The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 03, 1892, Image 6

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    The National Democratic
CHICAGO , JUNK 21 , 181)2. )
THE Samosot Club of Omaha
1ms arranged for a Special Train to
Chicago by the Burlington Boute ,
leaving Omaha , 7 p. ni. , Saturday ,
Juno 18 , and arriving in Chicago
early the next morning. The spe
cial train will be composed of Vest-
ibuled Sleepers & Reclining Chair
Cars , and will be run through solid ;
it will carry the piincipal Demo
crats of Nebraska , who , with the
members of the Samoset Club and
friends throughout the state will
act as an honorary escort to Gov
ernor Boyd. The Samosets will
be met upon arrival in Chicago by
the Reception Committee and
escorted to their Headquarters in
in the Sherman House , where an
entire floor has been reserved for
their exclusive use ; reduced rates
have been arranged for.
The Samosets extend to their
brother Democrats in Nebraska a
cordial invitation to attend the con
vention with them.
Railroad tickets will be sold
from all stations at half regular
rates , June 16-20 , and me good to
return until July G. Purchase
tickets at your local station
through to Chicago and return and
join the Samosets in Omaha on the
evening of the ISch. Inquire of
local agent & M. R. R. for fur
ther information.
Address all requests for sleeping
car berths , hotel accommodatisus ,
ets. , to
Merchants Hotel , Omaha.
The question of licensing en
gineers is being so agitated in
everv state in the Union that within -
in a short time , for the protection
of human lives , it will be impossi
t ble for any one intrusted Avith
steam to hold or secure a situation
without passing a rigid examina
tion and obtaining a license. Steph-
ensou's Illustrated Practical Test
has been published to aid engineers
preparing to pass such examina
tion , and as it embraces all the ques
tions asked on the Boiler , Pump ,
Engine , Dynamo , Corliss Engine ,
&c. , it has already met with such
a demand that it is now in its fourth
edition. This work , which only
costs one dollar , can be obtained of
the publisher , Walter G. Kraft , 70
La Salle Street , Chicago.
COLUMBUS believed the solid part
of the sphere to be larger than the
liquid part , and the distance by the
sunset road between the East Indies
and western Europe to Tbe less than
it is. But in those two capital
errors lay the great incentive to
the execution and success of his
purpose. Had he known the vast
planetary spaces covered by the
waters ; the continent interposed
between his own Europe and the
land of diamonds , gold , and spices ;
the difficulty and peril of the pass
age yet to be braved in the far reg
ions of the antarctic pole in order
to sail from our continental Europe
to tlie oriental Indies by the west
ern way , lie would perhaps have
shrunk back in alarm and dread.
The Century.
THE house of representatives
lias passed a bill to classify and
prescribe the salaries of railway
postal clerks which , if it becomes
a law , will materially better the
condition of those hard-worked
public servants. It establishes six
grades in the service and the sala
ries range from § 800 up to 31,800.
The life of a railway postal clerk
carries with it many risks , and the
character of the service ranks
among the highest under the gov-
ermeiit. The men are deserving of
the proposed increase of salaries ,
and they are fortunate in the fact
that it is so generally recognized
in congress.
"Tales From Town Topics , No.
4 , " which has just appeared , is
even brighter and gayer than the
previous numbers of the series , as
befits the season. It is a summer
book of the happiest sort , and will
loubtless add , zest and excitement
* o many an idle liour in the hands
.e m-etty misses andj there attend-
an.-wains. Town Topics , 21 West
, i'y-third Street , jjTew York.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain fcuro for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter.
SaltllbcuraAScaid Head. Old Chronic Sores ,
. Prairie Scratches.
Fever Sores. Eczema , Itch.
Sore Nipples and Piles. It Is coollnff and
soothing. Hundreds of cases havebpen cured
treatment had failed. It
all other
by It alter
. For sale by
cent boxes.
and 50
,3 put up in 23
George M.Cbencry.
Catarrh of the Middle Ear.
Catarrh of the middle ear. even after
serious deafness has been produced , in
curahlc by a faithful use of Pc-ru-na
Mr. Fredrick Bicriuan , of McCotub
City , iMisH. , had chronic catarrh very
badly for many years. The disease
finally passed up the itiislachian tube into
the middle ear , and had alnio > t destroyed
his hearing. lie has been taking J'e-ru-
ua but a short time , and his catarrh is
very much better , and he hears again as
well as any one.
