OISTE > Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it IB pleasant and refreshing to the taote , and acts genttyyet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowela , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial id its effects , prepared only from the most healthy aud agreeable substances , Its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and bave made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kr. HEIV YORK. N.Y. " We are six in fam- A Farmer at ily. We live in a _ . _ place where we are Edom , Texas , Jubject to violent Says : Colds and Lung Troubles. I have used German Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat , Cough , Cold , Hoarseness , Pains in the Chest and Lungs , and spitting-up of Blood. I have tried many differ ent kinds of cough Syrups in my time , but let me say to anyone want ing such a medicine German Syrup is the best. That has been my ex perience. If you use it once , you will go back to it whenever you need it. It gives total relief and is a quick cure. My advice to every one suffering with Lung Troublesis Try it. You will soon be con vinced. In all the families where your German Syrup is used we have no John trouble with the Franklin Lungs at all. It is the medicine for this Jones. country. © G. G. GREEN. Sole Man'frWoodburjNJ , CURED TO STAY CURED. HAY FEVER We want the name and ad dress of every sufferer in the AQTHMA usandCanadaAddress , , P.n rodHijesK.D.BufJoK.T. ! Drticiou * Fr rklni ! an-1 Sold I'V a'.l < 1earr ] A ( x-autiful picture Book and caril * tent free II loyone nxdlcg addict to THK C E. HIRES CO. Pbi dMchla. EUCHRE. PROGRESSIVE SKIIASTIAV , O. T. A. ( i. It I. & V. R. K. . Chicnpo. and receiie. poKtage paid , the elioke t deck of cards you o f ry l.atidkd. Ten Cent * per pucU , one or inaiy. RESTORED. HEJinnT FKEll A Mctnn \oulhful Iniprudi-nce. causing Prematui-e Ii < x-ay. > er\ous Ueuil- Hj. I-o-t Manhood. &c. . IiaMiip tried in \ aiu ex ery know n remeilv. ha di eovtred a t-nnple mean" ; of hi If cute , which he will st nil ( cenli'dl FltfcE to hi = fellow 'iilfe-frs. Address J C. il ASON , Box 3i:9 , New- York City. EULTlTIOIV.il. . Add columns at once , ana 7RX ! ! TRiXn . many other trick ! : Rapid _ _ _ _ _ em-y any bricht boy can learn it. I'ricPtl. Kormil IVnmanihlp T fher , price81. Send tl. < 5 "t both , sell one. otlier FKEK. Addn-fs AUH91L RlsiXfcSS COLLEGE. 'olambu Junction. lane , leriu begins Aug. 21. Scud t or Circulai and Cost. A Good \Vool and ITIntton Slieep. One udvjintajo that Merinos have over the Down/j / is their line wool and abundance of oil , which protects them from the raiir and sudden changes of temperature. The Downs with their lon j , open llcece soon get wet and chilled in : i storrn , but the wool of the Merinos is to oily that the water runs oil more readily. The Merinos are hustlers and will find good picking where the Down * would starve. They will also bear herding in large flocks , but seventy-five of Down breed is all that should be put in one Jlock. The Dickinson , or Hiack-Top American Merino , arc the best that can be found. They arc large , strong and not as wrinkly us the Spanish Merino. Cross them with a Down ram or a Horned Dorset and the lambs will grow rapidly - idly and make splendid early lambs to dress , thirty-seven pounds in about six weeks. The ewes will shear a heavy fleece of valuable wool and in the end will give a good carcas for mutton. Farm and Home. "Dinner for Two. Appetite for Ono ! > ? : ild a dyspeptic to the waitc-r. oiderltiK for Hflf arid ft lend. And suppose lie had had uti appetite. It would lutve ujionlr.cd him. sub- bfquenUy , to gratify It. O ! the abomlriil > lu panes that even : t little inciil causes the i-onflrtm-d victim of indljce