The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 27, 1892, Image 2

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Short I'tcrnn of Int ; rent From All
1'arta of the Stuto.
The executive oommitteo of the
Long Pine Chautauqua continues U >
hold enthusiastic weekly meetings and
' * are quietly accomplishing the neoes-
! sary routine work preceding the open
ing of the executive assembly. Pn'si-
dent Hindloy of Weeping Water has
the program completed and in the
hands of the printer and will soon bo
ready for distribution. The commit
tee has employed surveyors to lay out
into lots and plat the grounds belong
ing to the association. A large num
ber of these lots have been leased for
ninety-nine years , und , as soon as
their boundaries are defined , several
cottages for summer resort purp"scs
will be erected. The present efficient
management and the elaborate pro
gram are assurances of a glowing suc
cess for the Chautauqua this year.
Tbo assembly , which opens July 21
and closes August 1 , will be the sixth
annual session.
Several years ago a firm cribbed a
quantity of corn at Clay Centre. It
was assessed for taxes but was shipped
away and the firm dissolved before the
tax could be collected. County Attor
ney Clark finally located some prop
erty belonging to one of the partners
in yVu-k county and secured a judgment
for § 2.00 against it.
A South Omaha man saw his horse
being led to the pound by the city mar
shal. He jumped on its back and
starte-1 on a gallop. The marshal had
two other horses and none of the
horses had bridles. The marshal gave
the fugitive chase , but the latter beat
and locked the horse in the stable.
Manufacturers from the following
cities and towns have already agreed
to take part in the Omaha manufac
turers' exhibit : Beatrice , Fremont ,
Lincoln , Norfolk , Hastings , Kearney ,
Columbus , Nebraska Citj' , West Point ,
Scribner and Omaha.
Ed. Sackett of Weeping Water raised
a window in the rear of his store , and
in so doing set off a forgotten burglar
alarm that was loaded with a ball car
tridge. The bullet struck a cuff but
ton and glanced off , but it scared Mr.
Sackett pretty badly.
The reports of small-pox among the
Meunonltes at Wood River were un
founded. There is no small-pox in the
state , though a few Russian immi
grants were exposed to varioloid on
shipboard. Care is being taken to pre
vent any outbreak.
J , . C. Watson and fl. F. Warren of
f Nebraska City are the luckiest lawyers
11 1 - . - in the state just now. They received
$10,000 fees from the distillery in its
suit against the trust.
Wallace J. Broach , son of ex-Mayor
Broach of Omaha , resigned his West j
Point cadetship because he did not relish - '
ish the fighting necessary to defend
himself against hazing. j
John Wasaleski , assessor of Ashton
township , Sherman county , was thrown
from his horse and dragged half a
mile by the stirrup. Ho was fatally
An Elba jeweler advertised a clock
that "would run eight days without
winding. " A customer wrote to in
quire how long it would run if wound
When the people of Superior were
telegraphed that the sun was visible at
Emporia , there was talk of an excur
sion down there.
Up in Holt county , according to the
Amelia Journal , when it rains so the
people cannot work they go and get
- .married.
A passenger train ran into a herd of
cattle in a cut near Ansley and killed
twenty-one out of twenty-five.
Plattsmouth claims that her cigar
factories amount to more than these
of Omaha and Council Bluffs.
The latest scheme of Colonel W. W.
Patterson of Kearney , is a navigable
canal from Denver to Omaha. „
It is said that Judge Ong will estab
lish a private school at Geneva to be
'Conducted on improved plans. ,
An association has been formed at
West Point to secure the enforcement
of the fish and game laws.
One hundred and thirty-two carloads
of stock went through Fremont in one
night on the Elkhorn.
The schools of Alliance have been
-closed as a precaution against the
spread of diphtheria.
The Nebraska City starch works
shipped a carload of starch , 20,000
pounds , to Denver.
School bonds were defeated in Loup
Citv by one vote. Another election
has been called.
