The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1891, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
IT is a neck and nock rnce be
tween the cereal crop and the can
didate crop. Both are rank.
THE laborer ia worthy of his hire
The capitalist has a right to the
labor he can afford to pay for
The two.united , rule the world.
Divided , ifchey create discord , deso
lation , death..The problem oJ
placing them upon a common plat
form is the problem of the age.
MAJOR McKlNLEY was. nominat
ed for governor of Ohio by accla
mation , "Wednesday. The enthu
siasm of the republicans who have
gathered at Columbus is a suffi
cient guarantee that he will be
elected. The Buckeye state has
been the scene of a great deal of
political activity in the past , but if
the democrats show any fight at all
the coming campaign will discount
all previous combats. The repub
licans are going in to win , and it
can be written down at this moment
that Major McKinley will be the
next governor of Ohio. Journal.
THE cheerful intelligence comes
from Northwestern Kansas that
the big irrigation company organ
ized recently in this city has sur
veyed a main ditch 120 miles in
length and men and teams are now
at work on its construction. It
has been feared that the unusual
amount of rain this season woulc
discourage the investment of capi
tal in these enterprises , but it ap
pears that this is not the case.
The next dry season will find the
irrigating flumes ready for busi-
nes. That means that there wil ]
be no total failure of crops in
Western Kansas and Nebraska in
the future. Journal.
INSTEAD of suicide the baronet
of the baccarat scandal chose mar
riage. He espoused a rich Amer
ican girl , Miss Garnet , whose "reni
roll" comes up to § 60,000 or $70-
t)00 ) per annum. They went for a
honeymoon to a country house lent
them for the purpose by Lord Mid-
dleton , but not a soul would speak
to them or call on them. It is a
dead social cut. But they may
come to America and be tolerably
comfortable perhaps.
The punishment in England for
social crimes is sufficiently severe
to reach the case. "Whether the
Prince of Wales will get it as hot
in his turn is problematical. They
can hardly cut the heir to the
throne as that would be in the
highest degree revolutionary. Tea
a certain extent the old doctrine
that the king can do no wrong
still prevails in all monarchies.
Whereas , n petition signed by the Secretary
of the Board of Education of the city of Mc-
cook. Neb. , reguestiiiR the council of the city
of Alccook to order 11 side walk to be constructed -
structed on the north side of Dakota street ,
commencing- the S. E. corner of blk. 29 and
then running west across Manchester street
to the S. W. corner of blk. 20. all in the first
addition to the city of Mccook ;
Therefor be it resolved , by the Mayor and
Council of the city of Mccook. Neb. , that there
is hereby ordered to be constructed a sidewalk
along the north side of Dakota street , along
the south side of lot 6 , blk. 19 , and along south
side of blk. 20. all in tbe 11 ret addition to Mc
Cook. Neb. ; said walk to be constructed with
in thirty days from the date of tbe publication
of this notice and shall be of two inch plunk
five feet and four inches in width and placed
on not less than three striiiccra size2x6inches.
Passed this 17th day of June. 1891.
Attest U. J. WAIIREN , C. T. BREWEU.
City Clerk. Mayor.
Whereas an appropriation has been made
by tne Mayor and City Council of the City of
McCook , Hed willow county. Nebraska , con
cerning the expense of supplying the City of
McCook wtth water in 21 fire hydrants and 1
wateriDR trough and for water for street
sprinkling purposes , and for the purpose of
supplying one flre hydrant and one watering
trough for the flscal year ending on the flrst
Tuesday of May , 1892 ;
Therefore be it resolved , by the Mayor and
City Council of the City of McCook. that the
said Mayor and City- Council by its duly auth
orized and qualified officers be authorized
and hereby empowered to make and enter into
a contract in writing with the Lincoln Land
Company Water Works Company by its duly
authorized agent or office : the tenor and ef-
tcct of which contract shall be that for and in
- consideration of the sum of ? 1,200 to bo paid
by said City of McCook to said Lincoln Land
Company Water Works in quarterly payments
at the ena of each quarter during said flscal
year ; tbe said Lincoln Land Company Water
Works shall make and deliver to the said City
of McCook its contract that in consideration
of the foregoing it shall supply the 21 flre
bydrnnts with all necessary water for flre use
and flre companies practise purposes , and
shall furnish said City of McCook with all nec
essary water for street sprinkling purposes in
the said City of Mccook for said fiscal year ,
and that said Lincoln Land Company Water
Works Company shall , and it shall be part of
said contract , provide and erect one flro hyd
rant , the location of which is to be determined
by the said City Council , and also to relocate
[ one watering trough in tbe manner and at tbe
r time requested by said City Council , said Lin-
coin Land Company Water Works Company
to keep all water hydrants and water trough
in repair during said flscal year.
