By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. KICK Out the Bad men in The Republican party , But save nil the good ones. Sutton Advertiser. THE kfiiser has taken the pass nuisance into his own hands and has issued strict orders to the rail way companies to lot nobody ride free in Germany except govern ment officials and employes. The great grievance in Nebraska is that government officials are some times favored with passes and it is considered a very corrupting in fluence. JUDGING from the statistics of railroad building gathered up to the present time it is safe to ven ture the statement that the total of new mileage for the present year will be smaller than for sev- al years past. Up to the first of July there is less than 1,700 miles of new road completed , and not enough more in sight to make the total up to the first of next January exceed 4,500 miles. IF a few more unblushing An aiiiases and jaundiced Judases u ] in Hitchcock and Haves counties tf come out and vent their meuda cious spleen against Judge Coch ran , in common decency , the pee pie , mark you the people , will have to just rise up in their might anc re-elect the Judge by an over whelming majority. That is wha the Judge deserves , and the people of the 14th district will do them selves credit by doing so. A NEWSPAPEI ; can say nice anc pleasant things about a man auc his whole family for many long years , and then incur their life long enmity in one short week by a seeming slight. You can hurrah for a candidate , back his friends , cuss his enemies and make an adult fool of yourself generally , without a thank in the end. But there is one man who don't forget youand that is the man you opposed. "Benefits are written in sandwhile injuries , imaginary as well as real , are engraved on stone. " THIS week the weather bureau will be transferred from the war to the agricultural department , as provided for by the last congress. It is not expected that this will necessarily improve the service , though it may do so , but the change was ordered by congress iu response to a general sentiment that the business of making weath er predictions was wholly out of place in connection with the war department. It is to be noted that for a short time past the bureau has done better work than former ly , and unquestionably Secretary Husk can be depended on to get the best service possible from it. Bee. THE unhappy financial condition of the Jeness-Miller divided skirt enterprise should be a solemn warning to all would-be reformers not to attempt to make a decided change in the habiliments of lovely woman without an abundance of capital. Just how many millions of dollars it would take to popu larize anything bearing the name of dress reform it is difficult to decide , but the Jeness-Miller dis aster of the present and the Bloom er fiasco of the good old days in dicate that it cannot be done with out even a bigger barrel than is required to elect a democratic senator in the state of Ohio Journal r// fl0rOF JULY ORATOR. The season is at hand when the fourth of July orator will be in de mand. No more useful person can be found in a community than the fourth of July oratoi. He ranks as u genius , and with a reputation once established , he will receive a flattering invitation that does not come to the common herd. If you desire a call to speak and have been overlooked , write a friend where you wish to be invited and tell him to get on the committee to select a speaker. This is considered no in novation and modesty should not deter you. Go where you are not acquainted and derive benefits from being new. The editor in the town will not publish your oration without your urgent request , and this embarrassment you will re lieve him of , as you would desire to use it in the succeeding years to come. Having been admitted to the bar will give you prestige , though in fact you are not a lawyer. Your attempt at facetiousness may prove the fatal freak that will plunge your friends into gloom. Humorous writers wear a serious aspect , but to be funny on the platform , mirth must be observed protruding from every feature , or or your jokes will fall stale and flat. There is no place so difficult to fill , yet many seek this avenue for the plaudits of their countrymen. Un satisfactory results are not always manifest to the orator who fails , for his bitterest enemy will hesi tate to break to him the fact that in his chosen vocation he is not a pronounced success. Careful dis cernment of the audience may dis close the telling effect that will afterward prove a source of pleas ure to the committee selecting you and a source of 103- and pride to yourself. Audiences are patient and long suffering , and there being no other source of amusement at the time , may linger with you throughout , but this must not always be taken as evidence of your success. Upon mounting the rostrum you should not appear frightened or allow your features to assume an unnatural appearance. Act as if you had risen among friends. With ease and grace let the words of elo quence flow till a crowd , enraptur ed , lean with craned necks to catch jewels of thought , original , unique , convincing and logical. Do not dwell to long upon the early history of your country. Avoid as much as possible repeat ing that which you know to be familiar. If tempted to drop into poetry , do it gracefully and at the right time. If you are opposite in your po litical views to the administration , do not eulogize our present pros perity too much , as later at the same place yon may be called to denounce the present situation of affairs. If you are conversant with your country's history a man of broad sjuage views and wide scope of knowledge you need not commit your piece to memory. If