The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1892, Image 7
J. A. WILCOX & SON. We give below a lew of the many bargains we give our customers : All Package Coii'ee , a pound , - - 20e. Seedless liaisiiis , a pound , - - - 5c. 20 Pounds of Ex. " " "C" Sugar for $ l.oo 10 Pounds Granulated Sugar for $ l.oo 3 Cans Blackberries for - - - 25c. V Standard Prints , per yard , - - - 6c. To all who will buy a bill of goods from us we will demonstrate to them the advan tage they gain by paying cash. THE ! KEELEY INSTITUT BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. Only One in the State South of the Platte River , We Own the Territory and Will Not Sell It. Beware of Imitators. IFOR ; Liquor , Opium , Morphine and Tobacco Diseases , and Neurasthenia Tor Terms and Information Address , W. C. Brooks , Secretary , Beatrice , Neb. W. 0. BULLAKD & CO. -toj- LIMB , HARD CEMENT , AND DOOKS , If WINDOWS , SOFT BLINDS. COAL. RED CEDAB. AND OAK POSTS. xT. WARRRN , Manager. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , f CHICKENS , , . , . 1 TURKEYS < Vc. Ac. DWYER'S LITTLE NELL A FIVE CENT CIGAR. J' this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigar * ever placed on sale in McCook. \ ' \A/ ' ( BEFORE. ) Would you ( AFTER. ) Increase Your-Business ? V- - - - \ . - . - * . . r. < s A / J mm STEPS DOWN . HE RESIGNS PROM THE HARRN SON CABINET. THE RESIGNATION ACCEPTED , The T % 'pt of the News Creator the Wild' est Kind of Excitement at Minneap olis Congressman Boutello De clares That the Maine Lender Will Certainly Accept Gossip at Minneapolis. WASHINGTON , June 6. Secretary Blaine this afternoon tendered his resignation as secretary of state to President Harrison. The letter oi resignation and the ' president's ac ceptance of the same are as follows : DEPARTMENT OF STATE , 1 Washington. June 4 , 1892. J To .o i. Ident : I respectf"lly beg leave to submit mj resignation of the office of secretary ol state of the United States , to which Ivas appointed by you on the 6th of March , 1889. 1889.Tho The condition of public business in the department of state justifies me in request ing my resignation may bo accepted im mediately. I have the honor to be , very respoctfull y , Your obedient servant , JAMES G. BLAINB. EXECUTIVE MANSION , ) Washington , June 4. ) To the Secretary of State : Your letter of this date tendering your resignation of the oflice of Secretary of State of the United States has bsen re ceived. The terms on which you state your desires are such as to leave me no choice but to accede to your wish immediately. Your resignation is therefore accepted. Very resp rf fully yours , BENJAMIN HARRISON , The Hon. JAMES G. ELAINE. STATIC JOTTINGS. A vicious mare bit the entire lower lip off A. C. Buffington , near Battle Creek. Jud C. Webb of Fremont is master of transportation of the Barnum & Bailey shows. The business men of Scribner have raised $500 with which to celebrate the glorious Fourth of July. Hastings hears rumors of a whole sale grocery house to be put in there by Lincoln and Omaha men. Nebraska City will vote § 10,000 in tersection bonds and § 24,000 high school and heating apparatus bonds. An onion patch of thirty-six acres is planted in Washington county. The Tekamah Burtonian suggests an onion palace for Blair. The cigar factory at West Point will incorporate with $6,000 capital and employ from sixteen to twenty men the year round. Eric Johnson , of Mercer , was se riously injured by being thrown from a wagon in a runaway a Fremont He suffered concussion of the brain. Senator Paddock has recommended the establishment of a postoffice at Toney , Saunusrs county , and the ap. pointment of Lemuel Glassbun as post master. Down in Nuckolls county the latest triok to get money is to go to a good neighbor and get corn on time and then take it to town and sell it for cash. cash.An An indignant wife of an Anselmo gambler broke in the windows of the store where the tiger had his lair , and entering put an end to the game very suddenly. A Chinese laundryman at Broken Bow is fully Americanized. He is going to give prizes to those having the most work done between now and Christmas. James Lang , near Mason City , claimed to be the first homesteader in Custer county , and Louis Wambsgan of Oconto showed up an earlier date , January , 1874. Eleven pupils of the Beaver City high school have finished the course of study and creditably passed the ex aminations which entitles them to a diploma this year. A chorus of twenty-five of Fremont's