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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1891)
* fi 8gtfB ! ! * issm * 55 iS3s ! : 8gtfBV " " * * * /V * . . . . & - Ji * / * y&f ir-- ! ! / - ri * > TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JULY 24,1891. NUMBER 9. FREE ! FREE ! Commencing JULY 8 , 1891 , we will offer our entire stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT AUCTION PRICE ! In order that our stock of Merchandise may be turned into CASH ! CASH ! BY SEPTEMBER 1 , 1891. IB Are And our stock of goods must be turned in cash at PRICES THAT WILL TAKE THE HAIR OFF. Come early and get first choice. This is a bonafide sale and no "catch-penny" sale. The goods must go. H. LAWLER AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co. ' , NEB.OFFICE OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING , MARSH & CLARK , -THE- { "Equipment first-class in all respects and prices reasonable. Opposite the Arlington House. snap aksning prajuaGSBs e he laundry io us iHs Fo What will SAPOLIO do ? Why it will clean paint , make oil-cloths bright , and give the floors , tables and shelves a new appearance. It will take the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. You can scour the knives and forks with it , and make the tin things shine brightly. The wash-basin , the bath-tub , even the greasy kitchen sink will be as clean as a new pin if you use SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all we say. Be a clever housekeeper and try it. SEWA3S OF IMITATIONS. THEEE IS BUT ONE SAFOLIft ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. , NEW YOfcK. The Largest and Finest Stock ! Wishes to call public attention to tlie important fact that his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. J. E. Kelley was a Lincoln guest , Sunday. Judge Cocliran was in Ararpahoe , Wed nesday. W. C. Bullard is in the city , today , on business. Judge C'ochran was a County-seat visitor , Saturday. John It. Hurt had business in Hayes Cen tre , Monday. Supt. Valentine arrived home from Gen eva , Satuidav. Receiver Baumnardner was in Oxford , Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles White returned from Lincoln , Tuesday evening. Father Ilickey was in Benkelman , Tues day , on church work. Banker Quick's cheery presence was felt in our midst , Tuesday. Will llorton has gone to McCook to accept a position as barber there. Edgar Times. Frank Iltiber , Sr. , and family , departed overland for Holt's Summits , Mo. , Tuesday. Deputy Collector Stewart was in town , TuesdavIookiug after the duties of his oflice. II. M.Volfe and George E. Johnston are in Culbertson to-day , closing up the hotel deal. deal.Bert Bert Coldren of Akron , auditor of the Howard Lumber Co. , was a city visitor , last Saturday. County Clerk J. D. Horrell of Stockville had business before the McCook land oflice , last Saturday. Miss Carrie Smith , a sister of Mrs. C. H. Meeker , arrived on the flyer , this noon , from Peoria , ill. , and will make an extended visit. Amos Buck , who is now located in Lin coln in business , was in the city , Monday , on business connected with their lied Willow county affairs. Miss Lillie Eowell departed , yesterday noon , for Denver. She will be absent about three weeks visiting old-time friends in the Centennial state. Rev. Samuel F. Myers and family have moved to Hastings. We understand that the dominie will leave the ministry and will en gage in other work. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bullard took last Sat urday morning's passenger for Omahawhere they are spending this week , guests of their son Will and family. P. A. Wells went in to Lincoln , Tuesday night , to assume charge of his position as cashier of the Merchants Bank , opened up for business in that city , this week. Captain J. C. Drury arrived from Chicago , Monday , and has been up in Frontier county , during the week , looking after his real es tate interests in the Quick neighborhood. Mr. Hocknell went down to Indianola , Monday evening , to ascertain the extent and amount of damage caused their lumber in terests at that place by the storm of Sunday evening. Secretary of State Allen left for Lincoln , Tuesday evening , aftei spending a few days here on business , and in Denver and the mountains