The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1891, Image 1
7 TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JULY 10,1891. NUMBER 7. FEEE ! Commencing JULY 8 , 181J1 , wowill offer our entire stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT All D ILK In order that our stock of Merchandise may be turned into C H ! CASH BY SEPTEMBER 1 , 1891. And our stock of goods must be turned in cash at PRICES THAT WILL TAKE THE HAIR OFF Come early and get first , choice. This is a boiinfide sale and no "catch-penny" sale. The goods must go. AGENT LINCOLN LAND Cc NEB.OFFICE OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING A CITY LUXURY. Just as the city looks to the country for most of the luxuries used on its tables , so the country must turn to the city for those conven iences which are justly termed luxuries for the hard-working house- wife. City housekeepers have learned to realize that to save time is to lengthen life. is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake is used an hour is saved. On floors , tables and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots , pans and metals it has no equal. IF YOUR STOREKEEPER DOES NOT KEEP IT YOU SHOULD INSIST UPON HIS DOING SO , as it always gives satisfaction and its immense sale all over the United States makes it an almost necessary article to any well-supplied store. Everything shines after its use , and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. WM , M.ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER , . . , . , M9Cook , Neb. TH ! f AID _ . x itf Qcncxd MFG. . Nfi . 1 Farm . Hnrnpt" . . For * .8 Ycara have dealt direct with consincc : iiu. i i U.UH uu.1 iiuw. . at wholesale lirieen. taringthrailhs dealer1 ! profit. We fellip tiny\vIjCTC , ith privilege of eicmming before buying. Ab.ISCsrf _ . , \V * nn 4Tr T rIi fcnnrT > a Vvo + i Trrirrc * f T-n j Ti m , mrSlO t ! 5."JO to ccnr.3 nuddlenian to cniar for thcia. Wo giro no credit , UEJi lure ONE PRICE ONLY II Platfcrm , Tirsc-Spi-Ins or Comninnticn 1 \ \ auous , S6O ; Eaa as others _ . sell _ at § 5. * t'nrk Inrp vl vf 1 * X wuuV .U * OV Ho. 41 Wagon . Boxing/ree.We tola all rt i o/cZamaj/e'ii'niAffyinjI OUR HARNESS Are an No. 1 Oak I/eathet. HInRle , SO to 82O. IJgUt Doable , 82O to 840. "i I ri L , B , PRATT , Sec'y , EUHABT , IND. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not 'What the Truth May Be I Tell it as Twas Told to Me. " Judge LeIIew visited in Graf ton , Sunday Joe Wells returned to Geneva , Wednesday morning. George Elbert , the painter , is having ai addition built to his house. Will Swnrtz is shaking hands with his McCook friends , this week. lion. N. V. Ilarlan and son of York wcrt Commercial guests , Sunday. Dr. G. W. Curfnian , Indianola's leading physician , is in the city today. Photographer Smart is entertaining his father from Missouri , this week. Con llyan is down at Grafton , aggressively preaching progressive McCook. II. P. Sutton made a business pilgrimage to the state's metropolis , this week. Mrs. F. n. Higgins and children departed Kansas City-ward , Monday evening. F. D. Burgess and family celebrated at Arapahoe , where Frank's father resides. Geo. W. Hurt of Indianola felt the pulse of his Alliance friends in this vicinity , yes terday. Mrs. C. M. Collins will depart , tomorrow morning , for Chicago , where her husband is now employed. W. W. W. Jones , ex-state superintendent , came up from the state capital , yesterday , on a brief visit. President W. F. Hingland of the Presby terian college at Hastings spent the Sabbath day in McCook. Editor Risley of the Culbertson Kepublican , and estimable and talented wife , were city visitors , Monday evening. Prof. Win. Smith , "the grand old man" of the Inter-Ocean , JBartley , spent a few hours with us , Monday morning. Mrs. C. L. Leper and family leave for the World's Fair City , tomorrow morning , where the Professor is now located. Mrs. W. E. Smith and Miss Edna Colvin of Arapahoe were the guests of Squire and Mrs. S. II. Colvin from Saturday to Monday evening. James Burke , who has been recuperating lis health in this city for the past months , las gone to Boston and enterred a school of dentistry. Frank Carruth , president of the McCook lectric Light Co. , was up from Plattsmouth , Friday last , closing up the organization of the company. Banker Peck of Trenton gazed at the chief city through his gold rimmed spectacles , Tuesday morning , while down on some irri gation business. D. K. Carpenter of the Indianola Alliance Herald , the repudiated , would-be organ of the Red Willow county Alliance , was a city visitor , yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Colvin and Mr. and Mrs. Clark leave to-day for a three days'trij up in Hayes county , where the Squire ij looking up some collections. Miss Melissa Smith , who has been the guest of her sister , Mrs. J. A. Wilcox , during the year gone , will leave for Washington , Illinois , Monday morning coming. Mr. John HatGeld of alfalfa fame will leave for his Decatur , 111. , home to-morrow. It is his present determination to return to McCook next spring and make this his home. Mr. and Mrs. Howe Smith depart Toronto- ward tomorrow morning. Mrs. Nettleton will leave on Monday morning. They will compose our contingentto the great teachers' convention. Mrs. G. B. Nettletou came up from Wayne , Neb. , Saturday evening , to superintend the shipping of the residue of their household effects down to Wayne , whither she went on the night train Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Donaldson of Girard , 111. , are spending some time in the city , on account of the health of an invalid daughter. They have rooms in Conductor Chapin's liouse on Madison street. President Franklin of the Citizens Bank made a flying business trip to Denver , Tues day. He reports the "Queen City of the Plains" as suffering from dull times in common with other western cities. George E. Johnston was in Denver , last of jast week , negotiating for purchase of the ! otel Richelieu. But as some enemy of the louse came near destroying the building by fire while he was there the matter was drop ped for the present. E. M. Kimmell , who was associated with us in the publication of THE TIUBUXE in an early day , but who has been on the Pacific coast for the past three years , arrived from Seattle , Wash. , Monday morning , on his way to Somerset , Penna. , where he will enter upon his studies for a new career in the realms of medicine and surgery. Buck fen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts , sores , bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all shin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. GOING KAST CKNTKAL TIME LEAVES. No. 6. 'odd passenger 4:25. A. M No.2. through passenger , n:50. A. M No. 4. Inculpassenger 5-JO. P. M No. 78. through freight 10:25 , A. M No. 128. wny freight 5:55 , A. M | 3FWay freight No.130 arrives from west n 4:15. P.M. . mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No.l , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M No. 5. local passenger 9:30 , P. M No. 129 , vay freight 5:00. A. M 63y Way freight No. 127 arrives from thi enstat7:15 , P. M. f Through freight No. 73 arrives from ens ntii:20. P. M. . central time. Departs at 4:45 P. M. Stops nt Stratton , lienkleman. Hnlgler WE "PASS" NOBODY. \j. B. Stiles took his family up to Denvei on the Fourth. 9 Assist. Supt. Highland of the Lyons Inn was at headquarters , Tuesday. Headmaster McFarland of Red Cloud wa. a visitor at headquarters , yesterday. Felix Kennedy , the boss boiler man , cele brated in Omaha , going in Friday night. [ g "Buy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Conductor White returned from the moun tains Wednesday where he spent the Fourth. E. McLean and wife of the Chicaco gen eral ticket oflice went west on No. 1 Tuesday. A cut of S1.40 on Denver and Chicago first class passenger rate has been announced by the Burlington. Fifty-nine engines and 800 freight cars have been ordered by the Burlington to be built as soon as possible. Contracts are reported to have been let for a 40-mile cut off between Troy Junction and Preston on the B. & M. Geo. Laverty looked after minor details fore part of week on the west end coming home on No. 4 Wednesday. No. 5 was five hours late arriving Wednes day morning , owing to heavy rains , causing dislocated track and bridges. Mr. T. S. Houland and family went west Monday night on No. 5 with special coach , on a tour of health and business. 