The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1891, Image 8

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r ? F ! ( BJP BP'T W * * * fflSSP"
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First National
$100.000. $60,000.
GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director.
. . : * The Citizens Bank of McGook.
: - <
-I ; * ' . ! * & . & Incorporated under State Laws.
11 *
> -i - a
Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO.
General Banking. Business ,
. " -f-'t Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
" . directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes
' ' for non-residents.
= _ - , paid -
° j Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
- , ] \ V. FIIANKLIN , President. JOHN R. CLAIIK , Vice Pres.
A. C. EBEBT , Cashier.
The First National Bank , Lincoln Nebrska.
The Chemical National Bank , New York City.
iar Hotel ,
Headquarters for Traveling Men ,
Electric lights , hot and cold water baths ,
free bus to all trains , and strictly first class
in all of its appointments.
ITISINDlSfUTABLE That more cases ol
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Weak Stomacb , Bil
ious and Gastric Derangement are cured bj
Humphrey's Specific No. Ten than by all othei
remedies put together.
Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria.
Wishes to call public attention to the fact
that he has received more goods which makes
his the largest and finest stock to select from
in McCook. He guarantees a fit and his prices
are the lowest in McUook. Two doors west of
Citizens Bank. _
And solicits a continuance of past favors.
ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW ,
C27 Will practice in the State and Federal
Courts and before the U. S. Land Oilice. Oilice
over Famous Clothiuu Co. Store.
Six years experience in Gov.
eminent Land Cases.
Real Estate , Loans & Insurance.
; 3f Office in Phillips-Meeker building.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LATV.
practice in the State and Unit' . I
States coui ts and before the U. S. Land Offices.
Careful attention given to collections. Office
over Bank of McCook.
EBTW111 practice in all courts. CommerciM
and corporation law a specialty. Money to
loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g- .
B. B. DAVIS , SI. D. C. H. JONES , M. D.
OmCE HOUHS : 9 to 11. a. m. , 2 to 5 and
7 to 9 , p. m. Booms over First National bank.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician , retired from practice
having had placed in his hands by an East In
dia missionary the formula of a simple veget
able remedy for the speed3r and permanent
cure of Consumption , Bronchitis , Catarrh
Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections
also a positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after
having tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases , has felt it his duty to
make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu
sited by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering. I will send free of charge , to
all who desire it , this recipe , in German
French or English , with full directions for preparing
paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing
with stamp , naming this paper , W. A. Noyes
820 Powers' Block , Rochester. N. Y. 38-ly.
We Caution All Against Them.
The unprecedented success and merit of
Ely's Cream Balm a real cure for catarrh ,
hay fever and cold in the head has Induced
many adventurers to place catarrh medicines
bearing some resemblance in appearance ,
style or name upon the market , in order to
trade upon the reputation of Ely's Cream
Balm. Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's
Cream Balm. Many in your immediate locali
ty will testify in highest commendation of it.
A particle is applied into each nostril ; no pain ;
agreeable to use. Price 50 cents. 0.
Buck fen's Arnica Sa/ve.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts , sores ,
bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen.
CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Contractor and Builder ,
SPECIALTIES Making and repairing furn
iture. Furniture of any description made to
order. Mail orders promptly attended to.
Shop on Dennison Street , opposite Pred-
more's blacksmith shop , McCook. Neb.
From New York City , has the most com
plete stock of Spring and Summer Goocls.for
men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver.
His store is just replete with the latest nov
elties from New York and Chicago , and as
he buys strictly for cash he can afford to give
you first class Clothing at very reasonable
prices. He has guaranteed every garment
ic has made up in McCook for nearly six
years and has never had a misfit in that time.
Sail and see him. One door north of the
Commercial House.
L , W. McConnell & Co ,
Wall Paper Dealers
Carry a complete line of
Perfumes ,
Toilet Powders ,
Sponges ,
Brushes ,
Soaps ,
Cosmetics ,
THE total cash valuation of prop
erty subject to taxation in Ne
braska , is estimated at $1,585-
THE state superintendent of pub
lic instruction reported 332,243
children of school age in the state
and that the state apportionment
of school monies amounts to
THERE are 8,572,065 mortgages
in the United States , so Superin
tendent Porter says , nnd he sure
ly ought to be competent authori
ty. That makes one mortgage
for every eight people , men , wo
men and children , in this country ;
and still there are some folks who
are not happy.
f nOOO.OO.tiTcar i bring : tnatle br Jolin R.
