The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1892, Image 6

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    What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing : Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishncss. Castoria prf "tu vomiting Sour
cures Diarrhoea and "W
teething : troubles , cures
Castoria assimilates the
and bowels , giving ; heal
toria is the Children's Pt
"CSastorfft Is on excellent medicine for chll
_ - firffl. Mntforrn Tifivn ff tv nf/ 1tr f/O * * * - * * *
To all VThcn it may Cssscrs :
The eomiiilsKioiior appointed to examine a
S M roud commencing nt south unil of lirhlge
' crossing the Republican river on east line of
f' section ; ji ( In township U. nuitfOoO , Perry pre-
cinct. Ucd Willow county. Nulirnsku , runniiijr
ilicnee north fcUdctfii'fs. : > 0 minutes , wefit 12
chains. " 5 links ; thencu north Gl decrees , west
- chains ; thence nortli S't decree ? , west 0
chains ; tliei'Ci1 north Kiclfjrrocs. west 2 chains ,
50 links ; tlienufMioriliXiili'Kreofl , west Ichiiin :
thenee north lEl di' iees , west 1 chain ; thence
north 77 deirroisH , west 5chains. GUlinks ; thence
north 58 devices , west 1-chains ; thenee north
tK { degrees , 'W mir.utce. west 13 chains ; thence
north 87 degrees west 7 chains 2T links ; thence
north 80 degrees , west 4 chains ; thence north
( W degrees. 0 minutes. UCH ! 4 chains ; thence
north 83 degrees , SO minutes , west 13 chains.
fiO links ; thence north 07 degrees. 15 minutes ,
west40 chains , 30 links : thenee north 78 de-
trrecs. 30 minutes , west 8 chains ; thence south
78 degrees , 30 minutes , west 10 chains.80 links ;
thence west 4 chains , 50 links ; thence north 80
degrees , west 14 chains , 20 links ; thence north
(58degrees ( , west Hclmliis , ! 0)inls ) ; thence north
48 degrees , west 12 chains ; thenee north CO
degrees , west 15chains , 50 links ; thence north
tiS degrees , west5 chains , 50 links ; thence west
117 chains. 70 links ; terminating at Mocker's
Irrigation Ditch or Canal has reported in laver
of the location thereof , and all objections
therto or claims for damages must be tiled in
the county clerk's oflice on or before noonof
the 23d day day of .July A. D. 1892. or said road
will be established without reference thereto.
GEO.V. . KOPEK , County Clerk.
Notice of Sale Under Lien for Keeping
Notice is heiby given Unit by virtue of a
lien for keeping stock supposed to belong : to
K. E. Fitch , dated on the 27th day of April ,
1S92. and duly iiled and recorded in the ollico
of thecounty clerk , of Ued Willow county. Ne
braska , on the 27th diiy of April , 1892. and
upon which there is now due the sum of
$121.00. Default having been made in the
payment of said sum. and no suit or otncr
proceeding at law having been instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof ,
therefore we will sell the property therein de
scribed , viz : Onn dim miiro niio Imv mnro
one sorrel gelding , one dun gelding , one gray
rnaro colt , one brown mare , one sorrel mare ,
onq roan mare , one brown mare with three
awhite feet , one brown gelding : with one white
foot , one brown horse colt , one mare colt ,
three brown geldings , one brown mare , 15 in
all in number , and of ages varying from one
to fifteen years old. Names of animals un
known and all branded thus B on left side ,
and kept on the Eaton Ranch , one and a half
miles south of McCook , at public auction at
the barn of March & Clark in the city of Mc
Cook in Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on Sat
urday , the 25th day of.une , 1802 , one o'clock.
P. M. . of said day.
IFirst publication June 10th , 1802. ]
.luneGth. le2. ! ! f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of bis intention
to make flnnl live year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Kepister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday. July 23d , 1892 , viz :
who made II. E. 4000 for the W. y S. E. U Sec.
28 , and N. W. J N. E.i . and N. E. U N. W. X
Sec. 33 , T. 1. N. of R. 30. west of Gth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz ; Albert Weeks , William II.
Benjamin , Daniel B. Barnes and August
Wesch all of Banksville. Nebraska.
