The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 03, 1892, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
THE Curtis Courier calls Mc-
Koighau "a rubber lipped dema
gogue. " _
A STRONG effort is being made
by leaders of the people's party of
Ns/Araska / to have the national head-
'qurArters of that organization locat-
" eoh'iii Omaha.
SOME of the papers throughout
the st to seem somewhat anxious
for W. E. Andrews to take the
stump. He will do so after the Mc
Cook convention , and will make
some rattling fiuo speeches too.
Hastings Nebrnskan.
THE decision of the Pope , in re
gard to what is called the "Cahen-
sly agitation" in favor of foreign-
born bishops of different national
ities for foreign born Catholics in
America is as follows : "European
immigrants in the United States
must coalesce as one people aud
form one nation. " Well said ,
wisest Pope who has lived in a hun
dred years and more ! Would that
all the politicians had as much
sense as the Pope.
THERE are no less than five
candidates seeking the republican
nomination for congress in the
fifth congressional district. If
Parson Andrews is not the success
ful one , it is doubtful if any of the
five will succeed in capturing the
prize , if it may be so termed.
That is the view of prominent re
publicans. If a dark horse , 110 one
knows who the man would be.
Col. E. D. Webster and John C.
Allen are both favorite dark horses.
Adams County Democrat.
THE influence of the independ
ent national convention Avill be
felt in this state. A good many
people will attend it out of'curiosi
ty , and will be won by the appear
ance of strength aud ability dis
played. Seventeen hundred dele
gates are a good many , and if they
were the only independents in the
country they would make a good
showing at the convention. There
leaders are men of long experience
in deniagoguery and have a good
deal of ability , natural and ac
quired , and their meeting in Oma
ha will strengthen the independ
ent party in Nebraska. York
Times , Republican.
THIS is Presidential election
year , and according to precedent
it should be a dull one for business ,
but let us hope that people of this
great country , instead of allowing
a presidential election to interfere
with their business affairs , will
read the themselves
papers , acquaint -
selves with the great political is
sues that will enter into the con
test , and then go to the polls and
cast their ballots in accordance
with their honest convictions , leav
ing great and costly political de
monstrations , such as have hither
to characterized presidential cam
paigns , to those who make politics
a business , and thrive by it at the
expense of the rank and file. In
such campaign every citizen should
do his own thinking and consult
the papers , reading not simply the
kind that favor his political views ,
but both sides , and make up his
mind accordingly.
MOURNING for dead , aud dumb
sense of horror which follows in the
wake of sudden and awful disaster
are giving place at Wellington and
HarperKausasto an interest in the
work of repairing the fearful dam
age wrought by the recent cyclone.
Preparations are already under way
for rebuilding the ruined districts
and wiping out the traces of havoc
which the storm left in its deadly
wake. This prompt recoil illus
trates in an eloquent manner the
Kansas spirit. It exemplifies the
admirable courage of a people
who have never been vanquished
. by misfortunes and who triumph
-tover all discouragements by the ex-
larcise of a faith which is mightier
than any obstacle which can arise
to test it. "To the stars through
trials , " sums up in one vivid epi
gram the history of a state which
owns all of its greatness to the
plucl ; and energy of its people.
THE trip of President Harrison
to Rochester to assist at the cere
mony of dedicating the soldiers'
monument on Decoration day was a
very pleasant one to all concerned.
At every place along the route
the president was most enthusias
tically greeted , and the short ad
dresses he made at various points
were as bright , patriotic , sensible
and appropriate as those delivered
on his grand tour last summer.
Generally after the president
had finished , the crowd demanded
"Wanamaker , " and the announce
ment had to be made that Mr.
Wanamaker was not one of the
party. This compliment to the
postmaster-general , who has been
more than any other man in the
cabinet the target of the opponents
of the administration , and is accus
ed of every imaginable misdemean
or , is an indication that a wise and
able administration of the post-
office departuent , the department
that comes the nearest to the every
day life of the people , is appreciat
ed , no matter what the politiciaus
may say about it. Journal.
THE victory of Colonel Peter
Jackson should be productive of
genuine satisfaction , in that it lays
on the shelf the fellow Slavin ,
whose recent tour of America in
company with the disreputable
Mitchell was prolific of drunken
brawls and loud boasts. Jackson
is a quiet , Avell-behaved fellow ,
and more of a gentleman than his
white opponents. His very victory
over Slaviu effectually disposes of
the theory that Slavin would have
any chauce with Sullivan. But
Jackson might have if Sullivan
would consent to meet him. There
is no color line in prize fights any
more thaji there is in dog fights.
THE Baring Bros , of London
have wiped up 85,000,000 of the
debt which they owe to the Bank
of London. The recollection of
that day in November 1890 , when
the whole financial world was shak
en by the rumors of the failure of
that great banking house , will
never disappear from the memory
of tradesmen. The prompt rescue
by the Bank of London was a noble
act and one for which it deserves
great credit in preventing a cala
mity well nigh incalculable in its
rain-maker , has left Arizona in
disgust. He had a contract in that
territory to make rain for a certain
section in such quantities as might
be ordered. But some rain being
ordered he failed to produce it , the
inhabitants indignantly tore up the
contract. If Mr. Melbourne can
not make rain this spring he might
as well throw up his job , for it is
the general testimony of the people
in the west that rain never came
easier in all there previous experi
ence with the weather.
