The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1892, Image 3
By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. THE Culbertson Sun man does want to get a new "gildoriluke" for his press. Jiist now he may be in in ling something in his paper , but no live man can tell what ic is. Lincoln Call. THE invitation extended by the United States to participate in a monetary conference has been accepted - cepted by eight European govern ments , which insures the meeting of such a conference. H. SELUY of Cambridge , has been mentioned as a possible candidate for state senator from this , the 20th district. Wo speak from personal knowledge when we say that this district might go farther and fare a great deal worse than to nominate and elect him. Culbertsou Republican. TIIEHE seems to be a serious hitch in the negotiations between the people's party and the democra cy for division of the plunder they hope to get in Kansas. Each party knows that it cannot trust the other , and each is morally certain that neither can deliver the goods according to agreement. Under such circumstances it is not sur prising that the trade should drag. Journal. THE failure of the house to do anything with the free coal and iron bills has opened the eyes of the New Ehglanders to the fact that the democrats of the south want tariff reform to come only as it will affect the highly finished goods produced in Massachusetts and leave the products of Virginia , Georgia and Alabama enjoying a full measure of protection. There must be full reciprocity in this business of reforming the tariff to make it a success , and this selfish ft nP flifi snnlli is rloiiKr flm cause of the great stuffed prophet immeasurable harm. Journal. THE anti-option bill passed the house of icproseutatives by a large majority , though hardly two-thirds Milt of the members voted on the meas ure. It is a distinct and decisive victory , however , over the specula tors. The fate of the measure in t the senate is somewhat uncertain , but it is thought that the proba bilities are favorable to its passage I by that body , in which event there isoubtlGss no question of the bill becoming a law , since the presid ent would undoubtedly respect the nearly unanimous demand of the agriculture producers of the coun try for this legislation. The sp e ulators may be expected to make a vigorous effort to befeat the meas ure in the sjuate , but their failure ia the IIOIMO , where they brought all ne influence to bear they could command , will count against them ip the upper branch of congress. The outlook for this legislation is certainly improved. Bee. The State Reunion , G. A. R. , for the year 1892 , will be held at Grand Island , August 29th to Sep tember 3d inclusive. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been announced from all parts of the State on all railroads. The attendance is expected to be larger than in any previous year. A programme is being arranged Vf'ith a view to having it particular ly pleasing to all Veterans , Sons and Daughters of Veterans and members of the TVomans' Pvelief Corps. It will embrace some new attractive features not heretofore witnessed at any reunion in Neb- slra. Camp accommodations will more ample than ever before in overp respect , and the Camp will be located on the same ground it occupied last year. Seating accom modations -will be provided at peakers' stand. Full particulars can. be had by addressing Seth P. Mobley , Chairman , George H. Caldwell , Secretary , or Harry Harrison risen , Quartermaster. Commun ications concerning booth privile ges should be addressed to S. N. "Wolbach. Paine sells harness. 1 * < THE TRIBUNE sees that J. E. Phelan is at his old tricks up at Alliance , namely , building up the town and making homes for the railroad boys of his division who have a disposition to save their money and make homes of comfort and convenience for their families. This carries us back to the early days of McCook , when J. R. was such an enthusiastic and tireless worker for the upbuilding and the prosperity of our ambitious little city. Mr. Phelan was trustee and manager of McCook's pioneer building association , and as the active agent in that organization , was a powerful factor in the rapid growth of our city during the life of the association , and of McCook's most substantial improvement. He has the credit of building the Dr. Davis residence , Judge Cochran's dwelling , Conductor Burns' house and many others of our handsom est homes ; and during the number of years the association was in op eration he never had to take back a single house they built. In fact the plan upon which they operated and the character of the work per formed was quite universally sat isfactory. And many a railroad man had Mr. Phelau and his asso ciation to thank in a large measure for the fact that they had acquired homes here , as the liberal terms , ( we believe only one-third cash was required down , the balance in small monthly payments , ) made it possible for them in a few years to have a deed to a home by paying a sum each mouth about equnl to rent. We observe , too , that the Alliance association , of which the Superintendent is also trustee , is patterned quite closely after the plan upon which the McCook asso ciation made so conspicuous a suc cess ; and knowing the splendid advantages this city gained from its association under the careful an < I business-like management of Mr. Phelan , and knowing the pos- ci MI IT fi oc r\r rr iv * * % f M