J. P. LINDSAY Register.
PAINE sells fly nets.
rj [ First publication May 27th. 1802.1
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
tj Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
! Hon..I. B. Coehran. judge ol ilioclistr.'ct court
> l oi Red willow county. Nebraska , on tho2Jih !
day of September , Ib90. in laver of The Ne
braska Loan and Trust. Company as plainliir.
and against Franklin .1. Bushong its defend
ant , lor the sum oi Forty Six ( 40.00) ) Dollars ,
and costs taxed at $25.7. ) and accruing costs.
1 have levied upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said del umlaut to
satisly said decree , to-wit : The northwest
quarter of section 22 , in township one. north
of range 20 , west Oth P. M. , in Red Willow
county , Nebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in
hand , on the 22d day of June. A. D. Ib02 , in
front of the south door of the court house , in
Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of two o'clock , P. M. , of said day.
when aim where due attendance will bo given
by the undersigned.
Dated the 21st da > of May. 1892.
Shei itf of said County.
[ First publication April 29th , 1892.1
April 23d. 1892. f
Not ice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final live year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
Wednesday , June 15th , 1892 , viz :
who made II. E. No. 5331 for the northwest
quarter of section 34 , in township 1 , north ol
range 29 , west of the Gth P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of , said land
viz : Joshua Gerver. John D. Gerver. John M.
Ford , and Calvin C. Smith all of Cedar
Bluffs. Kansas. . J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
[ First publication May 20th , 1892. |
May 19th. 1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the followinjf-
namea settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support ot his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July2d , 1892. viz :
who made T. C. entry No. 410 for the S. V-
N. W. X and N. V2 S. W. } of section 1. town.
1 , north of range 31 , west of Gth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation according to law of
suid land , viz : William F. Everist , Charles
Knobs. William Sprague , Austin W. Dutcher.
all of McCook , Neb. J. P. LINDSAY.
[ First publication May Gth , 1892.1
May 2,1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
isolated tract ot land will be sold at public
sale to the highest bidder for cash , at not less
than $1.25 per acre , viz : West 1A , northwest Ji.
section 25. township 6. north of range 30. west
of the Gth P. M. Said sale to take place at
this oflice on Saturday. June llth , 1802. at 9
o'clock , A. M. J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
Notice of Estray.
Came to my farm , three miles southwest of
of McCook , a bay Texan mare , having white
strip in face , white on both left feet , is about
four ycnrs old. Owner can have the animal
by proving property and paying charges.
W. S. FITCH , McCook , Neb.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter ,
Salt Rheum , Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores.
Fever Sores , Eczema , Itch , Prairie Scratches ,
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling- end
soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured
by it alter all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by
George M. Cbenery.
"Why does DR. HUMPHREYS continue to
advertise his speciflcE.everybody knows about
them. " Do you use them ? No. Then that's
why. Try them.
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods ,
Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday ,
Eclipse and Wanpun Wind Mills.
ran or
A -Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , thu
Stock Raiser-and by e'very one requiring an effective
* liniment. ' V
" l * of other application compares with it in efficacy. v
f This well-known remedy has stood , the test of ears lmSs !
, generations.
No/medicine chest is complete without a bottle of MUSTANG
; : ' 1 LINIMENT.
< 'Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
411 druggists and dealers have it
-OMtaOBWM , - jf-
Cnme in the Night and the Unfor
tunate Kesldcnts Given No
Warning Reliable' Esti
mates of the Loss of
Life Unobtainable-
Panic Stricken.
South Crecile Afed Out.
SOUTH CKEEDE , Col , June 6.
Creede , the newest and most famous
of Colorado's mining camps , is in
ruins : ind the loss will aggregate
$1,000,000 while hundreds of families
are tonight homeless. The fire start
ed in a saloon at Main and Cliff streets
at 5:40 tL'is mornin ? and in a short
time the entire town was in ashes.
The fire swept up Chimney gulch be
fore a strong wind , and. house after
house took fire and added to the blaze.
The dry wooden houses , cabins ,
burned like kindling and the air was
filled with a dense smoke and innum
erable sparks. The gulch was like
a furnace and the frightened citizens
were driven before the ilames like
frightened sheep.
Owing to the largo number of sa
loons in camp liquors were free and
hundreds of men took advantage of it
and filled themselves , with the natur
al consequence of a drunken crowd
who have so far done no damage.
Some acts of thieving have taken
place and already two buildings are
Slled with arrested parties.
Just three hours after the fire star
tled every building in the gulch from
Brainered and Bettso's hotel south
nearly 2000 feet and east and west
nearly 1,000 feet , and including build
ings on First and Mesa streets and on
both hills , were burned to the ground.
