The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1891, Image 1

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wishes to announce that His stock of
are now on the shelves. He does not clfiiin to have the
biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise
what is impossible in price ? . But in
of all kinds , he carries a , complete and well-selected stock ,
and , the quality of goods considered ,
I also carry a full and fresh stock of
and in this department also I will
Meet All Competition !
a call and get my prices-
Are on hands as usual this spring with a large
and complete assortment of
of every description , all qualities and grades ,
which they are selling
They are also well stocked up with everything
usually kept by a first-class grocery store in
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
They have no superiors in quality or prices.
Just test these statements.
Cook ,
Citizens and Visitors Briefly
Mentioned. We Have Had
Our Eye on You.
"I Know Not WJiut the Truth May Be
I Tell it as 'Twas Told to Me. "
Mrs. II. A. Spakling is vishuii ; at herliom
in Kivurton.
Miss Mary Wilteis visited Gulbeitsui
frieuds , tliis weet.
o. E. Johnston and family have suovet
into 4l e I'helan house.
Eldei 0. A. Mas-tin of M'inden was A Coin
niercial quests , Monday.
Mrs. W. 0. Latlirop of itlie 'Varsity towi
was ft visitor , Tuesday.
TOIB G.'asscott is just back from a week7 !
sojourn in Denver on a visit.
J. E. Kelley left for Denver , yesterday 01
the liver , on matters of business import.
Miss Caddie Bodien of Orleans is < visithi
Gertie and Grace B igardner , this week.
Mr. Hugh McKee , fother of Mrs. Fowler ,
left on Monday morning for his home at
Fairbury , III.
O.E.Buiterfield , the Hairier "politiciaaer , "
was at headquarters far Western Nebraska
politics , Monday.
Miss Tdllie Barnes , sister of C. W. of the
T.-D was up fiom Indiauola , Saturday , in
i social capacity.
Miss Clara Kleven aad Dottie Davenport
were down from Culbertsou , Saturday even
ing , on a little shopping-pleasure trip.
Dr. B. B. Davis is visiting Lis father at
Centralia , Kattsas , who is not in the best of
lealtli. lie will return Tuesday next.
Emil Lindner shipped his household goods ,
jarly in the week , and left on Thursday
jvening to join his family in St Louis.
Frank Carrutu was up from Plattsmouth ,
Monday and Tuesday on electric Isght busi-
icss , going back on the Tuesday evening.
Morris DesLarzes is back from Colorado ,
irm in the conviction that you will have to
; o outside of the Centennial State to find
SfcCook's equal.
Tom Floyd of the Trenton Register , one of
he Independent wheel horses of county
tlitchcock , had occasion to visit the raetropo-
is , Monday evening.
Dr. Chas. H. Jones , whose visit to Min
neapolis has been greatly lengthened by ill
ness , arrived home on Sunday evening's
passenger , and is again m the harness.
D. A. Gray , special agent of the Fidelity
Building and Loan Association , Denver ,
Colo. , has been in the city , this week , for
the purpose of establishing a local board in
Jack Bullard returned , Wednesday morn
ing , from Denver , being threatened with
another attack of typhoid fever. He is doing
well , and they hope to be able to break the
fever before it runs its course.
County Clerk Williams of Dundy and
Judge Burke of Chase county spent this
morning in the city on their homeward way
from a delightful trip to Arkansas , Illinois
and other attractive places.
Miss Delia Rogers , who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilcox for past two
weeks , takes her departure , first of next
week , for .New Mexicowhere she will spend
a year of recreation and health-seeking.
Mr. Amos Buck , a former resident of this
state , but who for the last two years has re
sided in Washington , D. C. , arrived in Lin
coln last Friday. Mr. Buck prefers Nebraska
to the east and will locate and go into busi-
in this city. Lincoln Journal.
Prof. Walter Rowland was up from In-
dianola , Monday evening , on matters of busi
ness political. The genial and accomplished
Professor , it is currently reported , is a promi
nent and popular Independent candidate for
the clerk of the district court nomination.
Capt. R. O. Phillips , rustler-in-chief of the
Lincoln Laud Co. , was up from Lincoln ,
Monday , on water works business ; holding
a seance with the city fathers , Monday even
ing , over the lately adopted water rates or
dinance , which seems to be objectionable to
the company.
Were Hissed.
The following names have been handed UE
by a friend , who noted their absence from the
roster published last week. Doubtless there
are still others who have escaped the assess
or's eye :
Bennett. Thos. , priv. , I. 7th 111. Vol. , war 1812 ,
and 1st batallion M. T. , D. Cal. Vol.
A. J. Thomas , priv. . A. 6th Pa. Vol. inf. , and
priv. , B , 1st inf. , and serRt. Weaver's Ind.
Kendrick Ciark , private , F , 17th Illinois inf.
George Burns , private , E , U. S. infantry.
Sam Rogers and George Laverty now wash
in the sleeper and eat on the "diner , " while
on business trips west now. Glad to see the
reform is no doubt the verdict of the Walla
Several cars of wild animals from Africa
went west , Sunday , followed by other cars
later. They go to Manhattan Beach near
Engineer Pronger , after a vacation of a
few days , resumed service in the motive
power department , Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris leave , this even
ing , "for Galva , 111. , to attend the funeral of
Miss Laura Harris.
One fare for the round
trip to stations not over
two himdicd miles dis
tant will he sold by the
B. & M. July : $4 $ ; good
until the tith.
* *
Crete Chautauqua Assembly. Crrte , Neb. ,
June 30th to July lOUu One fare for the
round trip. Tickets on sale June uatl ie-
tuni limit * o July lltlu
10th animal convention Y , 1 * , S. of C. E. ,
MtniMrapuSis , July 3-12. Tickets < m sale 7-8.
