The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1891, Image 4

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BENKELHAN has but one news
paper , but oue legitimate enter
prise The Bee. Her citizens and
business men should foster it.
HASTINGS , August 18th , has been
selected as the place for holding
the independent people's state con
vention. Bed Willow county is
entitled to six delegates.
"THERE are good things to be
said in praise of Socialism or Na
tionalism as compared with the
crushing and wealing methods of
competition. But what the world
is waiting for is the thinker who
shall either show us how to recon
cile the new system with human
liberty or else convince us that we
can do without liberty. "
THE only opposition to the re
election of Judge J. E. Cochran
for Judge of the 14th Judicial Dis
trict , comes from some aspirant for
the position , and they are so feeble
as to be heard only in the imme
diate neighborhood of the aspir
ants. Judge Cochran's ability is
unquestionable , and his past record
is unimpeachable. He is wedded
to justice and has no alliance with
partiality. Those who oppose him
will do so from a personal interest
and not for the public good.
Benkleman Pioneer.
THE state central committee was
in session at Lincoln , Wed
nesday. It was decided to hold
the state convention at Lincoln on
Thursday , September 14th. The
basis of representation was fixed
ou one delegate for every 150 votes
cast for attorney general , and one
at large , from each county. No
proxies are to be allowed , but del
egates present may cast full vote
of delegation. A motion prevail
ed that the officers of the central
committee be the temporary offi
cers of the convention.
As IT will take at least two years
at the present rate of flow to fill the
dry lake in the desert in Southern
California , there is of course no
immediate danger that trains cross
ing that region will be lost. The
railroad company will be able to
protect the track from overflow for
at least two months , and then if the
water continues to pour in it will be
posssble to make a detour with the
road and aban'don the old line to
its fate. There is not much hope ,
however , that the lake will become
permanent. Water does not stay
long under a temperature of 100
degrees. It would be an excellent
thing for California if the map were
changed for good , but it is expect
ed that the old geographies will be
accurate again after the sun has
had a fair chance to interview that
body of water. Journal.
THERE is a good prospect that
substantial progress in spelling re
form will be made during the com
ing year. A start is to be made
immediately. It happens that the
national teachers' association will
meet at Toronto on the same date
as the national editorial convention
at St. Paul , and it has been pro
posed that a joint committee be
appointed to decide upon certain
reforms that can be started in the
schools and in the newspapers
simultaneously and without further
delay. If this idea is carried out
it is probable that only a compara
tively small number of changes
will be made at the beginning. If
it is found that the revised spelling
meets with general favor , the re
form can be pushed still further at
each annual meeting until the use
less letters are wiped out of the
spelling book. If the schools and
newspapers cannot bring about
this needed reform it might as well
be given up at once as a hopeless
job. Journal
Prom tbo Donklonmn flue. ' Independent.
Down in Red Willow county
there are a number of lawyers who
have recently united with the inde
pendent party and of course they
want an office and want it bad , and
the office of District Judge would
suit anyone of them particularly
well , and in their efforts to secure
the nomination for said office on
the independent ticket they are
leaving "no stone unturned. " The
fact that a strong sentiment favor
ing conferring the independent
nomination upon Judge Cochran ,
the present incumbent of the office
of District Judge , has developed
among the farmers of the Eleventh
Judicial District , intensely alarms
these lawyers referred to , and they
are busy formulating schemes cal
culated to shut the Judge out of
the race entirely. At Indianola the
other day the independent county
central committee of Red Willow
county assembled together for the
purpose of transacting political
business. At this meeting these
"granger lawyers"who are anxious
to dispense justice on the district
bench , managed to secure the pas
sage of the following resolutions ,
which have been scattered broad
cast over the district. They are
designed to whip the independent
farmer into line , but they will fail
in the design and redound to the
injury of their authors. The farm
ers hate a whipper-in or a ring
master as the devil hates holv water.
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of the state of Nebraska are claim
ing that the office of District Judge
is not a political office , and that
all District Judges should be nonpartisans -
partisans and
WHEREAS ; Inasmuch as the re
publican and democratic parties
have always adhered to the princi
ple of nominating and electing to
the office of District Judge strong
partisans of the political faith of
their parties and have never advo
cated the principle that the office
is not a political office until the
independent party was formed and
that each President of the United
States has always adherred to the
principle of appointing strong par
tisan judges to the important posi
tions of United States District and
United States Supreme Judges ,
and that when the present incum
bent of this Judicial District was
appointed his recommendation had
to state that he was a strong par
tisan of the political faith of the
party then in power , and for the
further consideration that under
our republican form of government
it is impossible for any man hold
ing any political ideas to be nonpartisan -
partisan , and
WHEREAS ; The republican party
is about to bring torward an old
party wheel horse for District
Judge , and that there is some
doubt as to there being republi
cans and ringsters enough to elect
him , and
WHEREAS ; They claim that it is
not a political office and are asking
that their candidate be nominated
or endorsed by the national party ,
WHEREAS ; It has been the cus
tom of old parties to assess all
postmasters and other officers of
any importance for campaign pur
poses and
WHEREAS ; In 1892 we will go
through a national campaign that
will be closely contested , and
should the old party deception be
successful and old party judges be
elected it will enable the old par
ties to assess the judges about
§ 500 each for the purpose of rais
ing funds to carry on the campaign
against the national party , and
WHEREAS ; The national party
contains plenty of true and tried
material to fill the office of District
Judge as well as every other office
in the gift of the people who have
worked hard and earnestly for the
success of the cause without payer
or recompense ; therefore
ple's National Central Committee
of Bed Willow county , state of
Nebraska , at a regular meeting
held at Indianola , June 20th , 1891 ,
that it would not be equitable and
just with ourselves and party that
when an office of importance is to
be filled , to virtually say by our
actions that the material in our
party is incompetent , suspicious
JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
Light Underwear ,
Negligee Shirts ,
Straw & Crush Hats ,
Neckwear ,
Hosiery ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Other
Furnishing Goods.
