The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1891, Image 8

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    * > . , . „ „ , , , , - % > . -
Tfte First JVattouaJ
$100.000. $60,000.
GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWS ON , Cashier.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director.
| U _ , The Citizens Bank of McGook ,
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital , $5OfOOO.
General Banking Business ,
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid
for non-residents. Money to loan on fanning
lands , city and personal property.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FKANKLIN.'President. JOHN H. CLA11K , Vice Pres.
A. C. EBERT , Cashier. TJ10S. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash.
The First National Bank , Lincoln Nehrska.
The Chemical National Bank , New 1'ork City.
taf Hotel ,
\ ,
Headquarters for Traveling Men ,
Electric lights , hot and cold water bathsi
free bus to all trains , and strictly first class
in all of its appointments.
To clean tombstones. To renew oil-cloth. To renovate paint. To brighten metals.
To polish knives. To scrub floors. To wash out sinks. To scour bath-tubs.
To clean , dishes. To whiten marble. To remove rust. To scour kettles.
DtntllU to elun MM teeth , Engineers to cltti parti of machines. Houiemaldi to icrnb marble floeri.
Bnrgeom to pollib tbilrlnitmrneDtt. Ulnltten to renorit * old chtpels. Chcmlita to remote lome italni.
Confectioner * to iconr their pani. Ecztoni to clean tbe tombitonei. Carreri to aharpen tbelr knlres.
Xechtalci to brighten tbelr tooli. noitleri on branei and white honei. Shrewd onee to iconr old etraw hata
Cooks to clean the kitchen link. Artlnts to clean tbelr palattei. Soldtora to brighten tbelr armj.
ralnteri to clean off inrfacei. Wheelman to clean blcjclei. Benoratort to clean cmrpets.
Ik Frees & E LIIBIII
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
B. & M. Meat Market ,
TURKEYS , AC. , 4c.
R. A. COUPE & CO. Pro-os.
EDITOR TRIBUNE We would like everybody
to know that we are farminp out this way
The corn is trying very hard to catch up will
the sunflowers.
Willie Esher is the smallest in stature of anj
farmer in the community , but he has a crop
that can not be beat by any in the county.
The picnic given by the Logan Alliance OD
the 20th was a grand success. Refresh mentE
of the best quality in abundance and good
music , but best of all was the good feeling
manifested by the people among themselves ,
as well as the kind and courteous treatment
they accorded to strangers. It would be well
for all Alliances to imitate Logan Alliance in
brotherly kindness. Quite a number of the
Driftwood Alliance were in attendance , and
we think some of the young people remained
at the table fishing for pieces of lemon a little
longer than was necessary. We heard one oi
the ladies of the Driftwood Alliance say that
she was ashamed of them.
In conclusion will say tbat we have bad
plenty of rain , so much tbat each farm has an
irrigation ditch of its own. QUID NUNC.
Happy Hoosiers ,
Wm. Timmons , Postmaster of Idaville , Ind. ,
writes : Electric Bitters has done more for
me than all other medicines combined , for
tbat bad feeling arising from kidney and liver
trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman ,
of same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters
to be the best kidney and liver medicine , made
me feel like a new man. " J. W. Gardner ,
hardware merchant , same town , says : "Elec
tric Bitters is just tbe thing for a man who is
all run down and don't care whether he lives
or dies ; ho found new strength , good appetite
and felt just like he had a new lease on life.
Only 50c. a bottle at A. McMillen's drug store.
§ 2 PJ I-H
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, \
| 3J Tbe following patents have been re
cefvedatthe McCook ( J. S. Land Ofllce an <
will bo surrendered to the parties entitle )
thereto upon surrender of lecHver's reccip
properly endorsed. Do not delay securini
your patent :
Parvin William II.
Patterson James C.
Deselms Jacob V. Parson Nils.
Day Levi P. Pickerton clara M.
Degarmo Albert C. Pitts Edward.
Dale Asel. Powell Louis F.
Dailey Lewis R. Piper Frank E.
Dragoo Thomas S. Perry Charles L.
Dyson Amy. Phillips Joseph J.
Dailey LloidS. Porter William M.
Dietsch Antonie.
Duborko William. R
Dorran John.
Dinnel ! William. Keif Mathias.
Davis Nathaniel Y. UamerJohn F.
DufTield Eleanor T. Hatliff Franklin P.
Dufak Joseph. Remillard Napoleon.
Davidson James. Uheinheimer Peter.
Downs Joseph. Uunyan Levi Nelson.
Robinson Maner.
Roby Willifitn B.
Elogers George W.
Easton William .7. ileka Conrad ,
Ellison Daniel. -tice Emma ,
Esher William F. towles Frank W.
Everist Charles E. ioberts Richard R.
Evans Andrew J. tailings William E.
