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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1891)
" i - CTJ , TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JULY 3,1891. NUMBER 6. H. LAWLER wishfts to announce that his stock of . claim to have the arc now on the shelves. He does not biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise what is impossible in prices. But in of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock , and , the quality of goods considered , s I also carry a full and fresh stock of I J G CERIES ! , ? and in this department also I will Meet All Competition ! crJg Give a call and get my prices.jQlF = > . LAWLER AGENT LINCOLN LAND co. NEB.OFFICE OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING. WATERPROOF COLLAR OR CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP 3xrot to TO THE MARK 3 > Tot to IDistcoloyg BEARS THIS MARK. MARK * MEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF t COLLAR IN THE MARKET. WM.M. ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER , M9Cook , Neb , THE ELKHART MRRUGE m MBHESS MFG. GO. Ho. 1 Farm HamBSS . * lori ? ytuTm har" dwlt direct with consumers , nv. i ui 111 iiui 1100. ntwholesnloprices , avinglkmthc dtnler > . We where , = * = t profit. ship any $24.50. withprmlefjo of examining before bnyinjr. JVV.15 Gxrt , We bay Irelsht charges both ways if cot - eatisfactory. Warrant everything for 3 rears. Any one who can write can order n. Uu gT or Hsmessfromns.&s well ts paySW to Q iQ to sosio middleman to order for them. Wo giro no credit , and taw ONE PRICE ONLY .So. a , Flntform , Three-Spring or ComblnntieQ Watfons , SGQ : same as others Bell at 8S5. $65 Top Bnmtefl. 883 \ good AS sold at 990. Ours tIf:1 : OO/ne at tcllfor 8135. &aetpn t8llB1Mm ( , 8-8eUrtlBKa Boxing free. We Idas all ritk qf damage in ihippiag OUR HARNESS i An in V . 1 Oak Iieatlier. T 8InnIe , 89 to 82O. Ujckt Doable , MO to S4O. * * wu 6 , PRAH , Sec'y , EUHART , IMO. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What the Truth May Be I Tell it as 'Twas Told to Me. " Banker Frost of Hartley is hi town. County Clerk Rooer is in the city today. Frank Can nth came up from Plattsmouth. this noon. Joe Wells is up from Geneva to spend tlit Fourth at home. Dr. C. 11. Jones was called to Stratum , yesterday , professionally. Banker Harden and wife were Sunday visitors of the chief city. Master Mechanic Archibald went into Denver on No..rj , Wednesday. A. J. Thompson leaves , next week , for the coast , on a prospecting tour. Mrs. Dow was the guest of her son , George W. Knights at Cambridge , last week. Senator Dolan of the ochre mine made the : hief city u brief visit , Wednesday morning. Iltirry Stern of Uoldnjge , who has property interests in McCook , was a city visitor , Tues day. J. A. Cordeal leaves , early next week , on a business trip to Chicago and other Illinois joints. J. E. Kelley's handsome autograph adorn ed the register of the Windsor at Lincoln , Tuesday. Banker Peck , Trenton's enthusiastic irri- jationist , was down on ditch business , Mon- lay night. B. F. Troxel has been down taking in the Beatrice Chautauqua , He returned home on the flyer , Wednesday noon. County Attorney Dodge will celebrate at Stockville with an eye single to the 14th dis trict judgeship nomination. O. W. Pendarvis of Friend is in the city today ou land business. He has property in terests over in Gerver precinct. Mrs. C. W. Knights departed , Tuesday , for Oelwine , 111. , where she expects to visit during the coming two months. Mrs. A. Snyder and sister , Miss Mary Strong , are visiting in Pittsfield , Mass. They left for the east ou Sunday last. L. Morse , Dundy county's clever ex-treas urer and incomparable political fine-worker , was a city visitor , Saturday evening. Frank Dillon arrived home , Tuesday even- ng , from a visit to his home ill Illinois , Taze- well county. His family are still there. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bayston entertained Mrs. Chrysler of Heudley and Robert of Bartley , Sunday , mother and brother of Mrs. B. Mrs. F. H. Higgins and two young daugh ters arrived from Kansas City , Tuesday noon , and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. Miss Mamie Kodgers of Peoria , 111. , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heber ; also Mr. and Mrs. W. McLean of Chicago. Mr. M. is a G. T. P. A. of the "Q" system. Judge Abbott , who presides over the Hayes Centre Republican with becoming dignity and forcefuluess , sojourned in the city of promise , Saturday evening a few hours. Mrs. John F. Majors and family departed , Tuesday evening , for Peru , Nemaha county , where they will reside in the future. Col. Huber accompanied the household goods. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris arrived home , on Tuesday's flyer from their sorrowful visit to Galva , 111. , where the remains of Mr. Har ris' sister Laura were interred on Saturday last. last.Mrs. Mrs. M. A. Northrup and son Charlie , Mrs. C. H. Boyle and Miss Bertie Laflin departed for Crete , Tuesday morning , to enjoy a season of recreation and prolit at the Chau tauqua. Mr. Hocknell expects to be engaged in sal mon fishing on the Columbia , July 4th. He left for the Pacific coast on Tuesday night's passenger. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Morlan of Arapahoe accompanied him. Col. Huber went to Peru , this week , in charge of the car of Majors' household goods. The Colonel will spend the 4th in Lincoln , hobnobbing with his excellency the lieut. gov. , and other capital city notables. Mr. and Mrs. Howe Smith leave for the east , next week , on an extended visit. They will first take in the teachers' meeting at Toronto , and will afterwards proceed to Biughamptcn , N. Y. , where they will re main the summer. Mrs. Nettleton , county superintendent , will attend the national teachers' meeting at Toronto , this year. She will leave for Can ada on Monday morning , the 13th instant. She will also visit in Rochester , N. Y. , and will be absent to or three weeks. C. J. Kyan returned home , Saturday night , from a brief business trip to Graf ton. He arrived in Grafton about twenty minutes after the terrible accident of last Friday , in which two of Grafton's oldest settlers , Mrs. Hainey and Mrs. Tatro , were run over by the train and instantly killed. A. E. Harvey , the Orleans banker and real estate loan broker , and Chas. H. Smith , a Hartford , Conn. , capitalists , spent Saturday in the metropolis , on matters financial. Mr. Smith is the owner of the brick building oc cupied by Carruth , the jeweler , and besides has a bushel of money loaned on Nebraska realty in this section of the state. He was greatly pleased with the crop prospects of the country. r- * One fare for the roum trip to stations not eve Bmlington two hundred miles dis ' tant will be sold by tin Route' B. & M. July S4 ; goo ( until the Cth. * * * Crete Chautauqua Assembly , Crete , Neb. June 30th to July 10th. One fare for tin round trip. Tickets on sale June 29th ; re turn limit to July llth. * * * 10th annual convention Y. P. S. of C. E. , Minneapolis. July 9-12. Tickets on sale 7-8 , One fare round trip. Official route. * * * National Educational Association Conven tion , Toronto , Canada , July 14-17. Round trip tickets will be sold at the lowest one way first class rate plus § 2. The route is via Detroit , Port Huron and the Canadian rontps. Tickets on sale 8-13 , inclusive , good for return 14th to Sept. 25th witli five days for returning. Oflicial route , train runs through to Toronto without change. Pull man accommodations. Unusually low ex cursion rates have been made from Toronto to Canadian points and points in New Eng land and New York. Excellent opportunity for a cheap trip to all points east. J. llilLANisicr , Agent. GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. C. local passenger , 4:25 , A.M. No.2 , through passenger , 5iOA.M. ! No. 4. local passenger. 5:40 , P.M. No. 78. through freight 10:25 , A.M. No. 128. way freight 5:55 , A.M. t3T Way freight No.130 arrives from west at 4:15. P.M. , mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A.M. No. 5 , local passenger , 9 : 0 , P.M. No. 129 , way freight 5:00. A.M. C Wny freight No. 127 arrives from the east at 7:15 , P.M. t27 Througli freight No. 73 arrives from east at 5:20 , P. M. , central time. Departs at 4:45. P. M. Stops at Stratum , Benkleman , Haigler. E5 ? All above trains are daily except way freights Nos. 127. 