The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 27, 1892, Image 5

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It'll pay you handsomely to buy
a pahof our Bright Dongola But
ton shoes. Just as sure as you
wear them long enough to wear
them out , and you'll have to wear
them long to do it , you'll come
\ back for another pair. If you
want to know what comfort in-foot
wear really means , these are the
shoes for you. They'll fit as
snugly as an easily fitting glove
and there are plenty of gloves not
half so becoming. As to the price
§ 2.00 and § 2.50 , if they are not
worth it and a little more , no
shoes have ever been worth what
you paid for them. You certainly
would not blame us if we asked a
larger figure.
Paine sells fly nets.
Number I , Volume XI.
See Paine's fifteen cent whips.
Sow alfalfa , Nebraska will do the rest.
Spring fever patients are multiplying.
Take THE TRIBUNE ; it squeals for
Minneapolis Binders at S. M. Coch-
"N ran&Co.'s.
* '
/ou're " > v Cook is to have a "bi-chloride of
. . Vtween rcurc" after all.
' "
J. I. Case threshing machines at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Nebraska will send at least 500 people
ple to Minneapolis next month.
The exhilerating strains of the lawn
mower now float on the vernal breezes.
Now is the time for you to show your
love for flowers. No planting , no flowers.
Over 2,000,000 postal cards are neces
sary to meet the daily demands of this
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
"Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
'aine sells harness.
The Metropolitan !
Our 'machinery is arriving.
We will soon be a full fledged
laundry. Call and see us.
We are prepared to do up
lace curtains and fancy work
an short notice.
Machinists' overclothes etc. ,
cleaned and starched.
Will be glad to have all un =
satisfactory work ( RETUGlJf-
ED , as we are very desirous to
please everybody.
Give us your patronage.
Laundry : "WestDennisonstreet ,
, two doors east of Probst's bakery.
PAINE sells harness.
"Groceries at Nobles' .
/ have $10,000 which I wish to
Loan in the next 30 days and as an
inducement will offer same on good
farms at straight nine per cent.
Sticky fly paper at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
Paine makes the best buggy harness
ever sold in McCook.
Walter A. Wood and Flano Binders
at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Speaking of Nebraska weather , this
spring , is not a dry subject.
Laundry soap still our leader.
Keeley Home Treatment for Tobac
co , $5.00. Address , Keeley Institute ,
Beatrice , Nebraska.
If you want to buy elegant , cheap in
side resident property or a cheap farm ,
call on C. J. Ryan.
This is the season for cultivating a
cast iron back with a hinge on it for
gardening purposes.
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Den
nison street hardwaremen.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Furnished rooms for rent. Inquire
of Mrs. Vina Wood at residence , corner
of Madison and Dakota streets.
C. F. Babcock is agent for The New
York Life Insurance Co. See him if
you want reliable life insurance.
Assistant Secretary Chandler dis
missed the timber culture contest of C.
C. Bowles vs. I. L. Richards from Mc-
1N QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
Pay $100.00 cash down and $15.00
a month and get a deed for a home in
stead of a receipt for rent. S. H. Col-
vin sells on these terms.
Nature's weeping this spring is grow
ing just a trifle tiresome. A smile of
only two or three days' breadth would
be a most welcome diversion.
There is some talk of Rev. W. C.
Stevenson , of McCook , becoming the
pastor of the Congregational church of
this city. Indianola Courier.
The ladies of the W. R. C. will hold
a strawberry , ice cream and cake social
in the Babcock storeroom on next Mon
day afternoon and evening , to which all
are cordially invited. Price 25 cents.
In the Nebraska state league the
Kearney team will play the schedule
dates of the defunct Lincoln team until
June first. A new schedule will be ar
ranged for games after that date.
The harvest excursions to Nebraska
come this year without asking. Last
year's excursions were so great a success
that the railroad companies have evi
dently come to regard them as a cCOes-
Go and see Sir John , the beautiful
bay Imported Fnglish Shire draft horse
at the Kelley barn. He is the hand
somest piece of horseflesh , as well as
one of the heaviest , to be seen in Red
Willow county.
Bear in mind that spring has opened
up and house cleaning has commenced.
