o.tfhly Jeet
theneo west twenty-llvo leet , tliuncu soutl
clgiity luot. theneo east twenty-flvo feet , to
thu place of liegiitlng. and tiulng a part of lots
eovun and eight in milt ! block nineteen , to se
cure the puj mi'tit of the eleven proiniBsoo
notes ol Mud delendenis , GeorgeLelatid ant
Emma Le.tlnd. one ol wild notes beiug for the
sum of ? 4. > 000dnc March 1st 1KH ! , and ten
notes being lor the sum ol f 15 75 each , miitur-
ingrespectivelj September Ist.l88' .and March
and Seplemlier diet I8IO. ! 1891. IbSRJ. 1893 and
March 1st , 1891 ; that naid notes weie duly us-
Elinied 16 this iMaiiniir. and there is now duo
Iiluliitlirfroiii haid delondiints George Leliind.
Emma I.elnnil , I > . L. Hulhurd. James S.
lirown. Hunry G. Itiown and James Neulo on
said notes mid mortgage thu sum ol ? " ) i"Vi ( ,
with intofcpt on t'M.Ci'Jthereof from tlieKCCond
day of May. 1892. nnd interest on $4fl. > . ( )0 ) there
of from the Hist day ol March. 18U2. at the.
rate ol ten percent , per annum , and pluintilf
prays lor adeciee that delcndcntshcrequired
to pay Ihi ! mtme or that premises may be sold
to sanely the amount loiind due.
You are lequired to answer Biiid petition on
or beloie the ] 8ih day of July. Ifc92.
Dated this31st dnv of Mnv."iK'.l'
It. M. I.IA : < ; II. plaintiir.
3. My W. S. MOKI.AN. his attorhey.
Notice of Sale Tinder Lien for Keeping
Notice is herby given that bv virtue of a
lien lor keeping stock supposed to belong to
E. E. Fitch , dated on the 27th day of April.
1892. and duly filed and recorded in the allies
of thecounty clerk , ol Red Willow county , Ne
braska , on the 27th day ol April. 1892. and
upon which there is now due the sum of Delimit having been made in the
payment of said sum. and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been instituted to re
cover Kind debt or any part thereof ,
therefore wo will sell the property therein de
scribed , viz. One dun mare , one bay iniuc ,
one FOI rel gc-lding. one dun gelding , one gray
mare colt , one brown mare , one sorrel mare ,
one roan mare , one brown mare with three
white feet , one brown gelding with one white
foot , one hrnun horse colt , one marc colt ,
three brown geldings , one brown marc , 15 in
all in number , nnd of ages varying Irom one
o fifteen years old. Names of animals un
known and all have anchor brand on left side ,
nnd kept on the. Eaton Hunch , one and a half
miles south of McPoolr. at public auction at
the barn of Match & Clark in the city of Mc
Cook in Ued Willow county , Nebraska , on Sat
urday , the 2."ith day of June , 1802. one o'clock.
P. M. , of said day.
[ Fiist publication May 27th. 1892.1
Hy vii tue of an order of sale directed to mo
Jrom the district coin tot Hed Willow county ,
Ncbiaska. on a judgment obtained bclore
Hon. J. IJ. Cochran , judge ot thedistrict court
of Iteil Willow county. Nebraska , on the 20th
day ol September , IbOO. in laver of The Ne
braska Loan and Trust Company as plaintilf.
and against Franklin J. Uushong as defend
ant , lor the sum ot Forty Six ( $40.00) ) Dollars ,
and costs taxed at ? 25.75 and accruing costs.
I buvo levied upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said delendant to
satisly said decree , to-wit : The northwest
quarter of section 22 , in township one. north
of range 2'J. west Oth P. M. . in Red Willow
county , Nebraska. And will olfer the same
for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in
hand , on the 22d day ol June. A. D. 1M)2 ) , in
front of the south door of the court house , in
Indmnola. Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour ol two o'clock. P. M. , of said day.
when ana where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated the 21st daj of May. 1892.
Sheiiff of said County.
Uy virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Ued Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J.
E. Cochran. judge ot the district court of Ked
Willow county , Nebraska , on the llth day of
December , 1S01 , in favor of the Clark and Leo
nard Investment company as plaintilTs , and
against .Jennie Walters and John Green et al ,
defendents. for sum ot one hundred and forty
seven dollars and sixty-seven cents. ( $147.07) ) &
dollars and sevents'-eight
cost at tv enty-nine
cents. ( 29.78) ) and accruingcosts. I have levied
upon the lollowing real estate taken as the
property of said defendants , to satisfy said
judgment , to-wit : The northeast quarter of
section 31. township :5. : range oO. west of the
fith P. M. . in Ited Willow county , Nebraska.