Mr. W. D. Stokes , Baton Kou e , La. ,
writes : "I had chronic catarrh very bad
ly , noise in the ears , and nearly deaf. I
used your Pe-ru-na according to direct
ions and nin now well ; can hear the tick
of a watch ten feet. Your Pe-ru-na is
a wonderful medicine. "
Mr.J. W. McRobert , of Mason , Mich. ,
box 156 , writes February 25 , 3891 :
"My wife lias been afflicted with catarrh
of the head for fifteen years , and was
cured by taking three bottles of Pe-ru-
na. "
The custachian tubes , arc small tubes
about two inches long , leading from the
upper and back part of the throat to
the middle ear.
If anything happens to obstruct the
custachian tubes hearing is very much
impaired , if not entirely destroyed. Ca
tarrh of the throat most commonly
follows up these little ducts to the mid
dle ear , thickens their mucous linings
so as to completely or partially close
them up , producing partial deafness.
The roaring and crackling sounds which
catarrli subjects so frequently complain
of is due to the spread of catarrh to
these tubes.
Pe-ru-na is the best , if not the only
remedy that will cure these cases. Tak
en regularly according to the directions
on the bottle the symptoms gradually
disappear until a complete cure is the
result. In some cases it takes months
to effect a cure , while in others only
weeks are required.
Colds , coughs , bronchitis , sore throat
and pleurisy are all catarrhal affections ,
and curable Pe-ru-
consequently are by - -
. Each bottle of Pe-ru-na
na. - - is accom
panied by full directions for use and is
kept by most druggists. Get your drug
gist to order it for you if he does not
already keep it. A pamphlet on the
cause and cure of all catarrhal diseases
and consumption sent free to any address
by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing
Co.- , Columbus , 0.
If The Tribune is rightly informed
there is not a farmer on the republican
delegation to the Minneapolis convention
from Nebraska and it regards this , if
true a great mistake perhaps the re
sult of inadvertency rather than a pre
meditated insult to that class but a
mistake all the same. Itis undoubtedly
true that these slights are largely to
blame for the secession of so many farm
er republicans from the republican
party and their going into a new party.
Both the old parties are to much given
to snubbing the bone and sinew of the
two organizations by giving everything
possible to others. While heartily sup
porting the republican party candidates ,
when they are honest and capable and
fairly and honestly nominated , The
Tribune protests against all such dis
crimination and asks for a just and fair
distribution of the offices , positions and
emoluments of the party. Hastings
Tribune , Rep.
Prof. Lewis M. Haupt , Director or.
the Civil Engineering courses at the
University of Pennsylvania says that
a good average road , through a rolling
country , should never cost over $7,000
per mile and frequently not over $2,000.
And the expenditure pays. To pull one
ton on macadam costs just one-half as
much as on hard dirt , and a fourth as
much as on sand. It is estimated that
in England improved roads have made
it possible for three horses to do the
work formerly done by four , thus saving
$100,000 annually. It is also stated
that with improved roads , the farm pro
duce of Illinois could be hauled for $15-
000,000 per annum less than now , and
that $160,000,000 would be added to
the value of the farms.
Laundry soap still our leader.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over , Knipple. '
J " x - - '
Piano and Randolph' JETea'ders at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
See Paine's fifteen cent whips.
Paine sells fly nets.
Happy Hoosiers.
\Vm. Timmons , Postmaster of Idaville , Ind. ,
writes : "Electric Hitters have done more for
me than all other medicines combined , from
thatbad , feeling aribing from Kidney and Liver
trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman ,
of same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters
to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine ,
made me feel like a new man. " J. W. Gard
ner , hardware merchant , same town , says :
Electric Hitters is just the thing for a man
who is all lun down and don't care whether
he lives or dies ; he found new strength good
appetite and fell just like he had a new lease
on life. Only fifty cents a bottle at A. McMil-
len's drug store.
La Grippe Again.
During the epidemic of La Grippe last sea
son Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion , Coughs and Colds , proved to be the best
remedy. Reports from the many who used it
confirm this statement. They were not only
.quickly relieved , but the disease left no bad
after results. We ask you to give this remedy
a trial and guarantee that you will be satisfied
with results , or the purchase price will be re
funded. It has no equal in La Grippe , or any
Throat , Chest or LungTrouble. Trial bottles
free at A. McMillen's drug store. Large bottles
tles , 50 cents and $1.00.
A Good Suggestion.
From the Dubuque ( Iowa ) Telegraph.
The adjourning of the impeachment court
last Saturday on account of Gen. Weaver's
belly-ache , cost the people of this common
wealth nearly $500 , one dose of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy would
have saved this expense ; and we suggest , as a
matter of economy and humanity , the state
provide against future contingencies of this
nature , by furnishing each senator with a bottle
tle of that valuable remedy. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by George M. Chenery.