Nnye Art Asberry L.
Ellis Alfred C.
Eagy Samuel. [ Sartoritis John G.
ISelby Green W.
ISchielke Christian.
Scbielke Andrew.
Fairbanks Eveline II. Sanderson Samuel.
Fulton John A. Schultz August.
Frimel Anton. Smith Millard S.
Fox William. Swedberg Carl O.
Fftrr Amy A. Schaal William D.
Fisher James M. Shaft John w.
Fergus John M. Strobridge Hannah M.
Foxal James. Short Charles E.
Sw nson Nils.
ShanbJ crime R.
Glaser Vaclav. Scott Morten B.
Green Henry. Swain Louisa.
Goddard Elizabeth. Shurbot Silas.
GibersonElwood C. Scott Myron.
Glandon Benjamin F. Scott James A.
Gregory Andrew A. Schaffert Jacob.
Greene John. Seaman wm. H.
Gorham Albert M.
Thompson Samuel.
Harvey William. Treadwny Charles L.
Horn William. Tennant Martin L.
Henry John C. Tscharbrun Joseph.
Heilman Clara H. Thompson Y. R.
Hill Benjamin F. Teeters Samuel.
Hippman John. Taylor Asahel L.
Howenstine Wm. C. Thompson Stephen I.
Huffstutter John A.
Hattan Dillman E. U
Higgings Marshall.
Heitkamp john. Unzicker Fie.
Hudmitt Ellsworth.
Hoffmann Fred. V
Hall Carter.
Helnlein John. Vrbsky Frank.
Heirs of Houlihan II. , Vogelgeeang A. C.
Hamilton Johnston.
Henderson S. H. , W
Hojek Frank.
Havden Elisba W. welton Henry C.
Howard Adron M. woods Enos M.
Hicks William. wilcox John I.
Harrison john w. wells Hugh M.
wertz John P.
I wertz John.P.
watrous Albert B.
Ireland Oliver M. whitehead Elizabeth.
Ingersoll Adolphos. Wallace Jonathan ,
Ireland George R. wilcox Esther L.
willtams Thomas C.
westrope Charles F.
wood Eliza ,
Jones wm. S. wrigbt Etna M.
Jamison wm. H. wedlich Adolph.
Johnson Nils , watkins Frank ,
james Joseph. wright Solomon H.
Jones joscphus. iwarner Anna.
Johnson Lawrence.
Johnson Hans.
Jobes Carbey.
Jones Henry. Yearger Enoch L.
Jones Joseph. Yearger James J.
Jackson John.
Zimmerman william.
Kalina Anton.
La Grippe Again.
During the epidemic of la grippe last season
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ,
coughs and colds , proved to be the best reme
dy. Reports from the many who used it con
firm this statement. They were not only
quickly relieved , but tbe disease left no bad
after results. We ask youtogive this remedy
a trial and we guarantee that you will be sat
isfied with results , or the purchase price will
be refunded. It has no equal in la grippe or
any throat , chest or lung trouble. Trial bottles
tles free at A. McMillen's drug store. Large
size 50c. and $1.00. 4-4ts.
Anna Bell was a Banksville visitor , Sunday.
Wm. Tuttle had eight acres of corn to plant
yet , Saturday.
Five rainy days , last week. Ground too wet
to cultivate to kill the weeds.
- \
Mulberries and cherries are the fruit desert
of Grant and Gerver precincts.
Corn is doing well. If the rains let up the
fields will soon be cleared of weeds.
A. M. Benjamin is cultivating T. W.'s tree
claim. Nels Johnson cultivated W. S. Web
ster's tree claim , last week.
The Alliances on the south side have decid
ed on a Fourth of July celebration on Dry
Creek and have engaged speakers lor the oc
casion. Gerver , Grant and Driftwood are in
terested in the picnic. OBSERVER.
It i : dangerous to tamper with irritating
liquids and exciting snuiTs. tlse Ely Cream
Balm which is safe and pleasant and is easily
applied. It cures the worst cases of catarrh ,
cold in the head and hay fever , giving relief
from tnc first application. Price 50 cents.
Indianola. Neb. , June 17th , 1WU. f
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment. Present. C. W. Hodgkin -
kin , S. 8. Graham and Stephen Holies , com
missioners , and Geo. W. Itopcr. county clerk.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and clerk directed to draw warrants as
follows , to wit :
Frees A : Hocknell. lumber for county S 5.U7
Huddleston I , . Co. . coal. Myers & Sbulfer. 7.00
C. W. Barnes , stationery for county Ji'i.OO
State Journal Co. . stationery for county , ' ) 00
W. A. McCool , t k'g H. Kendall to asylum Sti.OO
School Dist. 17 , tax erroneously assessed , tti.'JI !