Will sell said land subject to Charles E. Yates.
- mortgage of ? 5CO. This mortgag having been
assigned to Charles E. Yates by plaintiffs.
And will offer the same for sa'e to the highest
bidder , for cash in hand , on the Cth day of
June , 1892. in trout of the south door of the
court house in Indiaiiola. Nebraska , that
being the place wherein the last term of
court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P ,
M. . of said day , when and where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Continued for want of bidders to July Gtb.
1892. E. 11. BANKS , Sheriff.
First publication June 10th , 1892.
Just as sure . as hot weather comes , there
will he more or less howtl complaint in this
vicinity. Every person , and especially fami
lies , ought to have some reliable medicine on
hand for instant use , in case it is needed. A
25 or fifty ccnty bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just what
you ought to have and all that you would
need even for the most severe and dangerous
cases. It is the best the most reliable and
most successful treatment known and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by George M. Chenery.
We have heard of some mean men in our
day , but the fellow who sued his wife for a di
vorce because she ate crackers in bed , will
remain a brilliant gem in the casket general
Are you troubled with corns or bunions ? If
s-o , let us give you a little advice. Pare them
down as closely as possible without drawing
blood ; then soak them in warm water to soften
them and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm
twice daily , iu ! > bing them vigorously for a
few minutes at each application. A corn
plaster should be worn for a few days to pro
tect them fiom the shoe. As a general lini
ment for sprains , bruises , lame back or rheu
matism , Pain Halm is all that can be desired.
50 cent bottles for sale by George M. Chenery.
Mary had a little pug ,
But not as you suppose
Because it is not of canine breed
The pug is in her nose.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Totter ,
Sixlt Hheiim , Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores ,
Fever Sores. Eczema , Itch , Prairie Scratches.
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and
soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured
by it niter nil other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by
George M. Chenery.
"Why does DH. HUMPHREYS continue to
advertise his speeiflcs.e'verybody knows about
them. " Do you use them ? No. Then that's
why. Try them.
( First publication May 20th , 1892. )
May i6th , 1892. \
Notice is hereby given that the fell wing-
named settler has 'filed notice ot his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur
day , July 2,1892 , viz :
who made T. C. entry No. 5652 for the N. E.
% of section 34 , in township 4 , north of range
29 , west of the 6th P. M. lie names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous cul
tivation , according to law , of said land , viz :
Michael Dooley , James Kirby , Jokn T. Foley
and William II. Mahoney , all of McCook , Neb.
J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
[ First publication May 20th , 1892.1
iMny 19tb. 1893. I
Notice is hereby triven that the fpllowing-
nnmea settler has liled notice of his intention
to make flnal proof in support of his claim ,
and tliat said proof will be made before Uegis-
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday.
July2d. 1892. viz :
who made T. C. entry No. 410 for the S. /
N.V. . Ji and N. V S. W. } of section 1. town.
1. north of range 31 , west of Cth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation according to law of
said land , viz : William F. Everist. Charles
Knobs. William Sprague , Austin W. Dutcher ,
all of McCook , Neb. J. P. LINDSAY.
First publication June 10th , 1892. ]
June Gth , 1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
legister or lleceiver at McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday. July 23d , 1892. viz :
who made H. E. 4090 for the W. yx S. E. U Sec.
28. and N. W. Ji N. E. U. and N. E. & N. W.
Sec. 33. T. I , N. of It. 30. west of Gth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous rrsidcncc upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz ; Albert Weeks , William H.
Benjamin , Daniel B. Barnes and August
Wesch all of Banksville. Nebraska.
J. P. LINDSAY Register.
Notice of Estray.
Came to my farm , three miles southwest of
of McCook , n bay Texan mare , having white
strip in face , white on both left feet , is about
four years old. Owner can have the animal
bv proving property and paying charges.
W. S. FITCH , McCook , Neb.
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods ,
Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday ,
Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
I s use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , tlu ,
Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective
Mo other application compares with it in efficacy.
This \vell-kr.o\vn remedy has stood the test of years , almost
No jncdicine chest is complete without a bottle of MUSTANG
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
/ ul druggists ami dealers hap ' . | } .
r jfff
Fannie Davenport ,
The great American tragedienne lu.s writ
ten the following note for the benefic of her
sex. It should prove especially important
when it is lemembered that no class is"so " well
posted on the subject of which she writes , as
professional women :
NEW YORK , Aug. il. Mr. Wisdom : Dear
Sir Your Kobertine was highly spoken of in
San Ftancisco and a lady friend induced mete
to try it. It is very fine and is an ejcellenl
application for beautifying the faoe and
hands. The Kobertine powder is delightful.
