The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1891, Image 5

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I am prepared to fill a few
applications at once. Money on
hand when application is approv
ed. J. E. KELLEY.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at NobleV.
The next attraction will be a circus
July 22d.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
Ryan &Noren insure all crops against
hail. Loses paid promptly.
Before painting your house consult
Chenery at the City Drug Store.
Superior flour.
A full line of stationery at popular
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock oi' spring clothing.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
Crete flour has no superior and but
few equals. Knipple has just received
an entire car load of it.
Parties wishing 500 pound lots of
flour will save money by calling on
Red Willow County Teachers' Insti
tute will be held in Indianola , August
I7th to 28th. Program next week.
An elegant line of perfumes , toilet
articles , etc. , at
S. M. Cochrane & Co. are agents for
he Piano and Walter A. Woods Bin
ders. They are the best in the market.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to atronize Rear of The
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
You will be needing binding twine
soon. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are pre
pared to fill your orders at lowest mar
ket price.
Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and
the like must be fresh and clean to be
desirable. Knipple makes a specialty
of these points.
If you need a Binder or a Header call
on S. M. Cochrane & Co. They sell
the Walter A. Woods and Piano Bin
ders and the Randolph Header , machines
not excelled in the world.
Marsh , the Liveryman , by his square
dealing and excellent service , is gradu
ally gathering the cream of the livery
trade. He is becoming more thorough
ly equipped every day to give the public
the best livery service in the valley.
A resident of the Republican Valley
writing to friend in this city says that
in his twenty years residence in that
section he never seen so much water.
Every little stream is a raging torrent
and the Republican river is in some
places two miles in width. Hastings
The Hewett Musetts gave very satis
factory entertainments in the opera
house , Tuesday and Wednesday even
ings , to good audiences. Their music
was especially fine and was most en
thusiastically received. The efforts of
the cornetist have never been equalled
in this city. All in all the perform
ances were praiseworthy above the
The blind may see ,
The mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear
The maimed may walk ,
And Johnnie may have the possess *
ion of his gun ; bat the time will never
come when you can buy first-class cloth
ing at the low prices obtainable at the
Red Cloud flour.
New hay iu selling at $5 per ton.
Try Knipple for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Ryan & Noren insure all crops agains
hail. Loses paid promptly.
Knipple has just received a car loa <
of the celebrated Crete MilU flour.
White and figured Windsor' ' Ties
all the' rage ut the Eagle Clothing
Store. 44 |
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of caune (
goods of all kinds.
A piano for sale or trade for a lean
of horses , or McCook property. In
quire at this office.
See Knipple in his new quarters in
the Union block. Everything nice in
fruits , groceries , etc.
Drink Seltzer Water , the most cool
ing and refreshing drink known , at
Chenery's City Drug Store.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
Chenery at the City Drug Store uses
only pure fruit juices in making syrups
for his soda fountain.
HANGING LAM PS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Do you want the latest and best and
cheapest ? Well , they keep a large
variety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
liis prices correspond with the times.
Use "The Best" Sticky Fly Paper ,
made fresh daily at
The Randolph Header is sold by S.
M. Cochrane & Co. See them before
auying your harvesting machinery.
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
at a very reasonable figure.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
ot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy ,
jrents who are accustomed to have their
shirts made to order give us a trial
order. We guarantee a good fit and
reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS.
Nothing succeeds like success. Noth-
ng in the livery business takes the
mblic eye and fanny like good horses
md comfortable vehicles. With these
Marsh gives prompt service and courte
ous treatment.
sale on easy terms several Threshing
Machines , with horse-powers or engines ,
which have been used only one season
ind are as good as new.
5-4ts J. B. JENNINGS , McCook , Neb.
The season of the year is approach-
ng when pants will be fashionable.
We do not refer to the dog days. We
lave in mind the large stock and fine
assortment of pants just received by
lave anything you want in size , color ,
or quality. Prices are right.