best singers are to sing an anthem written by Walt Mason , music by Pro fessor Roy Smith , and the air will be sung by Mrs. Fred Nye. Lincoln boasts of forty-two churches. The saloons have exactly the same number. The saloon is taxed $1,000 a year , i'be salaries of the preachers will average about the same. A ferocious dog attacked Edward Hughson , a farmer near Union severely tearing the man's legs and hands. The thoughts of hydrophobia fright ened the young man , and he has left for Savannah , Mo. , where he will have a madstone applied to the wounds. Congressman Bryan has succeeded in securing from the house committee on war claims a favorable report on the senate bill to pay to the state of Nebraska $242,000 for money expend ed in aiding to suppress the Sioux out break. Mr. Bryan intends to call the bill at the earlieit opportunity. A story is told5of a Plattsmouth young man who , beinri baatered by the members of a girl's olub for not getting married agreed to marry the girl that'ihVcluVon1'secret' bmlfct elected to' D4 his wife ; Therexwwtf nine girls , /tb.ejplub , eaoh got one ' vote , the nakn is still . 'single , and the' broke'1 ' * n * club is * ilji. Burglars at Cedar Bluffs ' Djrok r inf * an empty bulliior tfa't waii formerly a BLOWN UP BY MISCREANTS. Two Pennsylvuiiliinn Killed by a Dyiiamlt * No Clue. i'rrrsuinto , Pa. , .June G. About 1 o'clock this morning1 an explosion of dynamite occurred at Kensington , in the house of J. 1C. Turner , a jeweler , by which two persons were killed in stantly. They were : J. K. Turner , jeweler ; Miss Emma Scheffer , of Em- lenton. The wife and two children of Turner were badly injured. That the house was blown up delib erately seems certain , as Mr. Turner was never known to have dynamite in his dwelling or store. The explosion was of great force , breaking windows and doors at some distance. A posse has been organized and is now endeavoring to find some clew to the fiend who caused the explosion. CU HED IN A WRECK. Two aieii , Ono I'robiilily From Sc.lulla , Killed Instantly Near Lawrence. LAWRENCE , Kan. , June G. A west bound freight train on the Santa ITe road , broke in two at 1 o'clock this morning1 while nearing town. As the engine slowed up for the Northwestern crossing the rear end of the train crashed into the front part , enrolling seven cars and throwing five of them from the track in a. heap. Two men , who were stealing a ride , were crushed to a jelly. One of the dead was identified by papers in his possession as a man named Iligdon , of Sedalia. ROOM FOR THE ALLIANCE. The Subtroasury SchiMiio to be Given Throe Days lu the House. WASHINGTON , June G. The house committee on rules has decided that the famous Farmer's Alliance sub- treasury scheme shall have a hearing1 at this session. The committee on ways and means will report back ad versely the bill , the object of which is to carry out that scheme , when the general appropriation bills are well out of the way. Three days will be set apart for the discussion of the sub ject. Killed While Sleeping : . UONNOT'S MILL , Mo. , June G. Just across the i-iver at Cote San Desse. in Galloway county , yesterday morning , Henry Ricks brained Johnnie Jones with an ax and fatally injured Primis Watson while the latter were asleep. They were all colored men and were working in a railway camp. The direct cause of trouble was a woman who , up to ten days ago , officiated as the wife of Ricks. At that time domestic relations became strained , which cul minated in the woman leaving Ricks , who drove her out of camp after j making her disgorge apparel which he claimed was purchased by him. After wandering about for a day or two , she returned to the camp and took up her abode with Johnnie Jones. This en raged Ricks , who immediately swore a rn.inst Jnnfis with the above result. Towauda , Though JLate , Asks Aid. To WANDA , Kan. , June 6. On March 31 last this town was almost totally destroyed by a tornado. Temporary aid was generously given by neighbor ing cities , but most of it was used in cariug for the sick and wounded. A relief committee has been organized and asks subscriptions. All money will be received by Secretary J. C. Kuhlmann. The Os ge Klver On a Tear. TUSCUMBIA , Mo. , June G. The Osage river rose eighteen inches yesterday and is on a rampage. The bottom lands aie overflowed and the farmers are in despair over the loss of their corn -vvnich they had replanted after the recent high floods of May. German "Workman to Organize. CHICAGO , June