Also remember that I am in the mar
ket as usual for the purchase of sec-
cond-hand goods. Drop me a card and
and I will call. J. H. LUDWICK.
A special stock train of twenty-four
cars of cattle pulled out of McCook for
the Omaha market , yesterday. Of the
shipment C. T. Brewer had ten cars ,
F. S. Wilcox and Hart & Doan four ,
H. T. Church three and W. B. Whit-
taker three. The remaining four cars
came from Culbertson. Messrs C. T.
Brewer , H. T. Church , F. S. Wilcox ,
W. B. Whittaker and E. J. Wilcox
wera among those who went in to Oma
ha with the shipment.
Episcopal services in the Lutheran
church , Sunday morning at 11 o'clock ,
by Rev. Potter.
WANTED : A girl for general house
work. Apply at residence.
Don'tforget the grand array of talent
taking part in the Sunday evening con
cert and lecture by Father Magevney
at the opera house.
Rev. D. L. McBride this week in
vested in another team of horses in or
der to carry on his extensive farming
operations. He will crop about three
hundred and fifty acres this season.
Assistant Secretary Chandler , Mon
day , affirmed the decision of the com
missioner in the culture content of
Louis Labounty vs. Christian Shurp ,
from McCook , rejecting Labounty's ap
plication to make entry.
This would have been a great year
for that artificial lake. With the spring
rains we have had the lake would now
be full to the brim. The lake would be
a great boom to McCook and a paying
investment to its owners.
The days will now continue to grow
in length until the 2lst of June , when
they will have reached a duration of
light of fourteen hours and fifty minutes ,
after which they will rapidly decline
until the 21st of September , when the
days and nights will be equal.
The eleventh grade pupils of our
public schools will entertain the gradu
ates and invited friends , Saturday even
ing , in the high school building , from
8:30 : to 11:30. : And from the pointers
we have received , under the hat , we are
Jed to anticipate a very charming affair.
Jfut your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
or ! in Wpsfnrn
The attention of all interested is di
rected to the advertisement of the Col
lege of Sacred Heart , conducted by the
Jesuit fathers at Denver , which appears
in this issue. This college offers splen
did facilities for culture , and deserves
the earnest consideration of those con
templating taking a collegiate course.
The soda water season is with us and
as usual The City Drug Store is prompt
ly on hand with the very latest and
best the market offers in that line.
Their fountain is now in operation and
if you want a drink of soda water , with
the purest of syrups , turn your foot
steps toward The City Drug Store.
You are certain of securing it there.
Witnesseth , that THE TRIBUNE has
always treated the Old Maid's Hyphen
with kindly consideration. To be sure ,
it has been more or less patronizing ,
but then it can afford to be. A tallow
candle's effort to outshine an electric
light is not likely to create any serious
discomfiture. But this paper is hurt ,
its labor of love has been for naught.
Col. Barnes in his awful and Juried
style has specially charged this paper
with two matters : firstly , that of trying
to kill his business. To this THE TRI
BUNE pleads not guilty , and the observant
reader will acquit us. A careful ex
amination of the files of the Hyphen
from the time the outfit struck McCook
( and from which McCook has not fully
recoved since ) , up to the present time ,
fails to discover that it ever had any ;
secondly , that this paper's references
to the 0 , M. H. have been characterized
by a want of seriousness. To this
guilty. THE TRIBUNE has really been
enjoying "itself" toying with "it , " and
the aforesaid paper is kept on file as a
standing joke at this office.
Wall Paper ,
Come and see our new
signs inwall paper.
PAINE sells fly nets.
The commencement exercises of the
McCook high school will take place in
.the opera house , this evening , when
with the programme as printed in las
issue of THE TRIBUNE eight young
people will receive the coveted evidence
of their having taken the prescribed
course and stood the final examinations
creditably. The exercises will be of
unusual interest and excellence , and
the opera hall will no doubt be taxed
to its utmost capacity to accommodate
those who will eagerly turn out to hear
them. The gradutesare : Misses Elling
ton C. Wilson , Susie A. Hunt , Sylvia
J. Williams , Augusta M. Hunt , Messrs.
Clarence N. Whtitaker , Everly N. Berry ,
George D. LeHew , Henry L. Hall.