tlon. I'urgHtory on earth no levs. Altogether unnessaiy , though. HeKlii : tt once , syfitc'iiiiititiully. u course of llohtutter'h Stoinaeli Rlttcr. * , ye un fortunates with refractory stoniachs. In sityliiR this we mejely echo the recorded ex perience of thousands who have used the croat stomachic to their lasting benefit For the inaction of a sliiRRlsh liver , and for tardy or irregular action of the bowels , both very apt to accompany dys-pep ia , this Hue regulator Is equally efficient. Malarial cojnpliilrits. Kidney trouble , rheumatism and neuralgia depart when a. ic&ort is had to the IJitteis. Couldn't Help Xioriscir. { Watts So she refused you , did she ? " Dumley "Yes ; said she wouldn't ever he a , sister to mo. That made mo mad and now she's got to be one to me. " Watts "How is that ? " Dumley "J proposed to her sister and was accented. ' ' Boston Herald. Many men tie their horses very carefully , but let their tongues run loose. Axiotlicr New Train lias been added to the splendid service here tofore affoided by the Lake Shore Route ( L. S. A ; .M. S. iry ) . 'Ihe "New York and Bos ton Special'1 via the N. Y. P. & II. R. and B. it A. will leave Chicago daily at KhUO A. M. , reai-him ; New York next day at 2:10 r. M. , Boston at 4:20 p. M. The equipment of this train is eiitiiely new and consists of Vestibuleil Sleepers , liullct Library Car , Dining Car and Conch. No extra "fare is charged , fr'eud for complete time table , also Summer Tourist Folder. F. M. Bvron. C. I . and T. A. , GO Cluik street , C. K/Wilber , W. P. A. The amount of gold in the world would fit a room twenty-four feet each way. Th' ' life will mean more when we realize that it is the pathway to the ne\t. When Baby Tras rick , we gave her Cartoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , The serpent can not fly , but he Icnows ' enough to'catch birds that can. EASTERN * TRAVELERS Will Be Interested In. tlie New FAST TRAIN Now In Service LEAVING CHICAGO DAILY AT 10:30 : A. M. Arriving at BOSTON 3:4O P. ( VI. MEW YORK 2IOP. M. ZVEXT DAY. &nd & all HEW YORK and HEW EMS Points Before Darb For full Information concerning : the above , and Six Other Good Trains. ALSO SUMMER TOURIST FOLDER Grrinff Route * and Rate * to the Summer Resorts of the Eat , address C. K. WILBER , W. P. A. , CUI- caco , or A. J.8MIT1I. G. P.AT. A. , Ch-Tclond. O. W. N. U. , Omaha. - 573 25. ' " 9 y R.yALiVlACE'S [ JFEOFQHRiST Covering his great trip To. Tin oicb nnrt From Hie ChrlBt'Lnud. Illustrated with over 4OO won- flerful engravim : * . : als-o a grand picture of Jerusalem on the day of the crucifixion , in 13 colors and 10 APCHTC lIlAUTETn feet in length. Exclusive territory. Immense kales , . Write atoncc. Ad- AULtl I O WAR I LU. drebs. W. D. CONDIT & CO. , Des Molnes , Iowa. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Taeonlj Safe , Pnremndr l aW Fill for Ie. ea. uk Druedit for CMckrttm Jfrtglitk Diamond Brand In Red ud Gelt Bctallia botci , ealfd with Hue ribbon. Take no ether kind. Ktfvtt Subitieutioru and 7m < tahtu v- 11 pllli In p. ! bo r < J bo , pink wripptri. rei danrerou * connterfciU. Jit Draf fi u , er lead cf 4c. la fumpi for ptrticnli.r , uttimeoUlc , and "Kellef for Ladle * . " < n Utter br rctan MalL 1 ° tOOOTc tlmonl li. Xa Paf r. CHICHCSTCR CHEMICAL Co. , " " - Kold by all Local IlrscglcU. IT PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best.Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain , For Cold in the Head it has no equal. CATARR H Itis an Ointment , of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price , COc. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Address , . T. HAZELTINK , Warren , Pa. The Soap thatCleans Cleans Most is Lenox. l\ \ \ ' Bic Proftpcct * for Beet Sugar. The importance of the sugar beet in dustry can scarcely be calculated. At present more than half of all the sugar made in the world is obtained from beets , and it is said to be a fact that the beet crop governs the price of the world and the prospect is the key to the situation in 1891 , when more su gar will be wanted for consumption than in 1890. The total world's pro duct of sugar for the season of 1889-90 was over G , 250,000 tons , of which over 3,750,000 tons were from beets and the remainder from. cane. Germany produced the largest amount of beet sugar , and the United States , which has every facility for becoming an ex. porter , was an importer of over 325,000 tons of sugar. There IB nothing tor which the yearns more than sympathy. A guilty conscience needs an excucer. * * -A J The Comptroller and the IlniiUn. WASHINGTON. 1) . C. , June 15. The recent failure of the Keystone bank of I'hilndelphia has directed special at tention to the great responsibility that is vested in the comptroller of the cur rency. I'rom his otlice in the Ireasury department the comptroller has to keep BVCS on y , GG5 banks , with a capital ranging from ? JO,000 to ? o , 000.000 and aggregating more than $1,000- DOO.OOO. Kach of these banks must report its condition to the department live times a year , and the comptroller iniy call upon them at any moment without warning for a statement of their condition on a certain day. All these reports have to be carefully ex amined and compared with former re ports and other statements published by the banks. If anything irregular or in the least suspicious is discovered , the directors of tlie bank are notified and requested to correct or explain , as the case may require. It is the cus tom to notify each of the directors in a separate letter , that there may bo no concealment on the part of any one of them. Besides this there is the con trol of the corps or examiners , the supervision of the solvent banks in many other particulars and the settle ment of the accounts of the insolvent , the redemption of old notes and the chartering of new and closing of old banks retiring from business , the al lowing of which the comptroller must give his attention. To assi&t him in this he has a force of about thirty examiners and ninety-two other employes. Through this office the bank gets its charter .to exist. The division of issue sees to its currency ; the redemption division sees that the old notes are properly chewed up into material for pulp ornaments which tourists fancy ; the division of reports keeps its weather eye on she banks during their varied existence , and finally , if they are not well managed , it becomes the duty of the insolvent division to ciose them up and try to satisfy the creditors. The insolvent division has had its hands full lately between examinations , liquidations and explanations. It is not a popular branch of this financial system. It was not provided for in the general plan appijoveu by congress , but with the approval of the powers , born of necessity , it came into existence and plays a very important part in the system of bank supervision. The bank examiners1 reports go there and the fate of a tottering bank is there de cided , as far as the government's decision - cision goes. Indian I'oivVov. . CiiAMiii-.KLAiN , S. D. , June 15. The Indians at Lower Brule agency held a grand pow wow to discuss matters of interest to their future welfare and lay plans as to their action upon the arri val of the Sioux commission a few weeks hence. The commission will have some trouble in arranging mat ters satisfactorily to these Indians. The most important question discussed at the council today related to the nro- posed removal of the Lower Brule agency to a point farther north on