not you should follow a well beaten track , for a new departure will find you flouudeiing to get bask where you are best acquainted. If your speech is written , take your eyes off the paper occasional ) * , even if you are not so eloquent , for by so doing you are not so apt to be accused of alagiarisni. Avoid anything political and let ; he postal , telegraph and govern mental management of railroads alone , as your language will be construed as having a political rearing. If you have never been a soldier rou must state that age forbade it , ) efore you enter upon a fulsome eulogy of your country's defenders. What you know about practical : arming in the west will be a hit well received and of practical bene- it to your hearers. Let Jay Gould and Chauncey VI. Dephew alone , as they are not josing before the country for po- itical preferment , and are not es- ) ecially intermingled with the country's prosperity. Too careful precision of utter ance may cause you to fail in your xint. Pointed remarks are best even if you rush ahead at break neck-speed and your words are commonplace. Ill timed gestures will break the force of your offort. As you approach the peroration , et your impassionate soul become aglow with earnestness , soul ab sorbing , self consuming. Let your entences be epigrammatic , terse , ) eautifuL Oberlin Herald. , t JONAS ENGEL , Manager. Light Underwear , Negligee Shirts , Straw & Crush Hats , Neckwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , And Other Furnishing Goods. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAIL ) TO ORDERS. THE FAMOUS , June 26 , 1891. WILL the enterprising lot of ducks who have put the Republican party of Nebraska "in the hole , " get her out again ? IT is estimated that the wheat crop of the United States will reach 550,000,000 bushels , which will give us about 200,000,000 bushels for export. Good times ahead. "Ir , " says the Arapahoe Mirror , "the Independent organs reflect the sentiments of the voters of that party Judge Cochran seems in a fair way to capture the Inde pendent endorsement. Wesaidif. " BANKSVILLE BUDGET. T. W. Benjamin was n visitor at Hnnksville , Tuesday. Frank Wivinea is gassing around in Gerver and Grant , this week. Tue Dry Creek celebration is a settled fact. .Let everybody celebrate. Fine weather for killing weeds and the corn responds to the tickling of the cultivator. This ( Wednesday ) is the school meeting day in Nebraska. District No. 51 was only repre sented by two families , this year. OBSERVER. La Grippe Again. During the epidemic of la grippe lastseason Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , coughs and colds , proved to be the best reme dy. Reports from the many who used it con firm this statement. They were not only quickly relieved , but the disease left no bad after results. We ask you to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be sat isfied with results , or the purchase price will be refunded. It has no equal in la grippe or any throat , chest or lung trouble. Trial bottles tles free at A. McMillan's drug store. Large size 50c. and Sl.OO. 44ts. We Caution All Against Them. The unprecedented success and merit of Ely's Cream Balm a real cure for catarrh , hay fever and cold in the head has induced many adventurers to place catarrh medicines bearing some resemblance in appearance , style or name upon the market , in order to trade upon the reputation of Ely's Cream Balm. Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's Cream Balm. Many in your immediate locali ty will testify in highest commendation of it. A particle is applied Into each nostril ; no pain ; agreeable to use. Price 50 cents. 6. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timmons , Postmaster of Idaville , Ind. , wiltes : Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined , for that bad feeling arising from kidney and liver trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman , of same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters to be the best kidney and liver medicine , made me feel like a new man. " J. W. Gardner , hardware merchant , same town , says : "Elec tric Bitters is Just the thing for a man who is all run dovrn and don't care whether he lives or dies ; he found now strength , good appetite and felt Just like he had a new lease on life. Only EOc. bottla at A. McHilleo'i drug store. I-- Articles of Incorporation of the McCook Electric Light Co. AIIT. 1. The nnrae of this incorporation slm'l ' bo the McCook Electric Light Company. AHT. II. The principal place for the transaction of the business of this incorporation shall be Mc Cook , county of Hed Willow , Nebraska. AHT. 111. The general nature of the business Is the furnishing of Around Jncrtiidescunt lighting , and the turniehing of Steam and Electric power. ART. IV. The amount of the capital stock of this in corporation slmll bo Thirty Thousand Dollars divided into three hundred shares of onu hundred dollars ouch tn be fully paid up at the time of commencing buoinuaa. AHT. v. The time for the commencement of business of this incorporation shall bo July first. 1891. anditelmll terminate July first , 1041 , unless sooner dissolved by the mutiinl consent of its stock-huldura. ART. VI. The blithest amount of indebtedness which the corporation can incur shall bo two-thirds the amount of the paid up capital stock of the corporation. ART. VII. The affairs of the Incorporation shall be con ducted by a board of directors consisting of at least three stock-holders who shall bo elect ed annually by the st ( ck-holders and who shall continue tn hold office until their sue cessord are elected. elected.ART. ART. VIII. The said board of directors shall Imvo nu < thority to make by-ltiws. providing lor the election of officers tor the incorporation and to make rules and regulations prescribing the duties ot such officers provided. That the officers of anid incorporation shall bo u President. VIce Preaideiit. Secretary and Treasurer , and such other subordinate officers and ngents as slmll bo designated by said di rectors through their said by-laws. Signed : 1. FRANK RAUIIUTH. L' . S. W. HUDDMCSTON. 3. GKO. HOCKNKLL. 4. A. CAMPBKLL. 5. N. COSTKNIIORDKR. . V. FRANKLIN. 7. JDSTIN A. WILCOX. STATK or NEBRASKA , r. . . Ked Willow County.a" \ On this 2ad day ot June. 1891. before m > . E. 0. Ballew , 11 notary public in und for said county , personally appeared Frank Carruth. 8. W. Huddleston. Geo. Hockncll. A.C'umpbell , N. Costenbordcr , V. Franklin and Justin A. Wilcojc. who are personally known to me to be the identical persons wooso names are sub scribed to the foregoing articles of incorpora tion as incorporators. and they severally ac knowledged the instrument to be their volun tary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth In said instrument of incorporation. Witness my hand and notarial BOP ! the day and year above written. E. C. BAM.KW. ISEAL. ] 5-4t. Notary Public. ( CONSOLIDATED NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. ) LAND Omen AT MCCOOK , NKU. . i June 4th. 1891. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following- named suttlera have filed notice of theirinten- tion to make final five year proof in support of their claims und that said proofs will be made betnre Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. July llth. Ib91 , viz : JOHN HOW LAND. who made H. E. 2ft for the E.J N. W. X sec. 35 , and S. V S. W. sec. 2(5 ( , town. 1 , north of range 30. west ot 6th P. M. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Edward Ackerrmm. Daniel B. Barnes , William H. Benjamin. August Wescb , all of Banks- ville. Neb. ; also alsoAUGUST AUGUST WESCH. who made H. E. 2615 for the E. Yi N. W. & of sec. 34 and W. yt N. W. Ji of sec. 35 , in town. 1. north of range 30 , west ot 6th P. M. He names the tollowing witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Rowland. Ellas B.Nelson.Wil- linm H. Benjamin. Alvin Benjamin , all of Banksyille. Neb. J. P. LINDSAY , Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on a Judgmentobtained before Hon. J.E. Cochran , judge of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 30th day of March , 1891. in tavor of W. O. McClure as plaintiff , and against Gilbert B. and Charlotte E. Nettleton et al. as defendants , for the sum six hundred , sixty-eight dollars and twenty- seven cents , and costs taxed at $37.38 and ac cruing costs. I have levied upon the follow ing real estate taken as the property of said defendants , to satisty said decree , to-wit : S.y3 S. E.i section 3 and N. & N. E. & section 10. in town. 2 , range 30 , west of Bth P. M. . in Red Willow county. Nebraska. And will offerthe same for sale to the highest bidder , lor cash in hand , on the 13th day of Juno A. 0.1891. in front of the south door of the court house , in ludianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock. P. M. . of said day , when and where due attendance will be given bv tde undersigned. Dated May 5th. 1891. W. A. McCooL , 50 Sheriff of said County. The above sale is continued for want of bid ders until July 25,1891. W. A. MCCOOL. 4. Sheriff. ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska. „ , In the matter of the Red Willow County. I B3' estate of Frank H. Fowler , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Hen rietta Fowler praying that administration of said estate may be granted to her as adminis tratrix. Ordered that July 13th , A. D. 1891. at 9 o'clock , A. M. is assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons interested ir > said matter may appear at a county court to be held in nd for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pending of s&id petition and the bearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order in THE MCCOOK TRIBUNK. a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated June 22d , 1891. J. H. BERGE. 5-3ts. County Judge. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes bv Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. McConnell - Connell & Co. . Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr. L. W , McConnell & Co , , DRUGGISTS -AND- Wall Paper Dealers Carry a complete line of Perfumes , Toilet Powders , Sponges , Brushes , Soaps , Cosmetics , Lotions. II 111 1 4TH OF JULY. GREAT : -BARGAINS : ! Summer Dress Goods. GHALLIES , LAWNS & WHITE GOODS. Parasols , damaged by rain , from 25C up. Clothing & Furnishing Goods. White Shirts , damaged by rain , $ .SO" Percaile Shirts , dsmaged by rain , .SO Percaile Shirts , with collars and cuffs , .75 Pereaile Shirts , witri collars and cuffs , l.OO White Vests from - - $1.OO up Linen Coats and Vests from - l.OO up. Selling Linen Goods = VERY CHEAP. COME AND SEE1 US. L. LOWMAN & SON W. 0. BULLARD & COM -M- LIME , HARD CEMENT , LUMBER.HARD AND DOORS , LUMBER. BLINDS.LUMBER. . SOFT ' BLINDS. COAL. il' ' -loj- ! RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . J" . WARRRN , Manager. The TIONALHYMN GEFoBTHE WORLD'S FAIR. * SANTA GLAUS SOAP i-1 -:3v.r : ; : - . * "w- * . . siffte\ * . , , , . , RsS f iV. J v" . < -n Mv-a - -r.-nirv t"e ! \ I. " : J i iiv n I i.'v , . { v. .t la . : : y I ill ? ; rs. Vc ! i 1 trsi : : ! : 01 liiee. iJ Let nvsic sv/eii tl'.e breeze , And Mow . through all the 1- r i t2' MAKERS FOR ALL N.KJAIRBANK&CQ.t2' NATONS. , H. KAPKE , The Leader , PRISES AND II ? STYLISH WOKK , Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself. The Largest and Finest Stock ! Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.