The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 31, 1891, Image 3

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- - . * -
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taate , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispela colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial 1/4 its
efTects , prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs IB for sale in 60c
nnd § 1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept
any substitute.
For children a medi
A Cough cine should be abso
lutely reliable. A
and Croup
mother'must be able to
Medicine. pin her faith to it as to
her Bible. It must
contain nothing violent , uncertain ,
or dangerous. It must be standard
in material and manufacture. It
must be plain and simple to admin
ister ; easy ami pleasant to take.
The child must like it. It must be
prompt in action , giving immedi
ate relief , as childrens' troubles
come quick , grow fast , and end
fatally or otherwise in a very short
time. It must not only relieve quick
but bring them around quick , as
children chafe and fret and spoil
their constitutions under long con
finement. It must do its work in
moderate doses. A large quantity
of medicine in a child is not desira
ble. It must not interfere with the
child's spirits , appetite or general
health. These things suit old as
well as young folks , and make Bo-
schee's German Syrup the favorite
family medicine. ©
Ask my nRpnt for W. I * . Uouslns Shoes.
ir " "I for mile in jour pincc * nk your
denlrr to sciul for cnlnlosuc , bscurc the
agency , urn ! get III em for > ou.
It Is a seamless shoe , with no tacks or wax thread
to hurt the feet ; made of the best line calf , stylish
nnd easy , and because tec make more shoes of this
grade than any other manufacturer. It equals haiid-
Fewed shoes costing from S4.UO to $5.00.
< K 00 ( Jcnuliu * Unnd-HCvrcd , the finest calf
} J > shoo ever offered for 35.01) ; rquals French
Imported shoes which cost from S3.O ) to 812.00.
Gl A 00 Hnnil-Scweil Welt Shoe , flno calf ,
* ! > * stylish , comfortable and durable. The best
shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus
tom-made shoes costing from S6.CO to SU.OO.
CS 50 Police Shoe : Fanner * . Railroad Jlen
U > OB and letter Carrlersnll wear them : flnecalf ,
seamless , smooth Inside , heavy three soles , exten
sion etlfro. Ono pair will wear a year.
G n 50 line cnlf ; no better shoe ever offered at
Sffmm this price ; one trial will convince those
who w ant a shoe for comfort and service.
CO 3 nnd S-.OO XVorkincnmn's shoes
JSb > are vt-ry strong and durable. Those who
have given them a trial will wear no other make.
* S'-i.QO nnd SI.75 school shoes are
BrtVG worn by the boys every where ; tbeysell
en their merits , as the Increasing sales show.
B < sriAC S3.00 Hnncl-sewcd shoe , best
InCfU IC9 Uongola , vcrystylish ; cqualsFreuch
Imported shoescostlncfrom Sl.w to SG.OU.
-tndlc * .50 , Sti.OO nnd SI.75 shoe for
KIsscs are the best Sne Dongola. Stylish and durable.
Caution. See that W. L. Douglas * name and
price are stomped on the bottom of each shoe.
VI. L. DOUGLAS , Urockton , ilass.
Illustrated Publications , With
fSFE Maps , dcscrlbinc illnnesota ,
Korth Dakota , Montana. Idaho ,
I ILL. \Vashlncton and Oregon , the
jKree Government
and OllKAP | ft 9 n
Best JVgnculturnl .
Grazing and TIra- |
l < -r Land * now open to rettlcr . ilaileti KKEE. Address I-3DOUN , LandjCom. X. I' , li. K. SI. I'm ! , flloc.
The Soap
is Lenox. .
Let me lift ilovru in thn cidvcr ,
Where the dai-iei cnltiT MIOW ,
Ami the yolliiiv lire * lly over
As iny'laiicie. come and go.
Dwellers in u royal jmhicc
Have not toiler ouch thun mine ;
And lo ! here's u lily ehulice ,
Brimming with the morning's wine.
Yonder hrdolfsin low and softly ,
lint I cannot catch its words ,
As they blend in silvery miiic
With the notui ol hrce/.e and birds.