The Methodist church was well filled ,
last Friday evening , to hear Prof. Gregg
deliver his lecture on the topic , "Ener
gy , or What a Blind Man Can Learn to
Do. " The Proffessor has well earned
the title of being Nebraska's blind orator
tor , as his eloquence held the wrapt
attention and interest of his audience
throughout its delivery. He also played
a number ot selections on the organ ,
which showed him to be an accom
plished musician as well as a clever
speaker. Prof. Valentine , who is an
oldtime Nebraska City friend of the
blind man , ab the close , made a few
appropriate remarks.
Ten years ago TUB McCooK TRIB
UNE commenced its career as a dissem
inator of useful knowledge , compendium
of song and portfolio of art. It has
toiled in the vineyard when the sun
was hot , and is still toiling , and will
continue to toil in the future as it has
done in the past. The reward may be
slow in coming , but if it doesn't arrive
in this world , it is pleasant to remem
ber that there is still a future. THE
TRIBUNE also has the satisfaction of
knowing that in laboring for McCook it
is working for a noble cause , and that
in itself is a reward.
The independents of this (29th ( ) sena
torial district meet in convention , Aug.
2d , in McCook , to nominate a candidate
for state senator. The basis of repre
sentation will be one delegate for every
sixty votes , or major fraction thereof ,
cast for Edgerton , and one from each
county at large ; this gives Ked Willow
county 13 votes in the convention , and
these , THE TRIBUNE understands , will
be solidly for their favorite son , Hon.
Andy C. Moli.
The following officers of Saint John
Commandery No. 16 , K. T. , of our city
were duly installed , Ascension Day
evening : J. A. Wilcox , E. C. , A. Snyder -
der , Gen. , G. K. Johnson , Captain Gen. ,
S. Cordeal , Prelate ; J. R. Roxby , S.W. ,
S. L. Green , J. W. , H. H. Easterday ,
Treasurer ; T. G. Rees , Recorder ; J. A.
Tubbs , Standard Bearer ; G. E. Eisen-
hart , Sword Bearer : H. W. Cole , War
den ; E. C. Ballew , Sentinel.
The Ladies'Aid Society of the Meth
odist church are now preparing for an
entertainment to be known as "The
Authors' Carnival , " and which will be
given in the opera house on the even
ings of June I0th and llth. The pro
gramme will embrace a very interesting
lot of material , and besides being
unique the carnival will be decidedly
meritorious. Full particulars later.
Death has again entered the family
of Harvey Myers , whose youngest child
died on Monday. The burial tookjplace ,
Wednesday afternoon , ing St. Patrick's
cemetery. Still another child is severe
ly afflicted.
A TRIBUNE ] reporter found Farmer
H. H. Easterday , sorrowfully wailing
out in the rain , the other day. The
cause of his grief was finally gotten out
of him with a stump puller. He had
lately planted a pair of horse radish
plants and found out , only too late ,
that they were both maresT
There is no special hurry about put
ting up fly screens. There is24a wide
difference between the habits [ of flies
and ducks.
We understand Ed. Ballew has sev
ered his connection with the FirstJNa-
tional Bank of MoCook. Indianola
The prudent farmer will insure his
growing crop against hail as he does
his buildings against fire.
The fellow who wrote "all- nature
smiled" has not been seen in these dig
gings much this spring.
We give more soap than anyone for
one dollar. THE RACKETjjSlOBE.
Bb. - , / . \
SUNDAY , MAV 29 , 1892.
10:30 A. M. , Assembly of W. R. C. , G
A. R. and Old Soldiers at J.
S. LeHcw's office.
10:45 : A. M. , Forming Procession anc
March to M. E. Church.
11:00 A. M. , Union Memorial Services
at M. E. Church. Sermon by Rev.
A. W. Coffman , assisted by
Pastors of other churches.
8:00 P. M. , Union Services at Congre
gational Church. Sermon by Rev.
W. C. Stevenson.
MONDAY , MAY 30 , 1892.
1 o'clock P. M. , Assembly at Menard's
Opera Hall.
1st Opening Song by Quartette.
2nd Reading Orders by Adjutant.
3rd Song by Quartette.
4th Prayer by Rev. Stevenson.