Just as sure as hot weather comes , there
will be more or less bowel complaint in this
vicinity. Every person , and especially fami
lies , ought to have some reliable medicine on
hand for instant use , in case it is needed. A
25 or fifty centy bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just what
you ought to have and all that you would
need even for the most severe and dangerous
cases. It is the best the most reliable and
most successful treatment known and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by George M. Chenery.
Are you troubled with corns or bunions ? If
so , let us give you a little advice. Pare them
down as closely as possible without drawing
blood ; then soak them in warm water to soften
them and apply Chamberlain's Pain Halm
twice daily , rubbing them vigorously for a
few minutes at each application. A corn
plaster should be worn for a few days to pro
tect them from the shoe. As a general lini
ment for sprains , bruises , lame back or rheu
matism , Pain Halm is all that can be desired.
So cent bottles for sale by George M. Chenery.
( First publication May 20th , 1892. )
May i6th , 1892. \
Notice is hereby given that the folowing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final propfin | support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur
day , July 2 , 1892 , viz :
who made T. C. entry No. 5652 for the N. E.
% of section 34 , in township 4 , north of range
29 , west of the 6th P. M. lie names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous cul
tivation , according to law , of said land , viz :
Michael Dooley , James Kirby , John T. Foley
and William H.Mahoney , all of McCook , Neb.
J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
[ First publication May 6th , 1892. ]
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , April 30,1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat
urday , June iSth , 1892 , viz :
formerly Anna Mais. H. E. No. 3,603 , for the
south H of northwest quarter and lots 3 and 4
of section 5 , township 5 , north of range 30 , west
of 6th P. M. She names the following wit
nesses to prove her continuous residence upon
and cultivation of , said land , viz : Peter Rhein-
heimer , John Hauser , Philip Schmidt and
Henry Lang , all of Zimmer , Nebraska.
J. A. & S. UORDEAL ,
Real Estate Bought , Sold , Ex'c'd.
218 Main Ave. , McCook , Neb. , 2d floor.
39""In6iraiice , loans , conveyances , war
rants , and negotiable papers discounted.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV ,
Ground floor first brick build
ing north B. & M. depot.
practice in all courts. Commercihl
and corporation law a specialty. Money to
loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ,
{ "Practice In the State and Federal Courts.
B. B. DAVIS , M. D. C. H. JONES , M. D.
Houns : 9 to 11 , a. m. , 2 to 5 and
7 to 9 , p. m Rooms over First National bank.
ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW ,
P ? WII1 practice in the State and Federal
Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office
over Famons Clothing Co. Store.
Six years experience in Gov.
ernment Land Cases.
Real Estate , Loans & Insurance.
"Office In Phillips-Meeker building
KIRK ; ! , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc ,
Bemoves and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
The Parisian Fashion Journals
"La iMode dc Paris" & "Album des Modes,1'
so well known as the publications giving the
choicest of Paris styles one month in advance
of all other journals , appear to be growing
just a little too popular. The demand for
them is growing so rapidly that the publishers ,
A. McDowell & Co. , 4 West 141(1 ( Street , New
York , have found it difficult to keep up with the
increasing demand each month. They claim
the Ameiicnn ladies are now buying their jour
nals to such an extent that most of the news
dealers are entirely out of them by the fifth of
the month. As all the plates arc made in Paris
by the best artists , the publishers claim that it
requires considerable to catch up with such an
increased demand. We agree with our lady
friends that these are superior fashion journals-
We suggest to them to become regular sulr
scribers , thus making sure of receiving their
journal each month , and securing that valuable
book"Dressmaking Simplified , " that is given
as a premium to each subscriber paying $3.50
in advance for either "La Mode de Paris" or
"Album des Modes" for one year. You may
place the order through your news agents or
send direct to publishers.
The Question of the Hour ,
And one that is frequently asked Mr. Wis
dom , "what is it in your Koberline that pro
duces such a delightfully cooling and refresh
ing sensation and adds a most delicate tint to
the complexiox ? ' " to which we answer : It is
a combination of rare and haimless ingred
ients scientiffically prepared. There enters
into the composition of this article ingredients
which have never before been used in prepa-
tions of this kind , hence the effect is so strik
ingly different from that produced by all other
toilet remedies. The powders used in the
composition of Robertine are all of the very
smoothest and finest division it is possible to
produce , further more each and every ingred
ient must stand the crucial test of chemical
purity , insuring freedom from all foreign and
deleterious substances. Thus with rare and
harmless ingredients of the very finest divis
ion it is possible to make , all of absolute puri
ty and combined with scientific precision , it is
but natural that we should produce a superior
article and one that has long been aptly term
ed the "Peerless Beautifier. " 51-415.