GoodwinrojrN.Y.nt work fur ui. Keadtr ,
you ninjr not make IB much , but we can
ttach you quickly how to tarn from (3 to
10 a day at the atari , and more as you go
on. Both ieze > , all agei. In any part of
[ America , you can commence at borne , gir-
'inc ' all your tlmeor ipare momenta only to
tht work. All U new. Great ftj SCRtt for
trerr worker. W itart you , furslihlng
rerythlnir. EABILT , SPEEDILY Itarntd.
PAKTICULABS FREE. Addreu at once ,
BTU802I * CO. , rOBTJUUfO , HJU5K.
Just now everybody is wondering , and
inquiring : "What of the coming Ne
braska state fair ? " If last year under
the most adverse conditions ever exper
ienced , or almost imaginable , the man
agement worked up the best exposition
in all respects ever before , what may
be reasonably expected this year"This
largely depends on the people , both as
exhibitors and patrons. The board ,
looking the ground all over , has made
commensurate provisions and will con
tinue every effort to have the coming
fair eclipse all predecessors , iBfactany-
thing of the kind anywhere. We are
approaching the great world's fair al
Chicago , which promises to be the grand
est exposition the world ever knew. The
contest between the great producing
states in the union will be earnest and
sharp. Nebraska is one in the list of
such states. She must be awake and
alive to the occasion. Let our people
comprehend the situation. Preparatory
to the final contest let us be getting
"our hands in" to the work. To this
end the exhibits at the state fair at
Lincoln in September next should be
what it can and ought to present. See
that the county collective exhibits es
pecially , are in all respects characteristic
of the products , resources and possi
bilities of the state. This done , and the
way is opened fora triumphal presenta
tion to the world at Chicago. It is
hoped the leading , live workingmcn in
each county , if they have not already
done so , will at once oiganize and en
gage in good work. Do not wait until
a late day and hour. Take time by the
forelock and push things from now un
til the state fair opens , with a showing
that will surprise ourselves even.
Nebraska Teachers at Toronto.
TORONTO , July 15th , 1891.
There are tw'elve thousand teachers
present at the N. E. A. and large num
bers still expected. It is a matter of
state pride that the Nebraska special
train is the largest that has coiue in.
There are about two hundred Nebraska
teachers in all and about one hundred
ire registered at the Elliott House , the
Beaver and the Eagle embraced , with
reat show of cordiality.
The welcoming addresses at the big
rink , yesterday P. M. , were received
iy an enthusiastic audience with rounds
) f applause. It was a grand inspiring
fY\ frtt I r + 1 .Off" VI * * I * 4fvvsali rt- > n nn
juuukiii . jjasu lu nt auuu bpuilKUib Us
Francis W. Parker of the Cook County
Normal , on "The School of the Future , "
discussed by A. P. Mable of Mass. , Inspector
specter J. L. Hughes of Toronto , and
Dr. G. Stanley Hall of Worcester ,
Mass. , make one glad of his identifi
cation with the common school. Such
sentences as these strike the key note of
of the times : "The school of the fu
ture of the world is the common school. "
"When the history of the public school
is written it will depict the grandest
struggle for freedom that has ever been
fought. " E. G. N.
I will offer for sale at my farm , S.W.
of section 2 , town. 3 , 5 miles N. E.
of McCook , on Thursday , July 30th ,
at II o'clock , A. M. , the following stock ,
implements , etc. : 1 span of 4 year-old
horses , 1 marc } 2 milch cows , 3 yearling
heifers , 2 calves , 2 brood sows , 8 shoats ,
1 Moline wagon , 1 mowing machine , 1
hay rake , 1 section harrow , 1 stirring
plow , 2 breaking plows , 1 riding culti
vator , 1 set of harness , 1 corn sheller ;
also some household goods , etc.
TERMS : Six months time on all
sums over $10.00. Bankable security
required. Nothing to be removed from
the place until paid for or satisfactory
arrangements are made.
H. H. Berry , Auctioneer.
The prohibitionists of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , are hereby called to
meet in mass convention , at the Con
gregational church , McCook , Nebraska ,
Saturday , August 1st , at 2:30 , P. M , ,
for the purpose of selecting delegates
to the state convention , and to transact
any other business that may be proper
ly transacted. W. 0. NORVAL , Chm.
A 4-room house convenient to the
round house. A good cellar. Full acre
lot. Inquire at this office for particulars.
I have a lot oF stove wood for sale.
Leave orders at Wilcos & Fowler's.
8-3 C. G. HOLMES.
