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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1891)
* ill TENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JULY 17.1891. NUMBER 8. m , FREE ! FREE ! \ * } Comjiienciiig JULY S , 1891 , wo will offer our entire stock of . > ' * GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT AUCTION PRICE ! In order that our stock of Merchandise may be turned into CASH ! CASH ! BY SEPTEMBER 1 , 1891. il And our stock of goods must be turned in cash at PRICES THAT WILL TAKE THE HAIR OFF. Come early and get first choice. This is a bonafide sale and no "catch-penny" sale. The goods must go. H. LAWLER AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co. s. OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING . - i " LU " % * * - EVERY WATERPROOF COLLAR OR CUFF. I THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP 3 > Jc > t to Stollt ! TO to X > lsooioa t THE MARK BEARS THIS MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. r1 ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER , MCook , Neb. MARSH & CLARK , -THE- "Equipment first-class in all respects and prices reasonable. Opposite the Arlington House. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. , * W. M. Lewis moved lis family ta Culbert- son , tliis week. ; . j County Clm k Iloper "was up on business , Tuesday morning. Sheriff McCnol visited tlie metropolis , Monday , officially. Kcv. J.V. . llickoy spent Tuesday in Has tings , on business of the cloth. II. 11. lietry was down at Oilcans , Wednes day , on business matters. Receiver Bomgardner made a hurried busi ness tlip to Uoldi-ege , Wednesday. E. M. Kimmell continued his journey Pennsylvania-ward on Wednesday. A. J. Thompson has been visiting in the eastern pait of the state , this week. Sheriff Britton and his brother Will were down fioni Hitchcock county , Monday. Mis. Hush W , Cole and the children are off on an extended home visit in Illinois. Miss Susie Cochran , mother and sister de parted , Wednesday morning , for Illinois. John Rowland made a five-year proof on his claim in Grant precinct , last Saturday. Tat Walsh made a trip to the "Queen City of the Plains , " Monday , returning Wednes day. day.Col. Col. Ballew of the McCook Loan & Trust Co. is in Omaha on business , and will be home this evening. Mayor Smith and Ex-Commissioner Crab- tree were up from the county-seat , yester day , on matters political. Governor Powers of Cornell , Hitchcock county , made a pleasant social call at THE TRIBUNE office , Friday afternoon last. Mrs. W. E. Babcock and children were up from Cambridge , the early part of the week , guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock. Mr. Ed. Hyde of the Lincoln News tarried a brief while within the sacred portals of Mc Cook , this morning , en route to the moun tains. Hugh A. Jennett , of Garfield , 111. , is in the city , a guest of C. J. Ryan. He bas exten sive landed interests in Nebraska and m this county. > 6 Manager Joe Evans and family have things more comfortable and convenient since the large addition has been completed to the Hatfield ranch house. W. D. Paine aud son Charlie left , Tuesday evening , for Cedar City , Mo. , on a prospect ing tour in Callaway county , where Will Huber lately purchased a farm. Dr. B. B. Davis was called to Stratton , Wednesday night , to consult with Dr. Barr , whose son was recently injured by a horse. Blood poisoning set in and death resulted yesterday. J. T. BuIIard returned home , Tuesday noon , from a trip of a few days in North western Kansas. The General reports the goose hanging high in that part of the Sun flower State. Banker Peck , the Trenton irrigationist , was down on ditch business on the evening jf Tuesday. He reports the Trenton canal is coming on slowly but with an encourag ing certainty. E. H. Doan entertained bis niece and her husband , Mr. and Mrs. Curry of Benkelman , the first of the week. Thev were on the way to Cedar Rapids , Iowa , and left eastward , Wednesday morning. A. J. Beecher , the capable and energetic stenographer in charge of W. S. Morlan's McCook office , lias resigned his position and will leave for Illinois , in a few weeks , to make his home with his grand parents