128 , 120 and 130 , which are daily except Sunday. "No. 137 , Beverly accommodation , leaves at 5:15 , A.M. Keturned. arrives at 9:15 A.M. Runs only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPUELL , Supt. J. HULANISKI. Agent. WE "PASS" NOBODY. Conductor Kendlen is visiting in Hastings. Gen. Freight Agent Crosby was in town , Tuesday. Frank Westland was a Lincoln visitor , Saturday. Travelling fifty miles an hour a locomotive gives out 52,800 puffs. Forty-four passenger trains run in and out of Hastings daily. Frank flawksworth returned , Wednesday , from his visit in the east. C. W. Paine has returned to work in the train service of the company. RoadmasterJossellyn of theOrleans branch was at division headquarters , Saturday. BST'Bny a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Jack Bullard resumed his position in the Burlington freight offices at Denver , Tues day. Roadmaster Haley of the high line head quarters have been moved from Holdrege to Holyoke. General Storekeeper Guild was up from Plattsmouth , Tuesday , taking a material in ventory at this place. Headmaster Rodgers is building a neat lit tle barn on his pretty Manchester street property , this week. Roadmaster and Mrs. Jossellyn of Orleans were the guests of Trainmaster and Mrs. Kenyon , Wednesday. Frank Mullen filled Agent Wilson's place , i few days tins week , at Hyde , while the alter was being married. Tom Wilkinson has been down from Den- rer , part of the weeir , helping on the pay oils , writing up the checks , etc. Gordon of the ' Campbell Dispatchers'of- ice left for Illinois , Wednesday. Mrs. Camp- j ) ell will accompany him on his return. S350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi- lal town of McCook , only three blocks from business center. Apply to C. F. BABCOCK. Brakeman and Mrs. James Larkey are deeply interested in a young daughter who made her appearance at the Larkey dwelling on Sunday. Walter Holliday , of McCook , one of the best B. & M. engineers that ever held the lever , was a caller in the city on Tuesday. Curtis Courier. Master Mechanic Archibald and George Laverty went up to Holyoke , last Sunday , to see the animals of Sells Brothers circus , which unloaded and fed at that point. "It is not always the early fly that gets the fly paper. Sometimes the man of the house , whom the storm calls to lower the windows , gets it with both feet , " says Conductor Kane. "Windy" Reynolds , who steers the switch engine , does not do anything else these hot days but talk to himself about that "whale of a boy" who came to abide with them , Wednesday. Prince George of Greece and suite passed through our city , the first of the week , on their way home from Japan , where the prince recently acquitted himself nobly in defend ing the tzarowich of Russia from the assault of a crazy Japanese soldier. The B. & M. has placed on sale tourists tickets at reduced rates for the round trip to all the principal summer watering resorts east and west. Among them are Milwaukee , St. Paul , Chicago , St. LouisClear Lake , la. , Ogden , Salt Lake City , etc. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. GREAT SPECIAL SALE CO M M E N C E All Goods specially adapted to Summer Use will be sold at a Gome Early Secure the Bargains , Wetts attention given mail orders. 1 FFBI uu. 'DEALERS INI LUMBF J SASH , BOOKS , BLIXDS , CEMENT , LEME , Also Hard and Soft Coal , B. & M. Meat Market , FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , , TURKEYS CHICKENS , & .C. , & .C. R. A COUPE & CO. , Props. TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF oc nn nco RAV CM nnn nn OAOSJ 3&i CIDITF $5.00 PER DAY , HOUO.QO bAon m rni/Id. You can WIN BIG MONEY. Don't miss this opportunity. The IRRIGATION AGE is the ONLY journal in the WORLD devoted to the great interests of irrigation. It is meeting with ENORMOUS SUC CESS , but wants 10,000 more SUBSCRIBERS before "November 15th , and proposes to have them at any cost. BIG COMMISSION and bis prizes to AGENTS , and splendid TERRITORY entirely UNWORKED. NO COMP1- TETION. Thirty pages , illustrated , finest class journal published west of Chicago. ALL IRRIGATION NEWS. Just the paper for all farmers in the irrigated regions. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS AND INVESTORS WANT IT. Home edition , Denver ; Inter-Mountain edition , Salt Lake City and Ogden ; Coast edition , Los Angeles. Send for sample copies and agents terms and particulars of our great PRIZE OFFER. Address Irrigation Age , Denver , Cole , Railroad Building , THE TRIBUNE AND THE IRRIGATION AGE ONE YEAR FOR $2.00 CASH IN ADVANCE.