Bills for three circuses are up : 'i I
Norfolkand the car of the fourth is ua |
the way there.
A game dealer at Edgar bought 1.-
500 birds of various kinds in one div.
cases have been f- -
forty appealed ; -n
the O'Neill land office and but one I. -
been reversed.
A circus exhibited in the c- : -n
house at Nebraska Oity , onaittin ; .
A racing association has beenfo.- >
t\t South Omahaand will have a i
July 4.
A Plattsmouthdoctor Bet a b. '
leg of acoV and It Isjikely t
Hebron businessmen bave or * < -
ized a club with a large member- , .
Hon. John C. Watcon will u J i.
the Memorial day address at No ) ' - : .
- " *
City. . ' -
A strings bank has been esta' " A-
_ Kenti YViishliurn HIM ! ttiunrron
Hint tie Will Knit.
WASHINGTON ; May 23 Senator
\V ; burn of Minnesota said
| in i. e most positive terms : "There is
j no ( i.tubt now that Air. Elaine will not
j refuse the nomination if it should be
l tendered to him at Minneapolis. "
j The Dakota , Colorado and I'ennsyl-
, vania senators , all of whom have
talked with Mr. Elaine recently , say
the same thing and now all the Republican -
publican gossip is on that matter.
1 The story goes that Senator Cameron
saw Mr. Klaine recently and put the
matter before him in about the follow
ing words :
Mr. Ulaine , the Republican party
is going to nominate you at Minneapo
lis. It will not be until it becomes
I plain to all that the renomination of
President Harrison is out of the ques
tion. I came simply to ascertain
' whether , under those circumstances ,
you will decline the nomination and
leave the party in a hole. It will not
be tendered to you as against Mr. Harrison
risen , but because you are the man to
save the party at this time. "
Mr. IJIaine's I'eply was very much in
words like th < ; se , as nearly as Senator
Cameron an quote them : "I don't
i want to be president. I want to retire
to private life and enjoy the balance of
my days. If I were at the white house
every Republican and Democrat in the
country who came to town and wanted
to see a president would come and see
me , for 1 always like to see anyone
who wants to see me. I would be worn
out , I am afraid. "
"But you do not answer my ques
tion , " persisted the senator.
"Well , " said Secretary Blaine , "if
that does not anwer your question
satisfactorily you must have the party
do it. "
Frank Hatton on the Situation.
WASHINGTON , May 23. This is the
way Frank Hatton looks editorially to
day upon the Blaine boom : "We have
the best of reasons for be
lieving that Mr. Blaine would
be unspeakably gratified \vese he
to receive the spontaneous nomination
of his party at Minneapolis. Whether
he would accept it we do not know , it
is our belief that he would , but we
wish to assert that only which we
have unquestionable reason for as
serting , and hence confine ourselves to
the single statement that the nomina
tion coming to him unsought and in
disregard of his disclaimer would be
an infinite pleasure and consolation. "
The Noted Kansas Alliiuico Congressman
Thinking or Declining : Rcnomination.
WASHINGTON , May 21. The Post
prints this to-day :
It will be surprising news to know
that Jerry Simpson , the Third party
Moses who came to congress as the ad
vance guard of the Third party , and
who has held aloft its banner with
many strange devices has deter
mined not to be a candidate for re-
nomination. He has written some let
ters to prominent members of his party
in his district , intimating this inten
tion , and a member of the party to
whom he showed the letter is author
ity for the statement that his with
drawal is ilat-footed.
"Yes , " said Mr. Simpson , yesterday ,
"I am considering the matter , and the
probability is that I will not be a can
didate for the renomination , although
I could be nominated and
i elected easily. I came here in
j the first place without seeking the
ollice , andtin congress I have en
deavored to do what I could to advance
the interests of my party. I have
written my friends that I think I can
do more good by lecturing and stump
ing other territory , and although that
would be a sacrifice , I am inclined to
think that my work would be more
effective conducted in that .manner.
My decision is not final and will not
be until I consult my friends at our
coming state convention.
