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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1891)
TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 12.1891. NUMBER 3. H. LAW wishes to announce that his stock of are now on the shelves. He does not claim to have the biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise what is impossible in prices. But in DRY GOODS , of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock , and , the quality of goods considered , L I also cany a full and fresh stock of GROCERIES ! I and in this department also I will PJ Meet All Competition ! live a call and get my prices.j H. LAWLER. AGENT LINCOLN LAND co. NEB.OFFICE . OFFICE : IN MEEKER BUILDING. WILCOX a Are on hands as usual this spring with a large and complete assortment of of every description , all qualities and grades , which they are selling AT BOTTOM FIGURES. They are also well stocked up with everything iisually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and staple Groceries. They have no superiors in quality or prices. Just test these statements. WILCOX & FOWLER. WM , M.ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. 1 TRANSFER. MCook , Neb , Hark , Tnp. TiunuNK angels Burlington Go east eliout via , the Uurllnpton route. Pence on ctirth and mercy mild , Full rates for man , half for child. TXIMIIE GOING EAST CKNTItAb TIME I.KAVES. No. C. local passenger 4:25. A.M. No. " , through passenger , 5:50 , A.M. No. 4. local passenger 5:40. P.M. No. 78. through freight 10LT . A. M. No. 128. wny IrciKht 5:55 , A. M. 537 Way freight No.lHO arrives from west at 4:15 , P.M. . mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A.M. No. 5. local passenger , 0:30 , P.M. No. 129. way freight 5:00. A.M. 83y Way freight No. 127 arrives from the east at 7:15. P.M. 37 Through freight No. 7J ! arrives from east at5:20 , P. M. . central time. Departs nt 4:45 , P. M. Stops at Stration , Renklcman , Haigler. 3y All above trains are daily except way freights Nos. 127. 128. 126 and 130. which are daily except Sunday. C5y No. 137 , Ileverly accommodation , leaves at 5:15 , A.M. Keturned. arrives at 9:15 A.M. Ituns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBKLL , Supt. J. HutrANiSKJ. Agent. WE "PASS" NOBODY. Hans Johnson , carpenter at Holyoke , was a visitor , this week. General Passenger Agent Eustis is a Den ver business visitor. T. M. Kenyon and wife took a trip to Den ver on No. 1 , Tuesday. Geo. Kroehler , Jr. , from Plattsmouth , has gone to work in the shops. Mrs. J. Hulaniski retuined from her east ern trip on the flyer , last Sunday. Engineer Frank Reid is laying off and has taken a trip east accompanied by his wife. Engineer J. F. Reynolds is running engine 237 while Engineer Reed is on his vacation. { glTBuy a house from S. H. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. Combination car 51 from the Oberlin line is shopped , this week , for a new cover on its roof. roof.Mrs. Mrs. C. H. Harman of Holyoke left on No. 2 , Tuesday , for home , after a short visit to McCooir. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Burnett of Hastings were in the metropolis of the Upper Republi can , Sunday. Chas. Emerson took his departure , Thurs day on No. 4 , for a short visit with his fami ly at Lincoln. Master Mechanic Archibald made a trip out to his farm , this week , and reports everything flourishing. A. Monks has been promoted to the posi tion of Engineer , and will do the extra run ning out of McCook. Jake Burnett was in town this week fitting up his boarding train to board the extra gang laying steel west of Akron. Felix Kennedy put in a couple of days at Culbertson , this week , catching fish and re pairing a flouring mill boiler. Mrs. Arthur .InnltSrm wpnh pnsh nn "Wn. 2 Wednesday , to her old home at Plattsmouth , where she will visit her parents. Frank Harris accompanied his parents to Denver , the first of the week , returning home on No. 2 , Wednesday morning. Gus Budig , late car repairer at Curtis , has moved to McCook , where he goes to work at the machinist's trade in the shops. Owing to a washout of the St. JosephMo. , reservoir , whereby the track was obstructed , No. 5 was two hours late , Tuesday night. Engineer Aufdenbrink returned from Or leans , this week , where he had been running engine 147 during Engineer Tyler's absence. Engine 179 came out of the shops , this week , in good condition for the road. No. CS is shopped for a few days for light repairs. The Ohio Editorial Association went east on No. 2 , Wednesday morning , in special Ivan. " Gen'l ' ' ' Pass , and T'k't Ag't Francis being in charge. Engineer H. M. Tyler of Orleans was at leadquarters , Saturday , having lust recently returned from a visit to his old home in the 'City on the Lake. " Ex-Conductor Alvard is braking on the Rock Island out of Denver with a train In prospect. Arthur Prescott holds a similar position on the R 1. A bit of unpleasantness at a dance in West McCook , Saturday night , resulted m a man losing his nose , likewise his job , and another man resigning his job to travel. Reuben Trowbridgewho had his arm taken off coupling cars at Benkelman some months ago , has gone to work again and is now run ning the bath house at McCook. Judging from the sales made by a traveling book agent at McCoek of a catechism of the locomotive there are a large number of ex- pect-to-be-Engineers in the town. Engines SOS and 223 went to the Wyoming division , this week , where they are to be used for passenger work. Engines 32 and 153 are to replace them on the Western division. The B. & M. are preparing to relay new steel rails of ten pounds heavier weight from McCook to Denver. The new