The fire started from : m explosion of
coal oil in the Kinneavy block. The
terrible heat and close proximity of all
the buildings to each other soon car
ried the flames through the length of
the gulch and then spread to the hills
on each side , fully 100 feet each way.
The insurance will be about $200,000.
The Coneinaugh Horror Almost Re
peated at Titusville.
TITUSVILLE , Pa. , June 6. Titus
ville is devastated by flood and fire.
Af. 9 rtVlnnbV.o , - : * i-- J --L
. U1O UU.Ill3 UL
Spartansburg and Newtontown give
way. A great volume of water came
down Oil creek , overflowing its banks
and flooding the city as far north as
Spring street , extending south half a
mile inundating a large portion of the
city. It is estimated that thirty-five
to fifty people are drowned. The
large refineries caught fire. The
burning oil floated down the stream
and set fire to everything in its path.
Twenty-five dwellings and business
houses were destroyed. The water
works w < ? re under water and there
were no means of fighting the flames.
As near as can be gathered from re
ports as they come in , the loss by
destruction of property will aggregate
fully $1,500,000. All this loss is in
this city , with the surrounding coun
try yet to be heard from. A largo
number of the most extensive and
prosperous manufacturing establish
ments now lay in ashes , and hundreds
of homes and
business places are
wiped out , while the streets are filled
with a crowd of hungry , homeless ,
weeping and distracted people mourn
ing the loss of loved ones who have
perished in the rush of waters or the
fiery billows of flame which engulfed
them almost in the twinkling of an
eye as they were struggling in the
vain'endeavor to save their homes.
Came "When all Were Sleeping
This sudden avalanche of water de
scending when most of the inhabitants
were sleeping , completely and at once
shut them off from the higher portions
of the city. Notwithstanding this
state of affairs , the danger to the city
was underrated , no one having the
slightest idea that the flood , dangerous
as it was , was to be soon augmented
by fire. This , however , was true , for
at 2 o'clock this morning immediately
following three terrific explosions
which shook the city to its centre , a
great light went up from the direction
of the Crescent refinery , located on the
north side of the creek in the east end
and owned by John Schwartz & Co. A
second look showed the entire plant to
be one vast sheet of solid flame , the
light from which illuminated a full
half a mile of surrounding blackness
and showed to the assembly of horri
fied spectators the full extent of the
great calamity that had befallen their
beautiful city.
A Scene of Terror.
Tongues of flame shooting 200 feet
and more straight into the heavens ,
the shrieks and agonizing cries of the
helpless human beings caged in their
dwellings 'like rats in a trap in the
middle of the rushing and mighty
water and within the very shadow of
death from burning oil , benzine and
naptha that threatened at any time to
engulf them , the shrill whistling of a
hundred and one steam whistles , the
jangle of the fire bell , the clatter of
the steamers , hose carts and hook and
ladder trucks , the crackle , roar , rush
and rumble of the huge body of water
and sky-piercing flame all went to
strike terror to the strongest heart.
It is impossible to give an estimate
as to the number missing. It runs
Into the hunireds and without doubt
fully double the number enumerated
above will bo found dead. The night
is dark and rainy , yet the streets are
filled with people.
A Greater Suflcrcr , if Possible , Than
tier Neighbor Tltusvil u.
OIL CITV , June 7. Flood and lire
last night ami today Itiid waste to
large sections of this city and Titus-
villc and a fearful loss of life has
resulted. The wildest btorios of its
rangnitutle are afloat , one report being
that 1JJO bjdios have been recovered.
The probability , however , is that this
city i3 the Ir-ivicr tuiTt r , for
hero it is claiii d that lifty per-
sonn have been burned or drowned
and the number may exceed 100. A
territory of at least forty acres , being
a narrow strip along Oil crook , is
burned , or flooded or both. In addi
tion to those dead a large number are
injuied and probably a thousand people
ple arc homeless. The fire starteJ in
thib city at 11 : ! ( ) o'clock this morning
with an explosion of naphtha and oil
on the surface of Oil creek. The
creek was today at a fearful height.
A Motornian Responsible for T\vc
Fatulhics at Onmha.