Passed this 10th day of June 1891.
Attest-Z. L. KAY. C. T. BREWER.
Clerk pro-tern. Mayor.
Belgb Lovi. cnldon Michael.
/ Drawbough Pheby. Forsythe Sadie.
Haney James M. Jones Amos.
Kayser Kate A. R. Landes Kate.
Murry Patrick. Mccreery Mary B.
Murrain Thomas E. Mccreigbt Noney J.
Minary Mary. PooleJobn.
Patterson Benjamin. Powell John H.
Powell Ltealo A. Sims Thompson N.
Wiloy Charley E. /
Jndianola , Neb. , June nth , 1091. )
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment ; present , C. W. Hodgkin -
kin , Stephen Italics and S. S. Graham , com
missioners , and Geo. W. Roper , county clerk.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
ROAU NO. 248.
Petition of Nelson Downs , Samuel Barthel
ct al. asking for a public road read and con
sidered. The board finds that all the require
ments of law have been fully complied with
and on motion same was granted , establish
ing a public road as follows , to-wit : Com
mencing at N.V. . corner section 19 , town. 2 ,
ranee 28 , thence N. I A miles to N. W. corner
of S. W. section 7 , town. 2 , range 28 , thence
W. on 1A section line 32 chains , thence N. 4
degrees , E. 11 chains , thence N. 20 degrees ,
30 minutes , W. 6 chains , thence N. on A sec
tion line to the N. W. corner of N. E. X of
section 36 , town. 3 , range 29 W. and terminat
ing thereat , and on motion the county clerk
was directed to draw warrants on county road
fund , levy 1890 , as follows :
A. W. Corey , damages road No. 248. . . . 97-18
Co. Treas. , personal tax A. W. Corey. . . 52.82
1 * . T. Francis , survevinp road No. 248. . .77
Co. Treas. , personal tax P. T. Francis. . 9.23
" A.Hammond. . 2.00
" J. W. Welborn , 7.33
On motion board adjourned to meet Jun
I2th , 1891. C. W. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
INDIANOLA , NF.JI. , June i2th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment ; present , C.V. . Hodg
cin , Stephen Holies and S. S. Graham , com
missioners , and Geo.V. . Roper , county clerk
Minutes previous meeting read and approved
Request of Harlow W. Keyes , county judge
as follows , read and considered :
I expect to be temporarily absent from Rec
Willow county from on or about the l6th day
of June to on or about the 6th day of July , 1891.
Vhcrefore , I most respectfully request that
rou appoint some person to act as county
udge during my absence from the county.
Very Respectfully ,
HARLOW W. KEYES , County Judge.
On motion J. II. Berge was appointed coun
ty judge to take elfect during the temporary
absence of Harlow W. Keyes , county judge ,
and on motion the official bond of J. II. Berge
as county judge was approved.
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
follows , to-wit :
R. M. Coulter , assessor Beaver pre'ct. . . 57.00
Phillip Weick , dis't'ing aid at iMcCook. . . 35.00
Mrs. C. II. Meeker , clothing for pauper
children ii.oo
On motion board adjourned to meet June
I3th , 1891. C. W. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
INDIANOLA , NEn. , June i3th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment ; present , C. W. Hodgkin -
kin and S. S. Graham , commissioners , and
Geo. W. Roper , county clerk. Minutes pre
vious meeting read and approved.
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
wants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
follows , to-wit :
N. Uhren , assessingBondville pre'c't.$35.10
Henry Helt , assessing Tyrone pre'c't. . . 36.80
On motion board adjourned to meet June
I5th , 1891.