5350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi nal town of McCook , only three blocks from business center. Apply to C. F. BABCOCK. C. H. Howard , formerly advertising agent of the Burlington at Omaha , has been ap pointed assistant city ticket agent at Denver. No. 1 Tuesday made up one hour and 25 minutes from McCook to Denver , the train having been delayed between Crete and Lin coln by high water. From frequent freshets Bridge Superin tendent Perry and Trainmaster Kenyon are kept extra busy in the act of maintenance of the way , 2 bridges having been damaged by Monday nights storm. Alex Hagberg has resigned his position as section foreman on the B. & M. , and will hereafter rank as a horny-handed granger. Can it be possible that "Aleck" has designs on the alliance. Arapahoe Miror. A special coach load of delegates to Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor went east on No. 2 , Wednesday morning , enroute to Minneapolis , accompanied by Mr. E. W. Pitcher of Denver tinkftft nffinp. ns rlirpp.fnr. Conductor Burns went out to see the ele phant Sunday at Manhattan Beach , Denver , but was soon frightened away by the terrible accident where one was Killed and another badly hurt by the savageness of the hugh monster. L. Briggs of the Nickel Plate , F. C. Smith of the Traders' Despatch Line and W. C. Price of the E. T. V. & G. , thought McCook the prettiest small town they had encoun tered in the west as they passed along on No. 1. Tuesday. It is rumored that the Burlington has gained full control of the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway which has been operated jointly by the Rock Island , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and Burlington , better known as the "Albert Lea Route. " Brakeman John Van Dike had the misfor tune to lose the first finger and a portion of the thumb from his right hand in coupling cars at Indianola , this morning. Dr. Davis amputated the smashed members and the injured man is getting along as well as may be under the painful circumstances. Engine No. 22S , Engineer Bailey , on No. 1 Tuesday covered the 144 miles in 3 hours. The total time consumed being 3 hours and 15 minutes ; deducting two stops for water of 5 minutes eacli and 5 minutes for setting out diner would make the average fast time of 4S miles per hour. The many friends of Mr. Welch will rejoice to learn of the following good fortune : PADUCAH , TENX. & ALA. R. R. Co. , Paducah , Ky. , July 1st , 1S91. f Mr. C. M. Wead having resigned the posi tion of General Freight and Passenger Agent of this company , Mr. A. J. Welch is hereby appointed Acting General Freight and Pas senger Agent , with headquarters at Paducah , Ky. , taking effect this date. T. H. PORYEAB , President. Your correspondent would like to know how the contributor to the article regarding the number of puffs a locomotive makes in going 60 miles ner hour gets his solution , which he puts at 52,500. Some engines would make more , some less , the diameter of the driving wheel governs. As all engines make four puffs for each revolution he should have stated the exact diameter ( if he knew ) of driving wheels , which would be more explicit to any one mechanically inclined or liable to know. To make 52,800 puffs in one hour at the rate of 60 miles per hour , a driving wheel must be 7 ft. , 7 in. and 911-1300 of an inch in diameter. J. Lfc McCOOK , NEBRASKA. GREAT SPECIAL SALE ; wiLL COMMENCE : All Goods specially adapted to Summer Use will be sold at a Mill ri Secure the Bargains , SS Special attention given mail orders. = DEALERS INE LUMBER ! SASH , BOOKS , BLIKDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. B. & M. Meat Market , FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , TURKEYS , ic. . &c. R , A OOUPE & CO. ; Props. faUU IN You can WIRs BIG Y , Don't miss this opportunity. The IRRIGATION AGE is the ONLY journal in the WORLD de-voted o the great interests of irrigation. Ic is meeting trith ENORMOUS SUC CESS , but wants 10,000 more SUBSCRIBERS before November loth , and iroposes to have them at any cost. BIG COMMISSION and bi"- prizes to IGENTS , and splendid TERRITORY entirely UNWORKED. NO COMPI- ETI ON. Thirty pages , illustrated , finest class journal published west of Jhicago. ALL IRRIGATION NEWS. Just the paper for all farmers in the rrigated regions. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS AND INVESTORS lyAiNTrT ! - H me eiition' ( Denver ; Inter-Mountain edition , Salt Lake City and ) gden ; Coast edition , Los Angeles. Send for sample copies and agents terms and artioulars of our great PRIZE OFFER. Address Irrigation Age , Denver , Cole , Railroad Building. THE TRIBUNE AND THE IRRIGATION AGE ONE YEAR FOR $2.0O ASH IN ADVANCE.