J.EGANS0HOW . , \ THE ' OLD RELIABLE. THE LESDING BOOT m SHOE DEALER. McCOOK , - NEBRSSKS. FARM LOANS. I am prepared to fill a few good applications at once. Money on hand when application is approv ed. J. E. KELLEY. District court , Monday. Family Groceries at Noble's. CHENKRY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Rve will soon be readv to harvest. Jr. . [ I * Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc- Millen's. "Rain still holds the reigns and reigns supreme. " Perhaps a drainage canal would suit you better. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Ryan &Noren insure all crops against hail. Loses paid promptly. Paints , oils , brushes , and painters' supplies at the City Drug Store. Superior flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. An attractive line of stationery , inks , pens , pencils and the like , at Chenery's City Drug Store. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish and elegant clothing. Crete flour has no superior and but few equals. Knipple has just received an entire car load of it. Last Saturday , W. J. Porter traded his stock of merchandise for some horses and town lots in Bartley. You will always find a superior stock of tobaccos at Chenery's. And a nice assortment of smokers' articlest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Parties wishing 500 pound lots of flour will save money by calling on POTTER & EASTERDAY. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are agents for he Piano and Walter A. Woods Bin ders. They are the best in the market. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , is the man to atronize. Rear of The Famous. - IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. You will be needing binding twine soon. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are pre pared to fill your orders at lowest mar ket price. A few gentlemen can be accommo dated with good day board at reasona ble rates at Mrs. Hobson's , upstairs in Union block. Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and the like must be fresh and clean to be desirable. Knipple makes a specialty of these points. Eight bums enjoyed the hospitality of the city bastile , Sunday night , and were escorted to the city limits on the morning following. A healthful and refreshing drink is Seltzer Water. The finest article may be found at Chenery's City Drug Store. Also the latest and most popular soda water dnnks. If you need a Binder or a Header call on S. M. Cochrane & Co. They sell the Walter A. Woods and Piano Bin ders and the Randolph Header , machines not excelled in the world. Marsh , the Liveryman , by his square dealing and excellent service , is gradu ally gathering the cream of the livery trade. He is becoming more thorough ly equipped every day to give the public the best livery service in the valley. The blind may see , The mute may talk , The deaf may hear The maimed may walk , And Johnnie may have the possess ion of his gun ; but the time will never come when you can buy first-class cloth ing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. Red Cloud flour. POTTER & EASTIBDAT. V \ Do You Want a Farm Loan ? If so , come and see me before making an application elsewhere. C. H. BOYLE. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block. 'Ryan & Noren innureall crops against hail. LOSCH paid promptly. A commodiouH , neatly furnished room for rent. Inquire at this office. Knipple has just received a car load of the celebrated Crete Mills flour. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen'n. White and Fijrured Windsor Ties all the rage at the Eagle Clothing Store. Prescription work a specialty at the City Drug Store. Promptness and ac curacy are assured. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. FOR RENT A furnished room. One block from the postoffice. Information iven at this office. A piano for sale or trade for a team of horses , or McCook property. In quire at this office. See Knipple in his new quarters in the Union block. Everything nice in fruits , groceries , etc. There is a rumor that Judsre Hatfield is figuring on establishing a tile factory on his alfalfa ranch. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car ries a large and splendid selection. Do you want the latest and best and cheapest ? Well , they keep a large variety at the Eagle Clothing Store. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. The Randolph Header is sold by S. M. Cochrane & Co. See them before buying your harvesting machinery. A PAINFUL BLOW A. G. Bump was quite painfully injured , Monday after noon , by being accidentally struck in the face by his horse. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do it at a very reasonable figure. FOUND A set ring , in McCookTues- day evening. Owner can have same by calling on Minnie Meyers in South Mc Cook and identifying the ring. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. District court will open at Indianola , Monday. A portion of the time Judge Gaslin will preside , as there will be cases in court which Judge Cochran prefers not to hear. SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy. Gents who are accustomed to have their shirts made to order give us a trial order. We guarantee a good fit and reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS. Nothing succeeds like success. Noth ing in the livery business takes the public eye and fancy like good horses and comfortable vehicles. With these Marsh gives prompt service and courte ous treatment. The roller mill will resume opera tions , Saturday , and Mr. Doan proposes to keep the wheels moving right along , taking care of all business that comes promptly , and reaching out for more. At the regular meeting of the Masonic lodge held June 16th , officers as follows were elected for the ensuing year : R.B. Archibald , W. M. ; T. G. Rees , S. W. ; John R. Roxby , J. W. ; S. H. Colvin , Treasurer ; W. M. Anderson , Secretary. Installation will take place on St. John's day , June 24th. The season of the year is approach ing when pants will be fashionable. We do not refer to the dog days. We have in mind the large stock and fine assortment "of pants just received by the EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE. They have anything you want in size , color , or quality. Prices are right. FOR SALE Part of my irrigated farm near McCook , in small lots to suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat er rent. Good chance for small fruit farms. Have had two years' experi ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil low county with irrigation. ANDREW CARSON , P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb. A man who wanted to learn what profession he would have his son enter , put him in a room with a Bible , an ap ple , and a dollar bill. If he found him , when he returned , reading the Bible , he would make a clergyman out of him ; if eating the apple , a farmer ; and if in terested in the dollar bill , a banker. When he did return , he found the boy sitting on the Bible , with the dollar bill in his pocket , and the apple almost de voured. He made a politician of him. Exchange. We allow no one to undersell us on flour. POTTER & EASTEBDAY. JL WALLPAPER PAPER ! Large Assortment ! Latest Designs I Prices Way Down ! Paints , Oils , Artists' Goods. A. McMILLEN , DRUGGIST. The band rendered an excellent pro gram at their initial open-air concert , Saturday evening , which called out the populace in numbers. The band of our city will play for the Red Cloud people , July 4th. They are to he congratulated upon securing the best music in the valley for the occasion. The work of securing right-of-way for an extension eastward of the C. H. Meeker ditch is progressing satisfac torily. The advent of the ditch is being hailed with joy on all hands. The sample of rye which stands guard at the door of our sanctum sanctorum was grown by B. F. Clark on A. W. Corey's Quarter Circle "C" ranch , east of the city. It is over five feetin height , and there are about 35 acres just as fine as the sample. The social at the Congregational church , last Friday evening , by the joint societies of the Congregational and Baptist congregations was largely at tended. The program rendered was full of interest. The net returns were very satisfactory. THE TRIBUNE is pained to hear of the death of Mrs. Walter Rowland at Indianola , Sunday , after a brief illness. Funeral occurred on Monday. The de ceased leaves a husband and four small children inconsolable over her sudden and untimely demise. A young man named George W. Smith was arrested , Saturday , for mortgaging an imaginery horse to Tailor Kalstedt as security for a pair of pantaloons. Squire Colvin turned him over to the tender mercies of Sheriff McCool for a period of 20 days to meditate upon his folly. / This week E. H. Doan closed nego tiations with A. J.Thompson and is now the owner of the McCook roller mills. It is the purpose of Mr. Doan to still further improve that excellent proper ty in due time ; and under the able man agement of himself and Mr. Paul THE TRIBUNE expects the McCook roller mill to continue to hold its own among the best mills in this section of Nebraska. * Children's day was observed by the Congregational Sunday school on an elaborate scale , Sunday morning. The church s interior was transformed into a perfect bower of flowers and birds , and the program of exercises was ap propriate and prettily rendered. The edifice was crowded. The floral arches , the harp and other decorations were truly beautiful evidences of the good taste and industry expended in prepar ing for the ever interesting occasion Children's day. The Methodist friends celebrated Children's day and the seventh Anni versary of their Sunday school in a splendid manner , Sunday evening. They had ah elaborate program of music and recitations , and all agree that the same was rendered with commendable smooth ness and rare excellence. The interior of the house of worship was decorated with a profusion of choice flowers , tune ful caged songsters , and-so-forth. The audience crowded the edifice to the ut most and many failed to gain admission. 