INDIANOLA , NEB. , June i th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment ; present , C. W. Hodgkin -
kin , Stephen Belles and S. S. Graham , com
missioners , and Geo. w. Roper , county clerk.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
In the matter of the bonds of willow Grove
precinct the following were had and done :
State of Neb. , Red Willow county , ss.
F. M. Kimmell , being duly sworn , on oath
says he is Ihe editor of THE McCoOK TRIB
UNE , a reputable newspaper published at Mc
Cook , Red willow county , Nebraska , and of
general circulation in said county , that a true
copy of the attached notice was correctly pub
lished in the regular and entire issue of said
paper and not in supplement on Friday , May
29th , 189 ! , Friday , June 5th , and June I2th ,
1891. F. M. KIMMELL , Publisher.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
I3th day of June , 1891. w. F. LAWSON ,
SEAL. t Notary Public.
On motion it was ordered that the bonds of
willow Grove precinct , Red willow county ,
Nebraska , in the sum of ten thousand dollars
be issued in accordance with the foregoing
proposition and that the clerk enter all the
proceedings upon the records of this board as
by law required , and finding that the notice
of said election and proposition was published
as required by law and that all proceedings
in connection with said notice and election
was in accordance with law , thereupon the
bonds were duly signed by C. w. Hodgkin ,
chairman of the board of county commission
ers of Red willow county , Nebraska , and his
signature thereto duly attested and the county
seal thereto attached by Geo. w. Roper , coun
ty clerk , on this ijth day of June , 1891.
On motion V. Franklin , George Hocknell ,
F. H. Spearman , C. T. Brewer and Patrick
Walsh were appointed trustees to negotiate
the sale of the ten bonds of one thousand dol-
ars each of willow Grove precinct at the best
price they can obtain and they are hereby
authorized to receive the proceeds of the sale
of said bonds and to apply same for the use
and purpose for which same were voted in the
reposition and bonds , and according to the
agreement between C. H. Meeker and the
voteis of willow Grove precinct on file in the
county clerk's office , and it is further ordered
that the trustees before mentioned shall exe
cute and deliver to the county clerk of this
county a good and sufficient bond for twelve
thousand dollars to Red willow county , Ne
braska , to be approved by the clerk of this
board that they will do and perform the sev
eral acts required of them under this appoint
ment as by law provided and report their
doings to this board as soon as the bonds are
sold and the proceeds , are paid out under this
appointment and upon the filing of said bonds
the county clerk is directed to deliver said
bonds to said trustees.
On motion all that part of willow Grove
precinct lying south of the Republican river
was made into a new road district and to be
known as road district No. 38.
On motion the following precinct officers
were appointed to fill vacancy , viz :
James M. wilson , overseer district No. 10.
Thomas Sargent , ovcrser district No. II.
George Younger , overseer district No. 31.
Harry wade , overseer district No. 35.
A. D. Johnson , overseer district No. 38.
On motion board adjourned to meet June
i6th , 189 ! . C. W. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo.V. . Roper , Clerk.
INDIANOI.A , NKB. , June 16th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment ; present , C. w. Hodgkin -
kin , Stephen Holies and S. S. Graham , com
missioners , and Geo. w. Roper , county clerk.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
On further consideration of the equalization
of assessments for 1891 the board finds that to
make a just and equitable assessment'it is
necessary to add certain per centages in the
following precincts and on motion the same
was done as follows , to-wit :
North Valley precinct , add ten per cent.
Gerver precinct , add twenty percent.
Grant precinct , add ten per cent.
Tyrone precinct , add twenty per cent.
On motion board adjourned to meet June
I7th , 189 ! . C.V. . HOUGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
Of Ex-Soldiers and Sailors Re
siding in Red Willow Coun
ty , Nebraska.
As returned to the Coun
ty Clerk by the several pro-
clnct assessors or the county.
T , Geo. W. Roper , County
Clerk of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , do hereby certify
that the following is a cor
rect list of all persons who
served in the United States
Army. Navy , and Marine
Corps.during the War of 1812.
the Mexican war and the
War of the Rebellion. with rank , company.
regiment , battery or vessel , and present post-
office address , properly designated and alpha
betically arranged by regiments and states.