In this sweet , still summer weather
It is ea v to forget
That our life lias toil or trouble ;
Has a cloud , a jaror fret.
AVlij' should we try to remember ?
It is well to dream and ,
And forget that we grow weary ,
Though our dreams are dreams at be t.
Happy he who puts away
Tlujughts of daily life and strife ,
"Who is deaf to din and discord
Jarring through the chords ot Hie.
Let me lie ( hen in the clover ,
A.s a child on mother's breast ,
And. awhile the hours fly over ,
Dream sweet dreams ol peace and rot.
"It's those worn out shingles on
the roof , " said Mrs. Earr , in the mel
ancholy half whine which was habit
ual to her. "The rain leaked in on the
boarder's bureau all night long , and
she says she won't stay here if she
isn't to be properly protected against
the elements. "
Jnnie tied the last puce colored tu
lip to its stake and straightened her
self up.
"Who is to do it ? " sighed Mrs.
Burr. "And if Mrs. Lepcll goes away
what shall we do .about theinterest on
your father's old note ? "
"She won't go .away , mother never
fear , " said .Tunic , brightly. "Don't
fret. You'll see that things will come
out right. "
' But the shingles must be fixed right
away , " said Mrs. Burr.
"They shall be fixed , mother , " snid
"Who will do it ? " impatiently re
peated the widow.
"I will ! " said Junie.
"That's ull nonsense , " groaned Mrs.
But Junie hud never been more seri
ously in earnest in ull her life.
Mrs. Burr went to the parish sewing
society .afternoon.
Col. Addison , from theVulley hotel ,
who was paying his addresses to Mrs.
Lepell the boarder , came with .a spirit
ed horse und u buggy to take her to
the seu beach.
"Now is my time , " suid Junie exult
antly to herself.
But Mrs. Lepell cunie back before
she bud got twenty-live yurds away
from the houee.
"Junie , " she suid , "I forgot to tell
you that I left my three diamond
rings in the little left hand drawer of
the bureuu. I might lose them in the
water. I thought I would tell you in
case of lire , you know , or any other
.accident. "
"Yes , " said Junie , 'but there won't
be .any .accident.
Mrs. Lepell luugbed , and run buck
to the carriage und the impatient col
And not until then did Junie per
ceive thut u tall , half grown lud , lurk
ing behind the porch ruils , was wait
ing to speak with her.
"Who ureyou ? " suid Junie , briskly.
' What do you want ? No , we haven't
any old clothes. If you really wunt
work , you hud better go on to the
new buildings , .about a mile up the
road. I dure say they can find some-
thinq for you to do there. "
The lud mumbled out something ,
whether thanks or otherwise Juniu
could not discriminate , und sluiilled
uwuy. And our heroine , slipping on
her hut und bolting the front door ,
run across the buck meadow to Jack
Parson's carpenter shop , some quurt-
er of a mile by the wood path.
"I wunt u few shingles , " suid she ,
nnd a pound of shingle nails. "
"What for ? said Kulph.
"Xo mutterculmly retorted Junie.
She nodded good-by , und hurried
away turner the canopy of pink upple
.Ralph looked admiringly .after her.
"She's u regular clipper of a girl ,
that Junie Burr ! " suid he. "If ever
I'm able to support ; i wife , thut will
be the one I'd choose. "
Light us a thistledown , Junie hurri
ed buck with her precious bundle of
shingles , und the pound of nails in her
"Now I'll show him whether I cun
mend the roof or not. " she suid , us ,
with a hummer udded to her stock in
trade , she .ascended to the gurret nnd
climbed the odd little ludder thut led
up through the rusty trap door to the
steep roof.
The slunt was abrupt , the old shin
gles were wet with recent ruin und
slippery with green moss incrusta
tions , but Junie Burr was not one
lightly to be discouraged , und present
ly she found herself neutly bulunced ,
with herfeet braced against the board
gutter , one elbow leaning on the roof ,
and the bund busily tearing uwuy the
old shingles und replacing them deft
ly with overlapping rows of new , frag
rant wood. The click of the hammer ,
the ring of the nails was like music in
lier ears. Suddenly , however , us she
sat perched like a squirrel on the
slanting roof , the sound of voices
struck on her ear. She paused to lis
"Three diamond rings ! I heard her
say so herself. In the left hand draw
er of some bureau , " said the same uc-
cents which half an hour ago hud usk-
edfor her charity. "And no one but
a woman in Jthe house. "
"Sure of that ? " said a deeper voice.