Literary Notes.
The June number of "Romance" contains
sixteen original and selected stories of remark
able ability and even merit , stories of America ,
England , France , Spain , Russia , India and
high seas. The balance between grave and
gay , the wild and the reasonable , is admira
bly maintained. One sheds a tear over Al-
phonse Daudet's "Last Class , " or Lydia Pas-
choff's touching "Marpha ; " shudders over
Guy de Maupassant's terrible description of
"Fear" and hastens through "The Thief in
the Grange , " "Running a Slave Ship , " and
others like them , in order to reach the solu
tion of their clever mysteries. Of special
interest is the production , for the first time in
English in this country , of "The Song of the
Swan , " by Georges Ohnet. This distinguished
Frenchman , whose popularity in his own na
tion is phenomenal , is too little known in
America. This magazine is issued by Ro
mance Publishing Company , Clinton Hall ,
Astor Place , New York. The price is 25 cents
a copy ; subscriptions , $2.50 a year.
Oh , What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can afford for the sake of fifty cents , to
run the risk and do nothing for it. We know
from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never fails. This explains
why more than a million bottles were sold the
past year. It relives croup and whooping
Cough at once. Mothers do not be without it. For
lame back side or chest use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Sold by A. McMillen.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents
to freejyourself of every symptom of these dis
tressing complaints , if you think so call at our
store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer.
every bottle has a printed a guarantee on it ,
use accordingly and if it does you no good it
will cost you nothing. Sold by A. McMillen.
Buck fen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts , sores
bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay-
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 c. a
box. For sale by A. McMillen.
We have a speedy and positive cure for
catarrh , diphtheria , canker mouth and head
ache in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal
injector free with each bottle. Use it if you
desire health and sweet breath. Price 5oc.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
By virtue of an order or sale directed to me !
from the district jourt of Ited Willow county ,
Nebraska , on ti judgment obtained bulore
J. E. Cochnii' , judge of the district court of
Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on the llth
day of December , 1891 , in favor of the Clark
and Leonard Investment company as plalnt-
ilfs , and a < rainst Jennie Walters and John
Green et al. deleinlants , for gum of one bun
dred and forty seven dollars and sixty-sevei.
cents , ( $147.60) ) and costs taxed at twenty-nine
dollars and sevrnty-eight cents , ( $ J.78J an < ;
accruing costs , I have- levied upon the fol
lowing real estate taken as the property of
said defendants. to satisfy said judg
ment , to-wit : The northeast quarter of sec
tion 31 , township I ! , north of range SO. west ol
the Cth I' . Al. in Ked Willow county. Nebraska.
Will sell said land subject to Chas. E. rates ,
mortgage of § . )00. This mortgage having been
assigned to C. K. Yatcs by ph-.imill's. And will
otter the same for sale to the highest bidder ,
for cash in hand , on iheCth day of June. IS'.K ,
in front of the south door of the court bouse ,
in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the build
ing wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hourot one o'clock P. Al. . of said day ,
when and where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned. E. K. BANKS ,
Sheriff of said county.
Dated April28th , 18OJ.
The Iowa Mortgage Company , plaintiffs , vs.
Robert P. Smith and Dilania S. Smith , defen
Whereas in the above entitled action pend
ing in the district court of lied Willow county ,
Nebraska , for the foreclosure of a mortgage
upon the following described real estate towit :
The southeast quarter of section number six
in township number four , north of range
thirty , west of the sixth P. AL. in Ked Willow
county. Nebraska , 'ihe said Iowa Alortgage
company on the 17th day of Alarch. A. D. 1S'J2.
obtained a decree of foreclosure and sale of the
above described real estate , and whereas an
order of sale as provided by said decree has
been issued to me commanding me to appraise ,
advertise and sell according to law the above
described real estate. Now , therefore , notice
is hereby given that I will on Monday , June
6th , 1893. at the hour of 2 o'clock. P. AL. at the
front door of the court house at Indiauola ,
Red Willow county. Nebraska , sell said real
estate at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand to satisfy said decree then
due thereon in the aggregate being the sum
of S79.00 and SSj.18 costs and accruing costs.
Dated Alay 4th , 1S92. E. R. BANKS ,
50-5ts. Sheriff of said onuntv.