GBO. W. UOPER , County Clerk.
NA&nt. HANK. COMPAKV. ADDBX8S. H. U. . p D.lMth Ill.tef. . Box Elder.
Aflnn Wtn. . orp. , R. 39th Iowa Inf. . DMbury.
Afihioa Harnot , p. , K. WHb lod. t f . . B abury.
.UlRia K. V. . priv , F , EBh Oblo faif. . KoCook.
Ilurtia Win. P. , priv- , ad 111. cav _ ImHnnola.
BlMinirft. Simeon , prir. . D. 106th Hi. , ludtanoU.
Hod woll. A. P. , priv. , B. 116th Ohio. Uan * .
lloyer J. V , , Corp. , 6. Bb Iowa i f. , Danbocy.
itusb D. W. . prlr. , H. llth Mo. CMBartloy. .
Benjamin W. H. . p. . X. WTtto X. T. . Bnk vHle.
BaroM D. B. , p. . Caith Ofcio inf. . Daok Yillo.
Hurt Q. W. . priv. , B. 44tt > lowaiirf. . Indianola.
Blak * Oyrue. prlv , B. 23d Mo. hrf. . J 4toa ltt ,
Urezeo W. M. . piir. . R. 4tt > IU.i . . | iwlIn oto.
Bougfcton A. S..p..A. i W1e.iif.ladii nela.
Hood Robert. priv. . 'lth Wte. iaf. . Kritoiiota.
Bartholomew AkU , p. , 6 , 44tb 111. inf. , Lefeauen.
Burgc B Harroy , vriv. , D , 9th Mlnu. . Lebanon.
Book C. W. . private , L , Wtb IU. cav. , arikjy.
Baoon M. H. , priv. , B. Gth Wig. inf. . McCook.
Brown Thos. E. . p. , K , Mtfa Obioiaf-.TjitaOBe.
Brawn Goo. B. , p. , K. TWb Ohio to * . . Tyrone.
Bojrd cbox. . private , a 6 th Hi. . . MoCook.
BaJoa The * . . private , B. 7th 14. tmt. , $ f OM * .
B U * uaH4I CM. p. , I. &ttfa-tiLtar..ateaook.
Rotugardoor D.E. , p. . AS8tbf > a.oav..UaC&ok.
Calktoa John. covp. . 8. K. F. H. A. . . BtcGoek.
Canada Bltaa. private , AfittbOMo , tedteao ( & .
Coopr WlrttMB. private , -I2 h Wfc. , XoGwric.
Clark TtoowM , private , C. lfl * Ohio. Barttey.
sod corporal , F. 123d OMo.
Cheney Thos. . prir. , C. 12th 111. fcrf . , Leboova.
CrabtreeH..lB wrsrt..B.aaMa. mt.
Coppen A. B. , p. . E. 2Uk tftea ot
Calkins A. A. , p. . A. 7tfa JMnn. fa * . , Arfiauvio.
Cramer C.D. . 1st tff't. , D. 38ttrMa. * . , Jpdtaaola.
Conner John , private , B. 39d Wla , Bofcary.
Carr J. H. , prirate. 6. 79Ui K. T. tof . . tfcurtiey.
Crosby A. E. , private.CT23dlowaaf. . Bartley.
Cooley M. L , , sergt. . D , Wtb M. inf. . Vaifeen.
Crockford Wm. . p. , D , 28th Mich , inf. , McCook.
CollingWm. . , priv. , A. 63d Hi. faf. , ia uoU.
Cooley R. S. . priv. . H. 1st © bio H. A. , McCook.
Oatt Tbos. H. , priv. . F , Wtb Ind. cav. . MoCoofe.
Clyde A.C .Q.M.B.Army Cumberland. McCook.
DutcberA. , p. , A , 150th N. Y. inf. , Indlauola.
Dolan J. W. , corp. , C. 18 h la. tot. , lodtawla.
Dodge Sidney , wagoner , F , IStbiHoh.ifcCook.
Dole A. G. . private. I. 1st Ohio , ladiaoola.
Davenport W. S. , p.F , 143th HI. inf. , McCook.