"Yes , plum sure , " was the answer.
"And I wouldn't wonder if there were
otherthings for the picking up. "
"Come in , then , " said the other one ,
"and step lively. We can't stand here
jawing all day. The door is bolted , is
it ? Wait a minute ; I've got a little
joker here as would start any staple
this side of Denver. "
Janie had listened in breathless hor-
ror. In ni distant , as it were , she
comprehfiK.od the full danger that
menaced Mrs.Lepell's treasured gems
the three diamond rings that , the
boarder hud once told her were worth
thousands of dollars. And here she
was ulone und helpless !
Hurriedly she turned over the crisis
in her mind. If she were to re-cntei
the house by the same way in which
she hud left it she must certainly meet
the ruffians , und any resistance which
she could oiler would be speedily over
Junie Burr was not one to hesitate
long. While the thought yetcureeied
through her bruin she sprung down
the eaves into the blooming boughs ol
the great cherry tree which grew so
close to the house that its brunches
scraped the roof on windy March
It was a hazardous thing for any
one to do who was not swift of limb
.and accurate of eye , but Junie .alighted
like a cat in the fork of the tree ,
climbed lightly down until she reached
the lower bough , and thence leaped
breathlessly to the ground , springing
swiftly across the meadows to Kulph
Pursons' carpenter shop.
"Junie , what is it ? "
Italph Parsons himself rose up out
of the green hedges , directly across
her path.
"I was drinking at the ice cold
spring , " he suid , "when 1 heard yoiu
footsteps. " "What is it ? "
She told him the trouble us well us
she could for excitement und breuth-
"Come , " she cried. " 0 do make
haste ! "
IFe paused only to blow a smuli
willow whistle which hung on hi.s steel
wutcli guard.
"That will bring my workman , " lit
snid. "It's a signal we have .agreed
upon among ourselves for just such
un emergency us i ins. ion u
Junie , siiull go around to the bud
door. Ilobins will watch the front uiu
I'll go und throttle the fellows. " "
.Lame glanced with shy ndmirntioi
into his set , determined face. Afte-
all , it was something to be a man.
The little campaign was skillfull }
conducted. The two thieves wen
taken red bunded ; the diamond ring'
were delivered into Junie Burr's keep
ing , nnd the ruffians were drugged tc
the nearest jail.
' Oh Rulph , " suid Junie , when al1
the littlecrowd was gone , "how can J
ever thunk you ? "
"By letting me put on those shingle. :
for you , " suid he.
' ] can't , " said Junie , laughing und
blushing. "They are put on ulrendy.
But I'll promise you my next job o :
carpentering. "
"Will you let me be your carpentei
always , "Janie ? " he asked. "Will you
promise one day to be my wife ? "
The words had risen almost involun
tarily to his lips us he held her hand in
his the words he so longed yet clreud
ed to speak.
And Jnnie buns her head und color
ed like a carnation , und suid , "She
would ? ce. " And Ralph Pursons
knew that he hud won the duy.
Mrs. Burr und the bonrders were
alike amazed when they returned
"Our Jnnie to circumvent a gnng oi
burglurs , " said the proud mother.
' To suve my three diamond rings/1
hysterically cried Lepell.
"But that isn't ull I have done ,
mother. " suid Junie , laughing. "I
hfive shingled the roof. And I hnve
promised to ninny Rulph Purson <
next spring. Upon'the whole. I think
it bus been ruther an eventful duy.
don't you ? " True Flug.
Systematic Methods Make This
Possible Even to Busy Mothers.