4-4ts. Very truly ,
The Hastings Democrat has made inquiry
as to what has become of the train l ad of
corn sent to the famine stricken Russians last
winter. Since leaving New York nothing
has been heard publicly of its arrival at its
proper destination. It calls on Commissioner
Ludden , if he knows , to enlighten the public.
Grant Sentinel.
Happy Hoosiers.
\Vm. Timmons , Postmaster of Idaville , Ind.
writes : "Electric Uitters have done more for
me than all other medicines combined , from
that bad feelingarisingfrom Kidney and Liver
trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman ,
of same place , says : "Find Electric Uitters
to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine ,
made me feel like a new man. " J.V. . Gard
ner , hardware merchant , same town , says :
Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man
who is all run down and don't care whether
he lives or dies ; he found new strength good
appetite and felt just like he had a new lease
on life. Only fifty cents a bottle at A. McMil-
len's drug store.
Foreign agents are canvassing the county
to sell fruit trees. Farmers make a mistake
in buying of them. 15uy of men who raise
Nebraska trees , and live here and who will
guarantee their growth. Local dealers make
good all loses while foreigners sell you , get
your money and are never heard of again.
Oh , What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning. The sigi\\
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can afford for the sake of fifty cents , to
run the risk and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never fails. This explains
why more than a million bottles were sold the
past year. It relives croup and whooping
Cough at once. Mothers do not be without it. For
lame back side or chest use Shiloh's Poious
Plaster. SoldbyA.McMillen.
The learned young editor of the Beaver
City Times , gives as the result of persona
observation that while it is bad to ride in a
buggy with a sulky girl , it is infinitely worse
luck to ride in a sulky with a buggy girl. Let
us all be thankful that we don't live near those
Beaver City girls.
A Good Suggestion.
From the Dubuque ( Iowa ) Telegraph.
The adjourning of the impeachment court
last Saturday on account of Gen. Weaver's
belly-ache , cost the people of this common
wealth nearly $5 ° ° i ° ne dose of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy would
have saved this expense ; and we suggest , as a
matter of economy and humanity , the state
provide against future contingencies of this
nature , by furnishing each senator with a bottle
tle of that valuable remedy. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by George M. Chenery.
La Grippe Again.
During the epidemic of La Grippe last sea
son Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion , Coughs and Colds , proved to be the best
remedy. Reports from the many who used it
confirm this statement. They were not only
quickly relieved , but the disease left no bad
after results. We ask you to give this remedy
a trial and guarantee that you will be satisfied
with results , or the purchase price will be re
funded. It has no equal in La Grippe , or any
Throat , Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles
free at A. McMillen's drug store. Lanje bottles
tles , 50 cents and i-0o.
Charley DeGroff , a prominent young busi
ness man , of McCook , was in the city , Tues
day , en route to the eastern part of the state.
Hastings Democrat.
Are you Suffering
From back ache , inflammation of bladder ,
brick dust deposit or stone in the bladder ,
or in fact any derangement of the kidneys or
urinary organs ? If thus afflicted do not lose
time and waste money on worthless liniments
and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of
all known remedies , the celebrated Oregon
Kidney Tea. Pleasant to take , purely vegeta
ble. Satisfaction every time.
If the strawberry crop is shoit again this
year it is only necessary for the growers and
packers to raise the bottoms of the boxes a
little to realize the average amount of money
for the crop.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents
to free.'yourself of every symptom of these dis
tressing complaints , if you think so call at our
store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer ,
every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it ,
use accordingly and if it does you no good it
will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts , sores
bruises , ulcers , salt rheunv fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give 'perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 c. a
box. For sale by A. McMillen.
We have a speedy and positive cure for
catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and head
ache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal
injector free with each bottle. Use it if you
desire health and sweet breath. Pr/ce SQC.
Sold by A. McMillen. r
Hawaiian Annexation.
The feeling- that the monarchical
form of government in the Sandwich
islands is ncaring its end , and that an
nexation to the United States will fol
low , is becoming1 very prevalent in dip
lomatic circles at the capital. That this
is not idle tallc , the views of Dr. Mott
Smith , the Hawaiian minister of finance ,
who is here for the purpose of nego
tiating' a commercial treaty with this
country , arc proof. He expresses him
self as believing that annexation to this
country is inevitable. lie says that the
British on the islands regard the ab
sorption of Hawaii by the United States
as political predestination. And so far
as England resorting to force to pre
vent annexation is concerned , he de
clares that such a thing is not even
tliought of in Hawaii. These arc strong
words to come from- the minister of
finance. They are so regarded here ,
and are received at the state depart
ment with manifest satisfaction. The
satisfaction is due , it is thought , to the
existence of a fear that the rumored in
tention of England to acquire the
islands for herself might be true , in
which event the state department
would more than have its hands full.
Timber in the Xorthwcst.
The great timber resources of the Pa
cific northwest can scarcely be realized
by those who have not visited the im
mense forests of giant trees growing so
close together in many places that it is
almost impossible to travel through the
woods. Twenty million acres of land
are covered with a growth of wood
vhich will cut an average of 23,000 feet
of merchantable lumber. Much of it
will cut an average of 100,000 feet or
more , while single trees are common
.that will cut 3,000 feet each. The Port
Townscnd Leader estimates the quan
tity of merchantable lumber standing
in the forests of Washington at 1GO-
000,000,000 feet sufficient to supply all
the markets of America for generations ,
and yet send fleets laden with ship tim
bers to every port of the civilized world.
Oregon , in the Coast and Cascade
ranges , and in the counties along the
ocean from the Columbia river to the
California line , has as much more tim
ber , and these two great sister states ,
unless devastated b3T forest fares , will
never run short of building material.
IN each human life is planted some
natural aptness. If it is intense men
call it genius ; if it appears in a lesser
degree it is known as talent , which ,
with energetic cultivation , often out
strips indolent genius. Our inborn
gifts , says a writer in the Old Home
stead should be very dear to us so
dear that we must not fold them away
for safety , thus proving ourselves un
worthy of them , but bring them out ;
let them see the light of day and give
them every advantage for perfect de
velopment. Work for them with a
will , and if your efforts are true and
persistent your gift , whatever it may
be , will repay yoii a thousand times.
It will illuminate your ideas , your in
fluence and your life with its brilliance ,
and make itself part of your own per
As LOXG as there are weddings there
is bound to be misfit wedding presents.
If people would only take a little more
care in selecting wedding presents
brides would not be so burdened with a
lot of useless articles which , if they
were to express their candid opinion
about , they would be glad to get rid of.
Donors seem to have a mad desire to
give all sorts and kinds of spoons that
are utterly unavailable for ordinary
occasions and have a doubtful signifi
cance anyway. In selecting a gift the
taste and station in life of the recipient
should be very attentively pondered
over , but too often display is the first
and only consideration.
A FAEMER living near Bloomington
has a whip which he picked up cheap
at an auction sale. He has been of
fered one hundred dollars for it many
times , but refuses to part with it. It
has a very thick and rather clumsy
stock of solid ivory , which weighs near
ly seven pounds. From indistinct marks
on it , resembling a date , it is thought
the whip was made in 1784 or about
then. It was probably brought from
England. A curious whip that carried
off prizes at the first London and Paris
exposition is now in New York. It is to
be exhibited at the world's fair.
A XEW material for street pavements
is being used quite extensively in Cali
fornia. It is a kind of bituminous rock
found in that state. These pavements
are very like the asphalt pavements in
New York and other eastern cities.
The only difference between the two
materials is said to be that asphalt is a
manufactured article made of bitumen
and sand , while the rock has practi
cally the same elements naturally com
NOTWITHSTANDING our boast that the
progressive spirit of the age is outstrip
ping the barbarism of war it is true , as
Admiral Luce says , that men will never
cease to war. While arbitration is
now the panacea for that national ill
the fact remains that genius of inven
tion has never been so prolific as now
! n improving implements of war , and
war has never been so systematically
studied as at the present time.
PEACE and good order combined with
patience and intelligence are the forces
which are elevating the American
workingman to-day and upon these he
must rely. Disorderly demonstrations
serve only to check his 'advancement
and injure his cause.
Their prices on all goods are as low as
lowest possible.
West Demiiiion Street , ITJcCOOK , Nli
_ i
The Leading Weekly in West
ern Nebraska.
NE !
f >
Late Receiver U. S. Land Oflice. Attorney-at-Law , Agent Lincoln Land Cw-
% Ika Ssa BHJ Baa I 3
CORRESPONDENT : Chase National Bank , New York.
Notary Public. Justice of the Peace.
Nebraska Farm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property.
Collections a Specialty.