The President's Wlfo Afflicted With One
Sickness After Another.
WASHINGTON , May 23. In view of
the confirmation in some instances of
the alarming1 reports which have re
cently appeared concerning the condi
tion of Mrs. Harrison's health , Dr. F.
A. Gardner , her physician , was re
quested by the Associated press testate
state the facts. He said that Mrs.
Harrison was suffering from complete
nervous exhaustion , which was the
result of three years' attention to
the exacting social duties of the white
house. She had an attack of la grippe.
It was particularly severe and
tenacious and from it developed bron
chitis. While in this condition she
caught cold and this brought on bron
chial pneumonia. Other severe and
trying complications folloxved.
Low malarial fever set in and
it was several days before its
weakening andwasting force
could be broken and hardly had she
begun to mend before an attack of
rheumatism added to its exhausting ,
enervating influences to what preceded
it. While her condition is not in any
sense alarming it will be many weeks
before-she has fully recovered.
The Only Alliance Daily Sold.
EMPOIUA , Kan. , May 23. The Em
poria Gazette , the only Alliance daily
in the state , has changed hands , J. R.
Graham , who established it , retired
with last evening's issue and W. Y.
Morgan , formerly of the Strong City
Republican , took hold to-day. Graham ,
in last evening's issue , says that finan
cial difficulties were the cause of the
change and that he does not consider
himself under any obligations to the
People's party who failed to support
him. Morgan will make it a strictly
Republican paper.
Methodist Protestants Confer.
WESTMINSTER , Md. , May 23. The
general conference of the Methodist
Protestant church is in session here.
The conference was opened by the Rev.
Dr. G. B. McElroy , president of Adrian
College , Mich.
A Church Collapse.
PITTSBURG , Pa. , May 23. The roof
of the First Methodist Protestant
church on Fifth avenue , near Smithfield -
field , fell in at 8:40 this morning ; in
juring five workmen , two of
probably fatally.
fur ,
nt' > the ov. > !
Until llfiX
'H/llh of lii : Kin- ' . . .iC ! -
: ii l ) < lilW < PI hum th/i
' iilut ririiKMisslh
1 Mi'.o-jthi'tt .iti-i hiiest < ' ' " , t
I | unluce , ! : ' > niui'v . - ; is
i unt must i- . . ! . < ! me c\ .i ' ,
I - .
I iiinity , iiiMii ing freed < , rr , u
' i : kteiious ijJ.slAisces.t <
harmless iii-ii Jicats ( . - , ,
ion it is pi , : , ) ! > . u > ma : . <
ly and coin im < l with . .
but natmai ! ; . 't v e sf !
irticle ami , : < : ! : . aptly tenn-
This is a Good Crop Year.
Said Mr. iK. . ( jiigj. : ii. . .iitor of the
Heatrice : " 1 > ' . > . , u v.miy about
the weather , \\e-han . .i < . ; M\ this boit ol
weatlier in Gage i-oiiii , ; ; n 1869. Corn wa1-
not planted until June , ami il was a fair CMIJS
while wheat wns magnificent. I was doing a
lillle farming myself that year , and the yield
of my wheat was thiity-iive bushels to the
acre. There is nothing discouraging in that
situation. Gage county will have big crops
this year. " THKTKIKUNK thinks the same of
all Nebraska. Small grain is looking well in
this county. Tame grasses are doing splen
didly and a few clays of diy. warm weathei
will bring the coin up niedy.
A Safe Investment
Is one which is guaranteed to bring you sat
isfactory results , or in case of failure , a return
of purchase price. On this safe plan you can
buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case ,
when used for any affection of Throat , Lungs
or Chest , such as Consumption , Inflammation
of the Lungs , Bronchitis , Asthma , Whooping
Cough , Croup , etc. It is pleasant and agree
able to taste , perfectly safe , and can always be
depended upon. Trial bottles free at A. Mc-
Millen's drug store. 51-4
May Thirtieth.