Good mother , maker of numerous
pies , mender of numerous hose , over
seer of u great province u household ,
rest a little , advises n writer in Living
Issues. Huve u chair by the stove ,
and when you peep into the oven. ? it
while you look , yeu , even a moment
after ; you will work ull the faster for
the short change oi posture. While
mending have your chair in the cozi
est corner , where good light wall come
in , .and let the sun strike upon you if
possible , so thut you may get the
strengthening , heulth giving influence
of it. Drop your hands occasionully
nnd let them rest. Let your eye wan-
cler out through the window glass us
fur us possible und rest your eyes by
looking at something interesting out
of doors. Don't rule nil the time.
Drop the reins of household .govern
ment for a little while , unbend your
self und f-it down on the rug und play
with the children , und , us it were , be
come agnin a child.
Economize your strength. Sit when
you cun. Do not hold the baby when
it cun rest and grow just us well in it.s
crib. By resting when you cun , by
plnnning the work to be done , and by
bcinn systematic und orderly in nil
things , a woman's work at home it-
more easily done.
Taffy for a Dinner ,
Did you ever give u dog taffy ? That
is whut n muses Broadway loungers
und the noted white bull-terrier of the
blind mnn on the corner. A wag and
the dog und the blind man und the
taffy drew a great crowd the oMier
evening. The hulf-musticuted stufl
stuck in the bright animal's jaws und
his fruitless efforts to bolt it or to get
hi.s foot on it or to dispose of it in
some wuy were comical and caused in
tense delight among his audience. His
dilemma did not prevent him from
seizing all he could get.
Just as he hud securely stuck
his teeth together u pussingpoodle at
tracted his attention and lie made the
usual jump , the length of his tether ;
but his powerful jaw absolutely re
fused to work. They had lost their
snap. The poodle stared at him with
impudent amazement , whild the1 look
of pain and humiliation that passed
over the terrier's face was ulmost hu
man in expression. Samson waking
up to find his hair neutly burbered I
was nothing to it. New York Herald.
'M NcKt. "
The origin of the expression to "find
a mare's nest , " has been traced to the
days of the early Saxons. What wo
call a nightmare was by our forefath
ers supposed to be the Saxon demon
Mara or Mars , a kind of vampire ,
which caused the incubus by sitting on
the sleeper's chest The Mare vam
pires were said to bo the guardians of
hidden treasures , over which they
were supposed to brood as hens do over
their eggs , and the place where they
feat was termed their neidus or nest.
Hence when any ona announced that
he had made an extraordinary discov
ery , someone accused him of finding a
Mare's nest , or the place where the
vampire kept guard over her hypoth
etical treasures.
A. M. PRIEST , Drug-list , Sliclhyvillc ,
Ind. , says : "Hall's Catairli Cure uivi'B the
best of satisfaction. Can iet plenty of tes
timonials , as it cures every one who takes
it. " Druggists sell it , 73 c.
A l > Pii ioii Cor lilt- .
It is a fact not generally known that
Mexico has paid a pension for a longer
term than is elsewhere recorded of any
civilized government. In the old days
of the conquest a member of the royal
Aztec house of Montezuma contracted
marriage with a Spaniard , and ar
rangements have just been completed
with the Spanish legation at Mexico
whereby pensions shall be paid by
Mexico to the heirs of the duke of
Montezuma , who died a few months
ago. lie represented the Spanish
branch of the house of Montezuma , to
which the various governments of
Mexico , without interruption , have
paid pensions for eGo years.
Spoor's Unfornionted Grape Juice In
Has a wide reputation from Its efficacy in the
sick room , being one of the most pleasing and
rnmfnrtinrr lievernfrcs that can be L'iven an in
valid and at the baine time is a powerful re-
Ftorcr. The juice is rich. It tastes just like
eating ripe grapes. Sold by druggists.
Finished IliH story.
On January 15 two laborers were at
work on a railroad running into Indi
anapolis. One was telling a story ,
and while bending over he was acci
dentally struck on the head with a
hammer by his companion and his
skull was fractured. He was rendered
unconscious , and remained-in a coma
tose condition until last Friday night ,
when Dr. G. T. Sturtevant. of Indian
apolis , trepanned the skull , and imme
diately upon removing the pieces of
skull from against the brain the man
continued the story which was started
five months before and had lain latent
in his brain during all this time.
Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
"When Baby was siclr , we gore her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
The Lest friends are the fiicnds who Lave
been tlnoutih a trouble together.
I.eirn .Shorthand l > y mail. Volition * ,
secured by W. CJ. ChallVc , Osiicgtti N. V.
A clock in ISattle Creek , Mich , has Icen
ruuuintr for 100car ? .
Mrs. Xewc < l : "I altiays put sonic Fcarliuc
'n my wash water. Do "von ever use aiiv' " '
Mrs. Olilun : "Ob yes , I'yle's. " 1 Le
Kind's Jester.
A Dcailwood rancher shot a bear fourteen
times before a vital spot was readied.
FITS Epilepsy permanently oiirctl by new yyftcin
ct ticatnicnt. 1MO TI1UJ , 11IKK. Komi for
Treatise. Epileptic Remedy Co. , 45IioadM.New Yoik.
Occasionallv the wisest oi\l hoots at tLc
. YVIuBlow'sSooiliiiisrSyrup. for Chil
dren teething , softens thes < im\ reduce ? mtl.imma-
tion , alleys pain , cures wind colic. 2jc. a buttle.
There is the wisest kind of philosophy in
letting the oihcr fellow do thc i\orrviu < r.
SLASH" Durham
AND Smok
ing Tobacco , tnd be euro that you
o not let dealers bluff you by tell
ing you that they do not Keep it nnd then palm
off some other tobacco on you. Some dealers may
not keep "Cut and Slash , " because they can
buy Eome cheap LOW GRADE tobacco at much
less money and make you pay the same price
forit that you would have to pay for "Cut and
Slash , " viz. , 5 Cents for 2 Ounces. How
ever , nearly all dealers will keep "Cut and
Slash" as Eoon as they know about it. It is go
ing like hot cakes. Walk from store to store
until you find "Cut S63fSani Slash , " and
if you walk the j gj SOLES OFF TOUH
SHOES looking for " llave them
HALF -SOLED and rrjgpwrsa ! tecp On walking
until you find it. If you wont to realize the full
joys that come from the enjoyment of a - delightful
lightful smoke , " then loss no time in tecuring
at least a 2 ounce package of "Cut and
Slash.1 It will cost jou 5 Cento. It is a
mighty good smoking tobacco , and if it does not j
fill the bill don't try any more , and we will pay I
you your money back IP TOU WILL COME AFTER
IT. Retail dealers can buy from Wholesale
Grocers and Jobbers at our factory prices. Put
up in 5 pound cartoons , 25
pound bales. Show rard
and 25 samples in each
bale. i
Durham. N. C.
? inw M s > /
# VIA THE 47
Tourist Folder ,
A.V * Shaming Routes end Bates tot *
> the Principal Eastern Resorts , and
Complete Schedule of Trains.
IJ. SMITH , B. P. &T. A. C. K. WILBER , W. P. A.
Tim RucRednit Path in Ltf
If It bo but irradiated by Rood health. ! .i
shorn of half Its distasteful feature * . Hosts
of distinguished men and women iiavt ; ut
tered rciritilR for u pxM- when yomitr. full of
vigor ami hope , thotiKh battling with ot ) '
Gtaelcs that Deemed well nlch Insurmount
able , tbclr pulses beat , tlu-lr reins Uncled
with the glow of Joyous health. Chronic In
valids , uould you once iiioiti feel that clew ,
would you as of yoio-sleep , cat. digest
perfectly ? Then usr. with persistence , Hos
tellers Stomach lllttci.s. foremost , among
tonics , most icllablc of vitalizing mcdi 'iiius.
Nurvouhiiuss. < Jyi repsin. liyiiocliondrU loss
of appetite and slunp. this pnind rcpaintivu
of n debilitated physique and Initialled cons-
tit utlnnal vl or 9i > re illy pic vails against.
lUimnnutle and neuralgic nilnicnls. malarial
dlsoidera. kidney troubles , and the crowing
Indimitic1 ; of ape. arc successfully com
bated by tLls benign specific.
