t- : . ' . i TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 19 , 1891. NUMBER 4. H. LAWLER wishes to nnnounce that his stock of are now on the shelves. He does not claim to have the biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise what is impossible in prices. But in GOODS , of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock , and , the quality of goods considered. I also carry a full and fresh stock of GROCERIES ! and in this department also I will Meet All Competition ! rive a call and get my prices. H. LAWLER. AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co . OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING. WILCOX & FOWLER Are on hands as usual this spring with a large and complete assortment of If- Ift iri | c of every description , all qualities and grades , t I which they : ire selling R r AT BOTTOM FIGURES. They are also well stocked up with everything5 , usually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and staple Groceries. They have no superiors in quality or prices. Just test these statements. WILCOX & FOWLER. WM.M. ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER Cook NVt > ! . . . - _ / GOING EAST CKHTItAh TIUK LHAVK9. Ko. 6. local pJispenKcr 4:25. A. M. No.2 , throiiRh passenger , 5:50 , A.M. No. 4. local passenger. 5:40. P.M. No. 78. through freight 10:25. A. M. No. 128. way frcitrht 5:55. A.M. 83f Way freight No.lTO arrives from west at 4:15 , P. M. . mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME T.KAVRS. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A.M. No. 5 , local passenger. 9:30 , P. M. No. 1 9 , way freight 5:00. A.M. J39 Wa.v freight No. 127 arrives from the east at 7J5 , P. M. S3 ? Tli rough freightNo.TSarrivesfrom east ft 15:20,1' . M. . central time. Departs at 4:45 , P. M. Stops at Stratton. Uenkleman. Haigler. 63 AII above trains are daily except way freights Nos. 127. 128. 120 and 130 , which are dally except Sunday. P ? No. 137 , Beverly accommodation , leaves at5:15. A. M. Returned , arrives at 9:15A.M. Huns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKI. Agent. WE "PASS" NOBODY. There is , perhaps , no subject on which people Burlington who delight to be smart differ more than on the proper pronunciation of words , particularly when taken from foreign languages. The follow ing iingle , written by one of a jolly party which rode on "The Burlington" from Min nesota to St. Louis sometime since , illustrates the different pronunciations of r-o-u-t-e whether "rowt" or "root : ' ' Hear the pilgrim's joyful shout : "The Burlington's a dandy route , Other lines we henceforth shoot. This is the only first-class route ; Rival claims we hereby scout. None can please us but this route ; Locomotives never toot Half as nice as on this route , And the roadbeds hereabout , All are rough except this route ; All in all beyond dispute , The Burlington's the banner route. " On the pronunciation there is some latitude for choice , but none on the question whether "The Burlington" is the best and favorite line to Chicago , St. Louis , St. Paul , Minne apolis , Peoria , Denver , Kansas City , Chey enne , St. Joseph. " \Vie gehts" is a German salutation , liter ally translated "How Goes It ? " Addressed to one of our friends it was answered in this "Wie geht'B" did you say , mein freund ! If you speak of "The Burlington's" train , Scbneller tils time it goes , do ye mind , . "The Burlington" vestibule train. Are you wishing a journey to take , To tne north , south , east and west ; Then apply to your local agent , I am sure he will do his best. To supply you with information And very cheap tickets , too. To go on "The Burlington" limited train Is the very best thing you can do. Without fatigue or discomfort. You will reach your journey's end. And the polite conductor and brakcman Will nil your wants attend. The folio wins is the unsolicited expression of a traveler who has just returned from a trip over "The Burlington : " What road in all the great Northwest Is smoothest , pleasantest , and best. With every sweetest comfort blest ? "The Burlington. " What road has engines strong and fleet , Accommodations most complete , Employes all polite and neat ? "The Burlington. " What road that ever strives to please Its patrons all , consults their ease , And to their safety always sees ? "The Burlington. " So , when your summer tour you make , To mountain , sea side , falls , or lake , Your own good sense will bid you take "The Burlington. " Headmaster Wickersham of Holyoke was a Sunday visitor at headquarters. c OgpBuy a house from S. H. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Conductor John Morris departed on No. 4 , Sunday , on a well-earned eastern visit of some length. Mrs. A. H. Chapin and children left , Tues day , for Ashtabula , Ohio , the home of her parents , where she will visit until September. The National Association of Car Account ants who have been in session at Denver the past week closed their meeting , Wednesday. Conductor Keddin attends the same old law suit , having gone to Denver first of the week , but with prospects of a very early settlement Jack Currau went out on Conductor Kend- len's run , Monday evening. Frank is a com pany witness in a suit at Falls City , this week , we understand. * Mrs. W. H. Dodge who has been the guest of the Benne family departedMonday even ing , for Edgmont , S. D. Miss Clara accom panied her as far as Bastings. Mr. W. E. Mullen came in yesterday from Memphis and has taken a position with the Paducah , Tennessee and Alabama road as assistant auditor. The Paducah ( Ky. ) Daily Standard. Mrs. L. N. Cronkhite has given S500 to the Hastings College for a permanent scholar ship in that instit"'ion. She does this partly in honor of herwho would have gradu ated at this tetvat , / for his.untimely death. This is a very generous donation to a most worthy purpose. Her son , who was taken away in the bloom of youth , will have some one in the college to remember him and the generous and loving mother as long as the college exists. It is impossible to guess how many young men will be fitted in Hastings College for life's work by this munificent gift , a memento of her love for the boy and her good will toward the institution. Hast ings Tribune. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had . Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What the Truth May Bo , I Tell it as 'Twas Told to Me. " City Clerk Warren arrived Home , Monday. Deputy Marshal Stewart was officially present with us , Tuesday. Geo. E. Johnston visited in Juniatn , Sun day , where he has brothers living. Mr. C. E. Shaw and family and Mrs. Chas. White left for Lincoln , Monday evening. Judge Cochran has been down at Beaver City , this week , holding court for Furnas county. Sheriff W. A. McCool was present with us , Wednesday , having official business in the metropolis. Special Agent Early came in from Grand Island , Wednesday , on government land business. Ex-Senator Dolan , premier of Indianola , was a guest of the smartest city in the valley , Saturday afternoon. Mrs. T. F. liowell and druiirlitpr Minnie left on Wednesday evening for southeastern Iowa to make a lengthy visit. Secretary of State Allen was with us in the flesh , the early part of the week , coining up from the state house , Tuesday. Dr. S. L. Green and Hugh W. Cole went in to Omaha , Wednesday night , to attend a Masonic grand lodge meeting. Mrs. Thos. Lonergan of Chicago arrived in the city , yesterday , and is the guest ot" her daughter , Mrs. F. H. Spearman. Editor Abbott of the Hayes Centre .Repub lican had business in the city , Monday. His daughter Bessie accompanied him. Miss Lillie Kowell spent Sunday with her brother John at Hastings , going down on Saturday evening and arriving home , Mon day morning. ueorge B. .Berry and F. H. Elliott indulged in a flying visit to Denver , Sunday , going up on Saturday night and returning home , Mon day evening. Banker Frost of Bartley circulated about the metropolis , in asocial way , Monday after noon. He was en route home from an east ern visit of two weeks. & Cashier and Mrs. W. F. Lawson had the cockles of their parental hearts warmed up as only the birth of a fine boy baby into the family can , Monday afternoon. Judge and Mrs. L K. Darnell of Dallas , Texas , weie Commercial guests , middle of the week , the Judge being present on land business connected with the famous Harlem- Kit Carter cattle company litigation. Mrs. Jos. Menard and daughter Aimee are visiting Mrs. Fred Harris at Alliance , leaving for there last Saturday morning. They ex pect to go on to Ctiicago on a visit before returning home , and their absence will be quite extended. Miss Alice Murphy and Miss Emma Me- Kee are attending the Fremont normal school during vacation. We understand that Miss.Murphy will not return to Oxford. ! Miss JVIcKee has been re-elected to the priu- cipalship of the Akron schools. M.Y.Starbuck arrived home , Sunday iioou , from his Chicago trip. Moody reports that the boys have organized an association of Postal Clerks of the Sixth District ; head quarters of the association to be at Chicago ; object the furtherance of the interests of the mail service , and for social purposes. Auditor Foreman was at headquarters , Wednesday. Conductor Jack Birdsell took his run on the night of the 16th. J. 11. McFaul of Trenton , an old railroad man , was in the city , Wednesday. Engineer J. F. Kcyuolds is running engine 52 at Republican City , this week. Engineer Max Katzenmeyer and wife have gone out to Denver for a short visit. Fireman Will Aichibald expects to visit Chicago p. d. q. , and spend the 4th at home. No. I's delay , Wednesday , was caused by the washing out of a bridge near Coruingja. Barney Cavanagh and family from Holyoke eke were in the city , Sunday , attending church. Engineer J. S. Willard came over to Mc- Cook , Wednesday , from Holyoke to get a run out of here. Engineer J. V. ' O'Connell is laid up with rheumatism and bids fair to stay so for a couple of weeks. A large number of railroad men turned out with the societies attending the funeral of Mr. F. H. Fowler. Engineer F. S. Eeid returned on the flyer , Wednesday , from Chicago , where he has been on a weeks' visit. Engineer J. E. Kingsbury returned home from Chicago , Wednesday , where he had been visiting his friends. Bob McElhennev went out to Denver , this week , with Joe Hawksworth to see a new play at the Tabor Grand. Geo. Johnson with engine 224 got strayed away from his usual run , forepart of week , having gone west on No. 5. A. G. Willis , foreman at Bed Cloud , spent Sunday looking over the town and putting in a bid for shops at Eed Cloud. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. jSnLJ&ofetjA "ft"-.l - " V Jtrfflr-tfSfJtifJtf DRY GOODS ! : MILLINERY ! CARPETS ! SPECIAL BARGAINS WILL BE FRFU1 llllljlJ 111 DURING MONTH OF JUNE. THE GREATEST Bargains Ever Offered IN MoQOOK. Wetfs : al attention given mail orders. \ - * - - - > i .