rnirl im iviwr/ ! _ meat in sucli organizations , THE TIJIBUNE desires to congratulate the people of Alliance upon the fact that thev are to secure the V same clesirabe factor in the future prosperity and upbuilding of Box Butte's best town , railroad head quarters , and county-seat. THE killing of "Wilkens Eustin , the estimable Omaha boy , at Yale college while undergoing initiation into the Delta Kappa Epsilou soci ety , was a most deplorable affair. News of his death came as a ter- ridle blow to his old associates in this city , where he has long been hold in affectionate regard. The greatest indignation is expressed that a system of hazing is tolerated to such a length that human life is endangered in many instances and to which the death of Mr. Eustin is directly changeable. Bee. Wedding Belts. MARRIED At the B. &M. Hotel in Akron , on Wednesday , June 1st , 1892 , Mr. "Walter S. Stratton and Miss Mary E. McKee , both of this cat } ' , Eev. Wm. E. Scott officiating. The above event that forever uni ted two of our most estimable young people , took place very jjaietly , there being no cards , and only a very few friends being pres ent to witness the ceremony. Both the contracting parties are too well known here to need extensive mention in these columns. Mr. Stratton has for several years owned a large ranch near town and by his steady careful judgment and management has proved him self a thorough , successful busi ness man. As principal of the Akron Schools for the past three years. Miss McKee has made many friends by her high intel lectual powers , her pleasant man ner , and her extraordinary success as a teacher. May their wedded life be a happy and prosperous one is the wish of the Eepublicau. Akron , Colo. , Eepubiican. MANY SAY "Why ilnrs DIt. HUMPHREYS continue to advertise Ills specificseverybody knows about thrni * ' Doyonueo them ? No. Then's vhj. T. . , I bom. i \ C. L. DeGROFF & CO SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. We have just received our second shipment of CLOTHING ! Consisting of SUMMER SUITS and PANTS , BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SUITS. Will have special prices to make on these goods. Examine iF"them. It will pay yoii. Our Black Dress Goods Must be seen to be appreciated. Quality the highest and prices the lowest. A COMPLETE LINE OF NOVELTIES IN Wash Fabrics , Zephyr Ginghams , Etc , , Etc. Look on our bargain table for Shoes. OUR GEOOEEY STOCK Will be kept full and complete. Will offer no baitsbut , will sell you all goods cheaper than the cheapest. Trade with us and you will find goods and prices right. Gl LB CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. Is your FARM for sale ! It so give des cription to S.H.Colviii. HAIL INSURANCE. Written in a reliable company at the following lov/ cheap rates : $10 insurance $ .50 per acre 9 " .45 " 8 " .40 " 7 " .35 6 " .30 5 " .25 " By C. J. Ryan , McCook , Nebraska. Over Farmers and Merchants Bank. Mrs. H. F. Tomblin and son Earl re turned from McCook the latter part of last week , and we are pleased to note the little fellow's improved condition and recovery from the operation on his head. Arapahoe Mirror. , Purveyor to tne Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. Warm weather , flies and sticky fly paper come together. You can secure a prime and satisfactory article of the latter at Chenery's City Drug Store. We give more soap than anyone for one dollar. THE RACKET STORE. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs for all kinds of machinery. Upholstering and carriage trimming done at Paine's. S. H. Coivin is in Culbertson , today , on business. W. W. Brown is down from Culbert son today. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion , Constipation , Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow Skin , when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer , guaranteed to cure them. Sold by A. McMillen. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints with out extra chnrtyo. Price 500. Sol.I ! vA. . Mc- I MER 1892. SEASONABLE GOODS T OS ( Mill CO. THIN GOATS & VESTS , THIN UNDERWEAR , NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , Neckwear , Straw Goods , Boys' Waists , 15est Variety and Lowest Prices . AT ALL TIMES. MEDIUM WEIGHT SUITS , PMTS AND OTHER GOODS OUR ASSORTMENT IS GOOD [ , xeb. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. of me THE HIGHLANDS , DENVER , COLO. Conducted by the Jesuit Fathers. * - ' The College is about half an hour's ride by electric and motor lines from the Capitol. It is built of lava stone , and is three hundred feet long , vith wings on either side. The grounds cover an upland tract of fifty acres , and the propect is one of lakes and mountains and meadows. Especial attention is given to the physical development of the students. Course of Instruction : PREPARATORY , COMMERCIAL CLASSICAL. Charges : Entrance Fee , to be paid only once § 10.00 Half boarders , per month $ 13.00 Tuition and Board , per session of 5 mouths. . . . 120.00 Day scholars , per month 5.00 Washing and mending of Linen , session 5 months , 10.00 S. PRRSONR , S , xL , PRRSIDRNT. COREY and MADDUX , Props. Equi,7ir.t ; Unequalled in W : ? rn Nebraska , Jt . A. COLE , LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has got the Largest and IJest stock of Cloths and Trim mings this side of Hastings , which he will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Bank. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords.