By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT THE devil get the political schemers , or wire .pullers , as they are commonly called. AN amendment to the state con stitution will be voted on this fall providing for the election of three railroad commissioners by direct vote of the people. THE contest for chairmanship of the Minneapolis convention is likely to be between J. Sloat Fas- sett , of New York , and John J. Ingalls , of Kansas , so says the Lincoln Call. JERRY SIMPSON has written a letter to his constituents declaring that he cannot afford to be their congressman another term as he can make more money lecturing than he can as a statesman. THE Republican national con vention is going to nominate the strongest and best candidate , after careful review and consideration of all the conditions up to the period - riod < of its assembling. It will be perfectly free to do that , thanks to the wisdom of the masses of the party who have chosen the dele gates. THE STRATTON HERALD figures that there are 400 alliance farmers in Hitchcock county , which is sparsely settled. Estimating the same number for each county in the state , the campaign fund which the independent central committee proposes to raise by donations of the proceeds of one aero by each farmer would amount to $356,000 if all contributed. There is food for several large-sized thoughts in circulation. State Journal. THE Edison-Thompson-Houston trust , which had an ele- j gant job up on lighting the World's fair grounds and buildings , has been knocked out of the ring by the Westinghouse compaur , which will get the contract. at ยง 81,000 less than the trust bid. The "West inghouse bid is 3399,000 , and in credulous as it may seem , these figures are $1.350,000 less than the trust wanted for the work when it thought that the exposition was in its power. THE sixteen delegates from Ne braska to the national republican convention will find their enter tainment in Minneapolis pretty ex pressive , says the Lincoln Call. For a headquarters room and ten sleeping apartments secured at the Nicolett house , somebody will put up $75 per day and $4 a day per liead for each person in the party. It would seem to be rather an ex pensive luxury to be a delegate , Tout these things occur but once in four vears. THE BEATRICE board of trade has appointed a committee to can vass the subject among farmers and arrange for a county conven tion to devise ways and means to secure the much needed reform. Red Willow county should not be behind in this matter. It is a patent fact that a large annual -road tax is frittered away , giving us no substantial improvement in the condition of our roads. Farm ers , more than any other class , are interested in having good roads , for they use them most. Let the movement be started here and rnu&li benefit may be secured. THE Union Pacific railroad is out of politics. But John AI. Thurston , who is drawing $1,000 a month out of the Union Pacific treasury , spends two-thirds of his time in political junketing tours and star-chamber conferences with the combine of political malcon tents who are trying by fair means or foul to defeat Harrison for re- nomination. Yes , the Union Pacific - cific is out of politics , but we will a nickel against a brass bui , vager that Thurston would not be Harrison at against ringing SJnseofthe Union Pacific Gould's pennission. THE TRIBUNE has urged the necessity of filling up all the unoc cupied lands of Ked Willlow coun ty with prosperous farmers. Ev ery acre of Ked "Willow county's land should be in cultivation. Its product would be immense and M ould pay the producer largely , taking one year with another. It is peculiarly gratifying to note that renewed activity in farm lands is to be seen every day. Scores of new farmers have settled through out the county during the past ninety days. They came from the full and overflowing portions of the east , and are charmed with the advantages offered. There ie no fairer land under the sun than here in lied Willow county. Situ ated in the heart of fertility , it is destined to be the commercial queen of this section of the state , whose crown and sceptre are held by the sturdy yeomanry who have reclaimed it from the virgin soil , and dotted it with peaceful homes. To the men who are looking for homes Ked Willow county pre sents greater and more varied at tractions than can be found else where in the state. Kich soil , plenty of water , rail road facilities , schools , churches , good citizens , and a delightful cli mate are environments which are greatly to be desired by all-and , which stand out as enduring monuments ments to point the home seeker to this eldorado of southwestern Ne braska. Columns might be written de scribing the composition of the soil , the salubrity of the climate and the healthfulness of the people , yet the written words pale into in significance when one "views this landscape o'er , " and drinks in the richness and beauties of the sur roundings. This activity should extend un til every section , or fraction there of , is brought under the influence of the husbandman , and then the wealth and influence of the county Avill be in their proper sphere , and adequate justice reached. THE manufacturers of the differ ent cities of Nebraska have united in getting up an exposition to be held in Omaha , June llth to 22. They will place on exhibit the raw material in the various stages of manufacture and the nnisnecl pro ducts. Where practicable , they will also carry on the operations of manufacturing in the presence of visitors. There will be in oper ation a complete shoe factory , soap factory , overall factory , shirt fact ory , barb wire factory , broom fact ory , tin can factoiy , etc. The ma chinery used in these various branches of manufacture will be placed in position and several hun dred factory hands will be em ployed in operating .them. It will be the first exposition