Indlanola Courier , stationery for county , 30.50
C.F.Elliott , assessing Grant 38.-.U
W. if. Powell & Co. . supplies for paupers , 18.SO
John Horton. assessing Lebanon 4-.31
County Trcas. , personal tax same 7.6'.i
G. E. Zimmerman , assessing V. Grange. . . 45.44
county Treas. . personal tax same. . . . 5.5(5 (
C. C. Smith , assessing Gerver sa
County Treas. , personal tax same 5.87
County Treas. , personal tax W. O. Bond. . 5.50
Jacob Handel , assessing Hed Willow 11.51
County Treas. . personal tax same 1G.IW
J. V. Curntilmn. assessing North Valley. . U3.CO
County Treas. , personal tax same 3.00
Elbcrt A. Hall. ined. attend. W.W.Gerver ,
claim $30.00 , allowed 10.70
County Treas. . personal tax same 5.U1
J. T. Conlon. glazing court house & jail. . 1.80
County Treas. . personal tax same tl.t.'O
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund. levy ] K ) , in
favor of tbo county treasurer to apply on per
sonal tax as follows , to-wit :
Win. McCallum. mdse. for paupers $ 1.25
I.M. Beardslee. blankets for jail 5.50
A. F. Hardin. assessing- East Valley 30.40
W. A. McCool. balance inking Hugh Ken
dall to asylum 14,2(5 (
On motion board adjourned to meet June
18th , 1891. C. W. HODGKIN. Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Hoper. Clerk.
June 18th. 18 ! ) ! : Board met pursuant to ad
journment ; full board present. Minutes pre
vious meeting read and approved.
Continued the equalization of assessment
during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet Juno
l-Jth , ib'Jl. c. W. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Geo. W. Hoper. County Clerk.
June 19,1881 : Board met pursuant to ad
journment ; full board present. Minutes prc
vious meeting read and approved.
1801 TAX LEW.
The board finds the total valuation of al
real and personal property as corrected b ]
the board of equalization to be one million
two hundred and thirty-two thousand , nin <
hundred and forty four and 77-100 dollar !
( Sl,2a > ,314.77. )
On motion the levy of taxes for the yeai
1801 was made as follows , to-wit :
County general lund , nine mills.
' bridge fund , three and 8-10th mills.
' road fund , one mill.
" insane fund , two-tenths mill.
" bond interest lund , one mill.
" soldiers' relief lund. three tenths mill ,
Indianola precinct bond int. fund , two mills.
NorthValley pr'ct bond int. fund , twelve mills ,
East Valley precinct bond int. fund , ten mills ,
Bartley Village bond interest fund , five mills.
Willow Grove pr'ct bond int. fund , five mills.
City of McCook. twenty mills.
City of Indianola , six mills.
Village of Bartley , one mill.
On motion the county treasurer was direct
ed to transfer the various county funds levied
for the year 1890 to the same funds levied for
the year Igyi.
On motion the following official bond was
examined and approved , viz :
George Younger , overseer district No 31.
Petition of S. W. Ford. A. Speeret al. asking
certain road vacated read and considered and
ju motion vacated as follows : Commencing
it the S. W. corner S. E. Ji section 16 , town. 2 ,
range 30. running thence north one mile tc
N. W. corner N. E. Ji section 1C. town. 2. range
JO. and bridge on said vacated road ordered
noved to crossing of creek on section line be-
: ween sections 16-17 , town. 2 , range 30.
On motion J. W. Dolan was appointed a
nember of the soldiers' relief commission to
ierve three years from January. 1891.
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund. levylbOl ,
is follows , to-wit :
5. II. Colvin , house rent for Mrs. Purdy..S 4.00
3. II. Colyin , justice fee state vs. Brown , 3.55
lames John , medicine , McCulloch , claim
J5.90 , allowed 4.0 (
Omaha Republican Co. , stationery 17.X (
A. JIcMillen , medicines for Mrs Purdy , . . 10.7 (
Geo. B. Morgan , mdse. for Wm. Iteeves. . . 2JX
mdse. for Jos. Jessup. . . 1.2c
mdse. for M. Kincaid. . . . 2.5C
S. S. Graham , services as commissioner. . 36.2 (
Stephen as commissioner , 40.6C
Stephen Belles , cash paid for drayage. . . . 17.K
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy 1891.
in favor of the county treasurer to apply on
personal tar as follows , to-wit :
J. H. Bennett , con. fee. state vs. Brown.5 5.41
E. Peterman , supplies furnished county. 1.75
C. M. Goben. distributing aid 20.00
G. W. Curfman , med. for A. Z. Jones 4.60
J. C. Shumaker , med. for Horker. Strong 1.25
Geo. Younger , work on roads and bridges , 17.50
C. W.Hodgkin , services as commissioner , 20.00
On motion the following claims were re
jected :
G. W. Curfman , med. attend. C. Cooper $20.01
F. W. Eskey , med. attend. L. A. Goodrich 17.00
On motion the following claims were laid over :
H. W. Keyes. fee in adoption Walton children.
McC. Monitor , fee in adoption Walton children.