Ellia Samuel , corp. . B. 13th Pa. cav. , McCook.
Evans Jacob H. , priv. , C , U7Hi I d. , MoOook ,
and priv. , D , 132d Ind-and p. , C , 581) loxl.
Evans W. J. , capt. . F. 118tb HI. inf. , MoOook.
Baton James E. . p. , 1st Moss. H. A. , MoOook.
Franklin V. . private. H. 106th Pa. , MoCook.
Fenirnore A. J. , private , E , lltii W. . McCook.
Frost O. , sergt. , F. 16th Mtob. inf. , Barttey ,
and seaman , U. S. Fairy No. 51.
Ford John M. , priv. , A. 128th Ind. , C UluftXKs.
Francis B. H. . p. . E. 12th Jnd. cav. , Cambridge.
FredericK P , eorgt. , 1.42 Ind. inf. , Cambridge.
Fitch W. S. , sergt. . G , OTtn HI , inf. . MoCook.
Fey Charles , sergt , H.47th Pa. inf. . Box Elder.
Fowler George , private , C , 24th Ind. , McCook.
Godfrey A. J. , sergt. . B. 17th Ind. iaf.McCook.
Groves Peter , aergt. . D. 40th la. inf. . McCook.
Gale Henry , corp. , A , 65th Ohio inf. , McCook.
Graham S. S. . se-rgt. . A , 40th la. inf. . Daabury.
Gerver John D..3 corp.,1.08tb IlUO-Bluffs. Ks.
Gray 3. M. , priv. . F. 1st N. Y. cav. . Indianola.
Gray S. M. . priv. , B. 137th N. Y.inf..Indianola.
GoreJy Ilobert , p. . C. 136th Ind. inf. . Tyrone.
Groves F. B. . corp. . A. 87th Ind. inf. . McOook.
HeRHonry , priv. . A. 120th Ind. inf. . Tyrone.
Helm J. F. , private. E. 16th Ind. , Bed Willow.
Hamilton W. S. , private , C. Slat Mo. , McCook.
Horton T. D. . p. , B , 95th III. inf. . Cambridge.
Hfttfaorn J. E , , p. , M. . let Maine H. A. Jartley.
Hoyt Cbnries , p. , F , 15th N. Y. H. A. . Bartley.
Harrison Charles , p. . F. 124Ui lit. inf. . Lebanon.
High R. P. , eergt. . H. 213th Pa. iof. , Lebanon.
Horton B. , eergi. , 1,120th Ind. int. , Lebanon.
Hammond A. . maj. Bt E.Tenn. cav.Indianola.
Harris James , eailor. Gunboat Tbos. , MoCook.
Hovey L , D. , private , F , 16tb IH. i f. . MoCook.
Howell George , private. 0,39th Oklo , MoCook.
Henderson John , p. , D , 127th 111. inf. , McCook.
Henderson W. M. . . p. , E. S9th Iowa , Dantettry.
Hill EdgarS. . p. . G. 4th Cal. inf. , Imdtanola.
Hau0 r J. L. , private. Sd Ohio art. , ladtaaoia.
Hutcfains Jamea , p. . B.-t6th Wto. inf. . McOook.
HadxUoston S. W. . p. . F. 24 III. cav. , MoOook.
Hober F. . aeaman , U. 8. N. Brilliant. McCook.
Ii ete J. P. , private. 1. 25th 111. . Indianola.
rvin W. M. , priv. , H , 2d Painf. . , McCook.
obnson Wm. , priv. , H. 79th 111. inf. , McCook.
Jones A. Z. , p. , G. 13th N. H. inf. . Indianola.
Jones G. W. . p. . A. 29th Ohio inf. . Lebanon.
Kennedy W. D. , p. , E. 63d Ohio inf. , Indianola.
Kikendall John S. , p..D , 114th 111. in.BartIey.
Kortz J. M. . private , 1,7th Iowa inf. , Bartley.
Kinkead John. p.H,24th Iowa inf. , WHsonville.
KilgoreJ.B. , p.K , 112th 111. inf. , Indianola.
Eorns Lews B. , p. , 1.18th Mo. inf. , Indianola ,
and private , E , 7th Iowa cav.