of the kind ever attempted to be held in the state and the finest industrial dis play ever held in the west. Com ing at the same time as the Inter state Competitive Drill , which is expected to bring 25,000 strangers into the city , from all parts of the country , such a display is calcu lated to advertise Nebraska far and wide , and attract the attention of manufacturers who are seeking for a new location. THE report of the general Meth odist Espicopal conference com mittee on temperance will give forth no uncertain sound in regard to the saloon question. It will ar ray the united sentiment of the church against the rum power , and will take the position that the manufacture and sale of intoxicat ing liquors cannot be leaglized without sin. The Methodist church has always been the uncomprom ising foe of whisky. It has never manifested any spirit of toleration whatever for that evil. It has kept up an untiring and vigorous warfare against the saloon , and has given comfort and aid to all measures looking toward the re striction and the suppression of the liquor faaffic. The hostile at titude of the most powerful protestant - testant church in America toward the rum power and the firm stand in favor of sobriety which has been taken by the Catholic priest hood are highly encouraging to the friends and advocates of tem perance reform. Kansas City Star. , Purveyor to tne Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. C. L. DeGROFF & CO , SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. We have just received our second shipment of CLOTHING ! Consisting of SUMMER SUITS and PANTS , BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SUITS. Will have special prices to make on these goods. Examine . It will pay yoiL Jgf Our Black Dress Goods Must be seen to be appreciated. Quality the highest and prices the lowest. A COMPLETE LINE OF NOVELTIES IN Wash Fabrics , Zephyr Ginghams , Etc , , Etc , Look on our bargain table for Shoes. OUR GROCERY STOCK Will be kept full and complete. Will offer no baitsbut will sell you all goods cheaper than the cheapest. Trade with us and you will find goods and prices right. Gi Li CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. CATARRHAL DYSPEPSIA. A Disease ihat is Very Prevalent in City and Country. The symptoms of catairhal dyspep sia are : Coated tongue , pain or heavy feeling in the stomach , sour stomach , belching of gag , dizzy head , sometimes headache , despondent feeling ? , loss of appetite , palpitation of heart and irreg ularity of the bowels. For this condition I find Pe-ru-na to be an admirable remedy. In all cases brings prompt relief to the painful symptoms , and in a large per cent , of the cases it makes a permanent cure. Pe-ru-na soothes the inflamed mucous surface , and thus strikes the root of the disease. In cases where the in flammation has been so severe and con tinued as to produce extreme irritability of the stomach , the remedy may be taken in small doses at first , diluted in water ; but , as soon as the improvement is sufficient to permit the full dose to be taken undiluted , it is a better way , and the cure is much more rapid. Each bottle of Pe-ru-na is accompanied with complete directions for use. Kept by most druggists in the United States. If your druggist does not happen to have it in stock , he will order it for you. you.A A valuable pamphlet of thirty-two pages , setting forth in detail the treat ment of catarrh , coughs , colds , sore throat , bronchitis and consumption , in every phase of the disease , will be sent free to any address by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. , of Columbus , Ohio. HAIL INSURANCE. Written in a reliable company at the following low cheap rates : $10 insurance $ .50 per acre 9 " .45 . " 8 " .40 " 7 " .35 6 " .30 " 5 " .25 By C. J. Ryan , McCook , Nebraska. Over Farmers and Merchants Bank. If profuse blossoming is an indica tion of a bountiful crop of fruit , such a blessing is vouchsafed us this year. The cherry trees are now a mass of bloom , while nearly all the other fruit trees am giving like evidence of prepa rations for fruiting. VV FIAIMIOOS QLOTHINQQo. j j A nnCj For Men , Boys and Children , rl./l JL (5 ( Straw , Fur and Wool. _ _ _ Latest Styles ! Greatest Variety ! TT ForMenYoutus' , BoysJhildren. H Latest _ , Novelties . . ! Latest Cuts ! - JLo suit all ages. For Men and Boys. Latest Novelties in Neck wear , Collars , Hosiery. Immense stock of Negligee Shirts in light and "blacks. Children's Waists and Ties just received. * * Iii every department the assortment is t large and the prices the lowest possible. Mccook , Neb. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. of tfte Heart , THE HIGHLANDS , DENVER , COLO. Conducted by the Jesuit Fathers. < * The College is about half an hour's ride by electric and motor lines from the Capitol. It is built of lava stone , and is three hundred feet long , with wings on either side. The grounds cover an upland tract of fifty acres , and the propect is one of lakes and mountains and meadows. Especial attention is given to the physical development of the students. ' Course of Instruction : PREPARATORY , COMMERCIAL CLASSICAL Charges : Entrance Fee , to be paid only once $ 10.00 Half boarders , per month $13.00 Fuitiou and Board , per session of 5 mouths. . . . 120.00 Day scholars , per month 5.00 Washing and mending of Linen , session 5 mouths , 10.00 f . PRRSONEI , S. xT. , PRRSIDRNT. COREY and MADDUX Props. . Equipment Unequalled in Western Nebraska , R. A. COLE , LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , For Good Tailoring , has not got the largest shop this side of Hastings but he has got the Largest and Best stock of Cloths and Trim mings this side of Hastings , which be will fur nish cheaper than any other tailor for the same kind of goods. Shop 3 doors west of the Citizens Bank. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords.