The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 07, 1891, Image 1

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Commencing JULY 8 , 1891 , we will offer our entire stock of
* * ' In order that our stock of Merchandise may be turned into
BY SEPTEMBER 1 , 1891.
And our stock of goods must be turned in cash at
Come early and get first choice. This is a bonaficle sale
and no "catch-penny" sale. The goods must go.
"Equipment first-class in all respects and
prices reasonable. Opposite tbe Arlington
is behind the age
if he "doesn't keep SAPOLIO in stock. No city store is
without it. The great grocers of the country handle no
other scouring soap because the best housekeepers will
not use cheap imitations which are liable to do damage
far greater than the little saving in cost. If your store
keeper does not keep SAPOLIO tell him to wake up. If
he offers you something else when you ask for SAPOLIO
tell him to be wise and deal in genuine goods.
It pays to have the best.
B. & M. Meat Market.
TURKEYS , &c. , ic.
R. A. COUPE & CO. , ProiDS.
, , - :
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fc3K& - < ; 8 M
Arran Cements have
been made for three liar-
Burlington vest excursions to points
, in .Nebraska , Kansas.
Colorado , Wyoming and
South Dakota at a rate
of 1 % rate round trip.
This rate will be made
from points as far east as
Chicago in accordance with our present ad-
viws , and it Is expected that the co-operation
of lines east of that point will be secured
later. Tickets will be sold on August 23th ,
September 15th and 29th , good to return
within GO days from date of sale. Stop overs
will be allowed at pleasure on the gomjr trio
at points \ of the Missouri river. This
company will advertise extensively In con
nection with these excursions the advantages
and agricultural capabilities of the states
traversed bv its lines. Such advertising must
necessarily be general in its character , it Is
theiefore suggested that the different com
munities set on foot some movement to ad
vertise their special attractions and thus sup
plement the advertising done by the railways
and bring directly to the homeseeker the in
ducements they have to oiFer. It is expected
that such communities will raise funds for
the preparation of advertising matter and
will select well qualified men to distribute
such matter and personally advertise their
section among the fanners in the east. Such
men should spend several weeks in a thor
ough canvas to give reasonable hope of sufli-
cient results to justify the expense of send
ing them. This company proposes furnish
ing transportation as far east as Chicago ,
1'eoria and St. Louis to a well selected list
of men each representing his particular sec
tion supplied with good advei Using matter
in sufficient quantity and who may have
special qualifications for the work. This of
fice is ready to furnish such parties general
advertising matter in regard to harvest ex
cursions , lands , etc. , for distribution , with
such special matter as may be supplied by
the community. J. FKANCIS ,
G. T. & T. Agt. , Omaha.
A. L. Scott is laid up for repairs , caused by
a cinder in his eye.
Ed. Sprague Sundayed in McCook with
engine 08 , this week.
Assist Supt. Highland was down from
the high line , Monday.
Sam Rogers , roadmaster , is the happy
father of another baby boy.
Ed. Farrell , fireman on the St. Francis line ,
is laid up with a badly sprained knee.
L. Ji. Stiles , storekeeper , has disposed of
his residence property to a Chicago party.
C ° Buy a house from S. JI. Colvin on the
monthly installment plan and save money.
G. W. Godfrey made his maiden trip as
fireman witii Snyder on the hog , this week.
B. N. Haley is now doing the road work
between McCook and Kenesaw. Everybody
has to hustle.
Engineer Heber has blowed himself for a
fine shot gun. Won't the chickens and quail
have to get it.
The B. & M. buildings at Akron suffered
§ 100 worth in broken glass by tiie hail storm ,
Sunday night
W. S. Perry and Holmes Blair went west ,
Monday night , to look over tiie Lyons line
in a general way.
Engineer Sanboru and Miss Grace spent a
few days , the later days of last week , on the
farm near Haigler.
Brakeman Chase , once well-known in Mc
Cook , is again chasing freight cars on Supt.
Highland's division.
Engineer Niersen and Fireman Harmon
were unfortunate in getting suspended , but
should profit thereby.
Four ladies on No. 5 , Sunday night , had
between them twenty-five children , all going
to the great northwest.
W. S. Pexter , brakeman on the Denver di
vision , fell off his train , a few days ago , in
juring himself severely.
J. B. Hacgin , the famous California horse
man , went east in his special car "Salvator , "
last Saturday night on Xo. 2.
Geo. Scofield , machinist , is laying off with
a "busted" finger. Charles Noble , car re
pairer at house , is laying off sick.
Fletcher'All en has been putting in a few
days at the shops , this week , seeing that his
engine , No. 120 , is put up in shape.
Engineer Kingbury and wife , accompanied
by friends from Peoria , went out to Denver ,
this week , for a trip into the mountains.
§ 350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi
nal town of McCook , only three blocks from
business center. Apply to C. F/BABCOCK.
Engineer Chambers will shortly enjoy the
convenience and comforts of a new barn ,
which was commenced tiie middle of the
Miss Gustie Ericcson of the B. & M. eating
house at Hastings spent a few days in Mc
Cook , the past week , the guest of Mrs. J. H.
Stock traffic has revived as of olden days
when such traffic was great , several trains
having gone from Denver to Chicago , the
past week.
Dispatcher and Mrs. K. B. Simmonds went
up to Denver , Tuesday night , to be absent
two or three days on business and pleasure
Col. Bednell , the ticket-of-leave-man who
was chased the world over without capture
by Scotland Yard detectives , was a passen
ger on No. 1 , Sunday.
Wm. Smith , machinist , returned on No. 1
Wednesday , with his wife from Canada ,
where they have been visiting for a few
weeks among his people. He reports a very
pleasant trip.
A passenger on a through train out of Mc
Cook , a few days ago , ( going west ) inquired
of the conductor why another certain pas
senger grumbled and found so much cause
for complaint He was politely informed
that the reason was because he travelled on
a pass.
Citizens and , Visitors Briefly
Mentioned. We Have Had
Our Eye on You.
"I Know Not What thoTruthlMay Be ,
I Tell it afi , 'Twas Told to Me. "
Mrs. U. G. Moser is home.
J. T. Bullard was at Culbertson , Monday.
Tom Murphy , an old-time engineer , is in
the city.
Miss Birdie Lallin left , yesterday morning ,
for Monmouth , J1L , on a visit.
County Clerk Roper was a pilgrim to the
best town in the valley , Saturday.
Messrs. Leach and Watson mingled with
Indianola giil-ets , Thursday evening.
E. T. Maddux is spending a few days with
the family up on the Stinking Water.
C. B. Gray was a business tourist to the
town around the ochre hole. Monday.
City Clerk Warren has been enteitaining
his brother John of Davenport , since last
County Judge Keyes exposed his smilng ,
welcome countenance among us , Wednesday
Dr. A. P. Welles and 11. F. Loomis were
among our contingent at the national reunion
at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Butler of Cambridge
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Chen-
ery , Monday.
G. E. Wailin was here from Oskaloosa , la. ,
the opening days of the week , seeing to some
real estate matters.
Secretary Jennings was in attendance upon
the judicial central committee meeting at
Indianola , Wednesday.
Geo. A. Wigton of Hastings is in the city
working accident insurance among the mem
bers of the A. O. U. W.
Messrs. Bomgardiier and Kelley returned ,
this noon , from their trip to Minnesota , Chicago
cage and other eastern points.
J. S. LeHew went down to Lincoln , Tues
day night , on reunion business , to see to
securing state guns , tents , etc.
William McManigal has been down from
his Stinking Water claim , this week , on a
visit to his brother Vance and family.
Miss Pierce left for New York City , yester
day , to make purchases of fall and wintei
millinery for J. Albert Wells' establishment.
Mr. J. Albert Wells will depart on Monday
next for the city of New York to make his
purchases of goods for the fall and winter
Geo. L. Etter is here from Shreveport , La. ,
on some matters of business , and may soon
resume his old position in the Commercial
Hon. G. L. Laws came up from Lincoln ,
last Friday night , on a little matter of busi
ness , returning home on Saturday evening's
Dr. Davis was summoned to the sick bed
of Dr. Atwood of Culbertson , Monday. The
aged Doctor's condition is reported as being
very precarious.
Prof. Valentine has been engaged in insti
tute work at Trenton , this week/-delivering
one of his able and instructive lectures at
that place on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. F. L. Brown and children left , Tues
day morning , for Spearfish , S. D. . where
they will visit at the home of Mrs. Brown's
parents for three or four weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowman are entertaining
Mrs. Dr. Mitchell and Miss Sara Schwab of
Lincoln , who arrived in the city on Sunday's
flyer. Dr. Mitchell is expected Sunday.
C. W. Meeker and Judge James Burke of
Imperial , and Frank H. Selby of Cambridge ,
of the Fourteenth Judicial District Central
Committee , were in the city , Wednesday
morning , on their way to Indianola to attend
a committee meeting.
Pat Mears has returned from a visit to
Southwestern Nebraska. He is much im
pressed by the immense possibilities of the
region around McCook and Culbertson under
the reliable stimulus of irrigation. It will ,
in his judgment and in fact , be the richest
region in the state within a few years. Lin
coln Herald.
Kev. and Mrs. A. 5. Donaldson departed ,
last evening , for Girard , 111. , with their in
valid daughter whose health , unfortunately ,
has not been improved by their short resi
dence in our midst , but has grown worse ,
and her life is now despaired of. The sorrowing
rowing parents have the profoundest sympa
thy of all who met them during the few
weeks they have lived with us. Rev. Don
aldson will be remembered , too , for the elo
quent and heartfelt expressions in the Bap
tist and Congregational pulpits while here.
Engine 1339 of the P. R. R. made a round
trip each day between Altoona and Pitts-
burg , hauling limited express until she had
covered over 100,000 miles and not one cent
of repairs was placed upon her. The distance
covered each day being 234 miles at a rate of
36K miles per hour.
Two-thirds of the total resistance to a train
of cars after passing the point of 35 miles per
hour is due to wind says a French railway
official of very high standing and experience.
Which would mean that we are greatly han
dicapped in the west compared to the east
yet outdo them in general speed with one
or two exceptions.
f r LUTe
To make room for the
Large Fall Stock.
Gome Early and Secure the Bargains.
r * mf /j.
Wefts ,
dal attention given mail'orders. .
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an.
other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
1J R III !
Stock in Series "H" of
the McCook Co-operative
Building & Savings As
sociation now ready for
Par value of stock now
in force $351,4OO.OO.
If you want to save
your earnings , or buy , or
improve a home , no other
investment offers the ad
vantages of this Asso
Stock issued , and all
information furnished by
Geo. W. Kaime , Secre
tary of the Association.
Subscriptions to Ser
ies "H" close Aug. 20th.