tiiere. Mrs. T. M. Davis , wife of President Davis of the First National Bank of Beaver City , was the guest of Register and Mrs. J. P. Lindsay , the early days of the Aveek , coming up Saturday and leaving for home on Tues day. Mossrs.Hockiiell and Morlan arrived home , Monday morning , from their trip to the coast and the northwest land. The Deacon brought a choice selection of sturgeon stories along which he takes great pleasure in relating at odd times. Dr. G. W. Curfman , the head of the pro fession at Indianola , was a city visitor , Mon day morning. We understand that the decor - : or contemplates moving to Colorado Springs : o engage in the practice of his profession. Elis departure will mean to the Valley the oss of one of our cleverest gentlemen and iblest doctors. Tom Ruggles came in from King county , Washington , Sunday morning , to look alter lis Red \Villow county affairs. Tom thinks he average Washingtonian is the best single- landed liar on earth , when the advantages of that state are in question ; but for real , ubstantial attractiveness , agriculturally , he hinks Nebraska the peer of them all and ve may look for him back again before nany moons have waxed and waned. McCook is bubbling over with mirth to night at the expense of Felix Kennedy , a oting gentleman quite prominent in the J. & M. service as well as in society circles. He was married very quietly , yesterday morning , and intended to keep it a profound ecret , but his brother railroaders soon got lold of it and prepared a little surprise for he gentleman. This evening , while on his vay to supper , he was seized by the boys and he good-natured young man was tumbled into a little two-wheeled cart drawn by about 200 B. & M. employes , and , headed by the McCook brass band , proceeded through the principal streets amid the cheers of the mob which had followed. After the parade Mr. Kennedy showed his appreciation to the im mense crowd in the proper style. Special in Denver News , July 15th. State Convention ED worth League.Methodis Burlington church , Kearney , Neb. July IBth-lOth. Ticket : on sale July 13th-19th inclusive. Passengers paying full fare going will b < returned at one-third rate on presentation ol certificate sicned by the proper officer of tlu meeting , on guarantee that there has been ai attendance of 100 or more who have paid fill : fare on the going tiip , unless otherwise stated. J. HUI.AXISKI. WE "PASS" NOBODY. Brakeman George Goodwin is entertaining his mother. Fireman Bint Godwin went east , Saturday , on a visit to Iowa fiiends. Stipt. Haimon fioiu the Cheyenne line called in McCook , Sunday last. Ex-Con. Alvaul will remove his family fiom this city to Denver in a short time. dpBuy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Conductor John Morris returned , Sunday noon.fiom an extended visit in eartern parts. Mrs. R. B. Simmonds went cown to St. Joe , Wednesday , on a visit to Mrs. S. E. Harvey. Ben Bowen and sister , Miss Kate , leave for Iowa , the first of coming week , on a home visit. Engineer Warren Fuller made his initial trip , a few days ago , on No. 233 on the west ern division. Superintendent Motive Power R. B. Archi bald looked after general affairs in Denver , the past week. Engineer George Johnston visited with his parents , fore part of the week , returning to duty Tuesday. Frank Harris of Stipt. Campbell's office in dulged in a visit to Denver , Monday , ictiirn- ing home on Tuesday morning. § 350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi nal town of McCook , only three blocks from business center. Apply to C. F. BABCOCK. E. W. Pitcher , C. P. A. at Denver , has been appointed T. P. A. in place of L. C. Blakslee , who has been appointed T. F. A. Captain Tibbitts , the oldest passenger so licitor in the world , went east on No. 2 , Thursday morning , en route to Kansas and adjacent territory. Oxford & Kansas R. R. is the latest organi zation incorporated to build in Nebraska and Kansas. Well known Burlington officials are chiefly represented. The Burlington ran a special train consist ing of nine cars from Omaha to Toronto , Sunday last , conveying delegates to the an nual convention of school teachers. "In the formation of a single locomotive steam engine there are nearly 0,000 pieces to be put together and these require to be as accurately adjusted as the works of a watch. " Mrs. J. H. Burns went to Hastings on No. I , Tuesday morning , to have photos taken af her children , who will be the youngest of x group of five representing the fifth genera tion , all living and comparatively well. With large additional forces the reputation of the western division regarding smooth track is being sustained , which has suffered greatly the past three months by the wonder ful change in rain fall wholly unexpected in the desert land. Engineer Sanborn with No. 223 has made the fastest run yet with second No. 1 : Leav ing McCook one hour behind the flyer and overtaking her in a distance of eighty-three miles. The rate of speed being over fifty miles per hour. Next ! 41 passenger and 15 freight conductors were discharged from the employ of the Illinois Central lailway , a few days ago , their ser vices reaching from New Orleans to Sioux City. An investigation having been called the result is awaited by many indirectly in terested with a great deal of anxiety. Conductor Benne flies high , these days , in fact he only touches the high places. The reason for all this is the receipt Monday , of an elegant and rich charm and ring from Stipt. Phelan of the Black Hills line. Both the articles are made of pure Black Hills gold and are handsome and most bighly piized by Conductor Bonno. L. W. Anderson , a B. & M. engineer , start ed fiom his residence at Wymore to the lound house about 3 o'clock , Sunday morning , and had gone but a short distance when he was sand-bagged and robbed. A switchman found him about daylight as he was going home ami procuring help , took him to the switch shanty , where he laid unconscious for about three hours. The thieves secured about § 13 in money , but did not get his watch. During the wild storm , Sunday night , a bad wreck occurred on the B. & M. a mile east of Red Cloud. Xo. 75 , a freight train running between that city and Wymore , due in Red Cloud at 3 o'clock , P. M. , ran into a stock car which was blown out on the main track by the high wind. The freight was going at a speed of about twenty-five miles an hour and the stock car , propelled by the wind , was running at about the same rate of speed. "Kid" Norton , the engineer , saw the coming car , reversed his engine and jumped from the cab. The fireman stayed at his post. Neither of the men was seriously injured. The five cars which comprised the freight train were thrown from the track , one of them being turned over on the side. The en gine was badly wrecked , the whole front end being smashed in and the pilot , smoke-stack and bell , with the cab , being torn off. The tender was thrown from the track and turn ed completely around. The stock car was smashed into kindling wood. No one on the train received a scratch. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. GREAT SPECIAL SALE I COMMENCE ; All Goods specially adapted to Summer Use will be sold at a Gome Early Secure the Bargains. Lai attention given mail orders. Tk H JU , DEALERS INI MBE SASH , DOORS , BLIISDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. H. & M. Meat Market , FRESH AND SALT , MEATS , , BACON BOLOGNA , TURKEYS. CHICKENS 4C. , & .C. R. A OOUPE & CO. , Pro-Da You can Wifti BIG MONEY. Don't miss this opportunity. The IRRIGATION AGE is the ONLY journal in the WORLD devoted to the great interests of irrigation. IL is meeting with ENORMOUS SUC CESS , but wants 10,000 more SUBSCRIBERS before November 15th , and proposes to have them at any cost. BIG COMMISSION and big prizes to AGENTS , and splendid TERRITORY entirely UNWORKED. N.O COMPJ- TETION. Thirty pages , Illustrated , finest class journal published west ot Chicago. ALL IRRIGATION NEWS. Just the paper for all farmers in the irrigated regions. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS AND INVESTORS WANT IT. Home edition , Denver ; Inter-Mountain edition , Salt Lake City and Ogden ; Coast edition , Los Angeles. Send for sample copies and agents terms and particulars of our great PRIZE OFFER. Address Irrigation Age , Denver , Cole , Railroad Building. THE TRIBUNE AND THE RRIGATION AGE ONE YEAR FOR $2.00 CASH IN ADVANCE.