heavy locomo tives and heavy traffic demand the change. Akron Pioneer-Press. Some one of tender heart gave Conductor Burns a young dog about one year old , hav ing sent it east on No. 2 , Thursday , but ow ing to the ( McCook ) tariff being extremely high on a certain class , kind , or rather sexof dogs , he was generous enough to pass it to another to be reared. Brakeman Keim be ing pleased to take it into the fold for the present. Assist. Supt. Highland was in from Den ver , yesterday. The boys received their checks early this month Tuesday. Ed. Jordan of tlio Eating House niiule t trip to Akron. Tuesday. BONN To Ex-Fireman and Mrs. Walter Bales , yesterday morning , si child. Conductor lironson had a sailor from the warship "Omaha. " Wednesday evening , who attracted large attention. Engineei Walter Llolhday has been enjoy ing a visit from his brother , D. H. ilolliday , and wife , this week. D. II. is one of the Burlington's clever and genial traveling freight agents , and Lincoln is his headquar ters. The demand for sleeping car berths far exceeds the supply on the only No. 2leaving Denver every day at 8:80 , P. M. The - Burlington ington being the only loute "in it" on through lirst class business between the Paris and Windy Cities. His Excellency the President of the Unit ed States ot America has tendered his thanks through Secretary Ilalford to the officials and employees who had charge of his special train , for their excellent service , promptness , discipline and smooth journey. As THE TnmuXE "Passes Nobody" and "switches off all the news at that point" please set the three-throw and put this in to clear on llth of June from the Wyoming division. * * # Our superintendent , thegenial J.K.Phelan , still dispenses his hearty smile to all visitors and says New Castle coal is the stuff for engines to get there on. * * # W. E. Zollinger , from the St. Francis run , is giving high-ball signals both ways out of here. He says there is no limit to his train and what he takes he brings through. * * * Now that you've got a ditch over in Red Wiilow county we presume the salutation is "come over and see our ditch and fall in. " That's a Meeker way of putting it than most any other. * * * Harry Ryan is extra passenger con. over here and a bachelor at present , his family being south on a visit. His brother Tom is braking out of Las Vegas , N. M. , on the Santa Fe , we understand. * * * Pa Brundage is pulling passenger from Edgmont to Deadwood and says as the tim card bears the figures he's got to maketh time , even if the con. does kick on running so down three per cent , grades. * * * Jim Neary , formerly switching in the yard at Cheyenne , is yard master at Alliance while Charles Ling who ran the yard a Cheyenne came over here , a lew weeks ago and is breaking out of this point * * * We have quite n number of old boys from the western division over on this piece o road now , but whether it is the delightfu scenery of the Deadwood extension or the nats , fleas and such like vermin of the Sane Hills that attracts them I am unable to say . . * . . Chief Dispatcher H. G. Adams with his family has taken a trip to Massachusetts , his old home. Meanwhile , Hal E. Marvin works first trick and does the agreeable as chief. If there are any flies on Hal they are not perceptible. He makes a number one chief. * * * We notice with pleasure the promotion of Robert Balance as foreman Denver round house. Bob came over here but she was too rocky for him just then. Through your col umns we extend him congratulations. Who gets Holyoke house or has that branch been discontinued ? * * * Wm. Anderson , formerly of Curtis , does the agreeable as agent at Crawford and hold the Elkhorn Valley people down. While H. N. Boss , formerly ticket agent at Chey- mne , ofliciates at Custer , 5. D. , and with his usual smile is president of the dancing club and as big a dude as ever. * * * The fast mail contract from Omaha t Deadwood has all the engineers worked up as to who will get to pull her if put on. On has it figured that the run can be made from Omaha in 11 hours and seven minutes. Tin is at the rate of 55 miles per hour. They claim the Elkhorn people "ain't in it. " Grading is progressing rapidly on the Ho Springs , S. D. , branch. Trains ought to be running in there by Aug. 15th. We extent an invitation to all you fellows to come over and boil yourselves and see the largest plunge bath in the world. It will do you all goot to get the alkali out of your systems. * * * We are sorry to chronicle the fact that Ben S. Marvin , asst. chief dispatcher , located at Ueadwood , is down with the rheumatism , although Ben's burro road the Deadwood Central has suspended for six weeks , owing to a washout just out of Lead City. It caught an engine and 50 per cent , of the rolling stock ( one coach ) up at that end so we pre sume they are using the depot at a round house for their teapot. * * * Owing to the rains track laying on the Merino extention towards Buffalo , Wyo. , and the Pacific has been limited , although days they have worked track has gone down at the rate of IK miles per day. They are out about 12 miles , being nearly half way to the Belle Fouche river. Pat Kelly handles the train on the rear end , while D. B. Chase and his hog does the head end part. Tom Cur- ran , formerly of Trenton , has charge of material yards at Merino and lias been com plimented in his arrangement of it for rapid ly handling the material. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. DRY GOODS ! : MILLINERY ! CARPETS ! SPECIAL BARGAINS WILL BE DURING THR MONTH OF JUNE. THE GREATEST Bargains Ever Offer IN MGGOOK. Weffs srSpecial attention given mail orders.