One fare round trip. Oflicial route.
- * *
National Educational Association Conven
tion , Toronto , Canada , July 14-17. Round
trip tickets will be sold at the lowest one
way fust class rate plus § 2. The route is
via Detroit , Port Huron and the Canadian
routes. Tickets on sale 8-13 , inclusive- , good
for retuni 14th to Sept. 25th with live days
for returning. Official route , train runs
through to Toronto without change. Pull
man accommodations. Unusually low ex
cursion rates have been made from Toronto
to Canadian points-and points in New Eng
land and New York Excellent oppoi limit j
for a cheap trip to all points east.
Engineer J. S. W&liard is now running
JBrckeman Utter's wife returned from a
short visit to Denver , Tuesday.
Mrs. George Hunt weut out to Lougmont ,
this week , for a visit with friends.
Supt. Campbell went up to Denver , Tues
day on the liyer , on railroad matters.
Charles Erway , formerly employed at Cur
tis round house , is now working heie.
Clerk Thomas of Manager Holdrege's of
fice was a city visitor , early in the week.
Mrs. H. C. Smith with her son , Roy , went
to Holyoke , Thursday , to visit for a few days.
B pBuy a house from S. II. Colvin on the
monthly installment plan and save money.
Word from Paducah , Ky. , announces the
birth , June llth , of a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Hills.
A wash-out of track between Wray and
Laird , Thursday morning , delayed No. 2
about four hours.
Conductor Kendlen will take a rest of 3
days , owing to the extremely warm weathe
as predicted by Foster.
Kesident Engineer Blair and Supt. Camp-
hpll pnniP pncf thic mnrmnrr off/it-o * SMI I
ucn ixiuiG CIICH , iiua illuming , ill Id il lOUl O
inspection in the west
R. B. Simmonds of the Dispatchers' office
visited the capital city , Sunday , returning
home , Monday morning.
§ 350.00 will buy two lots in block 13 , origi
nal town of McCook , only three blocks from
business center. Apply to C. F. BABCOCK.
Ex-Conductor Alvard had all his clothes
stolen and many papers of value from his
way car on the Rock Island , a few days ago.
Farmer Irwin and son Charlie went out to
their timber claim in Hitchcock county , this
week , to extract a few weeds and stir up the
Sam Dulaney left , last evening , for York
to attend the funeral of his brother George
who was killed in a railroad accident at that
Some engine drivers are very poor mule
drivers as witnessed by the fact of Jim
O'Connell's team getting away from him
out in the country , a lew days aco.
Supt. Perry has been kept quite busy driv
ing , the past week , owing to the heavy rains.
Why don't Mr. Perry try some blind piles
and see how they stay with you when high
water comes ?
The father of sleeping car con. Webster ,
well-known here and couspicuous as the B.
fc M. heavy-weight , was buried in Chicago ,
the past weeK. He has the sympathy of all
Sells brothers circus outfit , consisting of 84
arge cars and coaches , will go over the high
ine from Holdrege to Cheyenne on Sunday
lext Arrangements are being made to ban-
lie them in first-class shape.
A car of ore en route from New Castle to
Denver passed through the city , a few days
tgo , and was inspected by several railroad
npn nn < nf TOhnm vpnc JipnrH tn rnmarL-
UIIG vi * . vvjiuui nrrto ,
"Guess Supt. Phelan is away from home and
they let a car of it get away without paint
ing it"
An Atchison special to the Globe-Demo
crat states that the B. & M. R. R. company
propose to invest S100.000 in Cheyenne coun
ty , Kansas , in an irrigation enterprise.
Cheyenne is the northwest county of that
state , and the water is to be taken from a
stream known as the North Fork probably
a branch of the Republican at a point some
twenty miles east of the Colorado line. An
army of men and teams are at work and it is
hoped to have the enterprise completed in
time to irrigate 100,000 acres of fall wheat
Amended by laws of various B. & M.
branch roads in Nebraska were filed Monday
with the secretary of state locating the prin
cipal place of business at Omaha. Branch
offices for these lines are hereby established
as follows : Nebraska Railway , Lincoln ;
Grand Island & Wyoming Central , Grand
Island ; Crete , Milford & Western , Crete ;
Republican Valley & Wyoming , Culbertson ;
Oxford & Kansas.Oxford ; Chicaco.Nebraska
& Kansas , Odell , Republican Valley , Kan
sas & Southwestern , Republican City ; Lin
coln & Black Hills , Central City. The an
nual meeting of stockholders for election of
directors shall be held the first Monday in
Hw JUNE 27th , inC
w my entire stock of
will be offered at a
-OF- to
\ \ toE
From the regular marked price. E
Jackets , Wraps and Capes
attention given mail orders.
55,00 PER DAY , $1,000,00 , GASH IN PRIZES ,
You can WIN BIG MONEY. Don't miss this opportunity
The IRRIGATION AGE is the ONLY journal in the WORLD devoted
: o the great interests of irrigation. It is meeting with ENORMOUS SUC
CESS , but wants 10,000 more SUBSCRIBERS before November 15th , and
jroposes to have them at anv cost. BIG COMMIoSION and big prizes to
\GENTS , and splendid TERRITORY entirely UNWORKED. NO COMPI-
rETION. Thirtv pages , Illustrated , finest class journal published west o
Chicago. ALL IRRIGATION NEWS. Just the paper for all farmers in the
WANT IT. Home edition , Denver ; Inter-ilountain edition , Salt Lake City and
) gden ; Coast edition , Los Angeles. Send for sample copies and agents terais and
mrticulars of our great 'PRIZE OFFER. Address
Irrigation Age , Denver , Cole , EailroadBuilding ,