It is now authoritatively stated
that Attorney J. L. McPheely , who
has been prominently mentioned
in connection with the republican
nomination for congress in this
district , has for business reasons ,
decided to withdraw frru the race
and will not permit his name to be
presented to the McCook conven
tion. Colonel Gage , of Franklin ,
aud Prof. Andrews , the Hastings
orator , are now regarded as the
strongest candidates. Standard.
ACCORDING to the predictions of
the political medicine makers in
New York , Secretary Blaine was
going to Bar Harbor to remain un
til after the Minneapolis conven
tion , or he was going to resign his
place in the cabinet in twenty-four
hours. But he didn't. It is very
evident at this Avriting that Mr.
Blaine talked about theweather aud
kindred topics to his New York
interviewers and that he ignored
politics altogether. Otherwise
they would have had something to
ADVICES from all parts of Neb
raska report very satisafctory crop
conditions. The delay in farm
work , caused by the weather , has
put everything behind , but this
will not be a very serious matter
if now the weather shall continue
good. There are no discouraging
signs in the presant outlook for
Nebraska farmers.
Humphrey's veterinary Specifics nro now
used on the stock farm of Governor Stanford ,
thehomeofSunoi , Arlon. Palo Alto etc. This
completes the list of prominent , stock owners
who have adopted the uee of Humphrey" '
Veterinary Specifics.
C. L DeGROFF & CO. .
We have just received our second shipment of
Consisting of SUMMER SUITS and PANTS ,
Will have special prices to make on these goods. Examine
. It will pay you.ajg |
Our Black Dress Goods
Must be seen to be appreciated. Quality the
highest and prices the lowest.
Wash Fabrics , Zephyr Ginghams , Etc , , Etc.
Look on our bargain table for Shoes.
Will be kept full and complete.
Will offer no baitsbut will sell i
you all goods cheaper than
the cheapest.
Trade with us and you will find goods and prices right.
B\ Li \
Is your FARM foi
salet If so give des
cription to S.H.Colvin.
Written in a reliable company a\ \
the following low cheap rates :
$10 insurance $ .50 per acre
9 " .45
8 " .40
7 " .35
6 " .30 "
5 " .25 "
By C. J. Ryan , McCook , Nebraska.
Over Farmers and Merchants Bank.
, Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
We give more soap than anyone for
one dollar. THE HACKET STORE.
W. D. Paine is building an addition
on the north side of his dwelling.
S. M. Gochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
Upholstering and carriage trimming
done at Paine's.
Notice of Sale Under Lien for Keeping
Notice is herby given that by virtue of a
lieu for keeping stock supposed to belong to
E. E. Fitch , dated on the " 7th day of April ,
1892 , and duly filed and recorded in the office
of the county clerk , of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , on the 27th day of April , 1892 , and
upon which there is now due the sum of
$121.00. Default having been made in the
payment of said sum , aud no suit or other
proceeding at law having been instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof ,
therefore we will sell the property therein de
scribed , viz : One dun mare , one bay mate ,
one sorrel gelding , one dun gelding , one gray
mare colt , one brown mare , one sorrel mare ,
one roan mare , one brown mare with three
white feet , one brown gelding with one white
foot , one brown horse colt , one mare colt ,
three brown geldings , one brown niuro , 15 in
all in number , and of ages varying from one
to fifteen years old. Names of animals un
known and all bran'ded thus | on left side ,
and kept on the Eaton Ranch , one and a half
miles south of McCook , at public auction at
the barn of March & Clark in the city of Mc
Cook in lied Willow county , Nebraska , on Sat
urday , the 23th day of June , 1892 , one o'clock ,
P. M. , of said day.
M. W.
and : IJL.TO : c. ' . > x.i > . . . i
TT A npO For Men , Boys and Children.
Straw , Fur and Wool.
Latest Styles ! Greatest Variety !
37 , BoysJliildren. (
Latest Novelties ! Latest Cuts !
To suit all ages.
TilTTDTWTGTriTH'/ JJ U * Latest Novelties in Neckwear -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wear , Collars , Hosiery.
Immense stock of Negligee
Shirts in light and blacks.
Children's Waists and Tie ?
just received.
Iu every department the assortment is
larg-e and the prices the lowest possible.
, Neb. JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
I " * : Hi : * " " . .r
of tfie jSacred Meart *
B f
Conducted by the Jesuit Fathers.
. _ _ .
The College is about half an hour's ride by electric and motor lines from the Capitol.
It is built of lava stone , and is three hundred feet long , with wings on either side. The
grounds cover an upland tract of fifty acres , and the propect is one of lakes and mountains
and meadows. Especial attention is given to the physical development of the students.
Course of Instruction : PREPARATORY , COMMERCIAL CLASSICAL. Charges :
Entrance Fee , to be paid only once 8 10.00 Half boarders , per mouth $13.00
Tuition and Board , per session of 5 months. . . . 120.00 Day scholars , per month o.OO
Washing aud mending of Linen , session 5 months , 10.00
COREY and MADDUX , Props.
Unequalled in Western Nebraska ,
R A , COLE ,
For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest
sbop this side of Hastings but he has got the
Largest iind Best stock of Cloths and Trim
mings this side of Hastings , which he will fur
nish cheaper than any other tailor for the
same kind of goods. Sbop 3 doors west of the
Citizens Rank.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table thai the Muarkct affords.