June 26. 1891.
and unworthy of our support and
is below the trusted and tried
material of our enemy.
we are in favor of nominating and
electing men of our own political
faith , whom we know to be in sym
pathy with our cause , and who
have renounced allegiance to all
old political parties and not say by
our actions , "We are afraid of our
own members and are compelled
to go back to the g. o. p. ranks to
find a man whom we dare trust. "
Adopted in full at a meeting of
People's National Central Commit
tee at Indianola , June 20th , 1891.
T "R
Isaac M. Smith , Secretary.
THE officials of the department
of agriculture believe the farmers
will not avail themselves of the
Nebraska warehouse law to any
great extent this year. Why not ?
The warehouse act goes into effect
August 1st. There is a large sur
plus in the state. There is ware
house room for a considerable portion
tion of it. Why should the de
partment conclude that the Ne
braska farmer will continue to sell
all his surplus grain immediately
after harvest when he knows to a
moral certainty that prices this
winter will be better than for years
proceeding ? The trouble with
the department is that it does not
understand the Nebraska law and
does not appreciate the opportuni
ties it offers the farmer. The rail
road companies believe they will
feel the effects of the law in a bet
ter equilibrium of traffic. The
railways know more about the pro
bable effects of the law than the
clerical farmers in the agricultur
al department. Bee.
I have a fine lot of hay , bottom hay ,
for sale. Persons ncedinghay can leave
word at D. C. Marsh's livery barn , op
posite the Arlington Hotel , and same
will be promptly delivered to any part
of the city at lowest market price.
June 4th. 1891. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settlers hare filed notice of their inten
tion to make final five year proof in support
of their claims and that said proofs will be
made betore Kegister or Receiver at McCook ,
Neb. , on Saturday , July llth. 1891 , viz :
who made H. E. 2928 for the E. 1A N. W. sec.
35 , and S. Vt S. W. Ji sec. 28. town. 1 , north ot
range 30. west of 6th P. M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz :
Edward Ackerman. Daniel D. Uurucs , William
H. Benjamin. August Wescn , all of Danks-
ville. Neb. ; also
who made H. E. 2615 for the E. X N. W. Ji of
sec. 34 and W. y N. W. J4 of sec. 35 , in town. 1.
north of range 'M , west ot (3th ( P. M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said
laud , viz : John Uowland , Elins B.Nelson.Wil-
liam H. Benjamin. Alvin Heajamin. all of
Banksyille. Neb. J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a Judgment obtained before Hon.
J. E. Cochran. judge of the district court of
Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the 30th day
of March , 1891 , in tavor of W. O. MoClure as
plaintiff , and against Gilbert B. and Charlotte
E. Nettleton et al. as defendants , for the sum
six hundred , sixty-eight dollars and twenty
seven cents , and costs taxed at $37.38 and ac
cruing costs. I have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as the property of salt
defendants , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : S.J4
S. E. H section 3 and N. H N. E. M section 10
In town. 2 , range 30. west of Oth P. M. . in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. And will offerthe
same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash
in hand , on the 13th day of June A. D. 1891. in
front of the south door of the court house , in
Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock. P. M. . of said day ,
when and where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated May 5th. 1691. W. A. McCooL ,
50 Sheriff of said County.
The above sale is continued for want of bid
ders until July 25.1891. W. A. McCoot.
4. Sheriff.
State of Nebraska. I _ In the matter of the
Red Willow County. JBH- estate of Frank H.
Fowler , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Hen
rietta Fowler praying that administration of
said estate may be granted to her as adminis
tratrix. Ordered that July 13th , A. D. 1891. at
9 o'clock , A. M. is assigned for hearinu said
petition , when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to be
held in and for said county and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should not bt
granted , and that notice of thependingof said
petition and the bearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in THE McCooK
TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Dated June 22d , 1&91. J. H. BERGE.
5-3ts. County Judge.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. McConnell -
Connell & Co. , Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr.
L. W. McConnell & Co , ,
Wall Paper Dealers
Carry a complete line of
Perfumes ,
Toilet Powders ,
Sponges ,
Brushes ,
Soaps ,
Cosmetics ,
\ < t
Summer Dress Goods.
Parasols , damaged by rain , from 25C up.
Clothing & Furnishing Goods.
"White Shirts , damaged by rain , $ .50
Pereaile Shirts , dsmaged by rain , .SO
Pereaile Shirts , with collars and cuffs , .76
Pereaile Shirts , witn collars and cuffs , l.OO
White Vests from - - $1.OO up
Linen Coats and Vests from - l.OO up.
Selling Linen Goods = VERY CHEAP.
r.J. . WARRRN. Manager.
A woman may sei and a Woman may spin ,
And a Woman may WorK all day ,
But ! .vital S TAtuf comes into feer fiouse
Then vfcnisJi all troubles aWay.
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
The Largest and Finest Stock !
Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that
iiis stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest
finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar-
intees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite-
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.
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