the Missouri river. The Indians are di vided on the matter , there being many of them in favor of going up the river , but a still larger number apnear' de termined to go south of White river to Rosebud reservation , where they claim the land is better. As the government will insist on them all locating togeth er it can be seen that the commission will have considerable difficulty in set tling the matter to the satisfaction of both parties. The Indians , however , are anxious that tb.3 matter be settled in some manner , as many of them de sire to take their allotments of land in severally on the new reservation upon which they will be placed , if the com mission cnii arrange without friction where that reservation will be. Over Mxty 1'eoplu Killed. BEKXE , June 15. A horrible acci- aent occurred on the Moenchensteiu & bale railway today through the col lapse of a bridge beneath a heavily loaded exsursion train. The train was crowded with people on their way to attend a musical fete. Over sixty per sons were killed , while hundreds were injured. The engine and the first car plunged into the river and ail the pas sengers in the car were drowned. The cars remained suspended from the bridge. All the trainmen were killed. Thirteen cars were saved. The musical fete at Moenchenstein was abandoned as soon as the news of the accident arrived and hundreds of villagers hurried to the scene to assist in rescuing the victims. The bridge was an iron structure , which was considered well built and substantial. The only apparent reason for the collapse of the bridge is that the train left the rails and threw its entire weight on one side of the bridge. Food Scarce and High in Peru. PANAMA , June 15 The president of Peru has issued a decree admitting free of duty into the republic the fol lowing articles : Live sheep and cat tle , dried meats , salt beef , smoked or pickled fish , wheat and corn , potatoes and all other vegetables , eggs , cheese , chestnuts , peas , beans , rice , grape seed , herbs and spices , and has decreed an export duty of 20 soles , silver , per head on cattle exported and 2- soles per head on sheep exported. This ac tion , as announced in the decree , is in consequence of the scarcity and con sequent high price of food in Peru caused by the floods that have followed the heavy rains throughout the coun try and by the enormous demands for all forms of food caused by the war in Chili. The export of provisions from Peru to the armies of the insurgents along the coast of Chili has so re duced the stock of flour and meat that peculators have taken advantage of jhe situation and advanced the price > eef to 40 cents per pound in the a and Callao departments , where Isiti K M and bread are held at similar I JMiss\ e - \ Strawberries. Why are they called "straw" ber ries ? Smart men differ on that. Some say it is on account of their hollow , straw-like stems. Others thinic it is because they have to be covered with straw or similar protecting material in winter. The most classical ex planation is that our Anglo-Saxon forefathers use to raise them and they gave them this name "because the ber ries are generally on the ground , that is "strewed' ' or "strawed" around. FITS Epilepry pcrranni nt'y cun il by new ryztcm of treatment , inn TKI L HOTIU-s MILE. Sfnil for Treatise. HI Heptlc Ittmetly Co. , 4i liroail bt.Nt-w York. The higher the crltlcis.n , the lower the piety. . Wlnpio\T > Soot lit tic Syrup , for Chil dren tectliin ? , foflrns tlie cum * , reduces inflamma tion , allujs jiuiii. cures mud colic. 