This day is the ex-sodieis' ! time of mingled
pride and sorrow. The modest monuments
in the cemeteries are more suggestive to them
than to any one else. They bring to mind
the heroic days which have been and signify
much of that which with each and all is soon
to be. They suggest rest and quiet a bliss
ful bivouac in the peaceful plains of paradise.
They look back to the time when the quick
and the dead stood together amid the cyclone
of the war and then think of the intervening
years of struggle , and smile at the hope of the
meeting under the trees on the wailess shore.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most successful
cough medicine we have ever sold , a few
doses invariable cure the worst cases of cough ,
croup and bronchitis , while its wonderful suc
cess in the cure of consumption is without a
parallel in the history of medicine. Since its
first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee ,
a test which no other medicine can stand. If
you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try
it. Price ioc. , 5oc. and $ i. If your lungs are
sore , chest or back lame , use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Sold byA. . McMillen.
Harry C. Gordon , of Quick , Nebraska , was
one of the men who was forced to leave his
spring work and do jury duty at our late dis
trict court , and while sojourning in our little
city , made us a pleasant call. Mr. Gordon
has been a sporting man , but of late years he
has turned his attention to cultivating the soil
and making a home for himself and family.
In speaking of the advantages offered the
farmers of western Nebraska , he became very
enthusiastic , and when it comes to working
fpr the development of this region , no one is
doing better service than he. Stockville Sen
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizens that for yean-
we have been selling Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption , Dr. King's New Life
Pills , Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric
Bitters , and have never handled remedies that
sell as well , or that have given such univer
sal satisfaction.Ve do not hesitate to guar
antee them every time , and we stand ready to
refund the purchase price , if satifactory re
sults do not follow their use. These remedies
have won their great popularity purely on
their merits. A. McMillen , druggist.
The Cleveland boom at present is
Enjoying life in clover ,
And if it keeps on growing it
Will be as fat as Grover.
Healthful , 'Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped Hands , "Wounds , Burns , .Etc.
Eemoves and Prevents TJandruffi
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
To all Whoa it ma ? CCTC :
Thu Couiiiu.-iMnoi r .ippomteil to examine a
roiiil cuinnKiicm , .it souin nil of bridge cross-
ill } , ' the Kepiitiluau river n east line of sec
tion 36 in luu'iMi ; | > 3 , ra'i.jc 30 , Perry pre- _
ciuct , Red viiov. ! county , Nebraska , running
thence north 86 tkree , . } < minutes , west 12
chains , 25 lius ! ; tiiv-uce mirth 64 degrees , west
2 chains ; thsiicc m .nil 85 degrees , west 6 chains ;
thence north J3 icgreo' , west 2 chains , 50
links ; thence nu. . , 33 dcgr. es , west I chain ;
Inence noith 3i -ices , ut I chain ; thence
IIDI th 77 defjrt.o , \ . - t 5 chains , 60 linksthence
noith 58 ilc 'u- ' . . .si 12 ui.mi.s ; thence noith
03 degrees. 5 > uii.siiiO ? , w - . - > t 13chains ; thence
north 87 deuK-.N west , 7 chains , 25 links ;
thence north b\ > ! i'csv tt 4chains ; thence
luntii 63 ilegr : > , j minutes , west 4 chains ;
tli-jiice noiih t > j jjiecs , 30 minutes , west 13
chains , 50 linki. ; t. . nee ifoith 07 devices , 15
minutes , v\e .1 . ; c ci .mis , 30 links ; thence north
78 dcgieeh , 30 miiii.Ustit S chains ; thence
south 78 degicit- < > ininutu.t. west 10 chums ,
S6 links ; thenc-- -14 chains , 50 links ; thence
1101 tli So tlegrcch. west 14 chains , 20 links ;
thence north 6a' .legrees. west 9 chains , 90
links ; thence ninth 48 degrees , west 12 chains ;
thence noith uO k recs west 15 chains , 50
links ; thence north o3degrees , we&t 5 chains , 50
links ; thence west 117 chains , 701 inks ; terminat
ing at Aleekci's lingation Ditch or Canal ,
has repoitcd in favor of the location thereof ,
and all objections thereto ur claims for dam
ages must be lileu m the county cleik's oftice
on or befoic noon ( it the 231 ! day of July A. D.
