You Can Draw Your Own Conclusion About our $2.00 , § 2.50 , § 3.0 ! Shoes , but there's really only on conclusion that you can possibh come to and that is that in shoi leather a better investment yoi never made. Just as sure as yoi wear this shoe , just so sure wil that be your judgment of it. Som < shoes are cheap without bein good ; others are not good withou being cheap ; this shoe is cheaj -and good enough for the most fas tidious of feet. It will fit as snug ly as a made to order shoe anc there are many made to ordei .shoes that havn't its durability. In all respects it's a wise purchase for the wise buyer. FARM LOANS MADE BY / S. H. COLVIN/ McCook. ' Paine sells fly nets. , See Paine's fifteen cent whips. The Sugar Trust clears $25,000,000 a year. Minneapolis Binders at S. oM. Coch- xan & Co.'t = . J. I. Case threshing machines at S. M. Cochran & Co. ' * . Wishes made over new spring vegeta bles are said to come true. Leading brands of soap cheap at THE RACKET STOKE. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. .Noble is the only exclusive grocer in rche-city. His stock is the largest and his -prices correspond with the times. The ladies of the M. E. Church will give an Authors' Carnival , .June lOth and llth at Menard's opera house. They have spared neither time nor ex pense to make this a first class enter tainment : Hanging Garden , Lalla Rookh , Maud Muller , Dickens Party , Snow Caves , in booths , Tableaux and Music. Admission twenty-five cents. Strawberries , ice cream and cake thirty- five cents. Come one , come all and en joy a good time. Jatne sells harness. The Metropolitan ! Our machinery is arriving. We will soon be a full fledged laundry. Call and see us. We are prepared to do up lace curtains and fancy work -on short notice. Machinists' over clothes etc. , cleaned and starched. Will be glad to have all un = satisfactory work ( RETURJf = E ® , as we are very desirous to please everybody. Give us your patronage. RA1LSBACK & JACQUES , PROPRIETORS. Laundry : "West Dennison street , two doors east of Probst's bakery. PAINE sells harness. JSF"Groceries at Nobles' . f. v ies. He will treat you right. C. F. Babcock is agent for The New York Life Insurance Co. See him if you want reliable life insurance. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. Pay $100.00 cash down and $15.00 a month and get a deed for a home in stead of a receipt for rent. S. H. Col vin sells on these terms. A good way to ventilate a cellar is to extend from it a pipe to the kitchen chim ney. The draft in the kitchen will carry away the gases which would otherways find there way into the rooms above. Ex. Bear in mind that spring has opened up and house cleaning has commenced. Also remember that I am in the mar ket as usual for the purchase of sec- cond-hand goods. Drop me a card and and I will call. J. H. LUDWICK. In general , good roads practically shorten distance , encourage intercom munication between town and country , benefit trade , enhance the value of all adjacent properties , and effect a large saving in money expended in hauling materials over bad roads. "And now abideth Rosewater , anti- Rosewater and the balance of the re publican party , these three ; but the greatest of these is the balance of the republican party. And the balance of the republican party has sent anti-Rose- water to the national committee. The balance of the republican party is the buzz-saw and it won't be monkeyed with. " Here is Bill Nye'sideaof what a news paper is : "It is a library , it is an en- elyclopedia , a poem , a history , a dic tionary , a time table , a romance , a ground plain of the civilized world , alow-priced multum in parvo. It is a sermon a song , a circusan , [ obituary , a shipwreck a sym phony in solid brevier , a medley of life and death , a grand aggregation of man's glory and his shame. It is in short a bird's eye view of all the magnanimity , meanness , the joys and sorrow , births and deaths , the pride and poverty of the world , all for a few cents. At the regular meeting of the Mc Cook Republican Club held last even ing arrangements for chairs , tables and literature for the club rooms were per fected. Besides a committee composed of Messrs. H. H. Troth , J. A. Wilcox and C. M. Noble was named to look to the arrangements being made for the accommodation of delegates and visitors to the congressional convention , June 15th. Messrs. Gr. B. Berry , E. L. Lay- cock and -J. M. Starr were selected as a committee on decorations and music for the same occasion. Paine sells harness. CA. ' " Note J. Albert Wells change of ad vertisement , this issue. The Research club held a picnic at Valentine canyon , yesterday , the young folks having a delightful time. The Boston Shoe Store's new and en larged advertisement will no doubt at tract instant and Careful attention. Rev. J. D. Stewart , of Aurora , State Sunday School Superintendent , will preach Sunday morning and evening in the Congregational church. Such affairs as the commencement exercises and Memorial Day services quite uncomfortably indicate the neces sity for a larger hall for public gather ings in McCook. The Castle Cure Co. of Omaha have established a branch at McCook under the management of Dr. L. J. Spickel- mier , which the doctor states will be ready for business in a few days. The B. & . M. Meat Market has been sold to F. S. Wilcox & Co , E. C. Bal- lew being the modest member of the firm represented by the word company. The new arrangement will go into effect on Monday next. .Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good , where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity , quality and value , and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. The Metropolitan laundry has out grown its quarters and now occupies the Spearman building recently vacated by James L. Gray , where they have more room in which to operate the new machinery received and to more expeditiously - ditiously conduct their voluminous and increasing business. The soda water season is with us and as usual The City Drugstore is prompt ly on hand with the very latest and best the market offeis in that line. Their fountain is now in operation and if you want a drink of soda water , with the purest of syrups , turn your foot steps toward The City Drug Store. You are certain of securing it there. We call special attention to the an nouncement made elsewhere in thisissue by Prof. Barton Browne , of Indianola. Besides teaching voice culture , the pro fessor has decided to open a class in elocution , and for the "Delsarte Sys tem. " If you desire to desire to be come graceful and natural in manner , either in private or public , take a course of Delsarte under the professor. The suit instituted by Ole Landgren against Dr. C. H. Jones for $36.00 alleged to be due for janitor work came up before Justice Kelley , Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Eldred and Gibbs appeared for plaintiff , J. A. Cordeal for the defendant. The case was tried before a jury composed of Messrs. A. J. Chambers , F. M. Kimmell and C. W. Barnes , who returned a verdict for the defendant. We understand that the case will be carried to the district court. A special meeting of the local busi ness men's association was held in Ma sonic hall , Monday evening , for the purpose of electing delegates to the state business men's association meet ing to be held in Omaha on the 13th , 14th and ] 5th days of June. The dele gates and alternates are : George Hock- nell , J. Albert Wells , S. H. Colvin , J. F. Ganschow and the president , J. A. Wilcox ; Alternates : T. N. Young , F. M. Kimmell , U. J. Warren and Jonas Engel. A. McMILLEN , DRUGGIST , Wall Paper , PAINTS , OILS , GLASS. Come and see our new designs in wall paper. PAINE sells fly nets. _ - - r-- - ii . 'i f ( S A COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. That was a magnificent and expect ant audience which thronged the Me- nard , last Friday evening , to witness and enjoy the commencement or gradu ating exercises of the class of ,92 , Mc Cook high school. A more intelligent , eager and delighted company has not assembled within those walls in many moons. And it is our distinct pleasure to record the happy fact that the exer cises were up to the highest expecta tions of the most exacting , were indeed of quite unusual excellence and merit , upon which result THE TRIBUNE de sires to felicitate all persons concerned , instructors and pupils. The various features of the programme passed off smoothly and creditably , disclosing the care and preparation each had received. The orations and essays of the graduat ing class are warmly spoken of , Augusta Hunt delivered the saluta tion , selecting as the basis of her effort , "The Sticking Place. " It was a splen did , thoughtful production , and was de livered in a distinct , natural way that quite captivated all. Ellington Wilson followed with an essay on "Schools and Their Masters , " which subject she handled in a scholar ly fashion , as to matter ; while her de livery had all the finish and effect of an accomplished elocutionist. Her es say showed studious preparation and was well received. George LeHew's oration was formed upon "The Governorship , " a topic of somewhat diminished importance and interest , but which was none the less cleverly managed by the young man , who spoke confidently and clearly what he had prepared on his subject. Sylvia Williams built up a strong and excellent oration on ' 'Pyramids ; " the topic receiving a thoroughly practical treatment at her hands. Her delivery was clear and easy mannered , and made a very gratifying impression on her hearers. Susie Hunt came next with a care fully