Convenient office quarters on ground
3oor for rent at reasonable figure. In
quire at this office.
Fine harvest weather.
An occasional shower.
C. E. Nelson Is helping W. H. Ilenjumln hur
The farmers that have a rye crop uro vcrj
busy harvesting- .
C. E. Shaw of Hitchcock county was al
Uanksvlllo , Wednesday.
Ed. Ackorman of the county of Hitchcock
was at Danksville. Sunday.
A few pieces of wheat are fit to cut and al !
the grain is ripening very fast now.
Grains of gold are not picked up In Nebras
ka. but the supply of golden grain will be the
greatest the west has ever seen. It Is the
wonder and delight of the oldest inhabitant.
Harvest is the order of the day.
Corn looks well , though a tritle late.
Veilton has the fewest loafers of any section
in the west.
Neighbor Sanderson is looking heartv and
robust again.
Will Spingue and family of McCook spent
the Sabbath here.
Mrs. Clements is talking strongly of making
her Iowa trip this month.
Elder Norval will preach to our people next
Sabbath. Let iho house be crowded. Why not ?
"By their fruits ye shall know them. " Ne
braska is willing to be si/.ed-up on her wheat
and corn crops.
The political caldron boils very low at pres
ent. We find Mrs. C. L. Nettleton is encourag
ed for another term , and we honestly believe
the present District Judge can carry this sec
tion solid. KAMMI.
John F. Uuskirk. Gyrene Huskirk. Clinton P.
Kinker , John II. Evert , William H. Ilarman
and Mrs. William II. Harman , Kansas Manu
facturing company , U. A. Sceley. A. A. Pope ,
M. J. Dooley and Heaten & Keim. defendants ,
will take notice that on the 23rd day of May ,
1891 , Margaret Mullen , plaintiff , filed her peti
tion in the district court of Ked Willow coun
ty. Nebraska , against said defendants , the ob
ject and prayer of which is to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by the defendants.
John F. Buskirk and Cyrcue Buskirk. to one
James H. Clark , and by him assigned to plain
tiff , upon the following described real eHtatu.
situated in the county of Ked Willow , state of
Neb. , to-wit : The E. half of the N. E. quarter
and the north half of the southeast quarter of
Section thirty-three , township two. north of
range twenty-nine , west of the Oth P. M. , to
secure the payment ot their one principal
note and ten coupon interest notes dated De
cember 1st. 1880 , said principal note for the
sum of $500.00 due December 1st. 1891 and
said coupon notes for the sum of § 17.50 each ,
one maturing on the first day of June , 1887 ,
and one note maturing each six months there
after until the maturity of the lust of said
series of notes maturing on the first day of
December , 1891 ; that there is now due upon
said notes the sum of $387.50 with interest
thereon at the rate ot ten per cent , per an
num on S17.50 thereof from the first day of
December. 1889. on § 17.50 thereof from the llrst
day of June. 1890 , on S17.50 thereof from the
first day of December , 1890. on $17.30 thereof
from the first day of June , 1891. and on ? 317 50
thereof Ironi the fiist day of December. 1891 ,
and plaintiff prays for a decree that defend
ants be required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due.
You are required to answer this petition on
or before the 31st day of August. 1891.
Dated this 20th day of July. 1891.
By W. S. Morlan , her Attorney.
James W. Houching , Jr. . and The Westcri
Loan and Investment company , defendants
will take notice that on the 15tb day of July
1891. W. A. Scott , plaintiff herein , filed his peti
tion in the district court of Ked Willow coun
ty , Nebraska , against said defendants , th <
object and prayer of which is to foreclose i
certain mortgage executed by the defendant
James W. Houchins. Jr. . to The Western Lear
and Investment company , and by it assignee
to this plaintiff , upon the southeastquarter o !
the southwest quarter of section seven anc
the east half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion number eighteen , all in township numbei
one. north of range numbertwenty-nine , wesl
of the Cth P. M. . to secure the payment of one
principal promissory note dated March 15th
188S. for the sum of 3J250.00 due and payable
in five years from the date thereof : and bis
ten coupon interest notes of even date there
with , nine of which were for the sum of S8.75
each , one of said nine notes maturing on the
first day of April , 1889 , and one note maturing
each six months thereafter , until the maturity
of the last of said series of nine notes matur
ing on the first day of April , 1893 ; and there
maining coupon note being for the sum ol
59.43 due and payable on the first day of Oc
tober , 1888 ; that there is now due upon said
notes the sum of 5258.75 with interest thereon
at the rate of ten per cent , per annum from
the first day of April. 1891. and plaintiff prayE
for a decree that defendant be required to paj
the same or that said premises may be sold tc
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition oc
or before the 3Ist day of August , 1891.