G. The German workingmen - ingmen of this city have resolved to form to be known the " a party as "Op portunist party , " the purpose of which is to organize the voters so as to hold the balance of power in elections. Bottoms About Louisiana , Mo. , Flooded. LOUISIANA , Mo. , June G. The old Mississippi is again swollen to magnif icent proportions. The bottom land behind the levee are covered to a depth of two feet by the water that has seeped through the levee. NEWS IN BRIEF. A G-year-old Kentucky negro girl killed her sister. IJloomington , 111. , has shut down on the gambliug-houses. Three men were killed and two others hurt by lightning at Gaines ville , Ga. Lieutenant William Loveridge of the Twenty-third infantry committed sui cide at Fort Sam Houston. No cause is assigned. Chicago grainmen charge that the Rock Island and Santa Fe roads are in collusion with two Chicago grain firms to their detriment. The jury in suit of Father Dent against ; Bishop Ryan of New York for 5100,000 damages for slander returned a verdict in favor of the bishop. Mrs. R. W. Huston of Eldon , la. , was the victira of a gasoline stove explosion and literally roasted to death. Her two children and a servant were badly burned. An enormous increase is reported in emigration from upper Alsace to America , due , it is said , to the injury caused to trade by the operation o the Zollverein treaty. Charles Carlyle was found opposite Chester , 111. , with his neck broken and his body mutilated. Henry Willis and John Rector are under arrest , with strong proof against them. Warner observatory is to be aban doned , so far as Rochester , N. Y. , is concerned , on account of the action of the Third Presbyterian society in plac ing its new building so near the street as to destroy the- western view from the observatory. 'J. Ar Van Home- who left Yuma , Ariz. , 'twith'Martin Weir to look for placer mines near the Sonora line , is believed to'be ' lost in the desert- Weir came intot Ligurta station on . the Southecnf Pacific , and. wired "Horses 'dead on desert Do not know if Van- Home is alive. " t Kl RK S , Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Cures Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. Kcwovea and Prevents Dandruff. | Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. , J. A. & S. CORDKAL , Real Estate Bought , Sold , Ex'c'd. ii i ! i8 ! Main Ave. , McCook , Neb. , t-'d lloor. ! I I J5y JnsurHiice , lutins , conveyances , wnr- | units , and ncgotiuhlu impcis discountud. j I J. B. KELLMY , i | ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - i AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. NEIMASKA. MCCOOK. - - jSyOKFiCE : Ground lloor Hist luick build- iK north H. tc .M. depot. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOIC. NEISHASKA. practice in all courts. Com wercu.1 and corporation law a specialty. Money to loiin. Itooms 4 and . " > old First National bid' } , ' . SNAVELY & PHILLIPS , Attorneys and Counsellors at Law , INDIANOLA. NEIl. J3T Practice in the State and Federal Courts . 11. DAVIS. M. . C. n. .10x1 s , M. i ) . DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , MCCOOK. NEBKASICA. C59r OFFJCE Houus : ! ) to 11. a. in. , i to. and 7 to it. p. in Knomp ovr F'rM National bunk. A. F. MOOItK. JNO. K. HAIIT. , MOORE & HART , j ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , MCCOOK. - NUIJItASKA. practice in the State and Federal Courts and before the a. S. Land Olhee. Oilice over Famous ClothiiurCo. Store. C. II. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six jenrs experience in Gov. eminent Lain ] Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC , in Phillips-Meeker bnildmjr. J. S. McBWYER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. and Safe Moving i Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddlestou Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND PREMATURE DECAY IH MDDLEAGEli 3dllfeprolon ed4TeHliodTanced ear * bra miracle.Ol'modern cl cnce. dill or write enclosing SI , state case folly and get a trlnl treatment ana advlco of a regular specialist of many years' experience * Address THEDIEFFENBACH DISPENSARY , 235 Wi8. Street , MILWAUKEE , W1S. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Uhildren Cry Tor Pitchers Castoria. \Vhen Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. TVhen she was a Child , she cried for Cactoria , \Vhen she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. Snur lililp fcirtunfinsTfliefniradf a ; work for u , bj Anna I'agr , Au tin , yr < ria , .nnd .Inn. Ilonn , Isledo , Ohio. flseecut. o.l n.