( .First publication Alay fitli , 1892.1
Alay 2,189- . f
Notice is hereby given that the following
isolated tract of hind will be sold at public
sale to the highest bidder for cash , at not less
than § 1.25 per acre , viz : West Y , northwest * &
section 2o , township G , north of range 30 , west
of the Gth P. M. Said sale to take place at
this oflice on Saturday , June llth , Ifc92. at 9
o'clock , A. AL J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
[ First publication April itlth. 1802.1
Aprll'-Md. 1KW. f
Notice IB hereby wivon Ihut the followlng-
iwmi'il settler baa tiled notion of Ills Intention
to niaku tlnal five year proof In support of his
claim , and that Raid proof will be made before
HeglHter or -eelver at McCook. Nebraska , on
Wednesday , .hum ir.tb , 189i. viz :
who made II. E. No. 5351 for the northwest
quarter of section ill. In township 1. north of
range X"J , west of the Oth P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of. said land
viz. Joshua Gerver. John D. Gcrver , John W.
Ford , and Calvin C. Smith ail or Cedar
. Kaneas. J. P. LINUSAV. Register.
[ First publication May 20th , ISJT-M
May 1'Jth. 18B ! F
Notion is hereby given that the followin-
niuiibu settler has Illed notice of his Intention
to iniiko final proof in support of bis claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Kcgis-
ter or Ueceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday.
July 'M , 18 ! , viz :
who made T. C. entry No. 41(5 ( for the S. 1 $
ti. W. i and N. JJ S. W. > .i of section 1. town.
1. north of range 31. west of Oth P. M. lie
names the following witnesses to prove nia
continuous cultivation according to law of
said Intnl. viz : William F. Everist , .Charles
Knobs. William Sprague , Austin W. Dutcher.
all of McCook , Neb. J. P. LINDSAY.
[ First publication April 29th. 1892.1
April 87th 18SW. f
Notice is hereby given that the followinp-
natncd settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make ttnal live year proof in support
of his claim , and that said proof will bo made
before Register or Iteceiver at McCook. Ne
braska , on Saturday. June 4th , 189:1. : viz :
who made II. E B410 for the N. E. X N. E. &
section 1 . and the B. Vi S. E. 54 , section 18.
township 5. north of range 31. and lota , sec
tion 7. townships , north of range 3" " ) . west of
the lith P. Al. He names the following witness
es to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : William H.
Keith and Oliver P. Fairbanks , of Highland ,
Nebraska. Henry L. Patch and JohnoWasia.
of dimmer , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY ,
Humphrey's veterinary Specifics arc now
used on the stock farm of GovernerStanford ,
the home of Sunol. Arion , Palo Alto etc. This
completes the list of prominent , stock owners
who have adopted the use of Humphreys'
Veterinary Specifies.
"ANAKESIS" friv-sinstanC
relief and ism . -.fallible
Cure for Piles. Trs. $ ! . By
Druwgistsormail. samples
freerAJjdrcss"AKAK SIS , "
Bor 2416 , New York City.
IDDLEAGE Health andyoath CUBED , *
fill -vigor
ndlireproloneedevenln advanced
> ar by a miracle of modern cl-
"en > e. Callorwrito enclosing $1 , state
case fully ant. cct a trial treatment and advice
of a regular sptciallst of many years' experience *
235 Wls. Street , MILWAUKEE , WIS.
Uhildren Cry TOP Pitchers Castoria.
When Baby was sick , tve gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Hiss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria.
J. S. McBRflYER ,
* & -House and Safe Moving z.
Specialty. Orders for Draying left
at the Huddleston Lumber Yard
will receive prompt attention.
Cb o'ren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
, from premature decline of
SUFFERERS manly powers , exhausting
drains * nd all the train of
* * r * - mm. evils resulting from indiscre
tion , excess , overtaxation , errors of youth , or any cause ,
quickly and permanenlty cured by
UCD1/ITA The King of Book and particulars free.
flCliVilA Remedies. Pr.A.g.OLSTEc22i8 Chag3
Beautifully illustrated ,
, . "
"bound cloth"
. fcandsoraely In
and gold all the doubtful ,
turions or Inquisitive wish to know , a book for every-
ody. 275 pages. Only II. Sent by express prepaid *
Or. J. W. BATE , Chicago , III.
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods ,
Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for Halliday ,
Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mills.
Liniment ,
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife , the Farmer , th .
Stock Raiser , and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years , almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of MUSTANG
Occasions arise for its use almost every day. /
druggists and dealers have it
* * * - -J -