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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1892)
. . ' > ( ELEVENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 17 , 1892 NUMBER 4. I ? ' He Donl ing About If ABOUT WHAT Trading. UNLESS lie has visited the BOSTON : SHOE : STOEE , seen their magnificent new stock , and tested their reason able prices. You can get a pair of LADIES' FINE KJD SHOES for $2.50 , era a pair of GENTS' FINE CALF SHOES for a like amount. Good judges say that their prices are SURPRISING. Take your choice of a large variety of Ladies' Bright Don- gola Shoes for $2.00. A large stock of Ladies' Hand Turned Oxfords at § 2.50. Good grade of machine sewed Oxfords at $1.50. The Best M. S. Oxford at $1.75. DROP IN. And examine our goods and prices. You needn't buy a thing and you will be just as well treated. No "grumpy" clerks. This is Leap Year. Knew it , eh ? We'll excuse us for re minding you of it. We only wanted to say that we have decided to leap into this year with a greater display than ever , lower prices , more activ ity in moving our goods off the shelves into the homes of the people of McCook and vicinity , more enterprise in all directions. 1 Our volume is Fin de Siecle. The Latest Out On Top , Next week we shall offer some new styles in Ladies' Shoes in Cloth and Ooze tops , Patent Leather trimmed and plain , in Button and Lace , at scheduled prices which must move them. WE GIVE YOU Square Deal Every Time. PEOPLEjrOUJCNOW. Caleb Clothier lias been down from his Hayes county part of Hie week. Hev. J. W. llickcy held sei vices nt tlie Hairier section lionse , Tuesday. II. C. Jacobs was down from Highland , Hayes county , on business , Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris leave today for Gnlva , III. , on a visit to Frank's parents. Dr. Davis was called to Cambridge profes sionally on Wednesday , and to Wauncta yesterday. LI. S. Hileman and S. D. McCIain accom panied the special stock train to Chicago , this afternoon. Frank II. Spearman took No. C , to day , for Chicago , a delegate to the national demo cratic convention of the 21st. K.B.Walilquist , of the Hastings Democrat , gazed with bourbon complacency upon the convention , besides greeting his many JIc- Cook friends. \V. S. Randall , publisher of the Fairiield News-Herald , and known to fame as chief of the census for this district , was one of the Clay county delegates. E. M. Kimmell , associated with Tun TRIB UNE in the early days of McCook , arrived from Somerset , Pa. , Sunday on the flyer , to spend a few months with us. J. F. Ganschow and T. N. Young went in to Omaha , Monday , to attend the convention of state business men's association , being delegates from the McCook branch. Mrs. B. C. Davis has been in Lincoln part of the week attending a meeting of the state iniversity alumni , of which association she ms this year been elected president. Kelley , of the Chase County Champion and Abbott , of the Hayes County Republi- : an , were delegates from their respective counties to the congressional convention. Miss A. H. Thomas left on Wednesday for Jtah , Illinois , where her aged parents re side. She expects to be absent all summer , is her parents are both full of years and its 'eebleness. Bank Examiner Griffith was in the city , yesterday , and examined the condition of tlcCook's splendid financial institution , The First National Bank , finding everything in prosperous shape. F. S. Wilcox. H. T. Church , C. G. Potter , Will Fowler and Joe Spotts accompanied the special stock train on its way to Chicago , o-day. The boys expect to take in the demo cratic convention also , while away. Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Grand June- ion , Colo. , and Mrs. A. Carmtchael of Den ver , Colo. , who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Snyder , departed on Sun'day evening for their respective homes. Mrs. Caroline N. Churchill , editor and proprietor of "The Queen Bee , " devoted to he interests of humanity and woman's po- itical equality and individuality , published at Denver , Colorado , was a pleasant caller , ast Friday. County Clerk Roper was up from the seat of county affairs , Saturday. Miss Jessie , who has been assisting in a photograph gal- ery at Crete for a number of months , ac companied him , and will spend the summer it Indianola. S. H. Colviii left for Omaha Tuesday evening , to participate in the closing deliber ations of the state business men's association. Mrs. Colvin and the family accompanied lira , and they will also visit in Plattsmouth before their return. Col. J. S. LeHew was down at Hastings , Monday , on matters connected with the late competitive examination for appointment to West Point , in which his son George was examined. No appointment has been made , as yet , and another examination will be held atter on. Rev. W. C. Stevenson went in to Lincoln , his morning : , to complete arrangements for he trip of McCook's delegation to New York city to attend the great Y. P. S. C. E. con vention to be held in the metropolis , July 7-10. The delegates from our city will be Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Stevenson , C. T.Vat - on , Joe Wells and perhaps Miss Josephine JcLyman. Mr. Watson will also visit his folks in Toledo during his absence. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your ot , besides having the best groceries on 'our table that the market affords. THE TRIBUNE congratulates Moses 3attershall upon his being this week he object of Uncle Sam's beneficence. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Jnion block , over Knipple. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs 'or all kinds of machinery. Opera house , tomorrow night. Bald leads only admitted. Upholstering and carriage trimming lone at Paine's. Episcopal services in the Lutheran church , tonight. Commissioners proceedings next week Paine sells harness. WE UPASS NOBOD.Y. Headmaster Josselyn was at headquarters , convention day. \ Conductor Brainard's wife returned home , Sunday , from her visit. ESf Bny a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. No.4 was held until seven o'clock to accom modate the delegates to the convention , Wednesday. Assistant Supt. Harman was down from Holyoke , Wednesday , an interested looker- on upon the congressional convention. Annual Convention PlattDeutschu Central Verein , of North America , Grand Island , Nebraska , jnne 17th to 21st. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 14 to 21st inclusive. McC'ooK , NEB. , June 14,1892. To the employes of the B. & M. round house : We feel that words are too weak to express the gratitude our hearts must ever fed for your generous gift , so nobly and del icately proffered. We prize not less than the { rift itself , munificent as it is , the man ner of its bestowal. May the measure you liave given be measured to you again , should trouble ever come to you , is the wish of Gratefully Yours , Mis. and Miss. S. A. CKISWEI.L. OiiAirA , NKU. , May 19th , 1892. The Samoset club will act as an escort to Gov. Boyd and the Nebraska delegates en route to the national democratic convention in Chicago , June 21st. Arrangements have been made for a special train of Pullman sleeping cars , reclining chair cars , first class coaches and smoking cars to leave Omaha via the Burlington Route , Saturday , June 18th at 7 , P. M. It is the desire of the Same set club that all from Nebraska , who will go to Chicago , arrange to join them in Omaha. Please extend this invitation to the demo cratic clubs through their presidents. Berths will be reserved upon application to this office. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been made. Tickets to be sold June 16 to 20th inclusive. Good for return at any time between June 25th and July Cth. J. FIJANCIS , G. P. &T. A. , B. & . M. R. R. , Omaha , Nebraska. A Note of Warning to the Public. As a matter of justice to themselves and to the reputation of Dr. Leslie 15. Keeley's Double Chloride of Gold reme dies for the cure of the liquor , opium , morphine and tobacco diseases , and neurasthenia , we warn the public that these remedies are used by no institu tion or sanitarium in the United States , except those established by our com pany under the uniform name of "The eeley Institute. " All others claiming to use our reme dies are frauds and imposters. We have now sixty Keeley Institutes established in various parts of the United States , the only one in Nebraska , south of the Platte river , is located at Beatrice , where the Keeley treatment 3 administered and the Keeley reme dies sold. We , however , caution all to examine well and know that they are dealing with GENUINE EEPHESEN- TATIVES , authorized by us , before taking treatment or purchasing reme dies. dies.The The fraudulent establishments use the name of "Bi-Chloride of Gold" or similar titles. The newspapers do not discriminate sufficiently to know that they are imitators , and so put down all accidents occurring at such establish ments as being brought about by the eeley treatment. This is a matter of much concern to us , hence this warning. Kespectfully Yours , THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO. , Curtis J. Judd , Sec'y and Treas. For terms and information address , The Keeley Institute , Beatrice , Neb. The competition in advertising is go ing a little too far. McCook secured ; he services of a young cyclone , last Saturday , to secure recognition in the jress dispatches , and not to be outdone , [ ndianola , in a spirit of rivalry , in dulged in a genuine wreck the follow- ng day. Stockville will keep in sight of the procession with a sure-enough prize fight next week. Sentinel. , Purveyor to tne Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. Warm weather , flies and sticky fly paper come together. You can secure a prime and satisfactory article of the latter at Chenery's City Drug Store. We give more soap than anyone for one dollar. THE RACKET STORE. r CD H O H T 35 M r CDB r m m B In s 72 71 " * H * o F om l > bd 3 CD O O H CO O COO O o n CD O OQ O O O CD in