25c. u bottle. There is no deed more heroic than to say no to yourself. TITS. All Fltsetopped free by i > R. KLISK-S CHEAT Ncrvo Kestorer. Neb It after tlrt-tday * use. Mar vellous cures. Treatise ami 2 00 trial bottle free to Fltcaiea. Sena to Dr. Kllne.Cil Arch St. , Phlla. , 1'a. There are 1.1,000 different kinds of postage stumps in the world. Major's Cement Itepalrn Itroken Articles lie anJ 2Jc. Major's Best Liquid tilue Iflc. The male of the silk worm moth tiavels at the rate of 100 miles a day. 'Ilannon'N Iflnclc Corn Salvr. " Warranted to cure , or money refunded. Ask your druggist for It. 1'rice 15 emits. No man ever really jirays for anything that he Is not willinir to die for. IIolmait'H Liver Pads. A habe is horn at every heat of the human heart. Religion is not something you can take home aud keep for your own'usc. WHlo "CUT & SLASH" Does not set tip any Special Claim to the pat ronage of any particular tcct or class of wen It does ask a FAIII TRIAL , lit the hands of All Pipa Smokers. Of course "CUT AND BLiASH" does not expect the putronuge of that class of humanity called "Dudes" or "City Blcods. " who way think it nice to pay 10 cents for a Si ounce package of tobacco , when 5 cents might buy as good possibly better tobacco. We are timply trying to give the consumer the best tobacco we can 2 Ounces lor 5 Cents , cnl are anxious to have cs mnny people as possible try it. If It does not suit , don't cspect them to buy any more. If you never try it you will never know how good or how mean U Is. Gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. Pipe smokers Bay it is a "winner. " If you have never tried It , don't Eay that you never will , but ACT WELL the part of a wise man and try It at once. It will be sure not to kill you. but we will no. guarantee that its use will not make a congress man or a poet oulof you. Will you try a pack age ? Retail dealers can buy from Wholesale Grocers and jobbers at factory prices. Put up In 5 pound cartoons. 25 pound bales , with thow card and 25 samples In each bale. LYON TOBACCO WORKS , Durham , N. C. PROMPTLY CURED BY Cures Also : Neuralgia. Lumbago , Sciatica , Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Wounds , Swellings , Soreness , Frost-bites , Stiffness , AH AcheSa THE Chas. A. YogelerCo. , Baltimore , Bid. i Poiltlrplyoured by these EJttle Pills. Thsy * I > o nllar * DU tress from DjipepiU.In- (1igfstion uJTooHeartj ITTLE Eating. A perfect rem edy forDizrinasi.Nlugei IVER Oroiulnesi. Bad Tute In the Mouth , Coated FIU.S. Toncue.Pain in the Bids. TOKPID LITER. Th y regulate the BoweU. Purely Vegetable. Price 25 Ccntw CAST2E HSLICIHS CO , , HEW YGRZ. Small Pill : Small Dose , Small Price , Illustrated Publications. With Maps , describing Mlunc ntn , North Dakota , Montana , Idaho , Washington and Oregon , the , l''rco Government am IIKAl * NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. IJc t .ABiictiltur.U GruziiiK nrid Tim ber Lands now open to settler * . KKKK. Addrtss HUE. 11. LandJUom. X. I' . K. It. St. I'aul , JUac. Locus and Kicis-icns I Opens i tself when $5in dimeshave Ibeen deposited. Fits Vest Pocket I i Postpaid to any addrc-gR on receipt lot / .1c. Money refunded if not Bp.itipfactory. Agents wanted. I Write for circulars of Magic ( Novelties. Mention this paper. XOIITIC WKSTKKN Sl'ECIAI.TV CO. . Omaha , J cl > . Ue < - FST FOIKS REDUCED i5 to 25 Ibs. per month by harmless herbal Iremedit' ! ? . KofctnrviiiB.noinconvenience 'nncl no bail effprts. Strictly confidential. Send tV. for cir tilnr * nnd * j.tiinopiil s. AddrPKHjr. O.W.F.SSTDEn.McVicker'sTheatre BideChicago. . 