Kindall Wm. K. . corp. , E,164th N.Y.Danbury.
Kanouse J. M. , p. . A , 1st Mich , reg. , McCook.
Kennedy W. P. , private. , C , 39th 111. , McCook.
Kinghorn T. , ret-surg , A.6lh O.cav.lndianola.
Kingborn James , p. . L. 2d 111. car. , Box Elder.
King A. T. . capt. , F. 50th U. 8. inf. , McCook.
Korb Jacob , private. A , S tb N. Y. , Indianola.
Ketillhor H. F. , p. , H , 1st Mo. cav. , McCook.
Knights C. W. , prlvnto. F. 12th N. H. . MoCoolc.
Lewis B. L.prlv. . 1.10th W. Vn. Inf. . McCook.
lx > ng Jacob , private , 1.74th Indiana. McCook.
Lntbrop W. C.priv. . I. 65th III. Inf. , Hartley.
Leniasters W. W. , p. . D. lOtb U. 8. U , . Uurt'ey. '
Looinls It. F. . p. . G. Oth Mich. Inf. . Indlanoln.
Lellotr J. 8. . sergt. H. 15th Ohio Inf. . McCook.
Morrow H. , serjrt. . F. l t Wla. cnv. . McCook.
Mitchell H. II. . p. . E. 1158th Pa. Inf. . McCook.
Miller L. 8. . priv. . D. HUtb Pa. Inf. . McCook.
MoManlffal V. . Q. M.S. . L. . 7th Ind. . McCooc.
McCorkle J. H. . p. . U. 13th lown luft. . McCook.
McCiiho J. H. , priv. , C. 5th lown cav. . McCook.
Martin J. O. , private. G , 5th loivn. Danbury.
Murabiill Henry , p. . C. 58th N. Y. . Danbury.
Moore H. K. , p. . I. 3(1 Inwn car. . Hex Bl < ler.
Mnekey G. C. . priv. . D. 39th lown Inf. . VHllton.
Slorrls I. It. , priv. . A. 128th Ind. Inf. , McCook.
Modie A.private. . M. 2.5th Mo. Inf. . McCook ,
Mnllorv IJ. W..uorp..A.05tb Ill.ii r..riunliridKO.
Murphy Wm. . priv. . A. 20 Mo. Inf. , Indlanoln.
Mno Arch , private. B.amfc IOWA , In4taneJa.
Mitchell A. K. . prfcr. . 7 , vaunt lad. .
MaHmrjr 1 F. . ierft. . C. 3Kb IH. .
Manffus D. , pnvat * . 1,22nd low * taf , Btrttojr.
MMt ra SiMoael , riv. . G. 1324 III.
Mftsterc SABkiui. prir. . J. IWst lU.
M ere Lowta .P. priv. , P. Mtth IU. iBf.Tyro c.
MoCHMf JMM . priv. . I. Ittth 111. . IMlaaoku
N t4Tr . . prHr..FBSlh lad. iaf. , Indianola.
Jwtoa. p. , H. 4th It ) . CAT. . D * buty.
. . RTr. . I.ttthMfcb. itvf. , WoCok.
Pmrtor Jcfcn r. . p. , K , 30tn 3fccb. UK. , MoCook.
. W. , prirote , F , 112th III. inf. . McOok.
Horn * ftmy , prfrate , O , 23d WIs. , Daabury.
PtoBfc MMMI G. . p. . A. 35 h N. Y. , Daubury.
Putac CfeftfAM. p. . 1.2Mb Iowa i&T. . Saubury.
. K. , p. , I. itth 111. MT. . Lebanon.
.M. , p. . 1. llth III. or. . Lebanon.
PMtttiM VT. B. . p. . C. Uth Pa , CT. . UoOoofc.
? * * T. J. . c rp. . B , 94ta 1)1. ) iat. Mc ook.
Tntmcvo J. C. . p. . G. Wth 0a4o i * . ' . . MoOook.
( * * W. D. . private. M. JHH.h IU. , W C ok.
Quieter B. K. , p. . 1. J Uw to * . . IndVanoIa.
rUrtotiek A6elt * . r-v. ! . I ! . , ith Mo. . MoGMk.