1892 , or said road will lie established without
iclerence-therelo. Gi.o. W. K'jrilit ,
52-415. County Clerk.
l'UM put lUiiiion M > I27ih. . ib'
il.vhiiifi . I .n iilffui f.iutlirceloil In me
liitin ( In-Hit-rifi ( nil til KtilV niiiw county ,
Ncl.i jiKkii. mi 11 juil mi-iil iilitiiinrti ill-Ton-
11 ( i li..I. Iv ( 'oilmin. jinljif ( i I UicOitiir.ot cuiirl
! : Kud wnliiw rmin.j. iNflirar-iiu. on tlit.jili
diij ol Seplcinix r. Ib'.K ) . in luvor ol TinNi1 -
irnskii Loan HIM ! 11 u i t iiiiii > ui > iih | ili s : : ! . ! " .
anil ii iiniM KII.IIKIIII . ) . lluslKMii' as clclriiil-
; int. lor I lie MUM in Kuriyi.v ( $ -10 Oil ) Dnilats ,
in < ! co.sts in.\oil ai ? J. > 75 iint ncui ninn unsi
I huvi' It'Vli ti tlpi'ii rlutoiloujnir n.'iluMu
utkcii as ilif pniju rlv o ) ' -ail ili-lcncluiu to
Kitiisly gaid iltviff. to wit : Thu noitliwcst
ijiiarlfi-ol hoc-lion , : . ' . in township one. north
ul raiit : ' 'M. weM ( ith P .M . in Red Willow
conni ) , NflinisUn. Anil will nlfer tin ; same
Itir sale in tinln < rlicbt Imlilor. tor cash in
hand , on the ± Til day ul' .lune. A. I ) . J8t' , in
front of tin : Houtli doorol'llio court house. . In
Iniliiinolii. Aobri ku. thai lieii' the liuiiilinjr
wherein the hist it-nn ol court was hold , at
th" horn-ol two o'eli.eU. P M. . of siiid day ,
wiii'ii uiui whcro < iii" attend.nice will tie triven
l > y i he iindcreitriiPd.
Dated the 21st diu of MHJ189 - ' .
Sli.-i ill of Mild County.
By virtue of an order of sale diructctl to me
from i he district juurt of lied Willow county.
Nelirasku. on a judgment obtained tielore
.1. IS. Coehrut' . judjre of the district court of
Hud Willow count v. Nelirasku. on the lltli
day of December , 18'Jl. in Invor of the Clark
and Leonard Investment company us philnt-
ilTs. and against Jennie Walters and .John
Green et al , delendiints. lor sum of one hun
dred und tony seven dollars and sixty-seven
cents , ( $147.Gi ( ) and costs taxed lit twenty-nine
dollars and Kevrtil v-eight cents. ( S l ) 78) and
aecriiingcosts. . I have levied upon the fol
lowing iciil estate taken as the properly ol
said defendants. to sutisly said judg
ment , to wit : The nortlu-iit.t quarter ot sec
tion 31 , township 'J. north of ranjre 30. west of
tlielJth P. Itud Willow countv. Nebraska.
Will sell Paid land subject to Cluis. E. Vatee ,
mortgage of ? 5Ul ) . This mort ujre having been
assigned to C. E. Yates by pluintiffs. And will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder ,
for cash in hand , on i lie 6th day of.lune. 180J ,
in front of the south door of the court house ,
in Indiiinola , Nebraska , that being1 the hiii'd- '
in : wherein the last term of court was held , nt
the hour dt one o'clock P. M. . of said day.
when and where due attendance will be wri
by the undersigned. E. II. HANK'S.
Sheriff of said county.