Hair Tiirin'tl by i.i lit ttlii < r.
A curious instance of the. blanching
of the hair was recently reported by
the Philadelphia Times. At 1'etera-
bnrc1. in the course of a thunderstorm.
a laundress named Ellen Harnes stood
watching the storm from the door of
her house , when she was struck by
the lightning and knocked senseless.
Though unable to speak for hours
after being resuscitated , she recovered
and was apparently unhurt by the
shock , except that a part of her hair
was turned a dazzling white. The line
of demarkation separating the black
hair from the white extended about an
inch and a quarter to one side of the
middle of the head.
How a Touriat Makes Money.
' DKAII READERS--While visiting places ol
interest , 1 spend my leisure time phitlnc
table-ware and jewelry and selling platers.
I make from $5 to H5 per ( lav. The work is
done so nicely that every person want < ; It. 1
paid fj for my plater to H. K. Delno & Co. ,
Columbus , O. Why not have n peen time
and money in your pocket , when for i.r > you
can start a business ot your own ? Write
above firm for circulars. A TotJiUST.
' 1 lie man who controls hinuclf will also
contiol a great many other people.
riTS.-All Fltsstoppcd free by im. KMMTCGKFll
Nerve Kpstorer. No Kit after tln-tilay'Mii-e. Jtar-
vellonsoure * . Treatise nnd $2(10 ( trial bottle free to
Kit caeca. Send to Dr. KIlne.i.i : Arch St. . 1'lilla. , la
The safest and best of all God's creatures
is the woman who is happily married.
iUndo Corn Snlvi . "
Warranted to euro , or money refunded. Ask
jour druj-'Kist lor it. 1'riee li cents.
Thcc is nothing more diH'cult to iianl
against than deceit , unless it is Mattery.
Major's Ccmoiit Itojiairs llroki-ii Articles
lie iinil.Vic. . r.ajor > Hcbt Liquid dliie lOc.
Laziness of inintl , or inattention , ae a
great enemies to kno\\ ledge as impiety.
This life will mean more when we realize
that it is the pathway to the next.
Pruyn Manufacturing Company ,
_ _
Poiltlrelycuced by
these Little P1IU.
They also rollers DU
tress from DyapepiU.In.
digestion and TooHaartj
Eating. A perfect rem
Drowsiness , Bad Taste
in the Mouth , Coated
Tongue.Paln in the Hide.
regulate the Boirela.
Purely Vegetable.
Price 2G Ccntt :
Small Pill. Small Dose. SmallPrice ,
213 ?
Curtis Street ,
Special rates for carload ? to Club" and Alliances
for all > nrthirii Colorado Lump and sieam Coals.
Consumers will consult their mturetits by
for prices.
i > ooa :
The first importation Mils season
of YOUNO , T4ME Ct IIN 1'AH-
ROTS nrfivul end 1 oiler them .it
the Si eial low price of only $ . .0
each. Ench '
I'arrot solil with a
written f.u-\ranteo to TALK Xow
i * tli only clmnco during the
whole year to get a
worth $15 or } 2f ) . ' t such a ) , ricc
Now Lots arriic eM-rj day l > on t
niiss your chance' Onttr at
onre before gone * Birds ill p
Bird Fancier , OMAHA , MB. :
- _ - _ - OIIAH \ ,
- " Co. At north end of new 10th St viaduct. The
most home like hotel in the city. Tub.e the be > ' .
W. X. U. , Omaha , 579-31.
Stamped out
blood-poisons of cvcrv name : uul
nature , by Dr. Picrce's Golden Med
ical Discovery.
It's a medicine that starts from
the beginning. It rouses every organ -
gan into healthy action , purifies and
enriches the blood , and through it
cleanses and renews the whole sys
tem. All Blood , Skin , and Scalp
Diseases , from a common blotch
or eruption to the won't Scrofula ,
are cured by it. For Tetter , Salt-
rhcuin , Eczema , Erysipelas , Boils ,
Carbuncles , Sore Eyes , Goitre or
Thick Neck , and Enlarged Glamto ,
Tumors , and Swellings , it's an ; inc-
qualed remedy.