prepared and very meritorious es say , taking ' -Michael Angelo" as her subject , and upon which she wrought industriously , interestingly and profita bly. Clarence Whittaker was the valedic torian. "Education in Red Willow County" was the source of his inspira tion. The young man has a practical manner-of-fact way of seeing and telling things , which , with a dash of the humor ous , made his oration sparkle with inter est and receive marked approval. The following programme was given between the essays and orations and called out merited applause : Music "Vacation Song , " Chorus Invocation KPV. D. L. McBride Music , "Lead Kindly Light , " Chorus Concert llecitatiou , The School "The Class Motto. " Music Chorus " .Beautiful Golden Sometime. " Duet , . . . .Flute and Piano j Brown Duet and Chorus , j SjJuJ yjS111111 "Swiss Herdsmen's Song. " Awarding Diplomas , C. J. Eyan Piinn . Diipf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4. J Delia , Johnston -vr . ( beluia .Noren Music , "Good Night , " Chorus The profusion of flowers was alto gether marvelous in quantity and charming in fragrance and beauty. McCook has never seen the like of the exquisite floral display showered upon the members of the graduating class without stint. Besides the stage and other portions of the opera house were tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens. In place of "a word from the super intendent" the Rev. Hugh Magevney , S. J. , of the College of the Sacred Heart , Denver , made a few remarks in his happiest vein. In a word it was one of the -happiest occasions in our local history , and the recollection of it will long remain a sweet memory to pupils , teachers , par ents and people. An occasion in which all take pride. Summer Studies in Literature , His tory and Science. On Wednesday , June 8that , 3 , P. M. , in the assembly rooms at the east ward school building , Mr. Valentine will meet persons who would like to enter upon a course of definite reading or study for a few hours each week dur ing the summer. It is proposed to ar range a series of conversations and lectures free to all who care to attend and thus to bring together for mutual pleasure and profit , persons having leisure and desire for more systematic intellectual work than can readily be carried on alone. Don't forget the Author's Carnival , June 10th and llth. i. DECORATION DAY. The vast outpouring of people at the Decoration day exercises in the opera house , Monday afternoon , bore eloquent and most gratifying testimony to the exalted idea entertained by the people of McCook and vicinity as to the sig nificance and grandeur of the day ; in fact there is no occasion national , local or otherwise , which will call forth so large and representative an audience as annually assembles in our city to pay tribute to the memory of the old vets who have gone on before , and to strew their graves with the choicest flowers of spring. Assembling at the opera hall at one o'clock , P. M. , the pro gramme was laid down in last week's TRIBUNE was practically carried out as follows : 1st Opening Song by Quartette. 2nd Reading Orders by Adjutant. 3rd Song by Quartette. 4th Prayer by Rev. Stevenson. 5th Song , "Star Spangled Banner , ' by Mrs. C. B. Gray. Gth Address by Com. J. 11. Yarger. 7th Song by Quartette. 8th Address by Comrade A. P. Welles 9th Address , "The Unknown Dead , ' i/y J. A. Wilcox. 10th Announcement , llth Benediction by Rev. A. W. Coffin an. Being supplemented by a song and decoration of a monument to the "un known dead , " by a chorus of little girls , all arrayed in white and flowers , which was decidedly pretty and appropriate. The addresses were befitting the oc casion ; full of patriotic utterance for the dead , and tending to encourage the growth and permanency of devotion to the flag among the living. That of Dr. A. P. Welles , who was the orator of the day , was particularly excellent. Following the exercises at the opera house a detail from the post and corps repaired to the cemetery , where the graves of the following-named dead were decorated with the choicest pro fusion of flowers in mute but beauti ful recognition of the services per formed in the preservation of the Union : C. L. Nettleton , D. E. Clement , C. E. Fox , Smith Gordon , 12th U. S. Infantry. R. S. Cooley , Co. H. 1st 0. , Heavy Inf. Chester Ward , Henry Walker , Elias Conrad , The custom is full of lofty sentiment and tender memories. J. G. Hamilton , of Pass Chritian , Miss. , placed the post under obligations for a large box of lovely and fragrant flowers from the sunny south. The decoration of graves has , so far as McCook is concerned at least , out grown the number of veterans resting here "under the sod and the dew wait ing the judgmentday , " and has extended to those of civilians buried in our "city of the dead , " and many of