Dated April3itli , J89J. :
The Iowa Mortirujru Company , plaintiffs , vs.
UobertP. Smith and Dilunia S. Smith , defen
Whereas in the above entitled action pend-
injr in the district court of Red Willow county.
Nebraska , for the foreclosure of a morifraire
upon the To'lowingdescribed real estate ton-it :
The southeast quarter of section number six
in township number fmir. north ol range
thirty , west of the sixth P. M. . in lied Willow
county , Nebraska. 'Ihe said Iowa .Mortfrajre
company on the 17th day of Mareh. A. D. ltfU2 ,
obtained adccreeof foreclosure and saleof the
above described real estate , and whereas an
order of sale as provided by said decree has
been issued to me commanding me to appraise ,
advertise and sell according to law the above
described real estate. Now , therefore , notice
is hereby { riven that I will on Monday. June
6th , 1892 , nt the hour of 2 o'clock. P. M. . at the
front door of the court house at ludiatiola.
Red Willow county. Nebraska , sell said real
estate at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand to satisfy said decree then
due thereon in the aggregate beinjr the sum
of $79.00 and $33.18 costs and accruing costs.
Dated May 4tb. 1892. E. R. HANKS.
50-6ts. Sheriff of said county.
[ First publication April 29th. 1892.1
April 23d. 1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on
Wednesday , Juno 15th , 1892. viz :
who made n. E. No. 5331 for the northwest
quarter of section 34. in township 1. north of
range 29 , west of the 6th P. M. He names the
following- witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of , said land
viz : Joshua Gerver. John D. Gerver. John M.
Ford , and Calvin C. Smith all of Cedar
Bluffs , Kansas. J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
IFirst publication May 20th. 1892.1
May 19th. 1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
namea settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
JulySd , 1892 , viz :
who made T. C. entry No. 416 for the
N. W. & aud N. Y S.V. . 34 of section 1. town.
1 , north of range 31 , west of 6th P. M. He
names the following _ witnesses to prove his
continuous cultivation according : to law of
said land , viz : William F. Everist , Charles
Knobs. William Sprague , Austin \V. Dutclier.
all of McCook , Neb. J. P. LINDSAY.
( First publication April 39th. 1892. ]
April 27th 1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the fnllowing-
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final five year proof in support
of his claim , and that said proof will be made
before Register or Receiver at McCook , Ne
braska , on Saturday. June 4th , 1692 , viz :
who made H. E. 3410 for the N. E. Ji N. V. . i
section 13. and the E. Yz S. E. } .i section 12.
township 5. north of range 31. and lot 3. sec
tion 7. township 5 , north of range ! . west of
the Gth P. M. He names the following witness
es to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : William II.
Keith and Oliver P. Fairbanks , of Hisriiland.
Nebraska. Henry L. Patch and JohnoWnsia.
of Zimmer , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY.
tFirst publication May 6th , 1892.1
May 2.1892. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
isolated tract of land will be sold at public
sale to the highest bidder for cash , at not less
than 51.25 per acre , viz : West y . northwest ± i ,
section 2."i. township 6 , north of range 30. west
of the 6th P. M. Said sale to take pluce at
this office on Saturday. June llth. IMtt. at 9
o'clock , A. M. J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
Humphrey's veterinary Specifics are now
used on the stock farm of Governor Stanford ,
the homo of Sunol , Arion. Palo Alto etc. This
completes the list of prominent ; stoek owners
who bave adopted the use of Humphreys'
.Veterinary Specifics.
An Kxpenalve Shine.
A tailor would have sized his waist
measure at forty-eight inches , and .is
ho stepped out of a commission house
on South Water street there was a wild ,
hunted look in his face.
Say , " ho observed to an acquaint
ance next door , "you've hoard that
economy was wealth' thata penny
saved is : i penny earned' and a whole
lot of other rubbish , haven't you ? "
Well , yes , " and in thy admission
there was an inllection of the voice
asking- what of it.