FOR SALE Part of my irrigated
arm near McCook , in small lots to
suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat
er rent. Good chance for small fruit
arms. Have had two years' experi
ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil-
ow county with irrigation.
P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb.
The principle of reciprocity is worthy
he brain of the greatest American citi
zen Hon. James G. Blaine. There is
another great idea , however , of no small
mportance to McCook , it is the encour
agement of manufacturing establish
ments to locate in our midst and the
> rOper support of the same when they
lave cast their fortunes with us. It is
lighly business like and when carried
nto effect results in the wonderful up-
milding of a city. THE TRIBUNE wants
, o suggest in passing that it is about
he proper caper for the smoking pub
ic to remember that Reizenstein manu-
actures some of the best brands of
igars to be bought in McCook. Go
nd reciprocate. Joe will meet you
half way.
Rev. W. C. Stevenson has been se-
ured by the Congregational Home Mis-
ion Society to undertake their work at
VlcCook. Rev. Mr. Stevenson is a man
of some note , having been converted
under D. L. Moody in Dublin , Ireland ,
ome years ago. Mr. Moody was so
much pleased with him that he took
lim for an assistant on the trip through
Dngland and Scotland. After the great
evangelist returned to this country he
ent back for Mr. Stevenson and had
lim come to this country to again assist
n revival work. After this Mr. S. went
nto the Moody training school at North-
field , Mass. , and took a complete coarse
of study. Since then he has been in
evival work in the east. McCook is
ortunate to get such a man , and must
urely advance under his leadership ,
lespite the great damage done religious
work by the Rev. Joel Kelsey , late of
that place. Cambridge Kaleidoscope.
Ice Cream Soda at
L.W. McCONNELL & Co.'s.
Humboldt flour.
: c
Hon. ChurlcH T. Brewer is Mayor o
the City of McCook ; but he is not the
city council.
On next Monday morning Prof. Val
entinu will commence institute work ir
Geneva , Fiilmore county.
Another ntir will be added to the
flag after the Fourth of July to rcpre
pent Wyoming , the last state admitted
morning and evening by Rev. D. L. Mo
Bride at ll:30 : and 8:30 : , respectively
Sixteen proofs in one day is the rccon
of Tuesday's work in the local lam
office. It is not often exceeded these
quiet times.
A daughter was born to Mrs. C. N.
Batuhelor , Sunday morning. Bert has
discarded his knee breeches and all are
getting along nicely.
The Indianola District Camp Meet
ing , this year , will be hold in Cambridge
commencing on 5th of August anc
closing August 17th.
A very impressive scene indeed was
the baptism of Mrs. Lucetta Raines in
the M. E. church , last Sunday morning ,
by Rev. Mather. The candidate is a
The veterinary outfit and supplies ol
Dr. Beck were levied upon , Monday , by
J. H. O'Neil. The matter was settled ,
however , without resorting to sale ol
the property.
The readjustment of salaries for post
masters of the third clat > s reduces In-
dianola from $1,100 to $1,000 , to take
effect July 1st. Culbertson is made a
fourth class office.
They do say : That Indianola's sil
ver-tongued mayor , Pop Gun Smith , is
determined to be in the swim ; so much
so that upon his own solicitation he was
"invited" to orate at the great celebra
tion to be held at Stockville , July 4th.
The band , Ore department , and scores
of citizens will attend the Red Cloud
celebration , tomorrow. There will be
numerous visitors to other celebrations
about us. and the city no doubt will re
semble a deserted village , on our natal
A plan is suggested to purchase the
Jliver place on South Side and convert
t into a resort and fair grounds. It is
under the irrigation ditch. Has a beau
tiful grove of large trees , and would
nake a most entrancing place for the
'urposes named.
Although the campaign has not de
veloped beyond the still hunt stage , yet
the picket lines are being thrown out
to guard against surprises and capture.
And yet surprises will be an important
) art of the fall campaign , if the wise
acres are to be credited.