-iredomKasvrell.Uliy Unot you" ' Sume earn over JollO.OO a month Ion undo the work and liva liom ? , liiT ( Mjryoiiare. I.tenbe- /pinners rei iK earning from J3 t ? SIHadnAllncrs. . We show you how and Mart } < > < i tan work in'paretima or all tin * time. Kip mont y for work ers. I Hllure unknonn among them , NEW and wonderful. Particular ? free. U.IIallettdf Co. , ox SSOl'ortluuU.Muiuo ' rupijly and bonurablr. by those or either x , joung or eld. and in their owiilo < alitir fwiiere erthrT lire. Any onetnn tlo Ihf ork. rasv to learn. W furnish ercrythincr We stnrtou. . No ri-k. } < > u can derota yourspare moments , or all jour time to thettnrk. Ibis U an ntirelynewleadand brings nonderful Fuccr t eierrcrker. . Beginners are earning from K25 to illO.trntrkand upward : , and more aftera little eiiierience. We can furni-li yon the em ployment and teach you HtrK. No space to explain here. Full lafiinuatioa rBLK. TJEUJK JcCO. , AlblbTJ , JU1XE. from prcmataro decline of SUFFERERS manly powers , exhausting drains * * nd all the train of evils resulting from Indi cro- tlon. excess , overtaxation , errors of youth , or any cause , quickly and permanenlry cured by UCDUITA The " "igo ! Book and partlcnU free. H til VII A Remedie . Pr.A.g.OLnT , Bcs 213 "ANAKESIS " frlvs instant reliff and b in rtfalliblQ Corcfortik-s. Pru SJ , By Drugjzlfits MarriaVQ Pllirla BeAatifull marnagejiuiiie. tnrionsorlnqnlsiUre wish to tawir. a book for CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. t Proud Ol' the quality of meat we furnish , and ask you to call on us and Get the Best Following is a list of meats we can furnish yon : UKKK. I'OIUv. MUTTON. VEAL. HKHAKKAST BACON. HAM. POULTRY. SIJH UACON. SUMMKll SAfJSAGK. HOLOUXA. FISH. LAUD. TALLOW. Yon v-il ! find us first dour with oJ the postoilicchcic wu will always he glad to see you. Respectfully , Gash Meat Market , STONE & DEVITT , Props. I cricctlr "Well. V PTLI.MORK , Dubuque Co. , la. , Sept. , 1883. Miss K. Finnignh writes : My mother and sla ter used Pastor Kouniy'a Korvo Tonic for noa- ralgia. They are both perfectly -well now and never tire of praising the Tonic. F , Iowa , Oct. 10,1800 For nineteen jeara my daughter suffered from fits ho that fa lit ) could not even dress herself. On the 17th of Mnruh luot she commenced using Pastor Koonig'H N rve Tonic , and it has cured her entirely Arcupt many kind thanks and blessing ; 1 ciumot tell how happy I feel to think my child is can-d. MKS. THKliESA KYLE. STOUSI LAKE , Iowa , July 9,1890. I vraa' Bnffc-iUt ; from nervousness , sleepless ness , and 1 .d H ol iuomory ; about tv , o months ago 1 took 1'astor Kuonig's Nerve Tpaic , and I at tribute my recovery to thia medicine ; I am sat isfied with its etloct. J. A. BAAST. A Valuable Book on Nervous Diseases sent frco to any address , FREE and poor patients can also obtain this medicine frco of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Kocnid , of Fort Wayne. Ind _ since 18J6 , and I is now prepared under his direction bytho KGEuIG MED. CO. , Chicago , III. I Sold by Drusriribts at SI per Bottle. C for Su , .S/.o , .I * 1.75. Rtcerrtty tht follawtng Notlet apptanti la Vig f San Francisco Chronicle. " Judge S had been sick only about two weeks.'and it was not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness hesuffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. loiter the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia. " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. are troubled with diabetes , gravel , or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money oa worthless liniments and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies , the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack age , 6 for 3.00. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Eonei branded on left blp or left shoulders P. O. address , Imperial , Chaae County , and Beat- irice. Neb. Kange.StmK- > lng Water and French man creeks , Chase Co. , N'pbraika. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on blp a&4 aides of some , or anj- rhere on the animal. CANCER Subjects need fear BO longer from this King Terrors , for by a most wonderful discoyery tnedlclne , cancer on any part of the body c&n permanently cured -without the u o th * kalfe. MBJ.-H.D.COLBT , 2307 Indiana ATO..C \Tascnredofcancsroftho bre' Weeks by yonr method of treatment. " * trcatlJe. Dr. XX. C. Dale , SG5 34th St" Children Cry for Pitcher *