these by evergreens and flowers showed the pres ence of loving hands and thoughtful hearts. Both Memorial day services were held in the Methodist church , Sunday morn ing and evening , which edifice was crowd ed to its utmost capacity upon each occa sion. At the morning service Rev. A. W. Coffman preached the sermon ; and at night Rev. S. B. Crosby , of Loomis , Nebraska. The services were union in their nature and were participated in by the several Protestant clergyman of the city. Special music was rendered and the church was appropriately deco- corated. ELOCUTION. DELSARTE SYSTEM. Prof. Barton Browne will receive pu pils in class or private for a course of elocution. Parties desirous o f joining class now forming will receive all in formation as to terms , etc. , of Mr. Geo. Berry at the McCook Book & Stationery Store. The McCook Republican Club and the Dorcas Society of the Congrega tional church are energetically at work ; o provide for the entertainment of the delegates and visitors to the congres sional convention here , June 15th. r The Concert and Lecture. | There was a good attendance upon the conceit by a select choir and lecture by Rev. Hugh Maguveny , S. J. , in the ' opera house , Sunday evening. Tin ; mu sical portion of the program me embraced the following selections , which were rendered witli good effect , ; iml evident / appreciation on the part of the audience : PROGRAMME. Chorus , "Gloria , " from the 12th Mass.Mozart Duct , Sonata Op. . } Mb/art Violin. Prof. Kciicnstciii. 1'iano , Miss HuIIard. Tenor Solo , "Always Together , " Le Mack Mr. K S. Keicl. Quartette , ( a ) "Happy ami Light of Heart are They. " JJohemian Girl Balfe ( b ) "What the Hells Say.Henry I'arker Soprano , Miss Hickey : Contralto , Miss Townsend ; Tenor , Mr. Kimmell ; Hasso , Mr. Geo. 15. Jierry. Duet , "I Would That My Love.Mendelssohn- Soprano , Mrs. 1' . F. McKenna ; Tenor , Mr. I * . M. Kinuneil. Soprano Solo , "Jerusalem , " Henry I'arker Mrs. I' . V. McKenna. Double Quartette.a ( ) "Song of the Triton , " . , ( b ) "Good Night".C. Pinsuti.J.L.MalIoy | Sopranos , Mrs. McKenna , Miss Ilickey. Contraltos , Mrs.Spearman , Miss Townsend. Tenors , Mr. Kimmell , Mr. Keid. Uassos , Mr. Paine , Mr. Herry. The speaker Look for his subject , "The Charms of English Literature , " and for the space of an hour or more entertained those present with all his well established cleverness , Father Magevney being teacher of English liter ature and elocution in the .Jesuit Col lege at Denver. DANBURY. Milton Mac , formerly of this place , has returned. His wife being very poorly. Quite a number of the Danbury people went to attend a surprise party at Mr. Frank Burkers , and coining home lost their way , and experienced a little rain of about three hours. Decoration day is over. We had a splendid celebration here. With the cornet band at the head the procession formed at Masonic hall , G. A. R. post and W. R. corps in line , inarching from Si there to the school house , where they met the children , and then to the M. E. church where the exercises were had. The remarks by II. II. Berry , of Mc Cook , were well received. The quar tette of the Underwood brothers , II. T. Llendershot and Orval Woods provided excellent music. What a grand thing t is that we can keep this day in mem ory of those who have gone on before. For the Campaign. In order to bring THE WEEKLY BEE nto the family of every English read- ng man and woman in the west its pub- ishers have decided to offer the paper FOR six MONTHS , covering the cam- laign , for 30 cents. In order to fully understand the questions of vital importance to the producer and laboring man that will come up during this campaign , every voter should HEAR BOTH SIDES. THE BEE proposes to discuss all these ques tions thoroughly and intelligently. You cannot afford to allow this op portunity to pass. Address orders to THE BEE PUBLISHING Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. The Eleventh Grade Receive. A charming finale to the ceremonies and exercises of commencement week in our high school was the reception given to the graduates and invited friends by the pupils of the eleventh grade at the east ward building on Sat urday evening. An interesting pro gramme of entertainment was rendered , consisting of recitations , music , and an exhibition of the splendid possibilities of the lantern. Besides elaborate refreshments * freshments were served. Altogether it was a most cheerful , clever , affair. To All Whom it May Concern. Notice is hereby given that my wife Laura has left my bed and board with out cause or provocation and that 1 will not be responsible for bills of her mak ing : and all persons are warned not to sell her goods on my account. R. A. COLE. McCook , Nebraska , June 1,1892. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOUUTEUT PURE A v i