Rogers Henry , priv. , F , Mo. inf. . Lebanon.
Itankln Abraham , corp. . D. 53d O. . Indianola.
Reynolds A. H. . corp. . I.102d Ill.inf.Jndfunola.
itclph Wm. , corp. . C. 2d Ind. . Bauksville.
Uowlnnd John , p. , . 53d Ohio inf. . Bunlcsvillo.
Howe S. B. . p. , H , 22d Iowa Inf. . Cambridge.
Richard C. C. , p. . II. 22d Iowa Inf. . Cambridge.
UusBellJ.C. . priv. , K.3--M Iowa inf. . McCook.
Remington Wm. . p..A.28th Iowa lnf..Danbury.
IlubyJ. W. . priv. . D. d Ohio Inf. . Oanbury.
HlttenburKJames.p. . A.Kttd III. Inf. . Bartloy.
Seaman S. . private. F. 15th Mo. Inf. . McCook.
Stemmetz Jacob , p. . C. 180th Ohio. McCook.
Scott T. M. . private , H. 75th III. inf. . MeCook.
Smith W.J. , priv.G.5tb Mich , eav. , McCook.
Spoils Joe. corp. . F. 31st Iowa. McCook.
Spry John , private , B. 13th U. S. R. . McCook.
Stephens John , private. D. 138th Ind. . McCook.
Sharp A. P. . private , 1.12th Illinois. McCook.
Smith H. C. , private , B. 9th Indiana. McCook.
StilKebouer S. W. . p. , B. Uth III. inf. . Danbury.
Stalker John , private. G , Tlst Ind , , McCook ,
Smith Wm H. , corp. . C. lltb Mich. . McCook.
Scbmid Wm. S. , corp. , K. llth Illinois. Tyrone.
Smith Jamoa W. . priv. . M , 4th Dak. , Hartley ,
and Berjft. major , Uth Iowa CHV.
Sexton T. M. . private , A. 83d III. , inf. . Bartloy.
SmithWm.H. , 1st sergt. . E.21stMo.i..Indiaiiola.
Strain J. A. , priv. , J. 23d Iowa inf. . Danbury.
Springer J. F. , sergt. . B.lltithL. . inf. , Lebanon.
Scott A. J. . private. G. 27th Mo. inf. . Lebanon.
Stockton S.J. , p. . II. llth III. cav. . Indianola.
SeamondsS. R. . p. , M. , 2d IH.cav. , B-uiKsville.
Shockley W. C. , p. . F. 5th Iowa cav. . Danbury.
SquiresC1. S. . private , ( \37tli Illinois. McCook.
Sexson E. A. , sentt. . D. 4th Iowa. Box Elder.
Spauldlng J. , P. . F. 34th lown inf. . Box Elder.
Teas J. . p. , bugler , II. 1st Iowa inf. . Box Elder.
Teters S. , private. K. 53d Ind. inf. . Bartley.
Taylor W. M. . sergt. , M , 22d Pa. cav. . Bartley.
Thompson A. J. , p. , F , 13th 111. Inf. , McCook.
Utter A. , private. A. 151st Ohio inf. , Bartley.
Vandyke W. , priv. , J , 3d Iowa cnv. , Danbury.
Vnndervort Isaac , priv. . G , 140th 111. . Bartley.
Walker David , sergt. . B. 3d Ohio int. . McCook.
Woods E. M. , private. G.33d Iowa. Danbury.
Webber J. F. , p. , 2d Battery L. A. , Indianola.
Waterman D. A. . Heut.F,44th la.inf..Lebanon.
West N. S. , priv. , H. Oth Iowa inf. . Lebanon.
Wood Truman , priv. , C. lllth inf. , Bartloy.
Wilson O. B. . private. C , 13th Mich. . Bartley.
Walton A. , private , B,5th Illinois Inf. . Tyrone.
Wygent W. . sergt. , F. 10th N. i' . cav. . McCook.
Weintz Chas , sergt. , C , 7th Ind. cav. . McCook.
Waldo Ira , capt. , I , Oth Iowa cav. . McCook.