D. A. Waterman , looking after poor.
Transcript state ve. Allen.
Transcript state vs. Boston.
G. W. Curfman. fee. Hugh Kendall , insane.
J. H. Berge , fee , Hugh Kendall , insane.
W. S. Phillips , fee , Hugh Kendall , insane.
W. A. McCool , fee , Hugh Kendall , insane.
City of SIcCook , election expenses.
On motion the board adjourned to meet
July Oth , 1891. C. W. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Koper , County Clerk.
! Divine service at H o'clock , A. M. , and
7:30. P. M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at
10 o'clock , A. M. . central time. Prayer meet
ing , Wednesday evenings at 8:00 , central time.
All persons are cordially invited to these ser
vices. P. S. MATHER. Pastor.
Children Cry jbrAPitcher's JJastoria ?
What it ought to become nd can easily be-
nmdo by energy. faith. mid labor.
How ? First , everybody In Hod Willow coun
ty should road tbe JU1UGAT1ON AGE. That
newspaper IB now recognized oa ono of the-
BtrontfetJt forces in tbu development of the *
Arid Ucgion ; Is an encyclopedia on tbo sub'
ject of irrigation. Jt contains nil the news of
irrigation development , articles on the useof
water , the best crops to he cultivated , the ex
perience of Colorado , California , and also for
eign countries , departments In "TIIK IKIII-
" " OUCH-
AKDS , " and 11 hundred other things of prnct--
leal usefulneSH to the fanners of soutu-Wett-
ern Nebraska. It Is worth
$100.00 A YEAR
To all its readers interested In arid and semiarid -
arid lands. Subscribe at once , f 1.50 a year ,
50 cents for three montlip. Address ,
IttitiGATiON AGK. Denver. Colo.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician , retired from practice ,
having hud placed in his hands by un East In
dia missionary the formula of a simple veget
able remedy lor the speedy and permanent
cure of Consumption , Bronchitis. Catarrh ,
Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections.
also a positive and radical euro for Nervous
Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after
having tested Its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cascp , has felt It his duty to
make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu
ated by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering. 1 will send free of charge , to
all who desire It. this recipe , in German ,
French or Enirlisb. with full directions for pre
paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing
with stamp , naming this pauer. W. A. Noyes ,
KO Powers' Block , Rochester. N. V. : J8-y.
Buck fen's Arnica Salve.
the world for cuts , sores ,
tiruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
: happcd hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
miptioriB. and positively cures piles , or no
uuy required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect -
fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
' " > cents per box. For sale by A. Mc.Millen.
A Book of 500 Pages.
On treatment and care of domestic animals ,
lorses , Cattle. Sheep. Dogs. Hogs and Poultry.
lent free. Address Humphreys * Veterinary
> pecilics.Cor. William and John streets. N. Y.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , | j
From New York City , has the most com
plete stock of Spring and Summer Goods.for
men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver ,
His store is just replete with the latest nov
elties from New York and Chicago , and as
nu buys strictly for cash lie can alford togive
you lirst class Clothing at very reasonable
prices , lie has guaranteed every garment
he has made up in McCook for nearly six
years and has never had a misfit in that time ,
Call and see him. One door north of the
Commercial House.
Wishes to call public attention to the fact
that he has received more goods which makes
his the largest and finest stock to select from f'
in McCook. He guarantees a fit and his prices |
are the lowest in McCook. Two doors west oi '
Citizens Bank. ' ,
is : NOT
And solicits a continuance of past favors.
Carpet Laying a Specialty. Satisfactionguar- '
enteed. Leave orders at TOE THIBDNE office.
BREAD , i \
ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAAV ,
practice in the State and Federal
Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office
over Famous Clothinir Co. Store.
Six years experience in Gov.
ernmcntLand Cases.
Real Estate , Loans & Insurance.
t3P Office in Phillips-Meeker buildins.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV ,
practice In the State and Unit * } 1
States coutts and before the U.S. Land Offices.
Careful attention given to collections. Office
over Dank of McCook.
practice in all courts. CommerciAJ
and corporation law a specialty. Money to
loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g- .
B. B. DAVIS , M. D. C. If. JONES. M. D.
HOURS : 9to 11.a.m..2to3and
7 to 9 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank.
Contractor and Builder.
SPECIALTIES Makinp and repairingfurn
iture. Furniture of any description made to
order. Mail orders promptly attended to.
Shop on Dennison Street , opposite Pred-
more's blacksmith shop. McCoofc.tfeb.
Children Cry.fop Prtcher's'Castoria :