The writer indulged in a strole through
the McCook Roller Mill , one day this
week , finding everything moving briskly
and merrily. And right here we want
to add for the information of the farm
ers that Mr. Doan will pay the highest
market price for wheat , rye , etc. , at the
Yesterday morning , W. M. Anderson
lad the misfortune to upset a heavy
Iray load of flour in front of Potter &
ilasterday's , damaging the dray some
what , and causing Will to make obser
vations which will temporarily render
urn ineligible to membership in the
ke Walton club.
Fuly 5th , Rev. P. S. Mather will preach
n the morning on THE CHURCH AND
TS VICTORIES. In the evening on
? hese are two subjects full of interest
nd instruction and should be heard by
11 lovers of the church and the nation.
At a meeting of the members of the
Congregational church , Monday even-
ng , it was unanimously agreed to invite
lev. W. C. Stevenson to this pastorate
'or the ensuing year. Rev. Stevenson
omes highly recommended , and will no
loubt do valiant service for the Master ,
nd the church here. The harvest truly
s great.
Perhaps the people miss nothing more
ceenly than the absence of the open
air concerts which so delighted the pub
ic ear every Saturday evening , last
ummer. Can't we pull ourselves to
gether sufficiently to pay the band for
heir services , and reinstate the pleas
ant order of last season ? It is worth
he effort.
An attachment of $200 was levied on
he right of way of the Jones' irrigation
itch , Thursday , by Deputy Sheriff
Juffington in favor of W. D. Wildman.
? he people along this proposed route
would like to see the ditch put through
at once but litigation will put a stop to
t for some time to come. Cambridge
The orator of the day at the 4th of
ruly celebration at Champion , Chase
ounty , will be our fellow-townsman ,
Fudge Cochran , who leffc for there , yes-
; erday on the flyer via Benkelmen.
'he Judge had five other invitations to
address Alliance celebrations , but the
Champion people were first to extend
an invitation and the same was accepted.
Fudge Cochran has a high and honora-
> le standing among the farmers of the
14th district , who would rather hear his
> lain , manly words than those of pro
fessional orators of greater girth of
Try Kmpple for fruits of all kinds.
Jmon block.
We allow no one to undersell us on
Adopted by the Board of Education
in memory of Frank H. Fowler.
WHEREAS , the all wise God has deem
ed it best to remove from this life Frank
H. Fowler , and
WHEREAS , We , as a Board of Edu
cation and as individuals do most deeply
deplore the loss of our President and
friend ; be it
RESOLVED , That we cause to be
placed on our records that we realize
that in Frank H. Fowler this Board
had a wise and earnest counsellor , the
public school system an active , faithful
friend and that the community has lost
in him a worker for good , who was
patient and faithful in all matters per
taining to his office ;
RESOLVED , That a copy of these res
olutions be furnished the bereaved fami
ly with the deep sympathy and respect
of the members of the Board of Educa
tion , and that a copy of these resolu
tions be furnished the newspapers pub
lished in McCook.
S. W. H'UDDLESTON , V. Pres.
C. J. RYAN , Secretary ,
McCook , June 27th , 1891.
Mr. I. T. Birdsall of McCook , Neb. ,
to Miss Marion E. Gale of our city.
Mr. Birdsall is a thrifty farmer. Miss
Gale is a niece of Mrs. Field and has
been making her home with her aunt
since last March. During her stay in
our city she has made many warm
friends. A nice company of friends
and near neighbors were present , to wit
ness the marriage. The ring ceremony
was used which is a beautiful and im
pressive service. After which , hearty
congratulations followed. Then came
ice cream and cake , which was enjoyed
by all. Some beautiful presents were
presented. The happy couple started
yesterday for their beautiful home near
McCook , Nebraska , where we wish them
much happiness and abundant success.
Anoka ( Minn. ) Union.
It is not generally known that there
are nearly 200,000 acres of land in the
McCook land district subject to entry
under the government land laws. Below
we give the figures by counties :
Frontier county , 2,680 county.
Red Willow county , none.
Hitchcock county , 6,000 acres.
Hayes county , 25,580 acres.
3hase county , 53,530 acres.