"You have , hey ? Well , it's all lies
every bit lies. Economy means
bankruptcy if you aren't careful. "
"What's the matter now ? "
"Matter ! " and there was a whole
volume of minion solid in the exclar
mation. "Why , just now to save a
nickel I tried to black my boots. At
the first brush my eyeglasses dropped
off and broke on the floor. The next
rip I made I broke a , suspender and
now 1 notice that in stooping over I've
busied three fifteen-cent cigars into
smash. That shine cost me $3 at the
least and it isn't half a shine , either. "
Tiinn the fat man kicked himself
twice , went back into his ollice and
fired the errand boy who owned the
blacking kit. Chicago Mail.
Buck/on's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts , sores
bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2c. a
box. For sale by A. McMillen.
Answer This Question.
Why do so many people we see around us
seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable
by Indigestion , Constipation , Dizziness , Loss
of Appetite , Coming up of Food , Yellow Skin ,
when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's
Vitalizer , guaranteed to cure them. Sold by
A. McMillen.
marvelous cure for catarrh , diphtheria , canker
mouth and headache. With each bottle there
is an ingenious nasal injector for the more
successful treatment of these complaints with
out extra charge. Price 5oc. Sold by A. Mc
Charles Dalmke of Hitchcock county made
enough last year from twenty-four acres of
wheat and ten acres of rye to pay for his 160
acre farm and had two dollars left.
J. A. & S. CORDEAL ,
Real Estate Bought , Sold , Ex'c'd.
218 Main Ave. , McCook , Nob. , 2d lloor.
SSflnsurance. loans , conveyances , war-
runts , and negotiable papers discounted.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : -
Ground lloor first brick build
ing north H. & M. depot.
practice in all courts. Coinmurcir.l
and corporation hiw a specialty. Money to
lotiii. Rooms 4 and ; " ) old First National MdV.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ,
J39 Practice in the State and Federal Courts.
n. It. DAVIS. M. D. C. II. JONES. M. II.
83 ? OFFICE HOOKS : 9 to 11. a. in. , 2 to 5 and
7 to 9 , p. m Rooms over First National hank.
A. F. MOOUB. .1NO. R. HAltT.
ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW ,
JS Will practice in the State and Federal
Courts and before the U. S. Land Ollice. OlHce
over Famous Clothimr Co. Store.
Six years experience in Gov.
eminent Land Cases.
Real Estate , Loans & Insurance.
JS OHice in Phillips-Meeker building.
Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter ,
Salt Khcum , Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores ,
Fever Sores. Eczema , Itch , Prairie Scratches.
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and
soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured
b3 * it alter all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in " > and 50 cent boxes. For sale by t
George M. Cheuery. j
There is one remedy which every family
should keep at hand. Mr. .Intui Carpenter , of
Woodland. Indiana says of it : "I tried Cham
berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for diurrhcm and severe crumps , and pains
in the stomach and bowels , with the best re- j
suits. In the wort cases 1 never had to give
more than the third dose to etfect u cure. In
most cases one dose will do. Besides its other
fiood qualities , it is pleasant to take. " Twen
ty-live and Hfty cent.bottles for sale by George i
M. Chcnery.
Some ot the Grand Army boys may be in
terested in the following : from Alex. B. Pope.
A. I ) . C. Commander Dep't Tennessee and
Georgia. He says : "We have had an epide
mie of whooping cough hereStewart. ( Tennes
see. ) and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the
only remedy that has done any good. " There
is no danger or wnooping cough , when this
medicine is freely given. It completely con
trols the disease. Fifty cent bottles for sale
by George 31. Chenery.
Every family should be provided with some
reliable remedy for bowel complaints. The
want of such an article is the cause of much
suffering , especially during the summer
months. In almost every neighborhood some
one has died , with cramp or cholera morbus ,
before medicine could be procured or a physf-
cian summoned. A fair trial will satisfy you
that Clmimberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy is nncqualed for those diseases.