on a trip for recreation and sight seeing. Mrs. Ada Osborn arrived in the city , yes terday , and is the guest of her brother J. H. Yarger. Mrs. Osborn is on her way from Denver to Hastings where she will reside in the future. Col. Bill Henton , master of the exchequer , came up from the ochre mine , Saturday evening , to have the yearnings of his music al soul soothed by the inspiring strains of Button's baud. Lieut. Gov. Tom Majors of blue shirt fame was a visitor in the metropolis for a brief while , Tuesday. He was east boind from a trip to the Kockies in company with Sec retary Allen. A Mrs. Willoughby , sister-in-law of Prof. Webster , formerly of Juniata was one of the killed at the railroad accident at Aspen Junction , Colorado , last Sunday morning , Hastings Democrat. CENTURY NOTES. PouKney Bigelow , who was a schoolmate of the German Emperor , will contribute an art- ical to the Midsummer ( August ) Number of The Century on the first three years of the Emperor's reign the third anniversary of bis ascent to the throne having taken place on the 13th of June. Mr. Bigelow believes that "since Frederick the Great no king of Prussia has understood his business like this emperor , " and in this article he gives what he considers the secret of the power of William II. with his people , and incidentally contributes many facts regarding his life. This number ot the Century will be especi ally rich in illustiated articles and complete stories , and the illustrations of Mr. Bigelow's paper will include a number of views of the palaces atjBerlin and Potsdam , and engraved portraits of the Emperor and Empress will form a double frontispiece. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good , if you have a cough , cold , or any trouble with throat , chestorlungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption , coughs and colds. Is guaranteed to give relief , or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself Just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at A. McMillan's drug store. Large size 50c. and (1.00. 8-4ts. GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. 6 , local passenger , 4:25. A.M. No.2 , through passenger , o:50A. M , No. 4. local passenger , 5:40. P.M. No. 78. through freight 10:25 , A. M , Np.128. wny rreljtht 5:55 , A. M , BB Way freight No.130 arrives from west al 4:15 , P.M. . mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M. No.5. local passenger , . . . . 9:150 , P. M , No. 129.vay freight 5:00. A. M. BET"Way freight No. 127 arrives from the east at 7:15 , P. M. PS Through freight No. 73 arrives from east at 5:20 , P. M. , central time. Departs at 4:45. P. M. Stops at Stratton , llenklemiin , Halgler. E39 A1I ahovu trains are daily except way freights Nos. 127. 128. 12U and 130 , which are daily except Sunday. tS No. 137 , Beverly accommodation. leaves atf :15. A. M. Returned , arrives at 9:15A.M. Huns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKI. Airent. G. A. Jt. .National Encampment , Detroit , Mich. , Aug. 3d to 8th. Tickets on sale July 29th to Aug. 2d inclusive , at a rate of lowest first-class rate one way , for the round trip. The Burlington has been selected by the Commander of the Nebraska Department as the official route. The official train running through from Nebraska to Detroit , carrying the Department Commander and stalF , mem bers of the G. A. E. , W. Jt. C. and others , will leave Lincoln at 7CO P. M. , and Omaha at 9:30 : P. M. , Saturday , August 1st , making connections from all parts of the state. Spec ial Sleeping cars have been chartered for the official train at a reduced rate of § 4.50 for double berth from Lincoln and S4.00 from Omaha. For full particulars enquire of J. HULANISKI , Agt. WE "PASS" NOBODY. Engine 83 from the Cheyenne line is shop ped. Barney Lewis and Lon Thatcher are on the sick list. Engineer Geo. W. Conners is entertaining his mother. Mrs. Wfll Davis and daughter departed on to-day's flyer for Denver. Mrs. J. F. Heber and sister were Denver visitors , the first of the week. Assist. Supt. Harman of Uolyoke was at western headquarters , yesterday. Engineer Douglass was doing the "Queen City of the Plains , " the first of the week. SGg Buy a house from S. H. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Brakeman LeHew moved into the proper ty vacated by Conductor Alvard , this week. General Superintendent Calvert went west Tuesday night on No. 5 , en loute to Denver. Superintendent Campbell made a flying visit to Denver , Sunday night on No. 5 , re turning Tuesday. The railroads of this country afford a vast lot of work to men. It is said they employ three million people. C. E. Yates. supt. telegraph , and his first lieutenant Cal. Thompson , were on No. 1 for Denver , Monday. Conductor Alvard was down from Denver , Monday , and moved his family and house hold goods to that city. Capt. K. 0. Phillips , presiding genius of the Lincoln Land Co. , was in the city , Sat urday , looking alter Company interests. $350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi nal town of McCook , only three blocks from business center. Apply to C. F. BABCOCK. A Scotch family of missionaries en route from Japan to Belfast , Ireland , went east on No. 4 , Wednesday. They had ten children eight boys and two eirls. L. W. Stayner and wife of McCook are visiting friends in Edgar. Lawrence has been presiding at the head of a family for nigh onto two years and we are pleased to note , with a reasonable degree of success a little son accompanies them. Times. One of Hastings prettiest young ladies wears a handsome diamond ring , put on her finger by one of the B. & M. conductors , who runs between here and McCook. It will soon be followed by a plain gold one. Democrat. NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS. Corn , although somewhat backward , is mak ing a rapid growth and looks very promising Miss Emma Hanlein is attending the teach ers' normal at Bartley. She expects to bo ab sent from home the remainder of the summer. The heavy wind and rain storm of Sunday evening last did considerable injury to a num ber of pieces of small grain in this immediate neighborhood. Small grain is being taken care of with all possible haste , and those farmers who are fortunate enough to possess a self binder are kept busy almost day and night-Sunday's in eluded. Joe Sanders had quite a misunderstanding with a large weed in his corn field , the other day. and while trying to exterminate the same it seems he exhibited too great an amount of strength and was landed more or less uncere moniously against his cultivator. His expres sions about this time were of a choice jocund nature. CONNIE. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford , New Cassel , Wis. , was troub led with neuralgia and rheumatism , his stomach ach was disordered , his liver was affected to an alarming degree , appetite fell away , and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd , Harrlsburg , 111 , , had a run ning sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and his leg is now strong aud well. John Speaker , Catawba , 0. , had five large fever sores on his leg. doctors said he was incurable. One bottle of Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Ar nica Salve cured him entirely. A. MCMILLEN. J McCOOK , NEBRASKA. GREAT SPECIAL SALE All Goods specially adapted to Summer Use will be sold at a Gome Early Secure the Bargains J , Qlfert Wstts. Lai attention given mail orders. Li DEALERS LUMBE SASH , BOOKS , BLINDS , CEMENT , LEME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , . . . TURKEYS , ic. , & .C. R. A. OOUPE & CO , Props. ISO EILz 15 , AY , $1,080,00 , CASH IZ You can WIN BIG SVIOWEY. Don't miss this opportunity. The IRRIGATION AGE is the ONLY journal in the WORLD devoted XJ the great interests of irrigation. It is meeting with ENORMOUS SUC CESS , but wants 10,000 more SUBSCRIBERS before November 15th , and aroposes to have them at any cost. BIG COMMISSION and bur prizes to AGENTS , and splendid TERRITORY entirely UNWORKED. NO COMPI- ' RyR ? iS5SNt . finSt.CJl s iournal Polished west of Dhicago. ALL IRRIGAT ON NEWS. Just the paper for all farmers in the rngated regions. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS AND INVESTORS WANT IT. Home edition-Denver ; Inter-Mountain edition , Salt Lake City and 3gden ; Coast edition , Los Angeles. Send for aample copies and agents terms and particulars of our great PRIZE OFFER. Address Irrigation Age , Denver , Cole , Railroad Building , THE TRIBUNE AND THE RRIQATION AGE . ONE YEAR FOR $2.00 ; ASH IN ADVANCE. '