Dundy county , 110,960 acres.
TOTAL , 198,750 acres.
There are no unsurveyed lands in this
district. It will appear that Red Wil-
ow has no government lands subject to
entry , while Dundy county has more
than all the rest of the district , over
100,000 acres.
McCook Lodge No. 61 , A. 0. U. W. ,
at its meeting Monday night , the 29th
nst , elected the following officers for
term ending December 31 , 1891 :
Dr. A. P. Welles , M. W.
F. D. Burgess , P. M. W.
J. A. Tubbs , Foreman.
r. A. Wilcox , Overseer.
iV. H. Davis , Recorder.
? . A. Thompson , Financier.
A. McMillen , Recorder.
T. L. Gray , Guide.
F. H. O'Neil , Inside Watchman.
Dlraer Curtis , Outside Watchman.
) r. A. P. Welles , . . Medical Examiner.
Messrs. J. A. Tubbs and W. A. Archi-
> ald were appointed a committee on
Not many months since Tom Ruggles
'elt an irresistible yearning for greener
tastures over the divide , and hied him-
elf away to Washington , King county.
Veil , like many others who have left
us he is ready to return. He wrote a
'riend here recently stating that he has
not found any state any better than
Nebraska , and that he would not advise
anyone to come to Washington. He
las been holding his farm at $1,500 ,
jut now writes that nothing short of
$2,000 will buy his Red Willow county
lomestead. In fact we shall not be
urprised to see Tom struggling back
o his old haunts almost any time now.
McCooK , NEB. , June 26,1891.
By order of the Mayor and Council ,
. ' am instructed to put in the pound all
torses and cows found on picket rope ,
aid rope extending across any street
or alley of the city.
J. H. BENNETT , Chief of Police.
I have a fine lot of hay , bottom hay ,
'or sale. Persons needing hay can leave
word at D. C. Marsh's livery barn , op-
> osite the Arlington Hotel , and same
will be promptly delivered to any part
of the city afc lowest market price.
A competent girl for general house
work can secure a place by inquiring at
he store of J. ALBERT WZLLS.
Convenient office quarters on ground
leer for rent at reasonable figure. In-
[ uire at this office.
Ice Cream Soda at
Feed of all kinds.
( From H'l'ernorwl Nurrntlvo of iho Overlain
Trip In the Con tun- for July. )
Our wagons , or the "Reed wagon * , '
as they were called , wuru all madu t <
order and I can say without fear ol
contradiction that nothing like our
family wagon ever started across the
plains. It was what might be called a
two-story wagon or "Pioneer palace car"
attached to a regular immigrant train.
The entrance was on the side , like that
of an old-fashioned stage coach , and one
stepped into a small room , as it were ,
in the center of the wagon. At the
right and left were spring seats with
comfortable high backs , where one
could sit and ride with as much ease
as on the seats of a Concord coach.
In this little room was placed a tiny
sheet-iron stove , whose pipe , running
through the top of the wagon , was pre
vented by a circle of tin from setting
fire to the canvass cover. A board
about a foot wide extended over the
wheels on either side the full length of
the wagon , thus forming the foundation
for a large and roomy second story in
which we placed our beds. Under the
spring seats were compartments in
which were stored many articles useful
for the journey , such as a well-filled
work basket and full assortment of
medicines , with lint and bandages for
dressing wounds. Our clothing was
packed not in Saratoga trunks hut
in strong canvas bags plainly marked.
Some of mama's young friends added a
looking glass , hung directly opposite
the door , in order , as they said , that my
mother might not forget to keep her
good looks , and strange to say , when
we had to leave this wagon , standing
like a monument on the Salt Lakedesert ,
the glass was still unbroken. 1 have
often thought how pleased the Indians
must have been when they found this
mirror which gave them back the pic
ture of their own dusky faces.