Don't think it's like the sarnapa-
rillas. They claim to be good 1'or
the blood in March , April , and ft Fay.
" Golden Medical Discovery " works
equally well at all seasons. An-1 it ,
not only claims to do good it
guarantees it. If it doesn't bonolit
or cure , in every case , you hav
your money back.
You pay only for the rjood voa
The ? /rniiff ! > and 7 > rr < f Lye
the l - stnr
made. Will make \n-r- \
fumudlliud Soap in tt ) minutes
without tittttinaSt. is < li - ut
for softening witfr ,
waste i > i ; > cs. di mle < : t. . . _
chisets , wastiinjj bottlc-s ,
ti ees , etc.
Gen. Asts. , 1'hila. , I'a.
Issued bv THK
C'HNTU A I. "The
Kails Itouti- ' describe witli
Just the details the tourist
wnnUtlicMnuincr Re-sorts ot
Michigan and Cnnndn. MIIK-
iira Kails. Thousand I-Unds
und St. Lnwrptice. the Adiron-
tlncks. the Hudson. White Mt-i.
nnd Now Knglnnd Const. For
ropy nddres'J O.V. . Kr-.o.ES ,
O. I * . & T. Agent ,
Dr. Le Due's Periodical Pills
Are warranted to relieve tardy. Irrpgii'-ir. n-l ilf-
hived menstruation * . KMablMi'vi In Kiir.ipe in
183U , Kn Kind , IKiO. Canada. 1S77. United tatc * ,
Jb87. We sell this Vn-nch I'lll ut &i ! t > .ix oi
i thre ; 'or 85. We warrant. : lir" > ; Ij'jxri t.i iir < : -
Iipf a * ahovp stated or refund tilmowy Tliffe
pond * can h 8nt p < 'r niil on rcrcMjit of money.
Wholesale and retail of Guodui.m JJrui ; ( Jo. ,
C \ TIONI / .
f Tir" .
Klirrtiboil Bros. , AI-IT } . , ri. Llfr biil . , OuiltMfh
NE8 ,
Sold hr all il.-ler. " \h-sutifulpiciare liookvj"rari
inj-oas ; a'1ii5aJ.lre" to THE C K HIl'.F.S CO 1't. i ! h-x
RESTORED. ! : K Ei > T
. Fiii : . Airtnn or > " -ifni
imprudcnt'i- . I cmatiire lu-pay. Nt-n-iii ) . ; < .l-
iriniMly. l.nilivovond a > irniil < * in-an * i > f lfiif. .
\\tiich"he will F * ii'l 'i > uUi ! 1'1'KK to hi- * r'llo.v rir * is.
Aililrt-s-sJ. C MAMiN , Io.\I7V-Ni-w : ! York , ! * . > .
91 * F Street , Washington , D.C.
Special Attontbnj.ven to L = rd. Mining and Indian
Depredation Cnirr.s.
J. I' . COOKIE A-TO. ,
StencilsSeals.Checks ,
Jlotrl lluijiutyv Clirrkx.
e , Om.-ilia.
\V'c want the name and ad-
dressot every uierer i- > the
U. S. and Canada. A'-'crcst ,
3trs. Alice liable. On-snt. 3o , * - < r
I J"Myweisht w ! RS 1 < ai. < , o-v it ili" ,
areilactionof 121 Ih * . " torcirculnrsueiurtr- 'hi .
Dr. O.U .f.SM Mill. Me Vickar's 1 t u-.rn. CL icji.o. li I .
V I A f
iwe will shi | ) you 412 wt.rtii . .a'i P.'J-I. , „
Stan with. I.ainlcrbacn { ' < i. . Ni-\ , rj.N. | . | .
If nffl
sorj eje , use )
ISO'S HEMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to U30.
Cheapest. Ki-liof is immediate. A cuie is certn.n. For
Cold in the Head it lias no equal.
It in an Ointment , of wlnrli a smrll particle is applied to the
nostrils. Price , 3X- . Sold by druggists or .sort l y rn.ul.
Address. E. T. UAZELTIXJancn , Pa
f > \ .
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