Dated this 18th day of July. 1891.
W. A. SCOTT. Plaintiff.
By W. S. Morlan. his Attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Ked Willow county
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. J. E. Cochran , judge of the districtcourl
of Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on the 21si
day of December. ISM ) , in favor of co-defend ,
ant Eastern Banking company as plaintiff ,
and against Agnes E. Wickwire as defendant ,
for the sum of one hundred and one dollars ,
and sixty cents , and costs taxed at $15.15 and
accruing costs , I have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as the property of said
defendant , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : S. E.
Ji of section 4 , town. 3 , north of range 29. west
of Gth P. M..iii Ked Willow county , Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the highest
bidder , for cash in hand , on the 5th day of Sep
tember. A. D. 1S91. in front of the south door
of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska ,
that being the building wherein the last term
of court was _ held , at the dour of one o'clock
P. M. , of said day. when and whcrcduc attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated July 23,1891. W. A. McCoor , .
9 Sheriff of said County.
July llth , IbOl. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Saturday , August 22d. 1891 , viz :
H. E. No. 1236 for the S. E.Ji of section 19 , in
town. 1 , north of range 29 , west of Cth P.M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : William Kclph , Sidney
Dodge. NelsJ.Johnson , John Goodenberger.
all of McCook. Neb. J.P. LINDSAY. .
8. Register.
July llth. 1891. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support of his
3laim. and that said proof will be made before
Uegister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on
Saturday , August 22d. 1891 , viz :
nrho made H. E. No. 2613. for the E. * N. E. H
Df section 34 and E. ij N. W. $ sections. * ,
town. 1. range 30. west of Cth P. M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu-
DUS residence upon , and cultivation of. said
land , viz : John Rowland , Elias B. Nelson.
William H. Benjamin , Alvin Benjamin , all of
Banksville. Neb. J. P. LINDSAY ,
'S. Register.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
: ured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Cation. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mc
Donnell & Co. , Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr.
ThorauB A. Stone , defendant , will tiiko notice-
that on tbo ninth day of May , 1891. The Mc-
Cook Co-Opurutlvu Building : tmd Having Aaso-
clntiun , plaintiff , fllod its potltion In the dls-
trlot court of itud Willow county. Nebniaka ,
apalnst said dulendunt. the object and prayer
of which IB to foreclose a certain mortfrago
executed by the defendant to the plalntitt-
upon the following described property , towit : -
Lot number three In block number fourteen ,
second addition to tbo city of McCook. Hod' s f
Willow county , Nebraska , to secure the pay
ment of one promissory note dated the twelf tb
day of June , 1889 , for the fluiu of $ U J.OO. bear
ing-Interest ut the rate of nine percent , per
annum , said principal and interest being paya
ble In equal monthly payments of Jll.lKieachr-
time there is now due upon said note the sum.
ot $728.J1 ! with interest thereun at the rate of
nine per cent , per annum from the 20th day
of January. 1891 , and plaintiff prays for a
decr o that defendant be required to pay the
Biiine. or that said premises may bo bold to-
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on-
or before the 31st day of August. Ib'Jl.
Dated this U'Oth day of July , 18U1.
By W. S. Morlan , Its Attorney.
Joseph W. Colver. Abbie Colvor. Marcellucv
Hoi brook and J. D. Slmlian. defendants , will
take notice that on the ninth day of May.
1891. The McCook Co-Operativo Building and >
Saving Association , plaintiff herein. Hied its-
petition In the district court of Hod Willow
county. Nebraska , against suld deiendantsr
the object and prayer of which is to foreclose1
a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ants. Joseph W. C'olvcr and Anbie Colver. to
the plaintiir , upon lot number nine , in block-
number ten. in West McCook addition to the
city of McCook. Ited Willow county , state of
Nebraska , to secure the payment of ontf
promissory note dated March 20tb. 1889 , for the-
sum of $480.00 and interest thereon at the rate'
of nine per cent , per annum , said principal
and interest payable in monthly payments of
? 8.GO each ; thit there is now clue upon said
note the sum of S4T9.80 with interest thcreou
at the rate of nine per cent , per annum from
the Othduyof December , Ife'JO , and plaintitl
prays for decree that the defendants be re
quired to pay the same or that said promises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or betore the 31st day of August. 1891.
Dated this 13th day of July. 1891.