It is also a certain cure for dysentery and
diarrhoea. When reduced with water and
sweetened , it is pleasant to take. Children
like it. For sale by George M. Chenery. ,
' {
( First publication Mayuoth. 1892. )
May l6th , 1892. \ > '
Notice is hereby Riven tlmt\he folowinjj-
named settler has tiled notice ofiis intention
day , July 2 , 1892 , viz : * \
who made T. C. entry No. 5652 for the N. E.
X of section 34 , in township 4 , north of ranee
29 , west of thebth 1' . M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous cul
tivation , according to law , of said land , viz :
Michael Dooley , James Kirby , John T. Koley
and William II. Mahoncy.allof Mcl'ook , Neb.j
J. 1' . LINDSAY.
[ First publication May Gth , 1892/1
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , April 30 , 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the follov/ing-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in suppoit of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat
urday , June iSth , 1892 , viz :
formerly Anna Mais , 11. 1C. No. 3,603 , for the
south / of northwest quarter and lots 3 and 4
of section 5. township 5. north of range 30 , west
of 6th 1' . M. She names the following wit
nesses to prove her continuous residence upon
and cultivation of , said land , viz : 1'eter Rlicin-
heimer , John llanser , Philip Schmidt and
Henry Lang , all of Zimmer , Nebraska.
( _ ) ! tb quality of meat we furnish ,
and ask von to ( tail on us and
Get the Best
Following is a list of meats we
can furnish yon :
Yi'ti.vilLfinVL n > ! ir.-t door
i the w lu *
liI : to sc * \ on. Respectfully ,
Perfectly Well.
FH.I.MOIIE , Dubuque Co. , la. , Sept. ,
Miss K. Ftmiganwrites : My mother and eli-
ter nsed Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonic for noa-
ralgia. They are both , perfectly Troll now and
never tire of praising the Tonic.
GnEKNE , Iowa , Oct. 10 , 1SSO.
For nineteen years my daughter suffered from
fits so that ade could not oven dress heraelf. On
the 17th of March lust she commenced using
Pastor Koe-jfg's Xcrvo Tonic , and it has cared
IKT entirely Acoert many kind thnnka and
bloSBincs ; I c'lnnot t11 how huppy I feel to think
: ny child 13 c.irw.i. MRS. THEKESA KYLE.
LAKE , Iowa. July 9 , 1890.
suifrricg from nervousness , aleoplosa-
iiosn.anuli a.t-i mtiuaory ; about two months ago
1 took I'ia oi i. oiiig's Nerve Tonic , and I t-
rribute my reoin-ry to this medicine ; I am sat-
iaaod with its ullect. J. A. BAAST.
A Valuable Book en Nervous
FREE Diseases sent free to any address ,
and poor patients can also obtain
this medicine free of charge.
This remedy has beenprepared by the Reverend
Pastor KoeniR , of Fort Wayne , Ind. . since 1S76. acd
Is now prepared under his direction by the
KOEWIG MED. CO. . Chicago , JJ. !
.rse SIze
0 1
Recently the following Notice appeared in tkg
San Francisco Chronicle.
"Judge S had been sick only about tire I
weeks , and it was not until the last three or I
four days that the malady _ took a serious turn. I
At the beginning of his illness hesufiered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. I ater the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended _ the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali-j
fornia. " Like thousands of others his un-l
timely death -was the result of neglecting early I
symptoms of kidney disease.
are troubled -with diabetes , gravel , or any de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs , I
don't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; don't I
waste your money onworthless liniment * I
and worse plasters , but strike at the seat of I
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies , , the celebratea Oregon Kidney - ,
ney TeaL It has saved the lives of thousands. I
Why should it not cure you ? oTry it Purely j r
vegetable and pleasant to Uke , f 1.00 a pack-1
ageGforJ5.00. - ,
flKlKESIS' ' gives Instant
relief and is an infallible
Cure for Pile * . PrfceLBy
PILES Druggists or mail. Samples
Bor 5116 , NCTT York City.