5th Song , "Star Spangled Banner , "
by Mrs. C. B. Gray.
Gth Address by Com. J. H. Yarger.
7th Song by Quartette.
8th Address by Comrade A. P. Welles.
9th Address , "The Unknown Dead , "
by J. A. Wilcox.
10th Announcement ,
llth Benediction by Rev. A. W.
It is requested that the school child
ren and others bring flowers to the
opera house from nine to eleven o'clock
Monday morning where a committee will
receive them.
The public are cordially invited to
attend all these services.
Exercises Mission at St. Patrick's.
During the Mission Masses will be
said at 5:30 : and 8:30 , A. M.
' hort instruction will be given at
the 8:30 Mass.
Instructions every afternoon at three
Evening service at 8 o'clock , con
sisting of the recitation of the Rosary ,
Sermon and Benediction.
Confessions will be heard every day
from three till five and from seven till
ten , P. M.
Sunday Masses at 8 and 10:30 : , A. M.
Sermon and close of the Mission at
the High Mass.
For the Campaign.
In order to bring THE WEEKLY BEE
into the family of every English read
ing man and woman in the west its pub
lishers have decided to offer the paper
FOR SIX MONTHS , covering the cam
paign , for 30 cents.
In order to fully understand the
questions of vital importance to the
producer and laboring man that will
come up during this campaign , every
voter should HEAR BOTH SIDES. THE
BEE proposes to discuss all these ques
tions thoroughly and intelligently.
You cannot afford to allow this op
portunity to pass.
Address orders to
Omaha , Nebraska.
Commencing with Monday , May 16th ,
we will buy hogs only on Mondays of
each week , when we will pay the very
highest market price. We can pay you
more money on hogs delivered on one
day in the week than we can where
they are brought in a few at a time , as
we will thus be able to ship full car
loads , without holding the hogs at an
expense. S. P. HART & Co.
Hart & Droll's beautiful bay stallion
may be seen at the Kelley barn. He
is an Imported English Shire , weighs
nearly a ton , and has no equal in this
section of the state. Call and see him ,
lovers of the perfect in a draft horse.
HART & DROLL , Owners.
Good two-story frame house , corner ,
two lots , three blocks from postoffice ,
for sale by J. A. CORDEAL ,
and J. E. COCHRAN.
The McCook public schools closed
today for a three months' vacation.
Some of the corn had to be replanted.
A Comprehensive Survey
An Apprehensive Subject
BY ;
Means of a Prehensile Tail
The monkey is not afraid , because -
cause his tail is a good one. We
are not afraid , because our tale is
a good one too.
It Is Not a Tale of Woe
"We tell of bargains , of splendid
goods , fair treatment , satisfaction
to customers and merchant , and of
reasonable prices and good money
It is Also a Tail-less Tale
A tale without end , because it is
a tale that will hold. Call at the
Is your FARM for
sale ! If so give des
cription to S.H.Colviu.
Paine sells fly nets.
See Paine's fifteen cent whips.
Piano and Randolph Headers at S.
M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , oflice in
Union block , over Knipple.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
Leading brands of soap cheap at
Warm weather , flies and sticky fly
paper come together. You can secure
a prime and satisfactory article of the
latter at Chenery's City Drug Store.
Five of those beautiful Memorial windows
dews in Trinity Lutheran church at Mc
Cook , Neb. , were recently broken by un
principled persona throwing stones
through them. That church needs a
pastor PREESNT. it's a shame not to
have one. Lutheran Era.
That Corn.
The following have responded : Geo.
Dimmitt 3 bushels ; Jacob Betz 2 ; Win.
Coleman 5 ; W. Kinghorn 3 ; George
Younger 2 ; W. H. Smith 2 ; J. W. Tol-
man 2 ; F. M. Weaver 1 ; J. S. Modrell
3 ; J. N. Smith 2 ; B. S. Porter 3 ; W.
Rozell 1 ; George Howell2 ; J. W. Cor
ner 4 ; Cash 25 cents ; A. Green $1.00.
Gentlemen , why don't you bring in the
corn as willingly as you came after it.
Another quite heavy frost on Sunday
morning. But we have learned of no
particular damage done to fruit.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report