1 . V In these days when it rains whenever it has an opportunity a few statistics in regard to the rainfall of this and last year may be interesting : In May , 1890 , only 1.55 inches of rain fell while in May , 1891 , we had 5.37. For the six months ending June , 1890 , 8.42 inches fell , but during the corresponding months of 1891 , being only 54- months thus far , 18.11 inches have moistened the earth in this vicinity. For the year ending December , 1890 , 15.28 inches fell , while for the five months of the present season , ending May 3lst , 15.26 inches have fallen. Thus far in June , 2.75 inches have been precipitated upon us and the indications are that June will be fully as wet as May. The reader may imagine Henry Col- lumburg's surprise , the other day , to have one of his horses drop completely out of sight , while out plowing in the field. The continued wet weather had softened the earth over a wolf hole , and when the horse stepped on it he drop ped through , only his nose being above ground. By dint of hard work Henry got the animal out without injury ; when the horse was released and on his feet , he dropped over on his side from sheer exhaustion and fright. There is another wolf hole only a few rods away from this one and Henry keeps a good look out in that direction all the time , for fer-r that all the holes are not in the bottom of the sea. Humboldt flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Well , this is a little more like corn weather. Morel \ . A McCook mourns the death of a noble citizen and true. In the twilight hours of Monday , Frank H. Fowler's life went out , and his bright spirit separated from tbia pain-racked tenement of earth , winged ita flight to realms celestial and eternal. His was a heroic battle for life , and a calm and peaceful surrender to the inevitable. It wan well with Frank H. Fowler's soul. Suddenly stricken down with u fatal and insidious malady , his condition had been a source of most intense solicitude of this community for two weeks past. Aim at the last , when the summons came , the blow fell with crushing force upon the dear ones of his home and heart , and called forth the spontaneous utterances of profound regret and sym pathy of this whole people , in whose affections he held a high and enduring place. On the afternoon of Wednesday , that which was mortal of the departed was conveyed to Longview cemetery and deposited in the quiet bosom of Mother Earth , the obsequies being attended with the highest marks of respect for him who has gone before. The Masons and Workmen had the remains in charge and conducted the exercises at the cem etery in accordance with the rituals of their respective orders. The floral of ferings were profuse , exquisite and beautifully symbolic , representing in nature's most charming form sentiments more tender and lovely than language can convey. The floral crowns , cross and crown , the gates , the harp with the broken string , and the many other hand some and suggestive designs which filled the chancel , were particularly rich and enchanting. The services were held in the Con gregational church , but so vast was the concourse of people who came to pay a last tribute to the memory and virtues of the deceased that but a moiety were able to secure admission , llev. D. L. McBride expressed in tenderest , most heartfelt terms a glowing tribute to his absent friend. Words which touched a responsive chord in every heart present. THE TRIBUNE voices a universal sen timent in extending the bereaved and sorrowing the most profound sympathy. H. FOWLEK was born iu Canaan , Columbia county. New York , October 29th , 1848 , and died on June 15th , 1891 , aged 42 years , 7 months and 17 days. He came from New York to Illinois in 1869 and settled near the town of Fairbury in Livingston county , in which town , five years later , he was joined in marriage with Miss Henrietta McKee.who with her two children survive him. He re moved from Illinois to McCook about five years ago and immediately became associated in business with Mr. J. A. Wilcox , which business relation continued until his death. He leaves to sorrow at his departure wife. children , mother , sister , father-in-law , and many other relations more distant , together with a community of bereaved citizens. SUNDAY AT ST. PATRICK'S. Last Sunday , the 14th , witnessed one of the most imposing scenes occurring in the history of the Catholic church of McCook. The event was particularized in the presence of Rt. Rev. Bishop Bon- acuru ol Lincoln , Neb. , who adminis tered Confirmation to a class of forty. The first Mass was celebrated by the Rt. Rev. Bishop , at which those who were to be confirmed partook of Holy Communion. Long before the hour for the High Mass great numbers were seen winding their way towards St. Patrick's church , where Confirmation was to be administered after the conclusion of High Mass. Promptly at 10:30 A. M. , the Rev. Pastor J. W. Hickey intoned the Aspergea while the choir took up the beautiful antiphon "Sprinkle me , 0 Lord , with hyssop , and I shall be cleansed. " Following the Asperges , Mass was commenced by the Pastor in the presence of hia Lordship , while the harmonious strains from the choir filled the beautiful edifice with its sweet mel ody that is so inspiring and character istic in the Catholic Ritual. Immedi ately after High Mass a beautiful ad dress was given to the "Confirmaudi , " dwelling principally on Confirmation as a Sacrament , when St. Peter and St. Paul went to Samaria to confirm those whom St. Philip had converted and bap tized. The Sacrament being adminis tered , a short exhortation for the perse verance in their good resolutions and devotion to Christ's church was encour agingly given by his Lordship. 1 he services closed with the "Te Deum" beautifully rendered by the congrega tion. * . * VALUATION TOTALS. Following are the total valuation fig ures of this city and precinct : Real estate , city , $154,490 Personal property , city , . . 86,324 TOTAL $240,814 Real estate , precinct $ 25,444 Personal property , pre. . . 