OMAHA , June 6. An accident oc
curred on the Onuiha & Council lilufTs
eleeti-ic railway this afternoon which
resulted in the killing cf two
people. The motor in some man
ner jumped the truck on the
incline and was rapidly approaching
the side of the bridge. The motorman -
man , fearing that the car would drop
into the river , lost his head and
jumped from it. Do then dragged
Charles Carr and his wife from the
car in the hope of saving their lives.
In this he failed , for they fell directly
underneath a trailer and were crushed
to death. Both cars overturned with
their loads of passengers , injuring
quite a number , but none seriously.
Nebraska at the World's Fair.
SEAVAKD , June 7 , 1892.
To all who have the welfare of Ne
braska at hea'rt , and especially the cit
izens of the counties hereafter men
tioned , Greeting :
Having received at the hands of your
commissioner general , a commission as
one of the three superintendents of Ne
braska's agricultural exhibit at the
Columbian Exposition , and charged
with the duty of rendering the people
of juy district all possible assistance in
preparing and exhibiting our agricul
tural products , I beg leave to say that
I am duly impressed with the. respon
sibility placed upon my shoulders , and
I can only hope to faueeeed if I can se
cure the hearty co-operation of the
good people of these magnificent coun
ties. We have resources that will
place us at the front if wo will but
si. T rnnnr iififi nf tlu m. Vnni
commissioner general asked the ques
tion , "How do you like your territory ? "
My answer is this , could 1 choose from
all North America I would not know
where to do better.
The world renowned traveller and
writer , Bayard Taylor , taid that "Ne
braska , Iowa and Kansas presented the
largest area of excellent farming land
in one tract in all the world. " And
these couutios are of the very Debt of
the one grand state that star.ds pre
eminently ut the front. Thtsu it is
universally conceded that the gcr.eral
intelligence of our penple is cyuil to
that of the most favored bpoio of
Then why should we not have a
grand exhibit ? Wo can if we try.
Let us try our best. I am to be 3 oar
ser/ant , and I will try my best to serve
you well. If you take hold of the mat
ter with earnest zeal , v/a will all be
proud of our favored home when we
corne to face the world at Chicago.
I am assured that we will hav ? the
untiring efforts of our commissioner
general , and the entire membership of
the commission , and we trust that the
State Board of Agriculture will cheer
fully grant us all possible assistance.
We look for the most valuable helps
from the county agricultural societies.
Then we must have much pecuniary
assistance from county boards. That
is , they must help their own counties !
We must , look for friendly legislation
at the hands of our next legislature ,
We must secure the assistance of the
most potent power for good or ill , "The
Press.1 The state press and the local
press must be pressed into service.
The greatest and most important
factor of all is the man at the plow.
He must be thoroughly enlisted. He
must make the show. All the rest of
us can do is to help him. Let us roll
up our sleeves now and go in to win.
I will mobt cheerfully answer all
correspondence and shall aim to be
among you many times to counsel with
you and render you all the assistance
in our power.
The following are the names of the
counties of my district :
Seward , Butler , Polk , York , Fillmore -
more , Thayer , Nuckolls , Clay , ] [ amil-
ton. Hall , Adams , Webster , Franklin ,
Kearney , Buffalo , Dawson , Phelps ,
Harlan. Furnas , Gosper , Lincoln ,
Frontier , Red Willow , Hitchcock ,
Hayes , Dundy , Chase , Perkins , Keith ,
Deuel , Cheyenne , Kimball , Banner ,
Scotts Bluff.
Address all communications to mo
at Seward , Nebraska.
W. W. Cox , Sup't.
Nebraska City is troubled over
whether to admit the colored pupils
who have been prepared fox- the high
school in the colored schools , into the
high school with the plain , every day
white children. She might pattern
after the State university , where sev
eral colored boys enjoy every privi
Some one in Alma sent dispatches to
Chicago papers stating that Judge
Gasliii was beaten in his breach of
promise suit. If the judge finds out
who it was , there will be lively timrs
in that section. The widow lost her
The Randolph creamery is rea.l.f . r
Their prices on all goods are as low as th.0
lowest possible.
S. M.
YTost Deimlson Street , lUcCOOK , NKIiltASICA.
The Leading Weekly in West
ern Nebraska.
ran E.
. . , . . .
Late Receiver IT. S. Land Office. Attorney-at-Law , Agent Lincoln Land C < *
or Exchange !
ConnESPOKDENT : Chase National Bank , New York.
Notary Public. Justice of the Peace.
Nebraska Earm Lands to Exchange for Eastern Property.
Collections a Specialty.