By W. S. Morlan , its Attorney.
J. S. Selby , AtnandaSolby , Motcalf Brothers , .
.John G. Miller and company. William D. Ely.
Z. T. McCullum. Henry Matter , Illinois Street
Gas company. Patience Peck , administratrix-
of the estate of William Peck , deceased , .
Patience Peck. Mary Peck , John Peck , Ida1
Peck. William J. Peck , Patience Peck , guar
dian of John Peck , Ida Peck. William J. Peck , .
Dewitt Bank of LJewitt. Nebraska. G. L. Laws ,
F. II. Selby and Bank of Bartley , Nebraska. ,
defendants , will take notice that on the Mrd
day of December , 1890. The Frees and Hocknoll
Lumber company , plaintiff herein , filed its
petition in the district court of Bed Willow
county , state of Nebraska , against the above-
named defendants , the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted by the defendants , J. s. Selby and
Amanda Selby to plaintiff , upon lots one and
two in block seventy-one , and lots seven , ,
eight and nine in block sixty-one in the town
ot Bartley , Ked Willow county. Nebraska , to f
secure the payment of one promissory note
dated June 1st. IbS ! ) . for the sum of 5450.00 and
interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent-
per annum from maturity , duo and payable
In one year from the datij thereof ; that mere
is now duo upon said note the sum of SmoU'
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent , per annum from the llrst day of June.
1890 , and plaintiff prays for a decree that said
ilefcndants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the-
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
ar before the Hist day of August. 1891.
By W. S. Morlan , its Attorney. Plaintiff.
By virtue of an execution directed to mc-
froui the district court of Ked Willow county ,
. on u judgment obtained before Hon.
J. E. Cochran , Judge of the district court or
Ked Willow county. Nebraska , at the October-
term thereof. A. D. 1887. in favor of John S.
Jones as plaintiff and against William Frulc
as defendant , for the sum of seventy-live dollars
lars and no cents , with irfterest at seven per
cent , from October 25 , 1887. and costs taxed at
? 31.G3 , and accruing costs , I have levied upon
the following real estate taken as the property
of said defendant to satisfy said judgment
to-wit : the five-eights interest in lot 11 , block
21. first addition to the town of McCook. Ne
braska. And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash in hand on the
29th day of August. A. D. 18U. in front of the
south door of the court house , in Indianola ,
Nebraska , that being the building wherein
the last term of court was held , at the hour of
one o'clock. P. M. . of said day. when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated July 17th. 1891. W. A. McCoor , ,
0 Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me-
from tbd district court of Ked Willow county
Nebraska , on a judgmentobtaiued before Hon
J.E. Cochran , judge of the district court of
Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on the . ' 30th day
of March , 1891 , in laver of W. O. McClure as-
plaintiff , and against Gilbert B. and Charlotte
E. Nettleton et al. as defendants , for the sum
six hundred , sixty-eight dollars and twenty-
seven cents , and costs taxed at 837.33 and ac
cruing costs , I have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as the property of said
defendants , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : S.
5.E. M section 3 and N. M N. E. H section lf (
in town. 2 , range 30 , west of 6th P. M. . in Ked
Willow county. Nebraska. And will offertho
same for sale to the highest bidder , for casb
in hand , on the 13th day of June A. D. 1891 , in
front of the south door of the courthouse , in
Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building-
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock. P. M. , of said day ,
when and where due attendance will be gives
by toe undersigned.
Dated May 3th. Ib91. W. A. McCOOL.
50 Sheriff of said County.
The above sale is continued for want of bid'
ders until July 23 , 1891. W. A. McCoor , .
4. Sheriff.
"Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave order *
at Commercial gold. Good well water fur-
oi&faed on short notice.
To cnro Biliousness , Sick Headache , Consti j
pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , taka
the sale and certain remedy ,
Use the SMATJL Size (40 little Beans to the
bottle ) . THEY ARE THE MOST
. .Kcm.
Price of either size. 25c. per Bottle.
, , ,
l Milled for 4 et . ( eopp ri or Unp J.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of
County Commissioners of Red Willow county
Nebraska , will on August 12th , 1S91. at one
o clock , P. M. . at the court house in Indianola
receive sealed bids for furnishing board care
and clothing per week for such paupers as
this county may have. The county to furnish
physician and medicine when necessary for
aaid paupers and to pay for such board , care
and clothing monthly. The Board reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
Indianola , Neb. . July llth , 1S91.
_ C. W. HODGKIX. Chairman
S-J Board of County Commissioners.