4,285 TOTAL $ 29,729 GRAND TOTAL $272,543 The above figures show a considerable decrease this year from the valuation of 1890 which was about $320,000. Feed of all kinds. POTTER & EASTERDAT. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. " V - , \ " . . . ' THE COUNCIL Council was in adjourned session , Wednesday evening , Mayor Brewer , Councilmen Knights , LaTourette and Mcnard , and Clerk Warren present : Following bills were allowed : Charles Weintz , $ 1.50 S. M. Cochrane & Co. , 90 Gray & Maddux , 50.00 L P. Moore 2.00 J. H. Bennett 50.00 W. C. Bullard & Co. , 133.06 LukeTulley , 6.00 The appointment of John McCotter as night policeman was confirmed by the council. He will report for duty on June 18th. His bond was placed at $500. Clerk instructed to purchase a copy of the Nebraska statutes. Petition for sidewalk along south side of lot G , block 19 , lot 8 , block 19 , all of block 20 , first addition , was allowed and walk ordered built. ( See resolu tion elsewhere in this issue. ) Adj. COMFORT AND STYLE. Both comfort and style are desirable. Indeed when the matter of selecting a livery rig is concerned , they are abso lute necessities. The Circle Front Livery Stable make these a study , and together with their prompt and courte ous treatment and reasonable charges they offer every advantage possible to the public. Their new surrey is the acme of comfort and elegance. A CARD. Kind friends one and all I will ever hold in most grateful remembrance your devoted helpfulness durinir Mr. Fowler's illness and the last of earth. Accept my thanks for them all. HENRIETTA FOWLER. McCook , June 18th. ADJOURNED. The June 15th , 1891 , term of Dis trict Court for Red Willow county is hereby adjourned to Monday , June 22d , 1891. J. E. COCHRAN , Judge. McCook , Neb. , June 10th , 1891. THE TRIBUNE hereby acknowledges the receipt of a buxom basket of cher ries from the Crete Nurseries. The fruit is fine and no mistake. Col. E.F. Stephens has thanks for his thoughtful- ness. He informs us that in addition to their extensive cherry orchards , which usually yielded from 400 to 600 bushels of fruit , they have vineyards which promise 15,000 pounds of grapes and 80 acres of orchards , a small portion of which only is coming into bearing , and which will yield this season 10,000 to 12,000 bushels of apples , at the price likely to prevail the crop of fruit having failed in the east , this will yield a hand some sum of money. The Nursery aims particularly to sell directly to the plan ter , to encourage direct trade , and , as far as possible , avoid the intervention of middle men and dealers. They wish to encourage people to deal with home nurseries. They have also built up a large business in planting timber claims in which they have been very success ful. For the space of a half hour , early this morning , a tremendous rain fell here. An immense volume of water poured down our streets and few cellars on the lower streets escaped a flooding. Had the rain continued long the damage must have been serious. The area wall on the south side of the Union block fell in and some water entered the cel lar under that handsome block. The cellar under McMillen's drug store , Dewey's laundry and others were more or less flooded. But in no case was the damage at all severe. These repeated floodings should stir up our business men on Main street especially to some decisive action in this matter. Serious results may be averted. The social and reunion held in Meeker hall , last evening , by the members of St. Patrick's church , was a splendid success. Ample and attractive amuse ments were provided for the large attend ance , and the church's exchequer was handsomely replenished by the liberal patronage accorded. Reizenstein furn ished the music. TO TRADE FOR A FARM. Will trade a quarter block , house 24x24 with basement , in Red Cloud , for a farm near McCook. Enquire at this office. office.WILL WILL SELL CHEAP. A 4-room house convenient to the round house. A good cellar. Full acre lot. Inquire at this office for particulars. Noble , The Grocer. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block. flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! A four-room house in good location for rent. Inquire at Bullard's lumber yard. yard.The The Eagle Clothing Store has the only Genuine Dog Glove found in McCook. S. M. Coohrane & Co. for binding twine. They will give you the lowest price possible. Graham flour. POTTER & EASTERDAT. - A Jf A BIG- CUT ! We offer COO pairs of Men's Shoes ( samplesnil ) styles and widths , all number 7 , at DISCOUNT. Our prices will be found in teresting to purchasers of Ladies Shoes , -OUIt- .50 Hand Turned , $3.OO Hand Turned , $2.5O Machine Sewn , .00 Machine Sewn , ,5O Machine Sewn , Are unusual values. FOR RENT. That is to say : Do you want to buy. rent or trade for a barn. If so call on or address E. LINDNER , McCook. THE SODA WATER SEASON OPEN. The soda water season is open at the City Drug Store. The latest and best drinks. Pure fruit juices. A specialty of seltzer water. Corn meal. POTTER & EASTERDAY. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. SUMMER Complete Lir es of STRAW HATS , NEGLIGEE SHIRTS , UNDERWEAR , NECKWEAR , HOSIERY and other Furnishing Goods. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in SO minutes b7 Woolf ord's Sanitary- Lotinn. This never fails. Bold by L. W. McConnell - Connell & Co. . Druggists , McCook. 30-ljr. I. -I.