THE TRIBUNE sincerely regrets that
the movement to secure a uniform
closing of business houses at 8 o'clock ,
central time , has been abandoned. The
petition circulated was signed by every
business man in the city but two. We
hope that these two gentlemen may
yet be able to see the desirableness of
early closing these hot evenings , and
that our business men may be able to
enjoy the comforts of home and family
in the evening , instead of loafing around
their business houses. Why should
business men and their clerks work
sixteen hours , anyhow , in any kind of
weather ? The early closing movement
ought to be successful. There is suf
ficient time to do all the business trans
acted in half the time now devoted to
trading and shopping. Cultivate the
acquaintance of your wife and children.
Take them out driving. Your social
nature will be improved and your busi
ness will not suffer.
Gray & Maddux of The Circle Front
Livery go on the splendid business prin
ciple that there is nothing too rich for
their patrons ; and they are constantly
on the lookout for new attractions.
Their latest purchase of Sheriff Mc-
Cool's handsome and rangey team will
doubtless be appreciated by all who take
delight in drawing the ribbons over
something in the horseflesh line which
is stylish and spirited as well as safe
and reliable. This recent acquisition
ills all the requirements , and sustains
the deserved popularity of The Circle
Will trade a quarter block , house
24x24 with basement , in Red Cloud ,
for a farm near McCook. Enquire at
this office.
A 4-room house convenient to the
round house. A good cellar. Full acre
lot. Inquire at this office for particulars.
Noble , The Grocer.
Listed corn is coming out all right.
Try Knipple for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
EIP'Rye flour.
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
A four-room house in good location
for rent. Inquire at Bullard's lumber
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found in
The farmers are hauling out binding
twine for the small grain harvest which
is at hand.
The street gang are doing good work
on Lower Marshall and East Dodge ,
this week.
S. M. Cochrane & Co. for binding
twine. They will give you the lowest
price possible.
Indianola has two sufferers wi th rat
tlesnake bites , a man and a girl. Both
we learn are getting along nicely and
will recover.
The enumerators reports the school
population of district 17 as being 678 ,
or 78 more than last year. The females
(380) ( outnumber the males (298) ( 82.
In the-district there are six pair0 of
Graham flour.
Owing io the death of Frank H.
Fowler of the firm of Wilcox & Fowler
ler , all persons indebted io said firm
are requested to call and settle on or
be fore the 1st day of August , 1891.
After the 10th day of July , 1891 , all
the business of said firm will be con
ducted on a strictly cash basis.
June 22d , 1891.
Do You Want a Farm Loan ?
If so , come and see me before
making an application elsewhere.
Mr. E. II. Doan , the new proprietor ,
but well known to the patrons of the
mill , is hard at it these quiet crop-as
suring days putting the McCook Roller
Mill in ship shape for the fall trade ,
which he confidently expects to be brisk
and large. He will be prepared to take
care of the rush when it comes , too.
In the meantime they are ready to
promptly dispose of all business which
comes , and are keeping their popular
brands before the public as usual.
That is to say : Do you want to buy ,
rent or trade for a barn. If so call on
or address E. LINDNER , McCook.
Last evening , Grand Lecturer J. E.
Butler of Hastings instituted a Degree
of Honor , A. 0. U. W. , in this city.
The institution was followed by an ice
cream supper and a general good time.
They start out with a membership of
about fifty.
The small boy , as well as the good
'ellow who takes the children to see
the animals , should commence to save
the pennies. The Anglo-American cir
cus will be here on Wednesday , July 22.
J. S. LeHew attended the funeral
of Mrs. Teten and Mrs. Hainey , last
Sunday , at Graf ton. The ladies were
run over by the cars , and were old
'riends of the Judge's family.
J. S. Allam departs lor Lincoln to
night where he will be employed in the
Merchants Bank.
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
Corn meal.
We offer 600 pairs of Men's SlioQs
( samples ) all styles and widths ,
all number 7 , at
'lilt '
Our prices will be found in
teresting to purchasers of
Ladies Shoes.
$3.50 Hand Turned ,
$3.00 Rand Turned ,
$2.50 Machine Sewn ,
$2.00 Machine Sewn ,
$1.50 Machine Sewn ,
Are unusual values.