y- fff * " ' " " * " 1 ' t - "Ti" s 4. TENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JUNES , 1891. NUMBER 2. / H. LAWLER wishes to announce that his stock of are now on the shelves. He does not claim to have the biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise Avhat is impossible in prices. But in of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock , and , the quality of goods considered , L I also carrv a full and fresh stock of G CERIES ! and in this department also I will Meet All Competition ! rive a call and get my piices. H. LAWLER. AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co ' , NEB.OFFICE . OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING. H Are on hands as usual this spring with a large and complete assortment of of every description , all qualities and grades , which thev are selling O AT BOTTOM FIGURES. They are also well stocked up with everything usually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and Staple Groceries. They have no superiors in quality or prices. Just test these statements. WILCOX & FOWLER. WM.M. ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER. M9Cook , I Neb , Hark. THK TiuiiUNE angels BurlingtonHark. , Burlington Go cast via the Burlington route. Pence on earth and mercy mild. Full rates for man , half for child. Meeting of State Sunday School Associa tion. Iloldrege , Neb. , June'Jlhtollth. Tick ets for sale June ( ith to 11th. A first-class line of stages lias been openec by the B. & M. from Merino to Sundance , Wyo. , making close connections witli all trains. 10th International Convention i ouug Pee ples' Society of Christian Endeavor , Min neapolis , Minn. . July Jtli to 12th. One fare tickets for round trip will be sold July 7th to 8th , good for return until July 18th. Passengers paying full fare going will be returned at one-third rate on presentation of certificate signed by the proper officer of the meeting , on guarantee that there has been an attendance of 100 or more who have paid full fare on the going trip , unless otherwise stated. J. HULANISKI. WE "PASS" NOBODY. THE TKIIJUXE switches elf all the news at this point. Engineer Geo. Pronger visited his brother at Arapahoe , Monday. Engineer Bailey went down to Hastings , this week , to visit his mother. Conductor Tom Mundy arrived home , Monday , from his St. Louis trip. II. M. Mudge , advertising agent C. , B. & Q. , for several years , has resigned. Two new freight crews will be added soon running each way from McCook. Gus Budig , who is foreman at Curtis , is looking around McCook , this week. Warren Fuller , ex-foreman at Denver , went east on No. 2 , Tuesday morning. Q2FM3uy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. The grand division of the Order of Rail road Telegraphers meets at St. Louis , June 15th. Chief Dispatcher T. G. Rees was a Denver visitor , this week , he going west on No. 1 , Tuesday. Roadmaster Wickersham was among the visitors at headquarters , Monday , from the high line. J. P. Burton , foreman of car department at Oxford , was a caller on R. R. boys at Mc Cook. Wednesday. Supt. Motive Power D. Hawksworth spen Decoration day in McCook , returning to Plattsmouth on No. 4. Master Mechanic Archibald went to Den ver , Monday , to install the new foreman Robt. Ballance , in his office. The Burlington has reopened Denver Un ion Stock Yards station , with D. B. Cherry formerly of Crete , as agent. Mrs. A. Snyder is entertaining her sister who arrived in the city , this week , Mr. Sny der accompanying her from Denver. Engineer J. V. O'Connell , we understand has purchased the P. W. Newman dwelling on Marshall street. Consideration , SSOO. Capt. R. O. Phillips was up from Lincoln , Wednesday , on company business. And with Supt. Campbell left for Denver on No.l. Ex-Conductor Alvard is sojourning in Den ver since his displacement. No doubt seeing what the mountain lines may have in store for him. Wm. Irwin , boss carpenter at the shops , went down to Hastings , Decoration day , to meet Mrs. Irwin on tier return from an east ern visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. Carraoney are the proud and happy parents of a fine boy baby who put in his appearance at the Carmoney home , Monday morning. J. B. Haggln's special train , consisting of eight cars of race horses , went east over the Burlington Route , Wednesday , en route to eastern race tracks. The fusilade of small arms emanating in the near vicinity of a South Side boarding house a few nights ago would indicate trouble on the "wabash. " Conductor Reddin has returned from his business trip to Denver and resumed his old run , which has been filled by Conductor Morris during his absence. Engine 233 came in from Denver , Sunday , with a broken cylinder which will be suc- cessfuly repaired at McCook and the engine will be good as new with her tires turned. G. O'Leary , formerly with the Colorado and Utah Traffic association , has been ap pointed chief clerk of the Burlington freight department under General Agent Vallery. Hundreds of cars of ties are being unload ed at McCook and other points on the west- era division , for repairs during the coming year. A quarter of a million ties will be re quired , it is estimated. Robt. Ballance who has been foreman at Holyoke for the past two years has been ap pointed general foreman in charge of loco motive and car departments at Denver. He assumed his duties at Denver , June 1st. Engineer Putman during absence of En gineer Pronger operates on the mogul 247 with his usual high ability , he liaving tack led No. 1 , Tuesday , over the middle division , for the first time and of course got there. Engineer Frank Hawksworth has taken a lay off for 30 days and will go in to Cape May , N. J. , to attend the Master Car Build er's yearly convention , in company with his father , after which event he will do the var ious sea shore cities and watering places. The employes in Denver who had served under W. Fuller , since Denver was the term inus of the Burlington lines , presented him with a fine gold watch studded with diamonds mends as a token of respect , he havingsever- ed his connection , the past week , with the Burlington. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What the Truth May Be , I Tell it as Twns Told to Me. " County Clerk Williams of Duiuly is a city visitor to-day. Attorney llart had business of the law at Hayes Centre , Monday. Tom Glasscott , formerly of the Bank of Benkehnan , is in the city. Will Huber departed , Sunday , for Mis souri , on a land purchasing trip. Emil Lindner was up at Wauneta and Palisade , this week , on business. Mr. and Mrs. George llocknell arrived home from Omaha , yesterday noon. Banker Frost and wife of Hartley circulated in this commercial centre , Tuesday morning. County Judge West of County Dundy had ausiness before the local land oflicials , yes terday. Rev. Flook of Indianola occupied the Con gregational pulpit , Sunday morning and evening. Prof. C. M. Leper and C. M. Collins left on Sunday morning for Chicago to secure employment. County Attorney Dodge went in to Lincoln , ast evening , on county business before the supreme court. Jack Billiard left , Tuesday night , for Den ver , where he enters the Burlington's gener- il freight office. J. M. liutchins and family have moved to Madrid , where Mr. liutchins will engage in he practice of the law , etc. Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Colvin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tilton.Hayes Centre , Sunday and Monday of this week. Henry Crabtree , the veteran commissioner , ind Charles Oman , of the ochre city , were pilgrims in this municipality , Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Meserve arrived home , Monday night , from visiting her brothei , Frank J. Taylor , in the eastern part of the state. Misses Jessen and Hart of our teachers corps departed , Saturday evening , for their respective homes to pass the vaoation time. Mrs. Ililen Trowbridge came up from Lin coln , Monday , to attend the funeral of Bernice - nice , her brother J. H. Ludwick's little girl. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Harris arrived , Tuesday on the flyer , from Galva , III. , and will be the guests of their son Frank for a short while. President Franklin of the Citizens Bank went up to Holyoke , Monday , on some busi ness matters , returning home , Wednesday morning. Editor French of the Tobias Tribune en joyed the freedom of the best town in West ern Nebraska , Tuesday. He was en route to Wray , Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMillen spent the first of the week at Mrs. McMillen's father's home near Trenton. They returned home Tuesday evening. Kev. Stephenson is expected to arrive from Chicago , to-day. He is announced to occupy the Congregational pulpit on next Sunday a week , morning and evening. C. W. Barnes of the Times-Democrat ably represented the profession at the Oxford meeting of the Republican Valley Editorial Association , Tuesday of this week. Attorney Cole now occupies oflice quarters n his own building , upstairs over the old Bon Ton bakery , which he recently had pa pered and decorated for his occupancy. Miss Tillie Barnes was up from Indianola , Wednesday , to take advantage of the irre- istible opportunities offered by our wall pa per men to decorate the home handsomely at mall outlay. Joe McBrayer of McCook came up , last Friday , with his house moving outfit and moved the Orr building onto the court house block. As a house mover Joe can't be beat says the Hayes Centre Times. TJ. J. Warren left , Wednesday morning , for Omaha , on business. On his return trip he will stop over a few days at his old Dav enport home. He will be gone about ten days. Charles Younce will look after the lumber yard during his absence. J. T. Bullard , Sr. , of McCook , received baptism by immersion in the Frenchman. However , it was not accompanied by any re ligious ceremony ; if the truth was known perhaps it was the reverse , as the hack in which he was returning from Palisade , Mon day evening , upset Culbertson Republican. GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No.6local passenger , 4:25 , A.M. No.2 , through passenger 5:50 , A.M. No. 4. local passenger 5:40 , P.M. No. 78. through freight 10:15 ! , A.M. No. 128. way freight 5:55 , A. M. S3T Way freight No.130 arrives from west at 4:15 , P.M. , mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No.l , through passenger , 10:40 , A.M. No. 5 , local passenger 9oO , P. M. No. 129 , way freight 5:00 , A. M. Way freight No. 127 arrives from the east at 7:15 , P.M. "Through freight No. 73 arrives from east at5:20 , P. M. , central time. Departs at 4:45. P. M. Stops at Stratton , Benkleman , Haigler. S37 A11 above trains are daily except way freights Nos. 127. 128 , 126 and 130 , which are daily except Sunday. P No.I37 , Beverly accommodation , leaves at5:15 , A.M. Returned , arrives at 9:15A.M. Runs only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKI. Acent. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. iffiirrftr -Ar Tffiy iJfcr TiferfV irfVAr - rf'kjtfiStr > * T.ryfla iA- - aftyriffy jtfe ifer i DRY GOODS ! : MILLINERY ! Jill Gtt , Jackets , Wraps and Capes. THE GREATEST Bargains Ever Offered IN MGQOOK. Wetf attention given mail orders.