Wilcox J. , 1st lieut. . A. 38th U. S.cav.McCook ,
and priv. . A , 128th N. Y. inf.
Welles A. P. , sergt. . I. 85th N. Y. , McCook.
WilleyA. J. . L. C. . 7th Iowa cav. , McCook.
Young J. J. , priv. , M. 5th Ind. cav. , Bartley.
Young John , private. 129th inf. , Bartley.
YargerJ. H. . p. . K , 49th Ohio inf. . McCook.
Yurger Martin , priv. . A , loth III. cav. , McCook.
June 4th. 1891. (
Notice is hereby given- that the following-
named settlers have filed notice of their inten
tion to make final five year proof in support
of their claims and that said proofs will be
made betore Register or Receiver at McCook ,
Neb. , on Saturday , July llth , Ib91 , viz :
who made H. E. 2928 for the E. & N. W. Ji BPC.
33 , and S. y S. W. sec. 20 , town. 1 , north of
range 30. west of Gth P. M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Edward Ackerman , Daniel B. Barnes , William
H. Benjamin. August Wesch , all of Banks
ville. Neb. : also
who made H. E. 2015 for the E. 1A N. W. Ji of
sec. 34 and W. y N. W. Ji of sec. 33 , in town. 1 ,
north of range 30 , west of Gth P. M. He names
tbe lollowing witnesses to prove bis continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation qt , said
land , viz : John Rowland. Elias B. Nelson.Wil
liam H. Benjamin , Alvin Benjamin , all of
Banksyille , Neb. J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
Stanton Roily and Mary Roliy , defendants ,
will take notice that on the llth day of April.
1891 , Thomas Lonergan , plaintiff , filed his peti
tion in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty , state of Nebraska , against tbe above-
named defendants , and others , the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose u certain mort
gage upon lot 2. block 20 , in the first addition
to the town of Mct/'ook , Red Willow county.
Nebraska , given to secure the payment of tbe
sum of $530.00 with interest at ten per cent ,
per annum from October 25tb. 1888. That de
fault has been madu in the payment of the
amount secured by said mortgage , and that
there is now due on said mortgage the sum of
5350.00 with interest at ten per cent , per
annum Irom October 25. 18S8. That the de
fendants be required to pay said sum and in
terest or that said premises be sold according
to law and the proceeds of said sale applied to
tbe payment of said debt.
STou are required to answer said petition on
or before the 6th day of July , 1891.
Dated this 28th day of May. 1891.
1-4 THOMAS LONEHGAN , Plaintiff.
By J. A. Cordoal , bis attorney.
By virtue of an order of Bale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon.
J. E. Cochran , judge of the district court of
Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the 30th day
of March , 1891 , In favor of W. O. McClure as
plaintiff , and against Gilbert B. and Charlotte
E. Nettleton et al. as defendants , for tbe sum
six hundred , sixtv-elght dollars and twenty-
seven cents , and costs taxed at $37.38 and ac
cruing costs. I have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as tbe property of said
defendants , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : S.5
S. E. H section 3 and N. H N. E. section 10.
in town. 2 , range 3(1. west of Oth P. M. . in Red
Willow countr. Nebraska. And will offer the
same for sale to tbo highest bidder , for cosh
in hand , on the 13th day of June A. D. 1891. in
front of the south door of tbe courthouse , in
Indianola. Nebraska , that being tbo building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock. P. M. . of said day ,
when and where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated May 5th , 1891. W. A. MCCOOL.
50 Sheriff of said County.
The above Bale is continued for want nf bid
ders until July 25. IBM.V. . A. MCCnoL.
4. Sheriff.
H rir j r1H
II Sf v - I
Capes , Black Hemstitched Goods ,
Jackets , New Embroidery ,
Carpets , Ribbons ,
Clothing Braids ,
Dress Goods , Cords ,
i i
Straw Hats , Laces ,
xl. WARRRKE , Manager.
„ ' j - ssi-o I ! . eV 'C-i t
\ > \ * -i.- ' ' %
. _
i& fry j ± i sc
/CriAli TI'lAi HAS// ! u'Ju.'j . / '
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
The Largest and Finest Stock !
Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that
his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest
finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar
antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.
t. .