111. -TENTS AMD AWNINGS B Paulino. Horce and Wapon Covers , Stockmen's Bed Sheets , Camping Outfits. OlldotlniiR nnd nil kinds of Canvnpoods. . OMAHA TKNT AND AW.VINO CO. , 1113 I-ainani street , Omaha. Neb. UfETAV from Nervocfj. Debility , Vl- WEHRtal Wa ttDK\tfc. Send Mr my free Book of Kemcdieinl rure your- eelresathome. J r. J.Keunert.llSMafiiiVuSL.Chlcasa GOLD MSDAL , PARIS , 187a W. HAKER & CO.'S 1 Breakfast Cocoa _ M7 from wlilrh tlio CXCMH of oil liai bfcn removed , * abtnliitflii jmro and It In sult iito Herd In in pr > | > trillion. It mtirf tluin tl r" tlinrl t'ia itrttigth of Coro.i mixed vIth gtnrcli , Arrox r it or Hupar , and ! tlu-reforo fr inoru t-co- lioiniiul , HK'I IJ / < * /Ann one . ItlKdfliiioiii'.nciur- . r < -niti"tilnif ! , EA M.T j nnd admirably mlapied fur liiiallils aatll an for pcwonp in ii > * alth. Sold \ > f flrorers crcrj lirrp. "W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , I EWiS' 98 % LYE § IZ3E2 AD risi ll-ATLNTEK ) Tbo .v < i"ii/r > t nnd iitJi - - made. Will iiinko the lust p < T- , fiuuetl Il.inl Snap in'JUmtnutUJ wltliiiut bniltwj. It 1 tlie lient for fcoftcniiiK wiitt'r , rli-unsins ciet ! . wiibliin ; ? bottlw , paluta , trees , etc. PENNA.SALTM'PGCO. ' Gen. . , I'lnl.i. , 1'a. When I eny euro I do not mt-an mt > relf toatop them fora time end then havu them return aiiin. I mom iv radical cure. I have made tliu disoa.it > of FITS. EPI LEPSY or FALLINO SIOKNESSalifwImiKBtudy. I Tjarraat my rt-medy to cum t'io worst ua. is. Itucauso cithers have failed is m renson fur not nwreceiv.njia cure. Seed et cacu for a tr-istibo aud a Free Uottleof my iufallil > ! e remedy. Give Iiir | > KManiI I'ust Ottice. ii. < ; . KOOT , M. ( - , iai : re-ri st. , N. v. MONEY ! Our Well Machines are tbrninit IMCOFIT. They FIN IPIIll.wherr other * FAIL ! Any site. 3 inches to il inches diamettr. LOOMIS & NYMAfi , Catafoguo TIFFINOHIO. . FREEI ill T7 C9 ES THE BEST W\RRANTED \ ° = 5ToN SCALES $60 FREIGHT PAID > r. I-e Are warranted to relieve tardy , irmtil r mil delated m < nitruntioiig. Kslalih-lu-d in I.iiro | > e ji lytj , Knglawi ItlO , Canada , 1877 , United Matei. 1KN7 We vjl thii Kiench pill at I' : a. box or three fur t i. Wo armut three I > oie8 to ci\o lelief n above fta * > Ml or refund the money. 'Hutu k'ouils ran L sent per mail on receipt of money. We arc nn incorporated r Mek < ant- panywith the piratcrpart of our capital utock of l0 ! ( - I'OOalready ' taken Am. I'll ! < fc Sled Co. . rojaltv pn > - ; irittoiF , S-jencir , la. Wholesale aud retail of Uoud- man l > rug Co. , Omaha. "Down With High Prices/ ' THIS SEWING MACHINE narnpRs 7.BQ Itoad Carta 1000 Wagons , 33 00 J5.00 Family or Store Scale , 1 00 A 240-lb. Farmers' Scale. . . . 3.00 4000 Ib. liar or Storfe Scsle. . . < 0 00 Force and Kit of Tools . 2000 looo other Articles at Ilair Price. CBICAOO SCALE CO . ChlcayIII. . 's Eye Wafer ! sfcst&s ! A series , pronounced to be the "freshest FROM NOW TO magazine feature of the year , " will be con tinued in each of the spring and summer January 1892 numbers of , ( Balance of this The les Year ) Only v * ? ] and present the portraits of the wives " of famous men whom the public Cents have never seen. ! The series will present portraits and sketches of Mrs , John Wanamaker The Princess Bismarck Lady Tennyson Mrs , Will Carleton Lady Agnes Macdonald a Mrs.ChaunceyM.Depew Mrs , Levi P. Morton Mrs , James G , Blaine And several others to be announced in the autumn. ts. vj For Your Daughters I ts.I " Side-Talks With Girls , " edited by RUTH ASHMORE a page of wise coun sels and instructive comments on social affairs and wholesome advice for our growing daughters. Some valuable articles in summer numbers include "After Dark in the Country "Those Little Summer Larks" "A Girl's Summer Dangers "The Summer Young Man" Will be described so that every girl will know the good from the bad. offer THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL on trial from now to Jan'y , 1892 , balance of this year , on receipt of ONLY 5Q CENTS CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY , Philadelphia , Pa. V r \ / : \ ft. , \